Top 5 and more: Considerations for Michigan after Gov. Rick Snyder's State of the State
- Related coverage: Gov. Rick Snyder focuses on improving roads and schools, but critics say they want details
Will Michigan's politicians let effectiveness trump partisanship in 2013? Can Gov. Rick Snyder come up with more road funding?
And what should the average voter think about Wednesday night's State of the State address?

Rick Snyder delivers his State of the State Address Wednesday night.
AP Photo/Carlos Osorio
Those questions and more are circulating across the state this morning as Michiganders (or Michiganians, depending on preference) consider just what unfolded last night.
Snyder said many accomplishments during his term are moving Michigan forward. However, many more remain. "Let's get the job done," he said.
MLive's Tim Martin, who covers state government, offered his 5 takeaways from Snyder's presentation. Among them: We should watch for more news from Snyder, who doesn't just roll it out once a year.
Meanwhile, reaction continues to build after the speech, which highlighted a new plan for improving Michigan's roads. That plan — calling for higher fees — may never be enacted if Democrats reject it, notes MLive columnist Tim Skubick.
Fri, Jan 18, 2013 : 12:23 p.m.
This dictatorial monarch will continue to build his corporate empire as long as he can continue to pillage and plunder his compliant subjects..................
Thu, Jan 17, 2013 : 9:43 p.m.
Snyder and the Michigan Taliban have always cared more about religious dogma and making thr rich richer by piling new taxes on the poor and midd
Rick Stevens
Thu, Jan 17, 2013 : 5:32 p.m.
Still waiting for the Snyder administration to provide hard data that our $1.8 Billion to businesses provided any jobs. When I've asked I get 'oh, it's common sense', 'it worked, everyone knows that'' or 'there's no way to count the jobs'. You take $1.8 Billion (shifted from businesses to tax payers) and you have NO way of knowing if it did anything? Great way to 'invest'. The nerd is a phone nerd; 'we don't need no stink'in data'.
Thu, Jan 17, 2013 : 9:39 p.m.
The only good jobs news in Michigan are the ones that the auto industry has created. You can blame that on Obama. The austerity budgets in Europe brought on a double dip crash and they are now emulating us and trying stimuli to get their economies rolling.
Thu, Jan 17, 2013 : 9:23 p.m.
Still waiting for the Obama administration to provide hard data that our $831 Billion stimulus package provided any jobs. When I've asked I get 'oh, it's common sense', 'it worked, everyone knows that'' or 'there's no way to count the jobs'. You take $831 Billion (shifted from taxpayers to government back to taxpayers), impose an unfunded mandate on the recipient organizations' reporting accountants to waste time and resources following special reporting guidelines, crafted more-so to make the administration look good statistically than to provide accountability and transparency (including reporting how many "jobs" were "created or saved"), and you have NO way of knowing if it did anything? Great way to 'recover and reinvest'.
E. Manuel Goldstein
Thu, Jan 17, 2013 : 5:20 p.m.
Snyder, as usual, putting the squeeze on the middle class. If only those gullible voters in 2010 recognized the prevarications Snyder was putting forth about "not raising taxes", Michigan would not be in this terrible fix of defunding public schools, degrading roads, and Snyder's cronies as "emergency managers". Take all of the business tax cuts away, and apply them towards fixing the roads and the schools.
Thu, Jan 17, 2013 : 1:46 p.m.
"Snyyyyddeeeer!!!!" he screams as he pounds the sand in front of the half buried Statue of Liberty....