Ypsilanti City Council delays vote on Thompson Block lane closure
After two hours of discussion that sometimes turned tense Tuesday, the Ypsilanti City Council delayed a decision on a months-long road closure in Depot Town.
The council agreed instead to meet Dec. 22 to vote on a request by developer Stewart Beal to extend the closure of the westbound lanes of Cross Street at River Street. That portion of the intersection has been closed since the Thompson Block was gutted by fire Sept. 23, and scaffolding was subsequently placed in the road to keep the historic building in place.
Many residents who use the road have complained about driving delays because of the street closure, and Depot Town business owners say it has caused a serious drop in commerce in the area.
Council members voted 4-3 to delay a 45-day extension of the road closure while they review details of Beal's plan to open Cross Street. Beal's current order allowing the closure expires Dec. 23.

The Ypsilanti City Council delayed making a decision on the lane closure near the Thompson Block.
Tom Perkins | For AnnArbor.com
Beal said he intends to reopen the street and eventually develop the historic building. He said he wants the extension to be granted by council so he can move forward.
"I would like to work it out right now," Beal said.
The city granted Beal a 90-day traffic control order to close the westbound lane of the street following the fire. But on Nov. 2, Fire Chief Jon Ichesco sent Beal a letter ordering him to either stabilize the building or demolish it, which Beal said caught him off-guard.
City Attorney Karl Barr said the building could be a liability issue. "Make it (the building) safe whether demolished or not," Barr said.
Council Member Lois Richardson said Beal has done little in the 90 days to improve the site while it's disrupting traffic and business in Depot Town.
"I'm just concerned about the people that live in that area and the people in Depot Town," Richardson said.
Beal disagreed, saying he's had engineers and historic preservation architects looking over the building during that time. He said if the council granted him the extension, he could have the street open in 15 days.
Beal said he would do that by moving the fencing back by 6 feet to open the sidewalk and create a 12-1/2 foot traffic lane on westbound Cross Street.
Stan Kirton, head of the city's Public Services department, said he has doubts about the safety of the building and Beal's plans to open the sidewalk and street. He said the 12-1/2 foot lanes would have to separated by traffic barriers, which would make the street hard to traverse - much less plow after snowstorms. He also said he's concerned about the building's safety supports and the wisdom of opening up the sidewalks without better stabilization in place.
The discussion became tense between Beal, his father Fred, president of JC Beal Construction Inc., and some members of the council when they asked Beal to have city staff review his plans before granting an extension. Beal said he had already submitted his plans to the city and would be happy to review them.

Stewart Beal
Council Member Mike Bodary said the council and Kirton haven't had time to review the street plan, so they requested the delay until they can look over the details. He said they want to reopen Cross Street as soon and safely as possible.
"I think it is prudent for the public safety and interest," Bodary said.
Beal said he's sorry if the closure has disrupted traffic and business in Depot Town, but he needs more time to come up with plans to stabilize and then develop the building. He added Ypsilanti residents have spoken mostly in favor of preserving the site.
The Thompson Block dates back to the 1850s and has served as a Civil War barracks, a horse buggy manufacturing plant, and a Dodge dealership.
Former Mayor Cheryl Farmer supports its preservation.
"Don't allow the Thompson building to be torn down," she told the council.
But Barbara Hale, an Ypsilanti resident since 1949, said the building should probably go.
"This particular building has been an eyesore since I've been in town," Hale said.
David Wak is a freelance writer for AnnArbor.com. Reach the news desk at news@annarbor.com or 734-623-2530.
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 7:24 p.m.
Also, AA.com, I thought personal attacks were against the rules? Seems to me an awful lot of the comments on this story are or contain attacks to Mr. Beal's character. Are personal attacks ok if they are about one of the subjects of the story? Or are we just sitting out the aggressive moderation on this one?
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 7:16 p.m.
Here's the thing. This order would only extended the traffic closure another 45 days and then it would be up for review again. And it's revokeable anyway. So why stall? All this "I think Beal is a liar, he's just stalling" stuff is petty and pointless. If he doesn't do what he says or city inspectors don't approve of it you begin the abatement process. Its that simple. I was at the council meeting. Yes, there were points where Beal and his people acted arrogant. But certain members of council acted as if they wanted to show him who's boss and put him in his place. Speaking of city staff, the city attorney recommended approving the extension for the very reason I listed above; of Beal doesn't get the job done the building goes right into abatement. This delay by council is petty and pointless.
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 5:10 p.m.
I thougt of maybe using the brick to pave Cross st.Too expensive not practical probbaly.just a thought
dading dont delete me bro
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 10:19 a.m.
i like the idea of keeping the brick. take pictures, many pictures, research the architecture. knock that beast down and rebuild that thing to the original w/refurbished bricks. it'll be safer than it is now.
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 9:54 a.m.
The progress, or lack of progress in this area for reasons of loans, fire, and......are enough to believe that 15 days won't be reasonable in Beal's time frame. I too have not had good reports from Beal's workforce. The remaining unsteady walls should be torn down and a new building with up to date code and modern architecture is probably too expensive for Beal. Politics and money spread to the right folks will get Stewart his way seems to be the final outcome in this mess.
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 8:53 a.m.
The brick and mortar looked bad before it burned. How can it be stable? Heat, water, settling and decades of neglect? A wall in the alley in depot town was rebuilt. A historic building on EMU campus was rebuilt after a fire left only a small corner standing. Knock it down and reuse the brick.
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 8:37 a.m.
Because good government works rationally, not always expediantly. The job will get done. Its just a chess game at this point. One can take breath, sit back, watch, and learn something. Or turn red and pull ones hair out. And safety may seem like garbage until/if something does happen. Then it turns into an expensive, legal quagmire.
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 8:18 a.m.
Ypsidweller, Then why cant city council just get the job done and vote to raize the building and stop wasting time about supports, inches, feet, safety, all this garbage, vote to raize it and be done with it, thats why we voted for city council members to get the job done, over with, either do it or step down, have the guts to admit this is a failed project and Stewart is stalling, do what is right for the citizens of this city and take immmediate emergency action, council does have that right to call an emergency meeting, this bldg. is not stable even with the temporay supports and yet council is willing to take the risk?? does not make sense, again I say Depot town merchants need to protest and strike in the street and block the street themselves, now this would get councils attention.!!!
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 8 a.m.
On the contrary Glennsha. Mr. Beal obviously cannot be taken at his word. His history has shown that. He has played games on wording of the fire chiefs orders. Council was very wise to look at the plans first. I believe he was just tryting to pull a fast one yet again. I believe his idea of "opening the road" was merely moving the fence a little but leaving the supports as they are. This is not acceptable. The supports need to leave public space completely. Council has been fooled by him more than once. They made the right move acting cautiously with him. They DID make a dcecision. And as an Ypsi resident, I believe a very wise one.
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 7:45 a.m.
Shame on the council that they dont have the guts to make a decision, time to recall,them or not vote them back in, need a council who can make wise decisions based on the facts, Depot Town merchants are suffering as a result, this is a fact, Because its is not hitting your pocket book you could care a less, the building is a afety isssue presently, this is a fact, because its is not in your neighborhood you could care a less. the facts go on city council but your not decent enought to realize how this is just a stall tactic, this will go one for years like the failed water street project, shame on council and the city.
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 3:44 a.m.
Beal Inc. is a joke! I have known 3 former employees and their questionable business practices... I also haven't heard of many positive interactions. As far as I'm concerned, they should fine the hell out of him for making traffic in the area and bad business! I know a few places down in Depot Town lost mine because of the traffic issues he has caused!
bone roller
Thu, Dec 17, 2009 : 12:50 a.m.
mr beal will have it his way. like someone else said it's all about the money
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 9:09 p.m.
The building is gone...the decaying shell remains. GET RID OF THE EYESORE.
Concerned Citizen
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 8:13 p.m.
It's all about the money.
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 7:38 p.m.
Give it time. a big wind from the east will blow it into the street
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 7:06 p.m.
Yeah, I want to take advice from Former Mayor Farmer, as soon as she helps pay for Water Street!
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 5:51 p.m.
Council made a wise decision in waiting so the plans could be reviewed. Remember how when a letter was sent to Beal saying the structure had to be stabilized? The fire dept. meant the braces were to be taken off the road. He thought he could pull a fast one. I think that took a lot of gall and showed hid lack of character. His plans last night called for moving the fence a few more feet. That is not moving EVERYTHING off the PUBLIC right of way. Thats what needs to happen. He needs to figure it out. Not the city. His pronlem is not their problem, but he likes to make his problems other problems. Not a good way to do business or advance ones reputation.
Whither Detburger
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 4:59 p.m.
Far from an eyesore, the Thompson Block is an essential part of Depot Town's character that has been sadly neglected. I understand the urge to clean up the location, but if the Thompson Block comes down, you better believe that the resulting vacant lot will be far more unpleasant to look at. And if the past is anything to judge by, that vacant lot could be there for a decade or more. Better to get Mr. Beal to commit to fix the building now, while he is motivated, than to make him tear it down and remove any incentive to improve the parcel.
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 4:02 p.m.
Neal: I have had a positive interaction with Beal Properties
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 3:55 p.m.
blake_138 How about a big to scale cardboard picture? It would look better and not cause so many problems
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 3:43 p.m.
I hope I'm wrong but I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that in 15 days nothing will have changed
dading dont delete me bro
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 3:43 p.m.
"Many residents who use the road have complained about driving delays because of the street closure, and Depot Town business owners say it has caused a serious drop in commerce in the area." we drive by there all the time, doesn't seem to be a delay. i doubt that has anything to do w/a serious drop in commerce, nothing of value was happening on that corner yet anyway. "Beal disagreed, saying he's had engineers and historic preservation architects looking over the building during that time. He said if the council granted him the extension, he could have the street open in 15 days." take beal up on his offer. better yet, give him 30 days (you know how delays can affect r&r) if it isn't done by then, raze it! also, has a cause been determined? i see(?) reward signs on the building but haven't seen a follow up story. "
Wed, Dec 16, 2009 : 3:38 p.m.
I have yet to come across someone who has positive things to say about their interaction with Beal properties