Another Dexter bear? Not quite. This one is the Webster Bear

Meet the Webster Bear that can be found at the corner of Zeeb and Joy roads in Webster township.
Lisa Allmendinger |
The newest black bear in Western Washtenaw appeared last week in the yard of Mary Dee and Nick Heller in all of his black painted glory - and with eyes made of solar lights that glow in the dark.
The bear made of hay bales was her husband’s idea, Mary Dee Heller said, after the story came out about the Dexter bear.
It took 8-10 cans of paint to get his rich black color and he grew in stages Mary Dee Heller said.
The Webster bear is one of more than 30 different round-bale creations that Mary Dee Heller and her husband have staged on their farm for the last 15 years or so.
“To watch a kid smile or to have people stop by and say thank you; that’s why we do it,” she said.
There have been black cats - that was the first idea - followed by apples, flowers, birthday cakes, a tractor, snowmen, and an apple last fall when school started.
The themes are whatever the Heller’s come up with -- such as a panda for the ‘Kung Fu Panda’ movies, or Sponge Bob, when he was a hot item.

The face of the Webster Bear.
Lisa Allmendinger |
“I couldn’t do it without him,” May Dee Heller says of her husband’s part in the creations, so it was only fitting to help a newlywed.
All the decorations for the hay sculptures come from things found on their farm. Well, except the paint, she said.
Mary Dee Heller says there are always new designs for the seasons and some holidays, and when the hay begins to look tired, it’s used for mulch around the farm.
There have been letters (Mary Dee says she’s kept them all) cakes, candy and flowers left at their home in appreciation of the ever-changing hay art that grace the perfect spot.
“We just love to do it,” she says of the July 4 firecracker, a head with a mortarboard, birthday cakes, turkeys and deer. Although the theme might be the same, no two have been alike, she said.
And passersby such as Pam Wetzel love to see what the Hellers have cooked up for the display. Via e-mail she said, “She’s done everything from birthday cakes, to graduation hats and several types of animals. They are all very cute.”
MayDee Heller said she’s never taken pictures of all of them so she’s not sure how many there have been during the years, but she does know there have been many people who have stopped by and taken pictures and taken the time to contact with their appreciation of her creative efforts.
Each piece of art remains until the couple is struck with new idea, or the hay begins to look worn.
Mary Dee says one of her favorites was a snowman with a hat and scarf and a road cone as a nose that melted into a pile of white.
“There’s usually something new for the seasons,” she said.
And as everyone in the area knows, this is the season of the bear, and the Webster one is hanging out on their property for everyone to enjoy.
Lisa Allmendinger is a regional reporter for She can be reached at For more Dexter stories, visit our Dexter page.
Ann English
Mon, Jul 4, 2011 : 11:35 p.m.
One look at that bear and I knew which Joy & Zeeb corner it was on: the eastern intersection, where Zeeb is paved. The other Joy & Zeeb intersection has a dirt Zeeb Road turning into Merkel Road at its REAL northern end. I don't remember if it was a bear or something else I saw as I took northbound Zeeb to Joy Road last time, just that whatever it was, was made of hay bales. Even one glimpse of the Hellers' displays leaves an impression ready to be recognized if not vividly remembered.
John B.
Mon, Jul 4, 2011 : 6:44 p.m.
We used to live near this location. It was always fun to drive by the Hellers' place and see it (including seasonal decorations on/around the house itself), even when we drove by almost daily....
Mon, Jul 4, 2011 : 5:24 p.m.
Some bad news about the Dexter bear...His woods have initiated foreclosure action. :(
dading dont delete me bro
Mon, Jul 4, 2011 : 2:36 p.m.
looks like two hay bales to me.
Mon, Jul 4, 2011 : 1:46 p.m.
Mary Dee and Nick Heller are wonderful people and have brought so much joy to their corner of Joy Road (no pun intended). I have always loved their Halloween yard too! With all the smiles they have brought to thousands and thousands of people, they must truly be blessed. Thank you many times over :)
Mon, Jul 4, 2011 : 1:39 p.m.
I can bearly stand any more news about bears ! Good Day
Elaine F. Owsley
Mon, Jul 4, 2011 : 1:06 p.m.
Can't tell you how much I've enjoyed the displays. I've even taken a run up that way to see what's new even if I didn't have a reason to go. We appreciate the ingenuity and the work it must be to haul those bales into place. Thank you Hellers for "brightening the corner where you are" as the old hymn tells us to do.
Mon, Jul 4, 2011 : 11:52 a.m.
Many thanks to the Hellers for the wonderful display of artwork and creativity with their bales of hay. Have frequently driven past to just see what new creation they have cooked up. Thank you for bringing many smiles to many folks.