The big business of towing: Records show thousands of vehicles per year impounded in Ann Arbor

Brewer's Towing is one of three companies that does public tows for the city of Ann Arbor. City records show there were more than 6,700 public tows in the last three years.
Daniel Brenner I
That's more than 10 a day, and that includes more than 6,700 public tows that were ordered by the city and more than 5,000 tows that occurred on private property.
Based on known fees charged by the city and towing companies, the public tows alone easily cost vehicle owners in the seven-figure range.
With a $60 administrative fee charged per public tow, the city collected more than $400,000 in towing fees on the impoundments it ordered.
Tom Crawford, the city's chief financial officer, said that revenue covers the city's costs and isn't a money-maker for the city or the police department.
Crawford also clarified that though the city keeps track of private tows, it isn't involved with them and doesn't collect towing fees for them.
"Private tows result from contracts or agreements between a private property owner and a private tow company," he said. "The city requires notice of all private tows so the police can tell an inquiring vehicle owner their vehicle was towed versus stolen."
Ann Arbor currently contracts with three companies for its public tows: Brewer's Towing, Sakstrup's Towing and Triangle Towing.
The city can order vehicles to be towed for legal violations, court orders, evidence collection and other circumstances, including parking where they shouldn't.
The tow companies charge $120 per tow, plus $20 a day in storage fees, putting their revenue at around $1 million or more for the 6,700-plus public tows.
Dennis Brewer, who owns both Brewer's Towing and Sakstrup's Towing, declined to comment except to say his company is helping the city and isn't out to get people.
"You write what you have to write and do what you need to do, but I have nothing to say to you," Brewer told
Scott Snuverink, who owns Triangle Towing, could not be reached for comment.
The only tow company owner could get to talk about his business was Tom Van Sickle, who owns Fox's Towing in Ann Arbor.
"I'm in a different situation than the other tow companies," Van Sickle said. "I don't impound. We used to back in the early 2000s for a couple of years, but impounding is not what we wanted to make our living doing, so we're here to help people really — not take their cars."
The big business of towing
Unlike his larger competitors, Van Sickle said Fox's Towing doesn't have any contracts with the city to tow cars from public places and impound them. The bulk of Van Sickle's work takes place on the city's west side where he works as a AAA Michigan contractor and responds to calls for help.
Is towing big business in Ann Arbor?
"For some it is, but for us it's not," Van Sickle said. "We're the little guy in town."
Van Sickle, who has owned Fox's Towing since 1998, said he doesn't frown upon other companies for doing impound work — somebody has to do it.

Van Sickle said he went into business to help people, and he believes that's why anybody goes into towing.
"But the city contracts are very lucrative and it's not the tow company that creates that money — it's the city of Ann Arbor that creates the work for the tow company," he said.
In addition to the 3,868 vehicles impounded in Ann Arbor last year, Sheriff Jerry Clayton said there were about 1,353 other vehicles impounded elsewhere in Washtenaw County.
That includes 849 private property impounds and, based on a 30-day sampling of data, probably a little more than 500 public impounds ordered by police, Clayton said.
Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County have worked out a new deal to transfer most administrative responsibilities for public tows to the county starting Jan. 1, with a few perks for motorists.
Under the new arrangement, the city's $60 administrative fee for public tows is being reduced to $45, with $30 going to the county and $15 staying with the city. Tow companies that want to do the work must offer an eight-hour storage fee grace period, which Brewer has complained about.
Crawford estimated the city will collect about $30,000 a year in administrative fees for towing under the new lower-cost arrangement.
The rules around towing
The city has gotten backlash recently for towing vehicles belonging to residents who parked their cars on streets near their homes. The city has an ordinance that deems vehicles abandoned if they're not moved within 48 hours, and the city tows if they're not moved.

Dennis Brewer, who owns both Brewer's Towing and Sakstrup's Towing, declined to comment except to say his company is helping the city and isn't out to get people.
Daniel Brenner I
"People when they leave their cars for a good period time are essentially using the public street for private parking," said Senior Assistant City Attorney Kristen Larcom. "The streets aren't meant for long-term private parking."
Larcom said the city's abandoned vehicle ordinance is rooted in state law.
A section of the Michigan Vehicle Code dating back to 1949 considers a vehicle abandoned if it has remained on private property without consent of the owner, if it's left on public property for 48 hours, or if it's left on a state highway for 18 hours. The law also says a vehicle can be deemed abandoned immediately if it's left on a state highway without a valid registration plate.
"The city has always towed in the same manner and followed the same procedure as do the state police under the statute," Larcom said. "This is probably enforced in a lot of cities in Michigan." reached out to the city of East Lansing, home to Michigan State University, to compare towing experiences between the two rival college towns.
Megan McFarland, assistant to the city manager, said East Lansing doesn't keep track of the number of public tows it orders each year, but it does follow a process similar to Ann Arbor's.
"If there is someone parking in a public lot/space, they are issued a ticket and have a set amount of time (typically 48 hours) to remove the car or it will be towed to our impound lot," she wrote in an email on Friday. "The owner would then be responsible for any ticket that was issued and the $20/day fee to remove the vehicle from our impound lot."
McFarland said the fees the city collects are from tickets and its own impound lot fees. East Lansing doesn't charge an administrative fee like Ann Arbor does.
The other fees charged in East Lansing vary by towing company, she said, as each one gets to set its own rates for towing. checked with two companies that do public tows in East Lansing and found one charges a flat $90 and one charges $95 plus $3.50 per mile.
Outside the $120-per-tow arrangement with Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County, Brewer's and Sakstrup's charge private citizens $47 to tow a car plus an extra $4 per mile and a 10 percent fuel surcharge. Triangle Towing charges $45 plus $4 per mile and a 10 percent fuel surcharge.
Van Sickle of Fox's Towing said he charges $48 plus $3.50 per mile. Asked why he doesn't bid on the $120-per-tow city contract, he said his three-truck operation couldn't handle the workload.
"I could bid on it, but I don't have the equipment or the property to handle that contract. You need a lot of space and trucks to deal with that contract," he said.
"That contract keeps somebody very busy," Van Sickle added. "There are times during University of Michigan football games when the city will call Brewer's and ask for 15 cars to be moved off one street. You need a large workforce to handle that."
Council Member Sabra Briere, who has been studying the issue, said she's learned the fees for public tows are higher because the requirements for municipal towing are different from private towing, and the city's contract with the tow companies requires that they respond to all complaints.
Briere noted the contract also requires that the contents of a towed vehicle are protected and insured while in the company's possession, and police require tow trucks to respond within 20 minutes — and that access to the trucks and the impound lot be guaranteed all day, every day.
"I know that Mr. Brewer — whom I don't know — mentioned that he has to staff the lot every day, around the clock," she said.
Ryan J. Stanton covers government and politics for Reach him at or 734-623-2529. You also can follow him on Twitter or subscribe to's email newsletters.
Sun, Sep 30, 2012 : 10:25 p.m.
I just brought my daughter back to school and had a nice birthday dinner in Ann Arbor. I brought her back to her apartment and unloaded her things, opened a few birthday presents and got ready to leave. I was there no more than 40 minutes and the lot was not full. My car was gone. Towed. I was at the towing company lot within an hour of me parking my car. I'm out $284!!!! I can't believe the charges and I am furious about the whole thing. Is there a maximum amount they can charge? I was told there is a city and state charge, surcharge and storage fee. If this is not a scam, I don't know what to call it. If anyone has advice for me I'd appreciate it. I parked in the apartment's lot and not a city street. It really makes me regret spending time and money in Ann Arbor. I feel like this company snatched my car and took it hostage and I had no options but pay the ransom to get me and my family home safely late at night. I agree with the reader who says "the city need to step in and fix this".
Tue, Sep 4, 2012 : 2:57 a.m.
So they say "no trolling" takes place. How about checking the last 100 tow documents to see who requested the vehicle to be towed. How about deposing employees, owners, and city employees to ensure no kickbacks or falsified records. Police lie to collect overtime.......that's documented and recent. Fire Fighters get diplomas through diploma mills so they can get higher saleries for "unearned" degrees they purchased. That's documented and recent. So why would I believe there is no corruption in this towing gold mine..,.,..because they "say" so.....yeah, I'll tell the jokes.
Jim Walker
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 9:46 p.m.
The part of the city code that needs changing is the part about towing obviously decent vehicles from residential streets after relatively short periods of time, when the person who owns the vehicle lives nearby. We have MANY residents who live in rental housing with no off street parking. Some do not use their cars to go to work or school and the vehicle may not be used for some time - but it is NOT abandoned. Some take vacations and leave their car at home and that car is NOT abandoned. Towing obviously abandoned and damaged vehicles after a short period of time - sure. Towing vehicles blocking main roads, fire hydrants, other no parking zones - sure. Towing vehicles quickly after accidents - sure. Towing a Lexus when the person is on vacation is NOT necessary and the code needs to be changed. That sort of towing is predatory. James C. Walker, National Motorists Association, Ann Arbor, MI
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 4:51 a.m.
Brewer's provides a valuable service at competitive prices. They remove unauthorized vehicles from private property per the owners' requests.They assist the city in enforcing its ordinances. Tales of their predatory towing are laughable. Dennis Brewer is a stand-up guy who has supported the community for many years.
Fat Bill
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 1:47 a.m.
Remember, impounds represent just one facet of the towing business. I know in some areas, there are companies who focus exclusively on private parking enforcement, or solely on police work. We are lucky that isn't the case in Ann Arbor. Here, if you need somebody to change a tire or unlock your car at 3 AM, you can get help relatively quickly at a reasonable rate. Why? because the large, comprehensive towing companies have staff on duty to cover the public safety calls, and the regular and motor club calls fill in the gaps between the police calls. Having worked in public safety in the rural West, I can recall several occasions when accident clean up had to wait for several hours; the tow truck was out of town and the next guy over was coming from 70 miles away! On a two lane coastal highway with no detours other than logging roads, you can imagine what a pain in the, er, neck, that was... The towing system here is long-established and is a key part of the public safety infrastructure. Unlike the local fire department, tow companies don't operate with tax revenues; they are required to keep the doors open by collecting from those that are serviced. Public safety towing requires the largest investment; it makes business sense to collect the most from those calls. UPS can ship a package across the country for a fairly cheap rate; but if you want it overnight, you pay significantly more as the infrastructure to support that level of service is a huge investment.
Fat Bill
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 1:12 a.m.
Nick, what about the rights of the property owner? If you own a parcel of land around campus; are you getting the most out of it if people are allowed to park wherever and whenever they please? In a roundabout way, the interests of the the city are at stake: tow companies protect the investment of the property owner thereby increasing or maintaining the taxable value of that parcel. A simplistic approach simply doesn't work here.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:24 a.m.
I believe Mr. Brewer has the same P.R. agency as Kwame. When asked for comment by the public about services for the public I don't believe stonewalling will get you very far. His tactic is to act as though this situation will just blow over if he pretends not to care. If that doesn't work roll out your family and hide behind them. The city of Ann Arbor should be ashamed to be doing business with someone like this. The next time my car needs road service I will definitely not be calling the evil empire that is Brewer's and Sakstrup's Towing. On another note, why doesn't the city just have it's own impound yard where all tow companies take vehicles too. This is done in quite a few cities in the metro area. This would alleviate any problems with storage rates since they would be determined by the city. The other benefit is that all storage fees go to the city which I'm sure would be a rather large sum year over year.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 1:24 a.m.
a bit of a stretch pulling the Kwame card. Mr Brewer is a private citizen, he happens to have a contract with the city for towing, but he doesn't owe anyone a comment, response or intrution into his life or business. he shouldn't have to worry about "PR" and why should the city be ASHAMED to do business with him? They are the ones trying to change the rules of the game, ones that wouldn't effect what money THEY make, but not the money that a small local business would make. the problem isn't the tow companies, its the citys rules, fees and ordinances
A A Resident
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 11:44 p.m.
P.S Lori Brewer, I run a business which has no "victims". Only happy customers. Do I feel a little bit superior because of that? You betcha!
l j hankamp
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:58 a.m.
A A Resident: Please identify your business, I need a place to park for free in Ann Arbor without concern as to paying or having my vehicle towed. I am sure many others who have commented would also love to have access to your property (at no charge). You have my thanks in advance while I await your response.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:35 a.m.
Certain businesses like ice cream shops delight customers! Plumbers, auto repair shops and yes tow companies are called only when people need them and yes they provide valuable and needed services but not everyone is thrilled when they receive them. I'm glad you have the business relationship with your customers that you do.
A A Resident
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 11:34 p.m.
"2) Private property companies whom have contacts with Brewer's and Sakstrup's are contracting the towing companies to remove unauthorized vehicles from their private locations. There are detailed and defined contracts for removing cars from private properties and Brewer's and Sakstrup's operate according to those contracts. " ____________________ Lori, I run a business too, and have plenty of opportunities to engage in lucrative contracts which I reject, because in my own intellectually diminutive way, I consider them unethical, or failing to meet the "win-win" merit test. You folks will do as you will, but please don't expect it to rise above easy criticism. Anybody can make money. It takes something special to make money in the "win-win" realm, as opposed to the "win-lose" realm.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:27 a.m.
My business has a small parking lot and I rent 20 spaces off-site. The cost to my business exceeds $40,000 per year. Do I feel unethical when I call Brewers to tow a car parked on my lot not doing business with me? NO!
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:19 a.m.
Does your business provide free long term parking?
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:18 a.m.
I think your problem is with the city, not Brewer's.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 10:56 p.m.
it is a big money maker for the city.....and sometimes what they tow for leaves a lot to be desired....
Lori Brewer
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 10:48 p.m.
I have just spent some time reading Ryan Stanton's stories on the Towing business in Ann Arbor, as well as the public's response. I feel the need to articulate some facts: 1) Towing companies with city contracts, such as Brewer's and Sakstrup's, have just that: a business arrangement to provide services on a contract basis to the city. Under these contracts, Brewer's and Sakstrup's do not tow cars without a request from the city to do so. The city requests tows when the rules have been broken. 2) Private property companies whom have contacts with Brewer's and Sakstrup's are contracting the towing companies to remove unauthorized vehicles from their private locations. There are detailed and defined contracts for removing cars from private properties and Brewer's and Sakstrup's operate according to those contracts. The private property "victims" some writers mention are actually the "guilty" who are parked in a location without an authorization to be there. 3) There are few Towing companies in Ann Arbor who have the equipment, storage facilities and staff required to fulfill the city's contract. Brewer's and Sakstrup's are two companies whom have invested in their businesses to achieve the growth necessary to fulfill such contracts. These investments include 24x7 staff (including those needed to monitor and release vehicles), state-of-the art towing equipment, properly trained and licensed drivers, and adequate storage facilities. 4) There is simply no corruption that exists at Brewer's or Sakstrup's. Each company grew from modest roots by modest, local men (Brewer's in 1963 by Dennis Brewer and Sakstrup's in 1971 by Richard Sakstrup). Like most family owned businesses, business has had its ups and downs. The success at Brewer's and Sakstrup's is a result of honest, hard work (24 hours a day, 365 days a week). Respectfully, Lori Brewer (Daughter of Dennis and Nancy Brewer)
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 3:29 a.m.
Abe, he didn't give you a free sign and so you think he doesn't have the "ethics of a true professional"? I think Mr. Brewer's comment was probably reasonable given Ryan's previous article. Remember, you are only reading what Ryan is putting out for you to see; not saying anything disparaging against Ryan, as I generally like his writing, but he is very capable of milking these inflammatory stories that easily generate lots of hits,
Honest Abe
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 2:14 a.m.
Jwearvera2- I am sure Dennis is all of those things, I never said otherwise, BUT how he handled the reporter was unprofessional. He could of responded a thousand different ways then the way he did! I somewhat know him, and I am a business person out of Ann Arbor too! I own multiple businesses that include stores, rental properties and such, and I would not word things the way he did. Same goes for Scott at Triangle. I actually know him too. If Dennis never had any intention of commenting, perhaps a polite "No comment, have a nice day." would have done just fine. After all, he is the owner, he is the main representative of his business and he could of came across as a professional business person who has the best interest of his customers and the owners of the vehicles that are impounded. I feel like I am repeating myself, but he could of educated the curious and people who would like to know more about impounding/towing in Ann Arbor. Instead, especially with 45,000 folks arriving in Ann Arbor for the new school year, first time readers are not going to think too much of this company the next time they need a jump start, a lockout or whatever! Remember, competition is ALWAYS a stone throw away. Yes his towing company conducts a lot of business but he is not the only tow company either. Business owner-Yes Professional business owner- No.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 1:10 a.m.
Honest Abe I wish Dennis had indeed spoken to However the initial article that spotlighted the campaign contribution to Jane Lumm was questionable to say the least. $100 to a prospective council candidate given by Nancy Brewer was newsworthy? The fact that she referred to him as "Denny" was newsworthy? And by the way Scott at Triangle Towing also declined to comment. Perhaps we need to convince them that their comments will be reported responsibly.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:39 a.m.
I know Dennis Brewer personally and he is a fine, honest, and hard working man. Please the questions about his integrity really need to stop!
Honest Abe
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:24 a.m.
Lori, your response does not shed any light at all. None. Everything you said is written in the article in one form or another. By the way, your reply is appreciated, but it would have been nice had your father spoke instead, especially when A2.Com attempted to talk with him. Why would he respond like that? You mean to tell me big business man like Denny Brewer cannot come up with any words to say to the reporter? It is not like they were prying him because they thought he was involved in the Watergate Scandal.....though he sure acted like it! Had A2.Com tried to talk to the owners of your biggest competitor, who I know very well, they would have gracefully answered their questions. Perhaps should to just that! Denny Brewer is not corrupt, nobody ever said he was! But he sure does not demonstrate the ethics of a true professional.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 10:06 p.m.
If Dennis Brewer is SO proud of what he does for the city he should not mind explaining it to us! Instead he runs and hides like a guilty politician!
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:16 a.m.
He doesn't owe us anything. The city makes the contract and chooses the bidder. If we don't like it, then we need to take it up with the city.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 9:08 p.m.
How many of the impounded cars are a result of drunk driving or a car that was involved in a crime? Maybe the tow truck drivers are sitting outside bars calling in drunk drivers. I think we need an investigation into that.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 3:51 p.m.
Please tell me this comment is some sort of (not funny) joke. Do you honestly believe that these men have nothing better to do than lurk around bars & call the police??
Middle America
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 8:53 p.m.
If a vehicle is towed, it sits on Brewer's lot for a specified period of time and if it is not claimed, it is auctioned off. Who gets the profits from these auctions? Dennis Brewer, of course. How many vehicles do you think Brewer keeps when they aren't claimed? Crony capitalism at its best.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 4:03 p.m.
Do you think he has a lot full of unclaimed Bentleys and Jaguars? The unclaimed cars are there because someone has made the decision to leave them. Maybe they don't want to pay the bill for the towing & storage, or maybe the car was a piece of junk that broke down & the owner themselves had it towed to the lot, and never returned. No matter what the circumstance, the owner is notified that the car will be auctioned off if they don't come get it. Its how it works pretty much everywhere, not just Brewers. You aren't uncovering a deep dark secret here...
Middle America
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 7:56 a.m.
The owners of the vehicles do not get any of the profits from an auction.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 2:24 a.m.
He also has to pay to get rid of the ones that don't get auctioned off. I bought a vehicle at one of these auctions once. I got it home and couldn't get it running again. It was parked in the street along the side of my parent's home....over 48 hours....until it was impounded. The city was double dipping on my vehicle!
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:23 a.m.
I believe the "profits" are turned over to the state and any difference between what the vehicle is sold for and the tow bill is given to former owner of the vehicle. Also, have you ever been to one of these auctions? Most of the time the vehicles have little or no value that is why they were never claimed.
Honest Abe
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 7:51 p.m.
If you do not want to comment, fine! But Mr Brewer's response to A2.Com seems a little bit defensive. He has been in Ann Arbor for years. He could have commented in a way that would explain how his company helps people and how the impound process works. He could of educated the curious as well as maybe changed a few peoples attitude toward towing companies. If his business is anything like his attitude, I'd prefer to do business somewhere else!
Honest Abe
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 7:53 p.m.
ooops, I almost forgot, I tried to do business with them once! It went to shambles about 2 minutes into conversation.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 7:28 p.m.
Lets be realistic here, Towing is a business. And who can blame anyone for wanting to make more money and/or not take a cut of some type. However I do agree that these particular towing companies are getting overzealous with their contract and with towing cars. I have never been towed or ticketed in Ann Arbor, I do know better than to park in a spot, or way that would warrant towing. But I do believe there is a good percentage of un-nesicary tows that are made to generate revenue for the tow company, and that is borderline criminal but sanction under ordinance and law. Unfortunately there isnt an ordinance or law that monitors and regulates the tows, its a free for all once a designated area is assigned. The City of Ann Arbor really needs to step up and outline and define a plan that gets rid of all the grey areas and levels the playing field. And I prefer a tow company that makes it;s name by HELPING people as a opposed to taking someones means of transportation and holding it ransom. Thats just my .02
Kk Ichikawa
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 6:43 p.m.
....dig a little deeper for the truth... 'Crawford also clarified that though the city keeps track of private tows, it isn't involved with them and doesn't collect towing fees for them.' ..ask if the City collects an "administrative fee" for private property tows?? Towing fees? No! "Administrative fees? YES!!
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 6:02 p.m.
I have always wondered how long or where you are required to move your car to or how long you have to wait to park again in the same space. For example, if my car is parked in a space for 47 hours in front of my house and I get up at 3 am, get in my car and drive around the block, am I not able to park in that same spot? If the space is empty why can't I park there? And when can I?
Honest Abe
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 5:18 p.m.
Van Sickle is correct- They do not drive around the city looking for peoples cars to take. However Brewers for example swarms private properties whom they have a contract with....looking for cars to take!! I tried to do business with Brewers once. I was looking to have a tow company remove cars from my rental properties who did not have a parking pass. When he told me he would send some guys out to post signs and I would have to PAY THEM for the signs, I told him he was clinically insane and if anything, he should PAY ME for the revenue he would be receiving!! Needless to say, I laughed in his face, told him he was a joke and hired another company, who gladly put up some signs, and they now have the contract with me. I do not receive any payment from them and I am just happy to have them remove cars when needed.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 3:17 a.m.
Abe, the law states you have to post the sign not the tow company. Scott, what subsection are you referring to that states the property owner cannot be compensated by the tow company? I don't see that and do not see anything that would preclude a tow company from giving you a sign to post. Even if compensation were not allowed, it is a stretch to call the sign "compensation" or a gift of significant value.
Honest Abe
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 2:26 a.m.
You may be on to something! They may not be as BRIGHT as me! Guess what? I never paid a cent for the signs on my properties! Zero! The signs belong to the towing company! So nothing was given to me. Period. What part of my last reply to you, did you not understand? What statute says I cannot allow the tow company to post one of their signs on my property? Keep in mind, they own the sign. They will come get it if I change tow companies or decide to sell, and the new owner wants to prohibit PPI's or chooses another company? Again, come back after you do a little more homework! You have nothing. So take wild guess on where you can take all that talk about "MCL 257.252."??
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 1:23 a.m.
MCL 257.252. Google it. It spells out who has the authority to post, where to post, how big the font on the sign has to be, etc. The law also says the property owner can not be compensated by the tow company for using their services. The sign that you are given is a gift or compensation, it has value. It is funny how three area tow companies charge and thousands of area business owners are willing to pay for the signs. I guess they are not as bright as you.
Honest Abe
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:30 a.m.
There is no law requiring the tow company to charge for the signs, and I never said they were 'handing them out'. Brewers simply wanted to bill me a lot of money for each sign. I met with a competitor and they gladly came to my properties, installed THEIR signs in a visible place, and that was the end of it. If I sell the property or change tow companies, I call them up, and they come retrieve them, simple. Do not twist my words. And if you comment, perhaps do your homework first.
Honest Abe
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:13 a.m.
Scott- You're talking to talk. Come back and comment when you gain a tad more knowledge regarding this topic.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 9:01 p.m.
I believe the way that the law is written for private property towing in Ann Arbor towing companies can not "give out" signs. However, I know that many area towing companies overlook this and provide free signs.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 5:15 p.m.
Looks like Dennis Brewer needs a lesson in Community Relations 101. When contacted by, he would have had an excellent opportunity to outline exactly what Brewer's does/doesn't do regarding towing practices. Instead, he essentially came off as someone with something to hide, and casting himself/his company as the "victims". It is a fact that towing companies, like every business, needs to maximize profits in every way possible. For towing companies, this includes making as many tows/impounds as possible. And yes, this includes "trolling".
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 6:33 p.m.
I agree. He had an opportunity, and could've done better. I find a lot of hard working people in Ann Arbor get defensive when they are used as a scapegoat and feel unjfairly attacked. Brewer helps our community as much as Foxes and he could have changed the attention to that.
Craig Lounsbury
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 5:01 p.m.
"People when they leave their cars for a good period time are essentially using the public street for private parking," said Senior Assistant City Attorney Kristen Larcom. "The streets aren't meant for long-term private parking." Thats what happens in any city where lots of people rent their living space. Its rare that any landlord provides sufficient parking for all their residents. And just making them move their cars every 48 hours doesn't change the fact that they still "using the public street for private parking,". They just move to a slightly different spot. They have no other choice. The city is hypocritical in this regard. If you don't want tenants to park on the street pass a law requiring landlords to provide parking. Please note: I'm not calling for such a law. I'm just saying the city is hypocritical in their position.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 4:45 p.m.
If I ever need a tow truck, it'll be Fox's Towing.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 2:15 a.m.
Well, call Brewers instead. haha Did you know that there have been some years when Sakstrups handled more AAA calls than any other tow agency either in Michigan, or in the US (I can't remember which). Anyway, I really am sorry about your bad luck. Although, I'm not sure how much better things will go for you now :(
Craig Lounsbury
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 6:56 p.m.
I'm talking a nice sunny day with perfect road conditions...but a car i could not fix myself. Its happened at least 3 times to me. Once brakes went bad. It was late spring or earlier summer and a week day. Once a car just wouldn't start, and i could solve the dilemma, early to mid fall, sunny weekday. A similar situation with a daughters car as well. The common denominators were always a week day always good weather. I'm not so stupid as to let a 4 hour wait turn in to a 6-9 hour wait because of the weather. Sorry, Cinco.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 6:22 p.m.
....when there is a snowstorm with dozens of people actually stranded on the roadways.... I've seen these guys work endless hours trying to make sure everybody is safe, and then move on to those who are in safe situations. Sorry Craig.
Craig Lounsbury
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 5:06 p.m.
I would too...except I am with AAA and seem to be in Sakstrup's area. One thing I've learned with Sakstrup's is the sure way to turn 45 minutes in to 4 hours is to tell them the car is legally parked in front of your house and your at home.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 4:36 p.m.
there is a easy solution here for the tow companies, put in a bid of $140 for each tow for the new contract Jan 1st, that will cover your $120 tow now and $20 first day of "storage fees"
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 4:31 p.m.
Sorry.... I told the truth and removed it....i will lie next time to satisfy them.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 4:29 p.m.
The whole thing is BS!!! Just another tax...
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 4:28 p.m.
I can see the towing companies point of few here. In order to have a contract with the city you have to have your lots available 24 hours a day, everyday so people can pick up their cars. Now the city wants to have an 8 hour grace period. My guess is that many cars are picked up within 8 hours and why should the tow companies lot be a free parking lot for people that violated a parking ordinance? this might actually make regular towing charges go UP, their contract bids to go UP and maybe cause a towing company to say forget it and not bid on the city contract. just a poorly thought out ordinance and it is silly that someone can be towed from the street in front of thier house in some of the outlying neighborhoods, downtown I can understand but on a sleepy residential street it seems excessive to adhere to the 48 hour measurement.
Dutch Thomas
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 3:57 p.m.
they look for cars to violate and call the cops to get the violation and then they tow. I saw this happen to a neighbor when she parked in the street. Our apartment only allowed off site parking on the street. The game of moving the car was always a royal pain and completely absurd given the power of tow drivers to get the police to justify a tow for them....slow day go on patrol and call a cop when you see a violation. That is how they roll.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:57 p.m.
Per the city's website --- "The Residential Parking Permit (RPP) program allows vehicles owned by residents to park in an RPP neighborhood for the posted time limit without being ticketed." And then the posted time limits I have seen are "Residential Permit Exempt" on the signage. This seems contradictory to the statements in this article by the Senior Assitant City Attorney regarding on-street parking.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:51 p.m.
Can we say sounds like Ann Arbor needs to pay some bills? We take AATA into town. With those ridiculous meter fees and parking garages and gas prices, much cheaper. Or Canton is a better option.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:41 p.m.
It's a cash cow for both the city and tow companies. They can try to spin it any way they like, it's still about the money.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 7:25 p.m.
It's also about illegally parked vehicles.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 4:37 p.m.
how often is something not about money when the city is involved?
just a voice
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:08 p.m.
I'm guessing there are many areas where cards get towed faster then others. Those would be the neighborhoods where tow truck drivers live. I'm guessing they call and tell the city of cars that have been parked in one spot for more then 48hrs. I know two cars in my neighborhood that have sat idle for long periods of time with no problem. I wonder if there are clusters of areas where towing is higher. Ryan, you like investigating things don't you?
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 1:53 a.m.
I am sure there are clusters of areas that more cars get towed from, campus has got to be the biggest area. However, the other areas... it is my guess tow driver can't afford to live there.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:05 p.m.
You know, I say lay off Mr. Brewer! Whoever profits, it is the City of Ann Arbor that provides the opportunity to these businesses. It is entirely on the City of Ann Arbor that criticism of this lucrative policy should be laid.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:55 p.m.
The kind of towing that makes people angry is initiated by the city, or by a property owner. In both circumstances, the responsibility is with the car owner. Brewer just provides the service - along with other services that benefit drivers in general. In order to provide the service, he has to make money. The interesting thing is, his business provides the service for the city and it is paid for by the vehicle owner. But the city still collects from the vehicle owner also. I'm an Ann Arbor resident, so I appreciate the city being creative in its revenue gathering, but I do not like creativity in the finding of scapegoats.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:43 p.m.
This is all about "feeding the beast", cronyism and pathetic politics. Shame on Ann Arbor and shame on Mr. Brewer. Making a living by screwing the taxpayers. Go Green Go White
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:38 p.m.
@PrevoTownie Cars that are locked up with wheels turned take more work to tow properly. While Brewer and his employees make a living, the city makes a whopping $400,000 in fees. I remember when they first started charging people this "administrative fee". This fee the city initiated about 15 years ago started at $10. What cost the city $60 in this situation? Brewer has to have enough trucks, enough fuel, enough employees, enough space around the clock available whenever the city calls. If the city wants to pay for that free 8 hours of storage, I can see Brewer accepting that agreement. The city wants vehicles off their private streets, but wants Brewer to foot the bill to be on his property for 8 hours? Just's a cost. I hate being towed by the city as much as anybody, but don't blame the towing company!! Sakstrups and Brewers are there just like Foxes helping people get their cars back on the road or to a repair facility, etc.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:22 p.m.
Here we go again...soon there will be dozens of comments from people claiming the towing laws/penalties are too harsh, the drivers are predators, and all of this could be solved by simply issuing a ticket. Let's pretend City Council tries this plan out. So someone parks their car on a city street & doesn't come back to it for several days. In that time, the Parking Police are supposed to notice it, check it again in 48hrs, then recheck it 48hrs later, and only THEN issue a ticket (and no one has suggested what the fine for this should be.) Now the vehicle owner returns, sees the ticket, and throws it in the trash. The fine is never collected, and the time & effort expended to babysit the car is wasted, and they just got free parking. The easiest solution to this issue would be to NOT park illegally. And as for the idea of changing the rules for large vs. small private parking lots...let's be realistic here. First of all, its PRIVATE PROPERTY. It doesn't matter if the lot is full or not, if it's posted as "Private", you just don't park there. Why is this such a debated topic in such an educated town? Don't want to get your car towed? Don't park illegally. Its actually very simple.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:08 a.m.
a2ex-pat: you're right, but too angry in your reply. Lewanster: it really depends on your son's neighbors. Some on the street will call on you after a day or two. Some will never call on you. Your son should take a look at his car every couple days anyway, right? If he needs longer term parking, that can be arranged. So he is making a gamble in that he won't get ticketed or towed. Quite frankly, as the cost of monthly parking can be pretty pricey, he may come out ahead taking his chances.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 7:49 p.m.
@lewanster...if the "child" you're speaking of has a problem with the landlord not providing parking, take it up with the landlord. And if the "child" can go days on end without moving their car, maybe they don't actually need one. How many times does it need to be said that city streets are not personal long term parking lots. And has this ever actually been a problem for said "child"? Or is this one more bandwagon complaint? Do you think its any different in any other city?
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 7:30 p.m.
What about the students who pay $800 or more a month and the landlord does not provide parking at the house because there is free parking on their street. My son is in such a house. The child believes it is not a problem that the rental house has no parking, since they can park on the street. After reading this article, it looks like even if he is in a clear parking zone, he could get towed because his car sits there for several days at a time. What if he goes to the grocery, comes back home and parks in front again ?? Nobody saw him leave, so they do not know the car moved and is just reparking in the same spot ? If this is such a terrible problem, and I don't think it is...why don't they just ticket the cars ? Why do they have to be towed ?
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 3:22 p.m.
@Jim Osborn...The issue here isn't with parking lots on Stadium & Maple. The lots I'm referring to are the ones downtown. Very few 9-6 businesses in the downtown area have lots with 50 car capacities. And no matter what the size of the lot, or the businesses hours of operation, the property owner has every right to dictate who gets to park there, when, and for how long. I'm also not talking about families taking the kids to the DQ. I'm talking about the arrogant, entitled people who think nothing of parking their cars wherever they please and going about their business. I'm referring to the woman who parked her car & LEFT it in the drive thru lane of the Key Bank on Main St., or the cars with out-of-state plates that belong to people who think that since they don't live here they don't have anything to worry about. If someone is going to blatantly ignore the parking signs & rules, do you really think they're going to pony up for a ticket? Maybe could publish the dollar amount of unpaid parking tickets on their books? It would be a good indication of how well a "ticket not tow" system would work.
Jim Osborn
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:37 p.m.
"Parking Police are supposed to notice it, check it again in 48hrs, then recheck it 48hrs later, and only THEN issue a ticket" By law, they must notice it, check it again in 48hrs. Instead of then towing it, they should write a ticket. The law should be changed so that they then return after a period of time (48 hours to a week) to write a second higher ticket or tow it. If the ticket is thrown in the trash, the amount should be collected when the car is re-registered. Very simple.
Jim Osborn
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:30 p.m.
There often are 9-6 businesses that have 50 car empty lots in the evenings. There is one near Stadium and Maple by the Dairy Queen. People park there briefly to get ice cream, long after hours, when the lot is empty, since the Dairy Queen lot holds 6 cars and they can get 50 people. What public good is done by having these cars towed. Let them get a ticket, at worst. The owner does not call the police because he is not around to notice. The only reason someone will get towed is if a towing company "patrols", hungry for a fee from a victim.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:09 p.m.
Exactly, it is not your property, so don't think you can park there. You are not entitled! You only think you are entitled because you are in Ann Arbor.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:30 p.m.
Oh - you just throw the ticket away and get free parking. Brilliant.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:15 p.m.
You can bet that nearly every one of these tows results in an angry citizen or a disgruntled visitor to Ann Arbor. I think the City Council should appoint a "towing reduction task force" to explore ways to cut down the number of tows. They should set a goal -- not less than 50% reduction.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:12 p.m.
Illegal parking is a nuisance. People who have a sense of entitlement and feel the parking laws don't pertain to them should get fined and fined heavily....then maybe they will pay attention and park legally from now on.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 5:54 p.m.
Good point. There would be no story here is people followed the rules. That said, from time to time you will see parking enforcement signs that are not well posted, make no sense or at least make you stand there staring at them wondering "what the heck?"
Jim Osborn
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:20 p.m.
Tickets do the job quite nicely, with ALL of the revenue going to government.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:09 p.m.
This is vulture taxation. Customer is king, and as far as the tow companies are concerned the customer here for 12,000 tows was the City of Ann Arbor and various local police agencies. But that's false, since the apparent customer in this case doesn't pay the bill. The City and police have no interest in ensuring good service, especially since they're getting paid several hundred thousand dollars annually and they don't even have to send a bill. An apparently needlessly intricate system like this is miraculous if it conceals no corruption, and the place to begin looking for that is in the system of awarding city tow contracts.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:02 p.m.
"Outside the $120-per-tow arrangement with Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County, Brewer's and Sakstrup's charge private citizens $47 to tow a car plus an extra $4 per mile and a 10 percent fuel surcharge. Triangle Towing charges $45 plus $4 per mile and a 10 percent fuel surcharge." Sounds like if your vehicle dies and needs to be towed it isn't to much to get it towed. If you are parked illegally, or not properly licensed, or some other violation of the laws or ordinances, you should pay out the you know what for tow & store.
AA Native
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 12:56 p.m.
Sounds to me like this reporter has had his car towed and had to pay the piper (grudge match?). Ann Arbor is full of people that think they are above the law and can do what they please, maybe it's time to follow the rules. I know that I appreciate it every time I see a Brewer's wrecker uprighting a semi that has overturned or just helping someone change a tire. What about the illegally parked vehicle that blocks the way for fire personnel or EMT's to get to a home, sure bet those people appreciate the towing companies.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 5:51 p.m.
Over the years Mr. Brewer has been criticized quite a bit about towing and his connections with the city that results in his company being awarded the contract. I am not implying there is anything inappropriate but the story states the revenue was $1 million. I am wondering what the profit was and if people would consider it too high or appropriate.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 5:34 p.m.
You are so right AA Native. I was in the store at Brewer's about two months ago when Mr. Stanton came in to pick up his towed vehicle. Of course he was very upset with his tow bill. Brewer's does not troll for cars or call in illegally parked vehicles in order to tow them. If they were to do so then why are the cars on Upland, the side street to Brewer's, left for weeks at a time? They don't tow illegally and they don't call in cars that should be towed. Hey Parking enforcement, come and enforce the 48 hour parking on Upland. PLEASE!
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 12:55 p.m.
Why is everyone so down of Dennis Brewer, he is only doing what he is contracted to do. If you have a problem with that, take it up with City Council and the Mayor. I am sure that City Council wrote the contract, not Dennis Brewer.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 12:43 p.m.
Ann Arbor collected about $400,000 according to the article. That $400,000 just covered the city's costs? I'm sure the Comedy Channel would like to hear how those costs are calculated. Towing is a rip-off and money maker for the city.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 7:46 p.m.
Hey, you try paying pension, healthcare and overtime for those city admins!
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 5:46 p.m.
Exactly what I was about to comment on. I have heard all this before but Mr. Crawford's comment that these revenues only cover costs jumps out. I would like to know what the city is doing in re to tows that cost that much.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:08 p.m.
And now they're reducing that "fee" from $60 to $45 and then giving the county $30 of that. That would make it sound like a money-losing proposition if you believe that it actually cost them $400K to shuffle those papers, which is of course ludicrous.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 12:43 p.m.
I think it might be time to read Watership Down again.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 12:27 p.m.
Dennis Brewer, who owns both Brewer's Towing and Sakstrup's Towing, declined to comment except to say his company is helping the city and isn't out to get people. Yea right! Your doing this out of the goodness of your heart? "You write what you have to write and do what you need to do, but I have nothing to say to you," Brewer told Until the present contract runs out, the ONLY way the people can say something to YOU is to NOT call you or do business with you when we have a choice.
Mon, Sep 3, 2012 : 12:55 a.m.
I think Dennis is a little gun shy about commenting after the first article when Nancy Brewer's huge $100 contribution to Jane Lumm was disclosed, along with her quid pro quo response of calling him "Denny". One might have the idea that the playing field is tilted and therefore chooses not to engage.
Silly Sally
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 3:11 p.m.
The people in the impound lot are certainly not very polite. I went with a coworker who was towed and witnessed their hospitality. I rather have Michigan plates in Columbus.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:44 p.m.
It helps the city in that the parking laws are enforced, and enforced in a timely manner. The people that live within the city and are constantly having to fight for the right to park in the spots they pay for appreciate the job these people do. If it wasn't for the parking enforcement laws & consequences, parking would be more of a mess than it already is. Every city has contracts with towing companies to do much the same thing. Why is everyone so shocked that Ann Arbor does? Would you want to go to a city that didn't? So yes, I believe Brewers does help the city. And if they don't do it, another company will. But the man has been in business for 40+ years, he's LOCAL, his trucks always look to be in good repair, and his drivers are always polite and courteous. I don't understand the week long bashing he & his company have taken.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:02 p.m.
But that's not helping the city, it's helping you. That is just a simple contract between your property manager and a tow company, no different than paying a lawn service to cut the grass. The Brewers/City towing is a whole different issue.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:48 p.m.
Actually, Brewers does help the city. When I lived in A2, I would come home from work at least twice a month to find the parking spot that I paid a small fortune for occupied. The best thing my property manager ever did was contract with Brewers for our parking issues. And yes, they periodically drove thru, checking for permits. Its not "trolling for tows". Its what we contracted with them to do, and we were grateful. Because there will always be those that feel the rules do not apply to them.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 12:11 p.m.
""I know that Mr. Brewer — whom I don't know — mentioned that he has to staff the lot every day, around the clock," she said." So you're saying he has to do what every other business owner has to do? Hire employees and pay them?
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 7:45 p.m.
Gee those pesky employees do cut in to my profits while bilking the citizens!
Rod Johnson
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 6:28 p.m.
She's saying that he has to staff his business 24/7, which is not something every other business owner has to do. (Not defending Brewer, just trying to clarify what Sabra's saying.)
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 12:09 p.m.
" "I can tell you for a fact that no tow company drives around the city of Ann Arbor and looks to take people's cars off the street." Your right.....NO tow company drivers around looking to take cars off the STREET.... They DO however driver around constantly throughout the day and night scoping out the "private lots" they have permission to arbitrarily tow from. You can't deny this happens.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 10:35 p.m.
@ Mick, Well no matter where you are from the signs are pretty clear. Maybe the default position of people should be that, IS THIS PRIVATE PROPERTY? before they choose to park somewhere. Our condo association had an issue with neighbors from a connected community decided to use our visitors lot as their over flow. By the way, that lot that you think is yours, is paid for with association fees. It is plowed with that money as well.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 5:42 p.m.
I am aware of this but if a person who lives there (like an apartment building) that means their parents or anyone else could be towed when they visit. I supposed dwellers have to be aware of that.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 3:30 p.m.
@drewk...I meant that the driver of the tow truck calls the police to notify them of the impound from private property. They have to call in the plate & the vin # to assure that the car is not stolen, and also to let the police know where the car is going. They can't take it without doing this first.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 2:53 p.m.
Sorry a2-expat, you are correct about everything except, the police are never called for a tow on private property. I have had many cars towed from my private property because others think they can park where ever they so choose. Mind you, I always give warning notice first, but some people think that notice doesn't pertain to them.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 1:56 p.m.
They don't have permission to "arbitrarily tow" from any lot. But if there are signs posted declaring a lot Private Property, or Permit Parking Only, and on that sign it lists a towing company where the car can be recovered, then they have contracted with the lot owner to make sure only those who belong there are parking there. And they don't just snatch the car. The police are ALWAYS called first. Don't like the practice? Don't park in someone else's lot. But don't bash the companies that enforce the policy.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 12:06 p.m.
it's a racket and a ripoff but what you gonna do?
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 12:06 p.m.
Consequences. Plain and simple. A ticket is no big deal for our wealthy populace. Having the chariot impounded gets their attention!
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 7:55 p.m.
Amen @Aboriginal! Too bad your comment wasn't first on the list!
Jim Osborn
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 11:38 a.m.
Ann Arbor is too quick to tow. Why? No one likes having his or her vehicle towed, myself included. Sometimes it is necessary, though. When it is due to when a driver has parked his vehicle, the City of Ann Arbor is much too quick to use the expensive and oppressive towing mechanism instead of a simple parking ticket. This is just wrong; and raises the question, why? If I were to park my car on Main street in front of the Big House on game day, tow me ASAP. I deserve it. Even if I broke down, and am still with the car, the car needs to be removed. But when someone parks with the front of the car 24 inches past the "NO PARKING" sign, a ticket is in order. Even if the car is slightly too close to a fire hydrant, it can still be used and people will learn to stay away, achieving the goal of public safety. If someone parks too long on a public street, a good law, the city should "tag" the vehicle and return in 48 hours. If it is still there, GIVE IT A TICKET, but do not tow it. Return after another period of time, 48 more hours, (even a week?) and only then tow it as abandoned. When someone parks on private property, such as a parking lot of a business, towing may be in order if it is a small lot. If it is a large lot of more than 50 spaces, why not explore issuing tickets, with some of the fine gong to the lot owner. This would give the victim a day in court, cost less, and be better for all but the towing companies. Ann Arbor is too quick to tow. Why?
Richard Carter
Mon, Sep 24, 2012 : 9:13 p.m.
My problem with your "a little too close to the fire hydrant" argument goes something like this: If 6" too close to the fire hydrant is really still harmless, then why not make the legal distance 6" shorter?
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 10:31 p.m.
1. If a car appears abandoned they ARE ticketed first. They then have 48 hours to move the car. It is not towed immediately. 2. Who are YOu to decide who can park on MY private property for ANY length of time. If I decide to park on your driveway, should I not be allowed to have you toed? Then why can't a person who owns a business do the same? The "victim" can always have a day in court. They are free to file a case in court for wrongful towing, or if it from private property, say that they had the right to be there.
A A Resident
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 11:19 a.m.
Nearly 12,000 vehicles were towed and impounded in Ann Arbor over the past three years, according to data released by the city in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. That's more than 10 a day, ..... _______ Indeed! LOL It's more like 33 a day.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 12:58 p.m.
You don't get paid to get it right, Resident, so give yourself a break. But you might want to steal a page from Santa Claus and start checking twice.
A A Resident
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 11:52 a.m.
Ah yes, you are correct. My reading comprehension wasn't too good first thing in the morning.
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 11:46 a.m.
Actually, it's 11/day. You didn't read it correctly.
Jim Osborn
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 11:43 a.m.
Its closer to 11 a day, the figure of 33 a day is if you used the 12,000 figure as if it were for only one year. Wrong, as it is a 3-year figure re-read the first sentence "Nearly 12,000 vehicles were towed and impounded in Ann Arbor over the past three years, "
Nick Danger
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 11:01 a.m.
The city needs to step in and fix this.Is't the role of city counsil to work in the interest of the people and not the towing company.They need to outlaw trolling by these predator companies
Sun, Sep 2, 2012 : 10:28 p.m.
Did you even read the article? There is no 'trolling". The tow companies respond to requests of the city/police or a private party. As for working in the interest of the people, i would say, do not get behind on your parking tickets, do not park illegally, and do not use public streets as your parking lot and you will never be towed. Otherwise, too bad, so sad for you