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Posted on Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 9:23 a.m.

Teen jailed in Pittsfield Township bottle-bomb incident at gas station

By Art Aisner

A Pittsfield Township teen was sentenced to jail for setting a pop-bottle bomb that injured a gas station clerk in March.

Duane Che Cochran, 17, was ordered to serve one year in jail for using an irritant causing personal injury in the March 9 incident, court records show.

Circuit Judge Archie Brown said Cochran could attend boot camp for six months, and the balance of his sentence could be suspended upon his “exemplary performance.”

Cochran pleaded guilty to the charge in April, and prosecutors agreed to drop charges that could have landed him in prison for up to 25 years upon conviction. He must also pay more than $2,400 in fines and serve three years of probation following his release, court records show.

Police said Cochran and another man entered the Sunoco station on Washtenaw Avenue shortly after 7 p.m., and Cochran left the bottle-bomb device by the counter. It exploded shortly after they left and caused eye and throat irritation to the clerk, who was released after treatment at a local hospital.

Cochran and the 18-year-old man with him were identified and arrested, but prosecutors declined to file charges against the 18-year-old man.

The bottle bombs, commonly known as “works bombs,” consist of household items that when mixed with water or soft drinks can cause a volatile chemical reaction.

Art Aisner is a freelance writer for Reach the news desk at or 734-623-2530.


Me Next

Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 1:29 p.m.

The Law is so messed up. Of course a Judge & Jury should have the lead-way to consider intent, motive, level of maturity, cost of society, danger of society, & future threat to society. The sentence should not be more than indicated by these. Why we have peer juries. What would the average person do? At 17, I would not endanger another person's health, life, or property. I may say that would be fun but THINK before I acted. We are not given a lot of info here. The most important missing is compensation for the victim. (who may or may not suffer from injury silently for years & even irreversible damage). Personal accountability to the victim. Justice? Oh, society is the victim - we are a collective & no longer individuals. I'd have to know the reputation of the "bootcamp" & those involved before I could agree to the sentence. It could be a criminal factory for all I know. Yea, Exercising 1rst Amendment Right on & in ones own private property is a Federal capture & contain without bail crime. (Back in the USSR). There was an attempt to express in an "association" setting. When that was foiled by a severe snow storm they spotted & cop & killed him, then burned down "officials" homes. Wait a minuet, no they didn't - bad weather, probably wanting to impress the female, probably on edge due to driving conditions they (whoever was entrapped) mouthed off what came to mind in the context of "anti-christ made war on the saints" defense plan with offensive moves. "survivalist's mentality" wow, throw away the key - call the US Gov in, protect all the states even before the people around them know just what danger they are in. How dare an American even think of surviving an invasion. Gov dictates who & how those in occupied territory defend themselves. By order of the Crown, you will not respond when attacked, we the almighty proclaim we will meet your every need. We will direct your very thoughts. This Hutaree thing endangers us all & the danger is a lawless Gov.


Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 6:26 p.m.

More than anything Hutree is I would just assume they would always get jacked up more by the feds; wrongly so of course. That case is such a joke. I was also thinking about the robberies with a firearm are a mantatory 2 years, so would an armed robbery with an explosive device yeild the same mandatory? Not saying this was a robbery becasue I don't know.


Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 5:55 p.m.

While I'm glad we agree on one point the degree of penalty in this one was being discussed so the tangent was to illustrate the disparity or degree of response between them and question that difference.


Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 3:54 p.m.

"Lokalisierung, since you seem so inquisitive about what was in the bomb, and because you seem supportive of a light sentence for the bomber, maybe it's a good...." I'm sorry am I missing some upper level english classes on sentence structure or something? Does this not infer you think I'm supportive on a light sentence for the bomber? @Rice I don't know why your statements went in that direction. To bring in the Huratree(sp) doesn't do anything for this conversaiton we're having, nor does it adress the topic at hand. It just points to a tangent...which I already agree with you on.


Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 2:45 p.m.

Lokalisierung, your reason for wanting to know the content is actually a good one. Sorry for picking on you in making my point about bomb-making. I sincerely doubt that you are inclined to be a copycat, but I really don't want it to be easy for ANYONE to find directions. This one sounds a little more serious than Coke and Mentos, though. But where did I say that I think you are "supportive of a light sentence for the bomber,"??? I didn't infer that, so to attribute that statement to me in quotations is just not right. I read your posts and am not disagreeing with you. You need to brush up on both your mind reading skills and your reading skills if you are going to make those kinds of leaps in judgement about what anyone writes. My point was that we need to be cognizant that the punishment should fit the crime and that it should also be used as a deterrent to others who foolishly consider doing the same thing.


Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 1:55 p.m.

"That's pretty much part of any sentencing in the legal system isn't it? If I'm drunk driving and hit a car that's one thing, if I hit a child that's another, if I kill that child that's another, all varying degrees. No?" That's hilarious! Consider this... 9 people are arrested for allegedly talking about bombs. No evidence of any bomb making material is found and NO ACTUAL BOMB WAS MADE AND NO HARM HAS ACTUALLY BEEN DONE. 5 are still being held and it seems they will be indefinitely. Whereas this kid, was he held in jail since the incident? Actual harm was done here. I agree with tlb1201. Laws are about deterence, penalties for breaking those laws are about deterence for others contemplating the same, not about rehabilitation of the offender who already chose to break it. It may not be palatable, but this is the difference between America and Somolia, Mogadishu, Mexico etc etc. WE mostly choose to follow the laws, whereas in those places the general populace does not because there is no respect for it.


Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 1:40 p.m.

Ha, thanks for showing up late to the comment sections and assigning values to my psosts without reading all of them. I'm wondering what kind of device it was for the purpose of factoring into the crime & Sentence...just like you are wondering. For all I know it's a coke and mentose bomb. I think the punishment should fit the crime and this person shouldn't be labeled a terroist, just like you say. Yet your comments/questions are valid, and mine lead you to think I may be wondering so I, or copycats can make such devices. And of course to you I am "supportive of a light sentence for the bomber," eventhough my post above clearly states "I never called it a childish prank, and I do not think it is, and I also think he got off too lightly. I'm just not saying he's a "terrorist."


Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 1:23 p.m.

Lokalisierung, since you seem so inquisitive about what was in the bomb, and because you seem supportive of a light sentence for the bomber, maybe it's a good thing for the rest of us in society that you can't find out how to build one. We don't need you or anyone who is inclined to be a copycat being able to easily Google instant instructions. As to the punishment, it should fit the crime. I have not yet seen a story that talks about the kid's intent. Was he trying to hurt someone? Did he just think something going "boom" and startling the beejeebers out of someone would be funny? Or was he trying to distract or incapacitate someone so that he could rob the place? I think the motive matters, as does the effect of the act. But I also think the punishment should be strict enough to be a deterrent to others. Kids really do pay attention to what happens (or does not happen) to other kids who do stupid things. Teaching cause and effect should be a bigger part of our education system.


Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 11:42 a.m.

"I submit none of that makes a difference." That's pretty much part of any sentencing in the legal system isn't it? If I'm drunk driving and hit a car that's one thing, if I hit a child that's another, if I kill that child that's another, all varying degrees. No? Still can't find out what was in it. I think google is broken. Or maybe it's revenge for not singing and dancing to the google song in the diag.


Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 11:34 a.m.

What idiots. Are these dummies also responsible for the "works bombs" set off near Saline on Willis Rd?


Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 9:21 a.m.

So because the clerk was(hopefully)lucky not to have been permanently damaged by this incident the "brainless child" should what? Would you say the same if the clerk was permanently damaged? At what level does it change? If he suffers from tinitis the rest of his life? If he had permanent respiratory damage? If he loses some or all of his vision? I submit none of that makes a difference. The perp did something stupid that had the potential for much damage. The fact that not that much damage was reported to have occurred changes nothing. Tell you what I'll meet you halfway. When the perp gets out make him work at a "stop and rob" but in a not so great neighborhood and let him see how it feels. I bet that'll be more rehabilitation than he'll find in felon finishing school. Oh wait, never mind, thanks to his actions that's likely the only job he'll be able to get. Karma sucks.


Thu, Jun 10, 2010 : 1:12 a.m.

I can't believe people are actually arguing that this child should have received 25 years or something close to it. That is ludicrous. Yes, it was a very stupid thing to do and luckily no one was seriously injured, but 25 years in prison is outlandish. SemperFi would you honestly argue that what this kid did is even comparable to rape or child molestation? 25 years is beyond rehabilitation, it is locking him up and throwing away the key. And to those who argue he is walking away with a slap on the wrist are a little off as well. This stunt that he pulled will follow him for years to come. If he tries to go to any college or tries to get any job this will be right there on his application. I think people are failing to realize that the system is not only there to keep people off the streets but to rehabilitate and hopefully have people learn their lesson.


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 6:26 p.m.

Nope you only missed the comment that if you want to know go Google it for yourself. "They" won't perpetuate that information and rightly so.


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 2:33 p.m.

I looked up all the links from this story but I still can't find what exactly was in the we know this and I missed it? Thanks.


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 2:31 p.m.

"There were other bombs like this going off in ypsilanti,why didnt the prosecuters tie it to these, low budget priority?" So you are jsut assuming thes ewere all linked, or should be "tied together?" And if they didn't tie them together, it must be a deficiancey they have somewhere? Classic.


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 2:26 p.m.

There were other bombs like this going off in ypsilanti,why didnt the prosecuters tie it to these, low budget priority? Theres nothing funny about it.SemperFi is correct,to argue its just a prank is insane.People need to help and respect each other or we will end up like IraQ, OH just another bomb went off, whats the big deal! Wake up America and Liberal A2. A bomb is a Bomb is a Bomb no matter the form it takes. 1 year thats it,He should of been sent to Gitmmo


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 1:38 p.m.

Weren't there a couple of bottle-bomb incidents at houses in the area around the same time frame? Any idea if it's related to those, or was this a copy-cat after that was reported?

scooter dog

Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 1:21 p.m.

As usual you have to litterly kill someone in this county with the judges we have to get anything more than a slap on the wrist sentence Same b/s sentence, different case WOW,when will the circus end


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 12:58 p.m.

"Perhaps you could ask the perpetrator why they decided to build this device in the first place. Then ask why they wanted to injure someone with it." Yes, that is what happens in a trial, plea bargining, and factors into the charges they seek and the outcome of the case. "Ask the gas station attendant if he/she felt terrorized. You can feel free to call it a childish prank if you like. Done." Yes of course they felt terrorized, that doesn't mean it was a terroist action; that's silly. Ask someone involved in a home invasion if they feel terrorized, of course they would. As you can see, I never called it a childish prank, and I do not think it is, and I also think he got off too lightly. I'm just not saying he's a "terrorist."


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 12:50 p.m.

I believe that the perpetrator of this crime got off lightly. Getting 1 year out a possible 25 is a light sentence. Anyone who purposefully designs and builds a bomb (or any "chemical irritant device") and places it in a public place with the sole purpose of injuring someone should be held fully accountable for their actions. Perhaps you could ask the perpetrator why they decided to build this device in the first place. Then ask why they wanted to injure someone with it. Ask the gas station attendant if he/she felt terrorized. You can feel free to call it a childish prank if you like. Done.


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 12:20 p.m.

"But I guarantee that you would be terrorized if one of these bombs exploded in your face or injured a loved one. Since it happened to unnamed gas station attendant," So if you're "terrorized" by someHTing the person is guilty of a terror act? Do you actually believe that?


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 12:15 p.m.

If you'd like to narrowly define terror to the political spectrum, then I suppose you wouldn't consider planting chemical bombs as an act of terror. But I guarantee that you would be terrorized if one of these bombs exploded in your face or injured a loved one. Since it happened to unnamed gas station attendant, I guess its just a childish prank. Keep living in your protected little world and keep working on that spelling.


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 11:48 a.m.

Seeing dead bodies doesn't change the fact there's no mention/proof the kids did this for ideological reasons, therefore no terrorism. Or are we just going to call anyone that tries to hurt people terrosists?


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 11:44 a.m.

@Stefanie Perhaps you can explain how my deleted comment was off topic? Considering the very next comment which remains is essentially the same and has generated some dialogue so far. @all jumping down SeperFi's throat. TP'ing someone's house is a prank. Ding-dong dash is a prank. Chemical bombs that have the potential (and did) send people to the hospital, HAH HA, I've got stitches in my side, NOT. This is not a prank. Pranks don't cost anything but one's pride. They don't involve insurance or time off work. Let's make some informed speculation here. The victim works at the gas station convenience store. Probably making minimum wage? Think he has health insurance? Thinks he can afford to miss time from work? Think the gas station is paying worker's comp for those? Hope so. Think if if it was you that on top of the gas fumes and monoxide you have to breathe everyday you'd like some chlorine gas on top of it? Really? A prank? Sorry brainless or not doesn't nearly cut it.


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 11:22 a.m.

cal, sorry you don't approve of my background. Your problem. Brainless kids pulling a prank? You are the brainwashed one here. Clearly, you've never seen the aftermath of an exploded bomb in the midst of innocents. This time it's an irritant. When they figure out a way to make a better bomb, then what? These kids figured out how to make a bomb, got the stuff to do so and thought about where to place it with the clear intent of injuring someone. I'm saying to take it seriously and charge them fully. The 8th says they shouldn't get cruel and unusual punishment. It's up to the courts to decide thier fate.


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 11:22 a.m.

Hey Cal maybe you would feel differently if you had a Drano bomb blow up in your face. This was not a kid prank, it could have blinded or killed somebody. Accountability, have you heard of this word before.


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 11:20 a.m.

"Placing these explosives to hurt innocent people is an act of terror. It's time to start treating these perpetrators of Improvised Explosive Devices for what they are; Terrorists." You should get KP time for this post.


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 11:01 a.m.

At ease, recruit TemperFly! I dont condone their actions, but these are just brainless kids, pulling (what they thought of as funny) pranks. Calling them terrorists is a bit over the edge. Apparently, youve been brainwashed by your drill instructors, too much. Maybe you should revisit the 8th amendment?


Wed, Jun 9, 2010 : 10:34 a.m.

Placing these explosives to hurt innocent people is an act of terror. It's time to start treating these perpetrators of Improvised Explosive Devices for what they are; Terrorists.