Team Red, White & Blue shows support for veterans with PTSD
Courtesy of George Ferrier
More than 40 people ran a 3-mile ‘Run as One’ race at Ann Arbor’s Veteran’s Affairs Hospital on Saturday in commemoration of veterans who have lost the battle against PTSD or depression.
The event was held by Team Red, White & Blue, a worldwide nonprofit volunteer organization that aims to bring veterans together through physical activity.
There were nearly 10,000 runners between all participating branches, 7,000 of whom are former or active members of the military. TeamRWB Ann Arbor branch member George Ferrier said nearly every branch in the United States participated on Saturday along with a branch in Kuwait.
The event was prompted by the loss of a member of Team Rubicon, another organization that aims to make the transition from military to home easier for veterans. TeamRWB recently joined up with Team Rubicon and the Veteran’s Affairs Hospital. Both organizations as well as members from the Student Veteran’s Association were running in the event on Saturday.
The Bob Woodruff Foundation, a national nonprofit dedicated to ensuring injured service members are supported after they return home, donated the shirts worn by participants in the run.
Events like the ‘Run as One’ are meant to bring veterans together not just with each other, but with the community, Ferrier said.
TeamRWB, Team Rubicon and the VA Hospital meet every Saturday at 9:30 a.m. to walk, run or jog. They also get together for social activities such as sporting events and cookouts.
“When I was in high school I was really shy and timid, but since joining the military and TeamRWB it has made me more physically active and socially active too,” Ferrier said.
TeamRWB’s next event will be held Friday, May 24 at locations across the country. ‘WOD for Warriors’ is meant to connect community with Veterans. Ann Arbor’s branch will be participating at Motor City CrossFit in Sterling Heights.
Chelsea Hoedl is an intern reporter. She can be reached at
Wed, May 22, 2013 : 1:13 p.m.
Well, rats, I didn't see this on last week, definitely would have liked to participate.
Tex Treeder
Wed, May 22, 2013 : 1:50 p.m.