Lodi Township residents report swans found dead
Updated story: Lodi Township residents mourn deaths of trumpeter swans; authorities investigate
At least two swans were shot to death near the intersection of Parker and Scio Church roads between last night and this morning, residents told AnnArbor.com.
The residents say a mother swan and one of her offspring were killed; the father was no where in the area this morning, and the other younger swan was still alive.
Resident James Zakhary lives in the area and said the swan family lived near the intersection for years. He said it appears someone used a shotgun to kill the swans next to the road.
"People were so upset," Zakhary said. "Everyone who goes by watches for them. You look for it every morning when you go to work and look for them when you get home."
Zakhary said he saw the dead swans when he was leaving at 10 a.m. and noticed other cars pulled off to the side of the road. He said residents called 911 and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
"I hope who ever did this will get caught, or someone will turn them in," Zakhary said.
Diana Stetson, who lives in the area, said the family of swans was last seen alive at 9 p.m. Friday. She said the carcasses were found around 7 a.m. today.
"At first we thought they were hit by a car, but it appears that they were lured with food and shot," Stetson said. "There was corn by the side of the road. I cannot tell you how many people stopped - people got out just sobbing."
Anita Monical said she deliberately drove by the intersection each morning to see the swans on her way to work in Saline. She said she pulled over in tears after learning what happened to them when she drove by today.
"What was done was so horrible," she said. "People are just devastated."
Some of the residents are working to offer a reward for information in the case and established an email address for tips at swanfriends@yahoo.com.
This story is being updated.
Mon, Aug 3, 2009 : 3:49 p.m.
I can only add to the comments that many of us- hundreds - are in a state of grief, bewilderment, anger, and heartbreak over this. Everyone I have talked to considered them to be "their Swans". As did I. I noticed many of my neighbors including myself slept with more lights on last night. Watching them for years they are family. Note that last year their cygnet, one of 3, was "disappeared" just at this time of year, at the same stage of growth, and on an Earth Holiday, Lammas. I have no idea who did this but there ARE "hunters" in this exact vicinity who poach all year round, are semi employed, disgusting, and nefarious. Landowners should be questioned as to their connections. There are people in this exact vicinity who "shoot for sport", including raccoons at point blank range, apparently enjoying it. I will say that to hear gunshot any time of night is par for the course. So if anyone is investigating they should consider these points. if any nesting birds come back, return, DO NOT FEED THEM. The corn was not at all the first time "food" was left on the side of the road- this has been happening all year since the season began. STOP THIS!!! this is the first year these Swans spent so much time so vulnerably placed. The news and papers have sanitized what really happened but those of us close to the site know the horrific story. It is nightmarish and difficult to fully contemplate, but for now my heart goes out to my beloved innocent wild birds.
Mon, Aug 3, 2009 : 12:23 p.m.
kenb....this is at the very most, felony animal cruelty, and not murder. That only applies to human taking human life. It does bring into the forefront of Jeffrey Dahlmer's youth behaviors...in other words...these animals may just be getting started.
Sun, Aug 2, 2009 : 5:04 a.m.
I hope the police find out who commited this heinous crime. How cruel can someone be to lure and shoot such majestic birds? My heart is broken for all of us who treasured these swans and enjoyed their presence.
Sat, Aug 1, 2009 : 5:22 p.m.
This is horrible. I hope the authorities find out who did this and prosecute them. My family enjoyed seeing those swans and they certainly did not deserve to be slaughtered like this. We have all been harmed by this senseless and cruel barbarity.
Sat, Aug 1, 2009 : 4:09 p.m.
What pervert could have done this, and for what reason? Who heard the shots? Did anybody see the car - get a plate #. What are the police doing?
Ken B
Sat, Aug 1, 2009 : 3:14 p.m.
I am heartbroken and devastated by this news. Those swans were almost part of the family. We watched over them virtually every day and eagerly anticipated each new stage of the young ones growing up as we passed by slowly, always looking to find them. This is one of the cruelest human actions I can remember in years and find it hard to believe that anyone could be such a complete jerk (I'd use MUCH STRONGER language but this is a family paper). I hope that these perps are caught and that the full extent (and then some) of the law is applied to them. Frankly, this is cold blooded murder and should be severely punished!