Posted on Wed, Nov 7, 2012 : 5:57 a.m.
Scenes from election night 2012 in Washtenaw County
By Daniel Brenner

WISD Superintendent Scott Menzel gets an update on election coverage at the Tower Inn Cafe in Ypsilanti on Tuesday. Menzel is optimistic about early trends and reports. Daniel Brenner I
WISD Superintendent Scott Menzel gets an update on election coverage at the Tower Inn Cafe in Ypsilanti on Tuesday. Menzel is optimistic about early trends and reports. Daniel Brenner I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election10___fullsize.jpg
WISD Superintendent Scott Menzel looks over charts of poll numbers at the Tower Inn Cafe in Ypsilanti on Tuesday. Daniel Brenner I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election11___fullsize.jpg
Republicans watch as President Barack Obama wins Ohio during the Washtenaw County Republicans gathering at the Ann Arbor Country Club on Tuesday evening. Joseph Tobianski | /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night Joe/cache/11062012_NEWS_RepublicanHQ___fullsize.jpg
Ryan Hundtz of Haslett reacts after hearing President Barack Obama won Ohion during the Washtenaw County Republicans gathering at the Ann Arbor Country Club on Tuesday evening. Joseph Tobianski | /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night Joe/cache/11062012_NEWS_RepublicanHQ_1__fullsize.jpg
Steve Lambert of Ypsilnti gets a piece of cake during the Washtenaw County Republicans gathering at the Ann Arbor Country Club on Tuesday evening. Joseph Tobianski | /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night Joe/cache/11062012_NEWS_RepublicanHQ_2__fullsize.jpg
Ryan Hundtz of Haslett gives an update on the House District 52 race during the Washtenaw County Republicans gathering at the Ann Arbor Country Club on Tuesday evening. Joseph Tobianski | /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night Joe/cache/11062012_NEWS_RepublicanHQ_3__fullsize.jpg
Joseph Daly of Chelsea, left, and William Gordon of Scio Township, right, get an update on the House Disstrict 52 race during the Washtenaw County Republicans gathering at the Ann Arbor Country Club on Tuesday evening. Joseph Tobianski | /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night Joe/cache/11062012_NEWS_RepublicanHQ_4__fullsize.jpg
From left, Wyckham Seeling of Lodi Township Donna Hrozencik of Scio Township, and County Chair Republican John Taylor get an update on the results of the House District 52 race during the Washtenaw County Republicans gathering at the Ann Arbor Country Club on Tuesday evening. Joseph Tobianski | /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night Joe/cache/11062012_NEWS_RepublicanHQ_5__fullsize.jpg
Republicans gather to watch the elections during the Washtenaw County Republicans gathering at the Ann Arbor Country Club on Tuesday evening. Joseph Tobianski | /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night Joe/cache/11062012_NEWS_RepublicanHQ_6__fullsize.jpg
Republicans gather to watch the elections during the Washtenaw County Republicans gathering at the Ann Arbor Country Club on Tuesday evening. Joseph Tobianski | /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night Joe/cache/11062012_NEWS_RepublicanHQ_8__fullsize.jpg
Wyckham Seeling of Lodi township checks the early results for the House District 52 race during the Washtenaw County Republicans gathering at the Ann Arbor Country Club on Tuesday evening. Joseph Tobianski | /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night Joe/cache/11062012_NEWS_RepublicanHQ_9__fullsize.jpg
Adam Zemke thanks his supporters as he celebrates his win as State Representative at the Washtenaw County Democratic Election Night Party. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 COurtney 2/cache/110612_election_night_cs_(1_fullsize.jpg
Sue Nehring a Union nurse with the Michigan nurses association watches election results come in at the the Washtenaw County Democratic Election Night Party. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 COurtney 2/cache/110612_election_night_cs_(12_fullsize.jpg
Doug Kelley celebrates as election results come in at the Washtenaw County Democratic Election Night Party. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 COurtney 2/cache/110612_election_night_cs_(2_fullsize.jpg
Lesley Sobel celebrates as election results come in at the Washtenaw County Democratic Election Night Party. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 COurtney 2/cache/110612_election_night_cs_(3_fullsize.jpg
Jeff Irwin thanks his supporters as he celebrates his win as State Representative at the Washtenaw County Democratic Election Night Party. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 COurtney 2/cache/110612_election_night_cs_(4_fullsize.jpg
Carol Kuhnke speak to the Washtenaw County Election Night Party crowed at Weber's Inn as they wait for election results. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 COurtney 2/cache/110612_election_night_cs_(8_fullsize.jpg
Jim Fink gets an update on election coverage with his nephew Matthew Heddle at The Tap Room in Ypsilanti on Tuesday. Daniel Brenner I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election14___fullsize.jpg
Jim Fink talks with people during election night at The Tap Room in Ypsilanti on Tuesday. Daniel Brenner I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election13___fullsize.jpg
Jim Fink talks with people during election night at The Tap Room in Ypsilanti on Tuesday. Daniel Brenner I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election12___fullsize.jpg
Carol Kuhnke speaks to supporters gathered for an election night party at Weber's Inn as they wait for election results on Tuesday night. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election01___fullsize.jpg
Democrats celebrate as election results roll in for President Obama during an election night party at Weber's Inn on Tuesday night. Courtney Sacco I Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election02___fullsize.jpg
Democrats celebrate as election results roll in for President Obama during an election night party at Weber's Inn on Tuesday night. Courtney Sacco I Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election03___fullsize.jpg
The crowed at the Washtenaw County Democratic Election Night Party as Gretchen Driskell calls the State Representative race in her favor. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 COurtney 2/cache/110612_election_night_(554_of_fullsize.jpg
Newly elected Circuit Judge Carol Kuhnke speaks to a crowd as she thanks them for their support through the election while at an election night party at Weber's Inn on Tuesday. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election04___fullsize.jpg
Reelected Mayor of Ann Arbor John Hieftje. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election06___fullsize.jpg
Gretchen Driskell celebrates her winning the State Representative seat at the Washtenaw County Election Night Party at Weber's Inn. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election09___fullsize.jpg
Callie Mckee, left, and Amy Mcloughlin raise their arms as they celebrate newly elected Carol Kuhnke for Circuit Judge. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election05___fullsize.jpg
Gretchen Driskell celebrates her winning the State Representative seat at the Washtenaw County Election Night Party at Weber's Inn. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election07___fullsize.jpg
Washtenaw County Election Night Party crowed at Weber's Inn as they wait for election results. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/00 Election Night/cache/110612_NEWS_Election08___fullsize.jpg
Follow the results
Keep an eye on the voter tallies as they come in