Santa Claus receives warm welcome at Briarwood Mall
Paul Kreger of the Detroit Caledonian Pipe Band plays for customers outside of Macy's department store as Santa Claus' bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. "We sent someone out because we want to welcome Santa," said Kreger. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I
Paul Kreger of the Detroit Caledonian Pipe Band plays for customers outside of Macy's department store as Santa Claus' bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. "We sent someone out because we want to welcome Santa," said Kreger. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I /calendar/photologue/photos/resized/cache/120611_MAKE_A_WISH_JNS_01_fullsize.JPG
Laura Allen,2, gives Frosty the Snowman a high five as Santa Claus' bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I /calendar/photologue/photos/resized/cache/120611_MAKE_A_WISH_JNS_02_fullsize.JPG
Joe Brown,8, and Caden Lakin,8, pose next to Santa's bus as Santa Claus' bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I /calendar/photologue/photos/resized/cache/120611_MAKE_A_WISH_JNS_03_fullsize.JPG
Kids and their papents listen to Santa as he read "The Night Before Christmas" as Santa Claus' bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I /calendar/photologue/photos/resized/cache/120611_MAKE_A_WISH_JNS_04_fullsize.JPG
A few of the Make-A-Wish kids wait to Meet Santa Claus as Santa's bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I /calendar/photologue/photos/resized/cache/120611_MAKE_A_WISH_JNS_11_fullsize.JPG
Make-A-Wish member Joshua Black,6, meets Santa Claus as Santa's bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I /calendar/photologue/photos/resized/cache/120611_MAKE_A_WISH_JNS_05_fullsize.JPG
Santa's elf Nutmeg talks with a couple boys in line as Santa Claus' bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I /calendar/photologue/photos/resized/cache/120611_MAKE_A_WISH_JNS_06_fullsize.JPG
Colten,1, with mother Amber Drogowski sends off his letter to Santa as Santa Claus' bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. Each letter written Macy's donates one dollar to the Make-A-Wish foundation. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I /calendar/photologue/photos/resized/cache/120611_MAKE_A_WISH_JNS_07_fullsize.JPG
Kids write letters to send off to Santa as Santa Claus' bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. With each letter Macy's donates a dollar to the Make-A-Wish foundation. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I /calendar/photologue/photos/resized/cache/120611_MAKE_A_WISH_JNS_08_fullsize.JPG
A woman takes a photo of a boy and Santa Claus as Santa's bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I /calendar/photologue/photos/resized/cache/120611_MAKE_A_WISH_JNS_09_fullsize.JPG
A group of kids meet Santa Claus as Santa's bus tour stopped in at the Macy's in Briarwood Mall Tuesday December 6, 201. The purpose of the bus tour is to raise awareness of Macy's Believe campaign, which benefit?s Make-A-Wish. Jeff Sainlar I /calendar/photologue/photos/resized/cache/120611_MAKE_A_WISH_JNS_10_fullsize.JPG
Macy’s National Santa Bus Tour wrapped up its trip to Michigan with a stop at the Macy’s at Briarwood Mall Tuesday.
Santa Claus' bus was to be led by a fleet of Ann Arbor Police Department vehicles and Ann Arbor Mayor John Hieftje was scheduled to greet him. A band of bagpipers also played to mark his arrival.
Santa read "The Night Before Christmas" to children and heard their Christmas wish lists.
Visit to learn more about Santa’s mission and to track his continued journey across the United States.
Staff reporter Danielle Arndt covers K-12 education for Follow her on Twitter @DanielleArndt or email her at
Homeland Conspiracy
Wed, Dec 7, 2011 : 10:21 a.m.
Big Brother or Santa Claus You better watch out Santa Claus just may be a more devious menace then the "Big Brother" envisioned by George Orwell in his novel 1984. Santa constantly conducts surveillance of millions of children & violates their right to privacy, determined to discern whether they are being " bad or good"- casting an even wider net than the Thought Police in Orwell's novel. The fact that Santa watches children worldwide, while they are sleeping as well as when they are awake, suggests the machination of a voyeuristic pedophile. He also displays a deep-seated, obsessive-compulsive neurosis: he incessantly makes list of children who are naughty & nice, then checks them not only once but twice. This behavior reflects the working of what can only be described as very disturbed mind. Consider the evidence. The unkempt, longhair. Unshaven Bohemian, dressed in red (to display his communist ideology, perhaps?) Enslaves helpless elves in his isolated sweatshop & relegates his wife to the role of a 2nd class citizen, refusing to allow her even the dignity of a 1st name. He goes on an annual rampage, breaking into & entering private homes by the way of the chimney, stealing cookies, apples, & milk, then leaving behind toys in a feeble attempt to redistribute wealth & spread his warped Marxist-Leninist-totalitarian-tyranny. Santa Claus (if that's his real name) apparently "drinks so heavily that his flying sleigh must be guided by a reindeer named Rudolph who, judging by his red nose is even drunker that Santa," noted columnist William Burril in the Toronto Star says "The fact that Santa manages to visit every house in the world in a single night also strongly suggests a heavy personal use of hard drugs such as Cocaine, Meth, & E.
Wed, Dec 7, 2011 : 3:02 p.m.
Did you read the new article on what Santa did to Rudolph is considered bullying? Yup. He would not consider him and told him to get a nose job. In the end he used poor Rudolph, but to what expense? I agree though, less reading next time.
Wed, Dec 7, 2011 : 2:52 p.m.
You could have saved a lot of time and just written "Bah Humbug".