Rezoning approved for condos on former Greek church property on Main Street

A rendering of the proposed Kerrytown condo project showing a closeup of the facade.
Rendering by Robert Latsko
Ann Arbor developer Tom Fitzsimmons plans to build new upscale condos in Kerrytown on the block between North Main and Fourth Avenue where a blighted church stood until last year.
Fitzsimmons had been calling the $11.8 million project Kerrytown Place, but the city required him to submit two separate site plans for approval.

An overhead view of the Kerrytown condo project shows the two larger buildings with a shared courtyard in the middle and the smaller Fourth Avenue building to the east. The project is surrounded by residential and commercial uses.
Rendering by Robert Latsko
The site plans were approved by the Ann Arbor Planning Commission in May, but they haven't come before council yet. The council voted Monday night only on the rezoning.
The 0.57-acre property at 414 N. Main is being rezoned from its Planned Unit Development designation to D2 downtown interface zoning — essentially a transitional zoning between the core downtown and surrounding neighborhoods. The remaining 0.18-acre property at 401 N. Fourth Ave. also is being rezoned from its PUD designation to D2.
City officials said the new zoning and building frontage designations are consistent with the adjacent zoning, the surrounding land uses and the city's Master Plan.
The previous PUD zoning for the property, which was put in place for a previous development proposal, had a 185-foot height limit. D2 caps building height at 60 feet.
The site plans show the building height for what Fitzsimmons is proposing actually would top out at 49.45 feet along Main Street and 42 feet along Fourth Avenue.
The plans for 414 N. Main call for a 16-unit townhouse building with an underground garage, 12 carport parking spaces and 24 surface parking spaces.
The proposed building is designed to have two short towers atop underground parking. A three-story tower is proposed on the west side, containing eight dwelling units, and a four-story tower is proposed on the east side, containing eight more units. The western units would front North Main directly, while the eastern units would front a central courtyard between the two towers.
The existing surface parking lot on the south part of the site would be reconstructed, and a public walkway connecting North Main and the alley would be added along the north edge of the lot. The site plan for 401 N. Fourth Ave. continues the walkway to Fourth Avenue.
Access to 12 carport spaces, located underneath the east tower, and the underground garage spaces for the townhouse units is provided from the mid-block alley.
The site contains two landmark trees — both 18-inch honey locusts — near the North Main sidewalk. One is proposed to be replaced with six smaller trees planted on the site.
Stormwater management for a 100-year storm volume would be provided in underground tanks for the entire development, including the townhouse building and the surface parking.
The plan for 401 N. Fourth Ave. includes a duplex building with a two-car garage for each unit and a 21-space surface parking lot. Each unit has its front door facing Fourth Avenue.
Overall — both site plans together — the project represents nearly 32,500 square feet of new development reaching four stories high on Main Street and three stories high on Fourth Avenue. A total of 80 parking spaces are included in the plans.
The City Council considered another property owners' request Tuesday night to rezone 2.24 acres of land at 2271 S. State St. to allow for sale of automobiles.
Following advice from city staff, the council voted to deny the request, as the rezoning does not follow the recommendations of the new South State Street Corridor Plan.
Ryan J. Stanton covers government and politics for Reach him at or 734-623-2529. You also can follow him on Twitter or subscribe to's email newsletters.
Thu, Jul 4, 2013 : 1:47 p.m.
Thanks Tom F for building to the current consumer demand while respecting the surrounding neighborhood. Contrast this local developer/builder to the out of town developers and their student warehouse towers, even adjacent to neighborhoods.
Wed, Jul 3, 2013 : 2:03 p.m.
Fantastic to see news about a project without the words affordable housing. More tax revenue is good for A2. And don't kid yourselves people; keeping A2 funky doesn't pay the bills or bring back some of the basic services we've lost. I'll never understand those home owners who clamor for affordable housing. This does nothing for your property value.
Wed, Jul 3, 2013 : 12:54 a.m.
I've seen this drawing before. I just don't get the second row of condos in the back that are in the shadow of the front row. Who wants to look into the back of the other condos? Are these cheaper in the back row?
Wed, Jul 3, 2013 : 12:24 p.m.
The condos on the alley will have morning til noon sun and afternoon shade. The condos on Main Street will have some traffic noise to contend with. So, it depends on one's perspective. Each of them should see sale prices in the $400 to $550 k range. A nice addition to the tax base of the city.
Scott Reed
Wed, Jul 3, 2013 : 12:29 a.m.
Lost opportunity. They should have built WAY bigger than this. We need to get more people living downtown and more desperately-needed office space downtown.
Tue, Jul 2, 2013 : 9:55 p.m.
Rumor has it they plan to prevent certain dog breeds in these condos.
Thu, Jul 4, 2013 : 1:43 p.m.
That is common for condo associations
Tue, Jul 2, 2013 : 8:50 p.m.
Each Saturday, my mom and I park our cars in the McKinley lot to go to the Farmers' Market. Ann Arbor Huron Crew parks cars there as a fundraiser. I am curious as to whether this will be gone with this project....if so, that will be sad, because it brings in many shoppers to a local farmers market, and sad for the Crew Team that needs the funds in these days of ever-decreasing funding. All that for 16 people.
Nic F.
Tue, Jul 2, 2013 : 7:20 p.m.
Condos, Condos, Condos! No Affordable housing for lower income families or college students? Oh course not this is Ann Arbor!!!!!
Wed, Jul 3, 2013 : 9:21 p.m.
Try the entire SE corner of Michigan. Heard there is a lot of affordable housing. You dont need to live in A2.
Wed, Jul 3, 2013 : 12:56 a.m.
No, the concept of even "middle class" housing at affordable rates isn't on the agenda of any developers, whose primary interest is high rents and high profits!