Obama in Ann Arbor: Readers' photos of president's speech at University of Michigan
@serenamaria36 /calendar/photologue/photos/Obama/cache/@serenamaria36_fullsize.jpg
@JakeSteinerman /calendar/photologue/photos/Obama/cache/Jake Steinerman_fullsize.jpg
Joseph Lichterman /calendar/photologue/photos/Obama/cache/Joseph Lichterman_fullsize.jpg
Maggie Holloran /calendar/photologue/photos/Obama/cache/Maggie Holloran _fullsize.jpg
Mark Chou /calendar/photologue/photos/Obama/cache/Mark Chou_fullsize.jpg
Mark Chou /calendar/photologue/photos/Obama/cache/Mark Chou1_fullsize.jpg
Melanie Maxwell /calendar/photologue/photos/Obama/cache/MelanieMaxwell_fullsize.jpg
Peyton Morris /calendar/photologue/photos/Obama/cache/PeytonMorris_fullsize.jpg
(Related: Mega guide to the president's visit)
The University of Michigan's Al Glick Fieldhouse in Ann Arbor was packed Friday morning as thousands of people claimed their seat at President Barack Obama's speech. These are readers photos of their experiences.
Send us your photos from the line by posting them on our Facebook wall, by tweeting at us (@annarborcom, if you're not following already) or by emailing news@annarbor.com. We'll post all the reader-submitted photos we receive in a gallery on the site.
Fri, Jan 27, 2012 : 4:28 p.m.
The amount of gas burned by those waiting in traffic was a disgrace. Our pesident ought to be ashamed of the wasted time and gasoline his visit cost. I saw his cavalcade go by while waiting in traffic for over an hour. The number of police, cars and large vehicles could have paid tuition for a student for a year....If he really wants to put this country back in the front...the waste of money needs to start with him.
sun runner
Fri, Jan 27, 2012 : 4:51 p.m.
The same thing happened every time President Bush went anywhere via motorcade as well, you know. Would you like to complain about him, too? Equal opportunity to spread the blame!