Reactions to the ruling: Fight over Affordable Care Act continues even after Supreme Court decision
The social media world is abuzz with reactions to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in favor of Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act.
U.S. Rep. John Dingell, who fought for the health care law, tweeted this: "I know my father who started this fight is smiling from up above."
Republicans are saying the fight for full repeal begins now and the way to get rid of the health care law is to defeat Obama in November.
"November just became even more important. We need a #FullRepeal of this massive tax increase," tweeted U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg, R-Tipton.

John Dingell, D-Dearborn, welcomed the Supreme Court's decision on Thursday.
Ryan J. Stanton |
In a blog post on his Facebook page, Snyder said the Affordable Care Act "misses the point on the reforms needed in our health care system" and has "been a detriment to our country's economic recovery by causing massive uncertainty regarding medical costs."
Dingell, D-Dearborn, offered a different opinion, saying the Supreme Court's decision benefits millions of Americans.
"By upholding the Affordable Care Act, the Court affirmed to the American people that quality, affordable health care is their right; that they live in a country where basic human rights are valued above all else," he said in a statement. "This ruling guarantees that 17 million children can no longer be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions. It ensures 105 million Americans no longer have a lifetime limit on their health insurance, and more than six million young adults now have health insurance through their parents' plans."
Dingell said he looks forward to collaborating with the state of Michigan as it develops health insurance delivery programs tailored specifically for the needs of its residents.
"I hope my Republican friends in Congress take this ruling for what it is, respect it, and accept that it is time to move on," he said. "I hope they stop wasting the time of Congress and that of the people who put them in office with constant attempts to repeal bits and pieces of this constitutional law. I will fight these attempts tooth and nail."
Walberg said he isn't backing down, though.
"I remain committed to defunding, dismantling and repealing the law," he said in a statement after the rulilng. "Health care decisions should be made by patients, families and their doctors, not by bureaucrats in Washington who are burdening seniors and future generations with less choice, fewer services and more debt. Let it also be noted that the burden includes increased taxes on all and especially those with the least ability to pay."
Snyder said while he might not agree with everything in the law, now that the Supreme Court has essentially upheld the act, the state must act quickly to avoid an undue burden on Michigan residents and job providers.
"Working with our legislative leaders to establish the MiHealth Marketplace will allow Michiganders to make decisions regarding what will be covered as opposed to Washington, D.C., making those decisions for us," he said. "It will also allow us to draw down federal dollars to assist with the costs of complying with the law."
Michigan Chamber of Commerce officials objected to the ruling and said they remain hopeful Congress will repeal and replace the law with measures to control costs and improve quality, reform the insurance market and create a streamlined marketplace to purchase insurance.
Ryan J. Stanton covers government and politics for Reach him at or 734-623-2529. You also can follow him on Twitter or subscribe to's email newsletters.
Paul Epstein
Fri, Jun 29, 2012 : 10:52 a.m.
Republicans ALWAYS win. Even when they lose. So we will definitely remain the only country in the developed world in which there is no option for basic health care other than paying "market price" for it, and where the Number One priority (above all else) in our "health care system" is insurance companies reaping a gigantic profit. There is zero hope for anything positive. Ever.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 8:29 p.m.
"Working with our legislative leaders to establish the MiHealth Marketplace will allow Michiganders to make decisions regarding what will be covered as opposed to Washington, D.C., making those decisions for us," he said. "It will also allow us to draw down federal dollars to assist with the costs of complying with the law." Where is this federal money coming from that we are drawing down? Taxes. Does anyone care if they pay higher taxes even though our president promised while ahe was campaigning that he would not raise taxes on the middle class? We've been duped by the best of them...........
Joe Edwards
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 8:28 p.m.
Rep. Walberg - Please describe the Republican alternative to ACA. Most agree that the status quo is not an option.
Fri, Jun 29, 2012 : 1:15 p.m.
Tax cuts. How well does that work when you make less than 29k/year?
John S. Armbruster
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 8:26 p.m.
Unfortunately there was not some sort of split decision that would continue coverage for pre existing decisions to remain in place. This is not a bill that is going to control costs rather it will raise costs. Much of it has not been implemented yet so there are still a bundle of surprised left to come. It is also a bill that benefits the hospitals, insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies far more than the taxpayer. You may be happy with the decision but the fact remains that it is a terrible bill. Congress could have done so much better. The administration had control of Congress and the Presidency and the President could not keep his own party in line to come up with a bill that would have truly benefitted the taxpaying public.
Fri, Jun 29, 2012 : 1:50 p.m.
And the republicans refused to help make it better then just as they refuse to offer ideas to make it better now.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 8:25 p.m.
U.S. Rep. John Dingell, who fought for the health care law, tweeted this: "I know my father who started this fight is smiling from up above." One problem representative Dingell; this bill does not apply to the ruling elite class in this country such as yourself who trumpet helping the little guy while laughing all the way to the bank on our dime.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 8:17 p.m.
More taxes, more taxes, more taxes; not the hope and change I was looking for.
Ryan J. Stanton
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 6:46 p.m.
State Rep. Mark Ouimet just released this statement: "The Supreme Court's ruling on Obamacare is an unfortunate decision for Michigan's middle-class families. I am concerned about the effects this will have on the people of this state, their budgets and their healthcare decisions. While today's ruling is incredibly disappointing for all of us, I will now do everything I can to find the best path forward for this state and protect Michigan residents. "As a state Legislature, we will consider every option that makes the lives of Michigan residents better and prevents the federal government from micromanaging our health-care decisions. Our ultimate goal is to find a system that works for Michigan and keeps the people of this state healthy and free. "We have many options going forward, one of which is state legislation that is already introduced. The bill would give Michigan insurance providers the freedom to participate in a health care exchange, but would also ensure they could sell their products outside of an exchange. We'll explore the legislation further, as well as other options in the coming weeks and months. "Today's decision puts a great burden on far too many Michigan families. But there is a lot of time between now and the full implementation of this bill. I will review the ruling and look at every possibility to protect Michigan residents and give them the real reforms they deserve."
Fri, Jun 29, 2012 : 1:55 p.m.
Are you serious clownfish? Removes the burden from those of us who have paid for the freeloaders? This piles on even more freeloaders and makes those of us who pay taxes pay even more! Where do you think all this free money and tax credits are coming from?
Fri, Jun 29, 2012 : 1:13 p.m.
No, this new law REMOVES a lot of burden from those of us that have already been paying for those without insurance, aka "freeloaders". Not long ago the GOP was complaining about "other Peoples money". Now they have lost that concern.
Fri, Jun 29, 2012 : 12:09 a.m.
"Today's decision puts a great burden on far too many Michigan families. But there is a lot of time between now and the full implementation of this bill. I will review the ruling and look at every possibility to protect Michigan residents and give them the real reforms they deserve." I guess this means that Mr. Ouimet doesn't care about the millions of Americans without health insurance with pre-existing conditions, who starting in 2014 can purchase it. Ins companies deny coverage to people with simple, commonplace ailments just to cherry pick only healthy people and charge higher and higher rates. So, I guess Ouimet only cares about his fat cat buddies in business who now have to offer health insurance, which is the right thing to do.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 5:42 p.m.
I own a small business, and employ 28 people. What will happen to my business? Businesses will fewer than 50 employees would be exempt from the mandate. However, they could earn tax credits for paying employee premiums if they choose to. Businesses with 50 or more could opt out and pay a penalty, which might be cheaper than the premiums. Businesses with more than 50 employees will be blocked from forcing employees to pay more than 9.5 percent of their household income in premiums. However, the New York Times has pointed out that employers have no way of knowing an employee's household income, and cannot determine whether an employee's required premiums would be deemed "unaffordable" and subject the employer to penalties. Does this mean there is nothing that can be done to repeal the law? No. It depends on which party controls the White House and Congress after the November elections. Congress could vote to repeal the law. The president would have to sign the repeal. *Sources: Poynter Institute, Wall Street Journal
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 5:41 p.m.
My sister is supporting three children on very little income. Does the law affect her? As of Jan. 1, 2014, ALL low-income individuals who are not disabled or elderly will be eligible for Medicaid. You must earn less than $29,000 for a family of four. However, the federal government will not be allowed to deny states' existing Medicaid funding if the state declines to opt in to new Medicaid expansion. The Medicaid expansion will cover 17 million more people. Currently, 62 million Americans receive coverage under Medicaid. Some states have already opted in to expanded Medicaid programs, including California, Connecticut, Colorado, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey and Washington. The government will support states that expand their Medicaid coverage by offering 100 percent of coverage for the new enrollees through 2016. Won't all these newly insured people crowd doctor's offices and make it harder for me to get care? Republicans argue that the medical community will not be able to keep up with the increased demand for healthcare. The Wall Street Journal has reported that at current graduation rates, the nation could face a shortage of as many as 150,000 doctors in the next 15 years. However, there has been a push nationwide to attract students to mid-level programs, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants, who could treat patients and prescribe medication. No one knows if the increase in covered Americans will create a logjam for care.
Fri, Jun 29, 2012 : 12:03 a.m.
"Republicans argue that the medical community will not be able to keep up with the increased demand for healthcare." This is hardly a reason to NOT insure 50 million people without health ins. A lot of primary care can be done by nurses. Doctors don't want to admit this, because they get fat off of the "easy, primary care (sore throats, etc)" that stream through the door. Nurses can do a lot of the primary care that doctors do at present. Doctors don't want to give up this easy cash.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 7:58 p.m.
Hmmm...Lots of sick people will finally get to see a doctor and there will be a demand for mid to high level medical professional jobs. Wow...that rascal Obama. Finding ways to heal the sick and create an opportunity for jobs. What a schmuck!
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 5:40 p.m.
Will I have to pay more for healthcare? Will my premiums go up? The White House has said that the portion of the law that covers insurance reforms caps out-of-pocket expenses and requires preventative care to be fully covered without out-of-pocket expense. The Obama Administration has said this will "reduce" what families will have to pay. The Wall Street Journal says most consumers can expect to see their premiums rise because healthcare costs are expanding, and the law expands coverage. Some people will see their premiums go down because of new age ratings in place. However, comparing plans will be made easier, and money could be saved by buying into insurance pools. Changes to the healthcare industry were passed with the law. Do those changes still stand? Yes. The White House says these changes imposed upon insurance companies include: • You cannot be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions. • Small business owners will be eligible for billions of dollars in tax credits to help employees pay for coverage. • Immunization and preventive care must be offered at no cost. • Enrollee's dependent children up to age 26 will receive coverage. • An appeals process will be set up for consumers can appeal insurance company decisions. • Insurance companies will be blocked from imposing "excessive" premium increases. • Arbitrary lifetime limits on coverage in all plans will be removed. • Insurance companies will be blocked from dropping coverage while a patient is sick.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 5:39 p.m.
FAQ: What does the healthcare ruling mean to me? *Sources: Poynter Institute, Wall Street Journal The court says Congress has the power to require individuals to purchase health insurance. Will the government help me if I can't afford it? Since the penalty for not purchasing minimally adequate health coverage is essentially a tax, the court ruled it constitutional. The Urban Institute concluded 18.2 million Americans – 6 percent of the population – will be required to purchase coverage. Of that number, 10.9 million low-income people will be eligible for federal subsidies to help pay for coverage. Just 2 percent of Americans – 7.3 million people – will have to buy new coverage, and won't receive federal subsidies to do so.
Alan Goldsmith
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 5:38 p.m.
"Walberg said he isn't backing down, though. "I remain committed to defunding, dismantling and repealing the law," he said in a statement after the rulilng. "Health care decisions should be made by patients, families and their doctors, not by bureaucrats in Washington who are burdening seniors and future generations with less choice, fewer services and more debt. Let it also be noted that the burden includes increased taxes on all and especially those with the least ability to pay."" Walberg, it should be noted, still collects free heath care for life from his handful of years in the Michigan House and a $50K for life pension. Maybe you could ask the good Congressman how he can make his statements here with a straight face?
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 11:59 p.m.
What many people don't realize is that the fat cats WITH health ins don't care about people without health ins. They never address the fact that families and individuals with pre-existing conditions presently CAN'T purchase ins if they work for a company that doesn't offer it, or if they work part-time, or are unemployed. Starting in 2014, these people WILL be able to get coverage. The Repubs who are against Obamacare don't care about people without ins who have pre-existing conditions. That's clear.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 5:29 p.m.
More information.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 5:17 p.m.
Here is a link to an FAQ about the Affordable Care Act. I would suggest that we read it and make up your own mind about what the act does and does not do.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 5:29 p.m.
That FAQ is more for those implementing the changes. Here are some other resources designed to inform individuals and families.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 5:17 p.m.
Martin Church
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 5:02 p.m.
Our health system is now broken with this court order. there is now a mandate to tax the american people for health care. for instance before I could purchase the coverage I wanted and needed, now I will be force to take what an employer will give. if they choose the poorest bare bone coverage I am stuck. and what about finding a doctor who will accept the insurance. if the doctors will not accept then what good is it. also my cost will only go up. for instance currently I am on my wife's plan with my kids, but after this I will have to get my employers coverage which is less then my wife's family plan plus have to pay for my own. Thanks Mr. Dingle YOU BROKE THE HEALTH SYSTEM, so you can get one payer system designed to murder the american people. I WILL REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER
Fri, Jun 29, 2012 : 1:10 p.m.
Falsehoods. Period.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 11:56 p.m.
"for instance before I could purchase the coverage I wanted and needed," Wrong. If you had a pre-existing condition, without Obamacare, you would NOT be able to buy insurance you wanted or needed. " for instance currently I am on my wife's plan with my kids, but after this I will have to get my employers coverage which is less then my wife's family plan plus have to pay for my own." This is not true. You can stay on your wife's policy because that satisfies the mandate. You have health ins as a dependent on your wife's policy. Nothing will change.
Michigan Man
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 4:49 p.m.
Sounds like the IRS gestapo stalking the waiting rooms and hallways of Ann Arbor hospitals profiling those without health insurance in order to levy the $2000 tax fine stands. The big winner today was employment opportunities with the IRS. Make sure your sons and daughters study accounting/finance so they can apply for the new employment demand for IRS health agents. Even better, perhaps the 800,000 illegals (who of course cannot find jobs because no jobs currently exist) can fill these slots and levy taxes against the legal Americans without health insurance?
Fri, Jun 29, 2012 : 1:09 p.m.
The same guy that Obama sent to take your guns will be patrolling the emergency rooms, signing you up for a Death Panel. Be afraid!
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 11:53 p.m.
Not sure where you came up with a $2000 tax fine. The first year, 2015, the total fine is $95 for an individual.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 4:49 p.m.
If (or when) Romney is elected it will go away like it or not. I am not agree with the bill or disagreeing with it. The republicans will find a way.
Fri, Jun 29, 2012 : 2:09 p.m.
You have it backwards ESprout. Under this administration there are less jobs, and they seem to be happy that the welfare and food stamp numbers are climbing. To have more jobs, you need to have a good business climate. Otherwise companies will not set up and hire people. We Michiganders should all be intimately familiar with this concept, as under the Grandholm administration we lost a lot of companies that fled Michigan, even in the University insulated town of Ann Arbor when we lost Pfizer to another state with a better business climate. We lost Comerica to Texas. The list goes on. Now that we have a governor that is giving Michigan a better business climate, and we are starting to flourish again, the number of people on this forum who are whining baffles me. It has to be that so many of the people in this area that have the "U" to insulate them from the realities of the world just do not seem to get it. The affordable health care act is not affordable. It is the single largest tax increase in our countries history. It will ultimately result in fewer jobs (except with the IRS) and continue the downward spiral we are in until we are in the same situation as Greece, and no one will be able to bail us out.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 8:03 p.m.
Correction: people graduating college...der...
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 8:02 p.m.
I totally agree...the republicans will find a way to keep poor people from getting jobs which will keep them unable to afford even the most basic health care...they'll keep the demand for medical professions down so people graduation college won't have jobs and carry massive debt...they'll find a way to keep the lobbyists happy while they get rich. Yep, I totally agree...and if (or when, as you say) Romney is elected, I hope he doesn't move the White House to Kolob...
G. Orwell
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 7:18 p.m.
Obamacare is same thing as Romneycare. Romney is not going to repeal it. No way.
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 3:58 p.m.
What a wonderful surprise! After listening to the pundits for the last month I was sure it would go the other way. Maybe there's hope for this government after-all.
Fri, Jun 29, 2012 : 12:28 p.m.
No suprise that politicians lied to us. Pres. Obama "this is not a tax". Is it a good thng that we move the country to a european style social system? With the exception of Germany, europe is broke and heading toward economic collapse. Is that what you want here?
G. Orwell
Thu, Jun 28, 2012 : 7:17 p.m.
The Supreme Court was playing opossum to lull us into sleep.