Prosecutors say Hutaree militia plotted to take over Washtenaw, 2 other counties

This courtroom drawing shows David Brian Stone Sr., 44, of Clayton, Mich,, center; and counterclockwise from foreground left, Michael David Meeks, 40, of Manchester; Kristopher T. Sickles, 27, of Sandusky, Ohio; Tina Mae Stone; David Brian Stone Jr. of Adrian; Jacob Ward, 33, of Huron, Ohio; Joshua John Clough, 28, of Blissfield and Joshua Matthew Stone appearing before U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Donald A. Scheer and Assistant U.S. Attorney Ronald Waterstreet during Wednesday's hearing in federal court in Detroit.
AP Photo | Carole Kabrin
DETROIT -- As part of their plan to overthrow the U.S. government, members of the Hutaree militia group wanted to take over three Michigan counties - including Washtenaw - and force federal authorities to wage war there, prosecutors alleged in court Wednesday afternoon.
In a detention hearing lasting nearly four hours, federal prosecutors painted the eight members of the Hutaree militia as moving closer and closer to that war, including stockpiling weapons, food, medical supplies and explosive devices at various points in southeastern Michigan.
The hearing in U.S. District Court in Detroit was adjourned late Wednesday before settling any issues of bond. It was due to reopen at 1 p.m. today.

This courtroom drawing shows U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Donald A. Scheer during a hearing with David Brian Stone Sr. and six other members of the Hutaree Christian militia group in Detroit on Wednesday.
AP Photo | Carole Kabrin
On Wednesday, prosecutors sketched out the group’s organization and walked the court through a series of meetings and trainings the group held in 2009 and 2010, many of which were attended by an undercover agent.
They also played a recording of group leader David Brian Stone Sr. of Clayton addressing other Hutaree members on a trip on Feb. 6.
“Now is the time to strike and take back our nation. The government should fear the people. They forget they live in our neighborhoods. We are everywhere.”
Defense attorneys said the government can’t prove the accused militia members committed any crimes and said they aren’t flight risks.
“He has no capital. He has no resources. He has no connection with family or friends outside the eastern district of Michigan,” Bill Swor, said of his client David Brian Stone Sr.. “He has no criminal history.
“What we heard today was that Mr. Stone talks a lot that’s he angry that Mr. Stone thinks there’s a lot wrong politically.
“There’s still a First Amendment and the right of free speech. He talked. He trained. He didn’t do anything with that training. There is no risk to the public in general. There is no risk to any person in particular.”
Nine suspected members of Hutaree, self-proclaimed "Christian warriors" who trained themselves in paramilitary techniques in preparation for a battle against the Antichrist, were arrested after a series of raids across the Midwest.
All have been charged with seditious conspiracy, or plotting to levy war against the United States.
Eight of them were arraigned Wednesday in Detroit.
U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge Donald A. Scheer entered not guilty pleas on behalf of seven of them, who stood mute to the charges, including David Brian Stone Sr .
Stone's eldest son, 21-year-old Joshua Matthew Stone, was the only one who spoke up. He pleaded not guilty.
The ninth suspect appeared in court in Indiana but no plea was entered.
The investigation into the group began in December 2008, following an investigation by the ATF into a southeastern Michigan firearms dealer.
According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Ronald Waterstreet, as that investigation was ongoing, a member of the Hutaree, Joshua Clough of Blissfield, posted a message on a Web site saying that the Hutaree was ready “for war” over the investigation.
After the son of the gun dealer was arrested, the Hutaree offered to break him out of jail, prosecutors said. That offer was declined.
Over the next several months, the group stepped up its training to conduct its war against the federal government, prosecutors said.
They said the Hutaree believed a “new world order” was taking over the United States and a group of so-called elitists, including many from outside the United States, were running the United States.
They saw federal, state and local law enforcement officers as the foot soldiers of that group, and referred to them as the Brotherhood, prosecutors said. They saw the Brotherhood as their enemy and plotted ways to kill them.
That included making videos posted to YouTube showing the group “killing” blue-helmeted law enforcement and soldiers meant to represent the United Nations, prosecutors said.
“At the end of the video, the U.N flag is set ablaze on a flag pole,” Waterstreet said. “Rather than raising a U.S. flag, they raise their (Hutaree) flag.”
They often talked about building explosive devices, including some that would explode upwards until they were about waist high and then explode again, sending shrapnel 360 degrees, killing as many people as possible. They also worked to turn street signs into explosive projectile devices capable of penetrating armored vehicles, Waterstreet alleged.
In June of 2009, at the training, attended by the undercover agent, the group talked about “getting rid of the entire judicial system and all involved needed to die,” Waterstreet said.
A couple of months later, David Brian Stone Sr. allegedly told the undercover agent that there were 650,000 members of the Brotherhood in the United States and that Stone thought he could get that number down to 150,000 quickly, through mass killings and also through fear, forcing many to quit.
The goal was to drive law enforcement into the cities only, then lure them out to the country with fake 9-1-1 calls and then kill them, the government alleged. They also said wives and children of law enforcement members were targets as well.
They also discussed plans to kill one law enforcement officer and then to blow up more in the following funeral procession, Waterstreet said
In mid-September, 2009, Stone allegedly said his plan was to take over Washtenaw, Lenawee and Hillsdale counties and force federal authorities to fight him there. The group also decided on various rally points they could fight from.
As early as January 2010, Stone told his group, which was divided up into two nine-man squads, that “a real operation was coming in April,” Waterstreet said.
In mid-January Stone floated the idea of a summit of various militia groups in Kentucky to talk about how they could support each other in the coming war.
Members of the Hutaree, including the undercover agent, tried to drive to that summit in February, but bad weather forced them to turn around.
On the way back, Stone delivered a speech to his group while they drove in a van that he planned to give at the summit.
It was that speech that the agent recorded, Waterstreet said.
Training continued, until March 27, when federal authorities raided a memorial service being held in Ann Arbor and arrested several members of the group.
Those arrested on the 27th were Stone, Clough, David Brian Stone Jr, Jacob Ward, Tina Stone, Michael Meeks of Manchester, Kristopher Sickles and Thomas Piatek.
Joshua Stone, the oldest son, of leader David Stone Sr., was not arrested in that raid. When became aware he was wanted, he ran to a preplanned rally point in Hillsdale, where he was eventually surrounded by police and taken into custody.
But his attorney, James Thomas, said he ran out of fear of the government, not part of some plan to start fighting the government.

This combo of eight photos provided by the U.S. Marshals Service on Monday shows from top left, David Brian Stone Sr., 44, of Clayton, Mich,; David Brian Stone Jr. of Adrian, Mich,; Jacob Ward, 33, of Huron, Ohio; Tina Mae Stone and bottom row from left, Michael David Meeks, 40, of Manchester, Mich,; Kristopher T. Sickles, 27, of Sandusky, Ohio; Joshua John Clough, 28, of Blissfield, Mich.; and Thomas William Piatek, 46, of Whiting, Ind.
AP Photo | U.S. Marshall
Prosecutors said each members charged had clear roles within the organization.
David Brian Stone Sr. was the leader. Joshua Stone was the second in command and was the leader of one of two nine-man squads along with his father. David Brian Stone Jr. helped with the training, including often running the opposition force the group trained against and did various detonation work. Tina Stone was in charge of the communications, both between group members and with members of other militias. Sickle was a member of the Ohio militia and helped lead training. Clough was the information officer, responsible for maintaining the website, making training and recruiting videos and worked with explosives; Piatek and Meeks were both “heavy gunners” of the organization. Ward was also a member of the Ohio militia and “an active member” of Hutaree, Waterstreet said.
Defense attorney repeatedly objected to Waterstreet’ presentation. He did not call any witnesses, but instead presented a summary of the evidence.
“My concern is that everything you’ve heard has been a summary through the eyes of the government,” Swor told the judge. “There have been no facts. There has been no opportunity to confront the undercover agent.”
During the hearing, the defendants sat beside their attorneys. Stone Sr. sat at the main defense table with Swor. The other seven sat behind him in a big L along the walls of the court well. The male defendants all wore orange St. Clair County jumpsuits. Tina Stone wore a green jumpsuit. All had shackles around their legs.
Throughout the hearing they read along with the charges, and often shook their heads no during Waterstreet’s speech. They also whispered frequently to their attorneys.

Donna Stone, right, David Brian Stone's ex-wife exits the Federal Courthouse in Detroit on Wednesday. David Stone and David Stone Jr., Donna's son, were among several members of a Midwest Christian militia called Hutaree appearing in court.
AP Photo | Paul Sancya
David Stone Sr.’s ex-wife, Donna Stone, left the hearing with Shannon Witt, who recently married Joshua Stone, and Brittany Bryant, David Stone Jr.’s fiancée.
They declined to comment.
Waterstreet said the charges “aren’t about a religion or the militia. It’s a group of like-minded people who decided to oppose authority and the United States by using weapons and force.” reporter David Jesse can be reached at or at 734-623-2534.
charles lightoller
Sun, Apr 4, 2010 : 8:43 p.m.
I suspect the plan to take over the counties was a long term plan. No, they did not have the resources at the moment, but they were not being challenged on existing and growing. They had some liaison with other "militia" and were trying to hook up as far away as Kentucky. The leader living in a trailer had resources to equip at least seventeen members and stash 46 automatic weapons in one location. There were (are) three "rallying" places where other weapons may be stored. Crazies?" More like "dreamers." Very dangerous dreamers.
Sun, Apr 4, 2010 : 6:02 a.m.
Militias taking over Washtenaw, Hillsdale and Lennewee counties can only succeed when all common sense is lost. The FBI is to be commended as are state and local law officials that peacefully brought them in. Should we want to prevent more of this sort of fear mongering, we must continue to demand appropriate amounts of law officials and first responders through out our state. They are not only our first line of defense, they are our main line of defense. Budget must be managed so that we do not even think of cutting police or fire personnel. What really causes folks like this to fester? Ignorance. Education is expensive, but ignorance is well beyond expensive. It is deadly. The next time you have a choice of items on a store shelf, go ahead and see where the products of choice are made. Should they be made or based in Michigan, go ahead and choose it. Neighbors are less likely to turn on each other or our government when they have jobs. Take over the county where I raise my children? Never.
David Briegel
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 8:19 p.m.
David Paris, KJM Clark and Clownfish, you are so right!! County Kate, they long for the "good ol' days when women and African Americans were second class on White MEN ruled. They are the "angry old White Guys". Ignorance abounds. They love to talk about yesterday like Bill Ayers and Rev Wright but they can't even discuss current events. Be careful, the lunatics are on the rise. Fueled by WAAM radio and the rest of the racists.... Just "regular folks" like Sarah. And you are both wrong about "national politics". It is ALL about us right here in Michigan and how we in Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County can deal with these nuts! There are so many apologists here it is silly! I can't believe these are our neighbors. So full of hate and anger and fueled by the lies of the ignorant few that own our airwaves!! They wouldn't know the truth if it bit them!!!!!!!
David Paris
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 7 p.m.
Sara Palin would be proud of these "Real Americans"!!!
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 4:32 p.m.
Time to go out an buy a weapon. Not to protect from house thieves, but the Militias that want to take over the county. This is truly a scary time. It wouldn't have anything to do with electing our first African American President, would it?
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 4:23 p.m.
"I suspect that the public defenders assigned to the Hutaree won't be quite as effective as Bill Ayers, the trust fund brat who led the leftist terrorist group Weather Underground and political mentor to President Obama, was able to hire. Then again, the Hutaree didn't actually kill anyone or set off bombs outside of their own property so maybe public defenders will do. I doubt any of them will ever get cushy university professorships like Ayers did though. " What an incredibly ignorant post.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 2:44 p.m.
@Dwight Lang - I don't know that it's just Michigan and this area. Like EyeHeartA2 said, there are nut jobs everywhere. If you have the data that would support more of this kind of stuff in the area, my WILD guess would be something about a depressed economy in this state, but I would be interested in seeing studies that say this sort of stuff is more common in these parts.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 2:27 p.m.
I'm genuinely curious as to what their plan was to "take over" the counties, and how they intended to keep control of them. If that ever were to actually happen, I'd imagine the full force of the US Military would be like a boot stomping on an ant hill.
Dwight Lang
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 2:06 p.m.
I'm interested in local sources of collective anger that might lead groups like Hutaree to Detroit courtrooms. What is it about Michigan and this region that lead some to this type of extremism and steaming discontent? Any suggestions?
Macabre Sunset
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 2 p.m.
But you don't need air superiority if you have exploding stop signs. One problem the prosecution will have here is that these people are suffering from mental illness. It's such a ludicrous plan. I suspect only the person who made the specific threats will see jail time. This should be solved by putting Stone away for a while. Good work by the FBI, though. Even crazy people with ridiculous plans can be dangerous.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 1:40 p.m.
Please see the attached link to report any unlawful activities to the Department of homeland security or the CIA: Only together can we protect Michigan from these terrorists.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 1:25 p.m.
Maybe if these guys had the capability to simultaneously engage in airstrike, artillery, and airborne aassualt, with follow-on ground-based forces, they might have been able to "take over" 3 counties.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 1:24 p.m.
The evidence that is slowly trickling out looks damning. The FBI's preemptive strike looks like the right call. I can only hope that they'll do the same to violent groups who follow the teachings of a certain 7th century warlord. (Posting separate paragraphs because I'm not sure which ones the moderators objected to.)
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 1:22 p.m.
I suspect that the public defenders assigned to the Hutaree won't be quite as effective as Bill Ayers, the trust fund brat who led the leftist terrorist group Weather Underground and political mentor to President Obama, was able to hire. Then again, the Hutaree didn't actually kill anyone or set off bombs outside of their own property so maybe public defenders will do. I doubt any of them will ever get cushy university professorships like Ayers did though.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 1:13 p.m.
Receiving government largess isn't considered hypocrisy, it's considered to be a tax refund. Some even advocate taking as much from the federal government as the law allows to help bring down the Beast with its own chains. I am skeptical of this strategy since it hasn't shown any sign of working yet, though even the most optimistic supply-sider never considered running anywhere near $trillion+ deficits before.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 1:08 p.m.
Why use these paramilitary whatever they are groups to help in policing? Just hire the Hell's Angels, heck, you can pay them in Beer!
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 12:28 p.m.
Just last week, in either the Sunday or Thurs print edition of the there was an installment of an article where Stephanie Murray interviews Lucy Ann Lance where there was discussion of city governments using "militia" for auxiliary police functions. As I recall - I'm sure I'll get corrected if my impression is wrong - Lance thought this was an okay idea. The article never indicated what "militias" were being called upon. Seems there are many self-proclaimed paramilitary groups in these parts. I think it is dangerous to lend credence to any militia organization by "hiring" them, even using them without pay. Use the National Guard, or Boy Scouts, VFW, or Knights of Columbus, or even a Methodist Men's Group - but not a group identifying itself as a militia! I wonder if Ms Lance has altered her opinion of these fringe organizations after the overtly violent Hutaree group has been outed?
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 12:06 p.m.
I have re-read my posts, and I would like to apologize for the poor grammar and spelling.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 11:36 a.m.
9 guys are going take over Washtenaw county, kill a police officer, blow up his funeral and then hide out and use trip wires to protect themselves (according to Detroit Free Press today)? This story is so hilarious it should be put into a movie. I hope either "Family Guy" or the "Blue Collar" folks do something on this. By the way, Kudo's to the law enforcement folks who were on to this early.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 11:19 a.m.
"A comment has been removed from this thread because it was off-topic. If you want to comment on's moderation guidelines," Moderation in all things, including moderation.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 11:15 a.m.
I found posts from Josh Clough on various militia forums and saw posts where he talked about how cops were the enemy, how we needed to kill all overseas bankers, how we needed to teach the media a lesson and take them out, and one specific post that said "Proper response: Bomp bomp bomp bomp bomp....reload and ready to go again, call fire team up and have the ambush ready for the swat team, notify other units in other states the party is on. " Found here: Yeah, bat-crap crazy...
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 11:12 a.m.
@ Stephanie: I've seen short-sighted comments here and other places plenty of times, but to say this story is not about the national political debate is downright myopic.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 10:59 a.m.
Stephanie, I agree with clownfish: the national divisiveness is what is feeding these extremists, and media commentators who blast obviously erroneous "information" over the airwaves while maintaining it is "free speech" lead to the problems we are experiencing locally with groups such as the Hutaree. Granted, the Hutaree has taken the rhetoric past where even most of the radical speakers would have gone, but they are a symptom of an increasingly prevalent problem. In "ye olden days" of responsible journalism, this would have not been allowed, free speech or not. So, talking about the national atmosphere that has fed these delusional conspiracies IS on-topic.
David Bardallis
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 10:57 a.m.
"Take over Washtenaw" county? They expect people to believe that, or just a judge?
Pete Bigelow
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 10:34 a.m.
A comment has been removed from this thread because it was off-topic. If you want to comment on's moderation guidelines, please do so here:
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 10:27 a.m.
BigSexy, Why ACLU is help them? ACLU is not just helping Hutaree, they are merely upholding their value; our nation's value. Not guilty until proven otherwise. Public defenders are doing the same. That's a cost, we, as a civilized society has to pay.
Some Guy in 734
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 10:13 a.m.
It's strange to me. This type of movement exalts the "God given individual freedoms which were written out by the Founding Fathers", yet glosses over the fact that for the majority of Americans, these freedoms were no more than theoretical constructs to be enjoyed only by the elite. If the Hutaree could travel to the days of Capital-O-Our Capital-F-Founders, I'm not so sure that those with money, advanced degrees and political power would be any quicker to embrace them than is the case today.
Barbara Goodsitt
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 9:51 a.m.
This group of people are scary, violent. Thank you to our law enforcement officers, federal and local, for doing a good job. I hope cutbacks in funding for law enforcement are reversed soon. We need these people to protect us from the crazies.
Alan Benard
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 9:30 a.m.
I expect the Hutaree and any other potential alleged co-conspirators plotting violent acts in reaction to national political events to be hounded, infiltrated, spied upon and incarcerated at at LEAST the rate of leftist seditionists were 40 years ago.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 9:18 a.m.
Actually, Stephanie, the debate IS about national politics, or Hutaree would not be in the position they are in. I am of the opinion that they were not pushed to, or over, the edge by new local zoning ordinances.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 9:15 a.m.
BIGSEXY, as I understand it, the Hutaree, an anti-government group, has retained public defenders. Kind of like Sarah Palin railing against "income redistribution" and taxes, after she raised the royalty fees on energy companies and passed the money onto Alaska citizens. Evidently recognition of irony is not a Family Value.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 8:54 a.m.
Im shocked that the tea party or the ACLU hasnt helped them secure legal representation.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 8:51 a.m.
If these people are "fringe", why do we hear on the radio and telly from allegedly "mainstream" celebrity entertainers that Obama is a "Marxist", That "fishing is on the verge becoming a privilege controlled by Barack Obama.", that FEMA has actual concentration camps in the USA, that Obama is "taking our guns", that we are becoming a "communist State", that Obama wrote a thesis entitled ""Aristocracy Revisited," that when it was learned that AR was bunk it did not matter because evidently the Bloviators "Know it's true anyway", that by following the Bush admin policies of terrorism we will lose (of course they leave out the part about following Bush policy), that Obama is not a US citizen, may still be a secret Muslim (ignoring freedom of religion in favor of fear of brown Muslims) My neighbor, a self described Christian conservative is worried that we are becoming a "Communist State", hates socialism (even though she has been on unemployment for over a year!), swears that in the health insurance bills there are : gun taxes national ID cards National medical registries federal authority to read bank records of patients new government run hospitals and government run insurance, NOT private insurance. Why do people post things like "Obama is a socialist dictator"? I think the Truth is that Hutaree is not as "fringe" as the cons would like us to think. When a congress person says we have reached Armageddon, what does he think the religious portion of his electorate is going to do? Were was the poster that writes about "President O'Borrow" when GWB borrowed hundreds of billions of dollars? Was he around when Reagan increased the national debt while growing the federal government, like Bush I and II did as well? Was he around when the republican congress voted to fund the war in Irag OFF BUDGET? If so, I missed the cries of outrage then, the rallies in the streets calling Bush a Marxist who would take our freedoms of speech ("free speech zones", spying on Americans phones, emails and library records). Actually I remember the "right" calling people who asked these questions "traitors" and "terrorist sympathizers". So I guess if it was good for the goose... "Do you guys want the terrorists to win?" Is that why there is a concerted effort on public airwaves and in the streets to undermine a Commander in Chief while he fights two wars? Where you guys FOR borrowing to bring socialism to Iraq before you were against spending money at home? Are you still FOR socialized food and energy subsidies for Iraqis, but against finding ways to bring health care to your American neighbors? Would you be willing to turn off the Bloviators and their lies in favor of actually digging up some reality? Titus 3:1-2!! learn it, live it, if one calls oneself a Christian. Or are these just suggestions for other people, not your particular faith?
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 8:43 a.m.
Mumbambu, Esq. I don't think it was a neo-nazi group. Their enemy is the government, not a racial group. Most of them have their heads shaved, doesn't necessarily make them "skin-heads".
Mumbambu, Esq.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 8:42 a.m.
Tony why does "skinhead" count as name calling but not "mentally-detached"?
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 8:30 a.m.
The paranoid, isolated, fundamentalist nature of these gun-cult echo chambers needs to be called out, as do the institutions and figureheads who too often speak to them "in code" and give them a pass on the "crazy" so as to secure their support in electoral and fundraising efforts. Of course, I'm talking about Sarah Palin, who dog-whistles to the would-be Timothy McVeighs and militia fetishists with nearly everything she says. Unfortunately, she is NOT alone on the rightwing side of the political spectrum. Time to call these people out.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 8:14 a.m.
You're right, KJMClark. Beware the lunatic fringe, because you never quite know which way they'll jump. Take over three counties? Truly crazy. What about those of us who wouldn't want to be taken over? Did he think we'd do nothing?
Alan Benard
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 8:03 a.m. Nine Members of the Hutaree Militia Indicted in Plans for Armed Conflict The Hutaree Militia had close links to several other American militias, according to the groups MySpace profile. The profile, which carried the slogan violence solves everything, shows that the group has 366 friends. The militias page was linked to dozens of other militias, including the Ohio Militia, the Michigan Militia Corps, the Kentucky State Militia, the Central Texas Militia and others. The indictment alleges that in February several of the conspirators attempted to travel to Kentucky to attend a summit of militia groups.
Alan Benard
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 7:55 a.m.
Our government certainly hasn't hesitated in the past to round up leftist extremists, most of whom ran their mouths and did nothing: Palmer launched his campaign against radicalism with two sets of police actions known as the Palmer Raids in November 1919 and January 1920. Federal agents supported by local police rounded up large groups of suspected radicals, often based on membership in a political group rather than any action taken. Undercover informants and warrantless wiretaps (authorized under the Sedition Act) helped to identify several thousand suspected leftists and radicals to be arrested.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 6:17 a.m.
"Quench your thirst for freedom!" "Tea Party Nation (or TPN) is a user-driven group of like-minded people who desire our God given Individual Freedoms which were written out by the Founding Fathers. We believe in Limited Government, Free Speech, the 2nd Amendment, our Military, Secure Borders and our Country! "Please join us, make and form strong bonds, network, and make plans for action. We are doing what we could not do alone, to preserve that which we value." - ( So these Hutaree folks are the lunatic fringe of what's turning out to be the tea-party movement. I would sleep better at night knowing the Hutaree are locked up, except I didn't know they were plotting to take over my County in the first place. And they're just the mentally-detached edge of a "movement" that thinks the government is out to make the US a socialist dictatorship or something.
Thu, Apr 1, 2010 : 6:17 a.m.
these people are too old to change their ways... we should deport them to eastern europe.