Pickup truck bursts into flames in owner's driveway

A pickup truck burns in a Scio Township driveway Sunday.
Contributed photo
The 2000 Ford F-150 truck was sitting in the driveway of the home at 5444 W. Liberty Road when the owner, who was in the garage, heard an explosion and discovered the truck on fire about 6:50 p.m., said Scio Township Fire Chief Carl Ferch.
Scio Township firefighters arrived within four minutes, Ferch said. “It was burning pretty violently when we got there,” he said. Firefighters extinguished it in about 15 minutes, but the engine compartment and cab were destroyed, Ferch said, and the vehicle is a total loss.
Ferch said the fire is not suspicious but firefighters could not determine what started it. Ford F-150 pickup trucks from 2000 were part of a recall for a cruise-control deactivation that caused some fires while vehicles were parked with the ignition off. It's not clear if that issue had anything to do with Sunday's fire.
Joseph Brando
Mon, Nov 7, 2011 : 11:28 p.m.
I absolutely love the fact the link to google maps not only shows the residence where the fire occurred, but the actual truck sitting in the driveway. This is reporting perfection to Annarbor.com and they wish all their stories could be this easy to report.
Joseph Brando
Mon, Nov 7, 2011 : 11:26 p.m.
"Ferch said the fire is not suspicious but firefighters could not determine what started it." Hunh?
Bob Bethune
Tue, Nov 8, 2011 : 1:35 p.m.
I think Ferch was trying to say that even though you may not know exactly what started a fire, you can still see whether or not known signs of arson are present, and they weren't. That's my guess, anyway.
Mon, Nov 7, 2011 : 10:35 p.m.
I saw this truck on my way home from work today. I was wondering what happened. There's not much left of that truck!
Smart Logic
Mon, Nov 7, 2011 : 9:39 p.m.
Have you burned up a Ford, lately?
Marilyn Wilkie
Mon, Nov 7, 2011 : 7:36 p.m.
"Ferch said the fire is not suspicious but firefighters could not determine what started it. Ford F-150 pickup trucks from 2000 were part of a recall for a cruise-control deactivation that caused some fires while vehicles were parked with the ignition off. It's not clear if that issue had anything to do with Sunday's fire." Excellent job of reporting on this. Good to know of previous fires.