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Posted on Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 5:20 a.m.

Rob Steele will represent the people, not the lobbyists and trade unions

By Letters to the Editor

Rob Steele will bring the real "hope and change" Michigan needs. Who else but this highly experienced physician can work to undo the Obamacare that most Americans rightly detest and fear?

What has John Dingell brought to Michigan during his eternity in Washington? His utter backing of the UAW and trade unionism has helped push the auto transplants and our jobs to the non-union states in the south. No assembly plants will ever be built in Michigan by Mercedes, Toyota, Hyundai, etc., if John Dingell has his way. His stubborn support of every socialistic program, from cap and trade to Obamacare will keep Michigan in the economic swamp for certain.

Rob Steele will represent you, not the vested interests, lobbyists, and cronies that John Dingell has cozied up to for over half a century. Rob has the youth, energy, brilliance, and respect as a physician that Michigan sorely needs in Congress. Rob fully deserves your vote on Nov. 2. David L. Sponseller Ann Arbor



Tue, Oct 12, 2010 : 5:05 p.m.

Ghost, "Yes, much better that your brother not have insurance and that he get care for his diabetes on my dime, because that's what happens with people who don't have health insurance." That is an absolute falsehood. Can you prove that this person who has diabetes is getting care on your dime? This person is paying out of their own pocket for medicine and doctor visits. So how are you paying again? And apparently you haven't read the health care bill. First, it has been proven that it raises our premiums, not lower them. Second, people will only buy the insurance when they need it. So what will happen? Instead of collecting premiums all along whether healthy or not, people are only going to buy it when they are no longer healthy. The premiums will go now go even higher! It's quite simple, really.


Tue, Sep 28, 2010 : 4:13 p.m.

Mr. Edward - I can't believe you ran out of new things to say so quickly. Let's see, less freedom, the Obamacare bill which Dingell says he was the author of and did not bother to read, says that if I make any changes to my current healthcare policy I will have to go into the government health insurance pool. Less freedom - the same bill tells me what is acceptable for insurance coverage. Less freedom - that same bill has grants for state governments to go into an American citizen's home and tell that citizen how to be a parent. Obamacare will force my brother who is a Type 1 diabetic to pay $12,000/year in order to get insurance - that's freedom? I do not want Dingell's version of freedom. Mr. Dingell has also said he has no solutions for what troubles Michigan. If he does not have solutions for Michigan how can he have solutions for the country. Mr. Dingell, the longest serving Congressman, has even lost respect among his colleagues. He lost his chairmanship and now cannot even influence policy as a result of his positon. A new way of thinking is in order - the principles of fiscal integrity, less government and liberty, principles Dr. Steele stands for.


Tue, Sep 28, 2010 : 12:28 p.m.

Dingell's ads about Steele are complete fabrications and are an insult to his voters, nothing is true except he has a big house (it is not 8000 SF--a florid lie). Steele has never ever taken the positions Dingell states and does NOT support privatizing SS and he wants to SAVE medicare. I heard him talk about how it was Dingell who voted in 1965 to take the money out of SS and raid it for the general fund, leaving a pile of IOU's that can never be paid, in essence turning the very programs that the dems tout into insolvent ponzi schemes. FYI to the propagandist "speechless": Physician groups take care of ALL patients, uninsured included. Medicare pays physician $40 an hour on average (before overhead) and Medicaid pays $12 per hour, and the only way these groups stay in business at all is because private insurers pay more to subsidize the reimbursement deficit. After their massive overhead is paid, Drs. make less than a senior AA public school teachers on a per hour basis (salary and benefits included), so you can stop the class envy nonsense.

Andrew Linko

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 : 11:08 p.m.

I ran into a co-worker of mine who was wearing a Rob Steele for Congress T-shirt. I looked at the label and the shirt was made in Nicaragua. John Dingell's shirts are USA made, union printed. These simple facts show us what is wrong with the GOP economic policy. Outsourcing manufacturing and jobs to children not keeping Americans working. THE CHOCIE IS SIMPLE! Support America, keeping Americans workibng, and veterans vote for John Dingell!


Mon, Sep 27, 2010 : 10:38 p.m.

There are several reason why I will not vote for John Dingell. One is his support for obamacare. It will not lower medical costs. It will cut $500 billion in medicare spending on seniors health care. Our country has lost millions of manufacturing jobs due to bad fiscal and trade policy under both Republican and Democratic adminsitrations. For most of the last half century John Dingell was Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, the House member most repsonible for creating a robust business climate. He has failed to the point where Speaker Pelosi stripped him of his chairmanship. The same old politics is not good enough anymore. We need new leadership in Washington to represent Michigan. Michigan needs a vital, intellegent, representative to bring fresh ideas and energy to Washington. We need to give Dr. Rob Steele an opportunity to work for the 15th district.


Mon, Sep 27, 2010 : 1:07 p.m.

Mr. Edward - This race is between Dr. Steele and Mr. Dingell. You seem to be a student of history, so you know that there is nothing new under the sun. Principles don't change. The race for the 15th Congressional district is a race based on principles. We have a choice between a candidate, in Dr. Steele, who believes in fiscal responsibility, less government,and liberty and a candidate, Mr. Dingell, who believes in spending money we don't have, more government control over our lives, and less freedom. Remember it was Mr. Dingell that said Obamacare cannot be implemented quickly because it takes time to control the people. Can you show me evidence of Mr. Dingell's fiscal responsibility? The choice for the 15th Congressional district is clear - it must be for freedom and that means voting for Dr. Steele. The alternative - the shackles of debt for our children.


Mon, Sep 27, 2010 : 12:23 p.m.

John Dingell needs to go, if for no other reason that he has been a Congressman for 56 years. He needs to retire and enjoy the money he has made over the years. we need a new person representing us in Congress.


Mon, Sep 27, 2010 : 10:09 a.m.

Dr Rob Steele to our rescue. He tells the truth!

Mama G

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 : 8:15 a.m.

@Denise Brooks - Please back up your claim that Dr. Steele hasn't had to 'work within a budget'. Please give us FACTS not opinions. Michigan Heart, like all business' work within budgets or they wouldn't be in business. You seem to take everything on face value and swallow the kool-aid so easily forced down your throat. Your lack of knowledge regarding Dr. Steele and "raising his fees" is pathetic at best... only proving once again that you are ignorant of many facts. If Obamacare goes through and is not repealed and replaced - you, along with everyone will be paying through your proverbial nose in taxes. Obamacare is NOT FREE!! Nothing is FREE! The absence of knowledge is the beginning of socialism in my book. The federal government would like you to buy everything they tell you hook, line, and sinker, keep you ignorant and go merrily on their way creating a socialistic state while you keep drinking the kool-aid! I choose not to drink from the poison we call our government. I CHOOSE CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES, LESS GOVERNMENT SPENDING, LESS GOVERNMENT (BIG BROTHER)TELLING ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE, FEWER CONGRESSMAN WHO VOTE AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE (i.e. John Dingell) and representatives who actually believe in TERM-LIMITS! Look at SE MICHIGAN AND TELL ME WHAT A GREAT JOB JOHN DINGELL HAS DONE! Glad you see it, because I certainly don't.


Mon, Sep 27, 2010 : 7:18 a.m.

The Republicans are saying "no" now, aren't they? Otherwise you would not be calling them the party of "No". And to braggslaw - it only took one stone for Goliath to go down.


Mon, Sep 27, 2010 : 5:55 a.m.

Cool! Since most Americans want single-payer, universal health care, I guess that means Steele will push that in Congress?

Denise Brooks

Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 11:13 p.m.

Dr. Steele hasn't had to work within a budget. If money ever got tight, he just raises his fees. No one gets passed his examination room door unless the have insurance or pay up front. Glad I don't have HIM for a cardiologist! Congressman Dingell has done far more good for Michigan than anyone else will ever be able to accomplish and that includes Mr. (wannabee) Steele.


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 9:34 p.m.

Our country is financially broke. The federal government is spending money that it does not have. We cannot afford Obamacare or even Social Security. The federal government is spending my children's future income that they have yet to earn. I want someone who will say "no" when asked to spend more federal money, even it is for a well meaning program. I want my representative to live within the reality that "we the people" must live within. I can only spend what I earn. When my children want something, even something that will be good for them or help them educationally, I must say no if I do not have the money. I am looking for a representative who is fiscally responsible. I want my children to be able to pursue the American dream. Right now that opportunity will not happen for my children because they will be paying off the debt of this administration. Mr. Dingill has not been fiscally responsible with my tax money. For my children's future, I will vote for someone who has had to meet a payroll and operate within a budget. I will vote for Dr. Rob Steele.

Andrew Linko

Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 7:55 p.m.

In other words, Rob Steele will represent HIS interests to insure Big Insurance companies still run healthcare, his income is protected over the true right and need to quality healthcare. We already had a physician as a GOP leader in Washington, William Frist (R-TN). He represented all the 'Big Monay' interests over the people. He owned and managed a private for profit hospital and as the GOP waves the flag to oppose abortion his network of HCA facilities performed abortionsd FOR PROFIT. I'm voting for the party of KNOW, the Democrats, not the Party of 'NO', the Republuicans. John Dingell's father represented this district and passed Social Security and Medicare which have kept MILLIONS of seniors from poverty. The Republicans have been trying to provatize and destroy these successful programs since their creation. John Dingell has worked with President's and Congressional leaders from ALL parties to obtain legislation and move this Country forward. Rob Steele will polarize the Congress!

Lit Nerd

Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 7:25 p.m.

care2comment, vacant House seats are filled by calling a special election. For the exact details for how it works in Michigan, see Michigan Compiled Laws, Section 168. That is where you will find the Michigan Election Law. Additionally, see The United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 2, which requires special elections be called to fill a vacant House seat. I also find it deeply amusing that you accuse Congressman Dingell of running a campaign consisting of smears against Dr Steele when you yourself are doing the same thing. It reminds me of the old adage to remove the beam from your own eye before you try to remove the splinter from mine.


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 6:21 p.m.

I hope voters remember the dirty tactics that John Dingell is using to attack Dr. Steele... which is about all John Dingell can run on: dig up personal facts on your opponent, put a spin on them... and, voila... he's got another 2 years to sit and go along with Obama-care and all the other Democratic ideas that are putting a wrecking ball to this economy and to this great country. Why can't he just run on his record... why not tout being named the father of Obama-care? I have heard that if John Dingell is lucky enough to be re-elected ( please,!) that he would retire during the lame-duck session, and have Jennifer Granholm appoint his wife Debbie. Would anyone doubt he is capable of doing this? If you doubt it... you don't know the real John Dingell..... for whom the end always justifies the means. Remember folks, come Nov 2: vote for the Doctor, not the Dingell!

D. Kate Krosnicki

Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 2:28 p.m.

John Dingell has done more for the people of Michigan throughout his long career than any other Congressperson in history. His list of achievements is extremly long. I am honored to have him as my Congressman and hope that he continues to represent the people of the 15th District for years to come. With all due respect to Dr. Steele, his agenda is long on rhetoric and short on substance.

Lit Nerd

Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 2:14 p.m.

"What has John Dingell brought to Michigan?" First, cleaner air and cleaner water via the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and numerous other pieces of environmental legislation. Second, the stimulus package that Congressman Dingell helped pass means there are thousands and thousands of jobs in Michigan that wouldn't otherwise exist. Hundreds of these jobs, and hundreds of millions of dollars in research funding, are at the University of Michigan. Third, Congressman Dingell worked to make sure that the American health care system functions fairer and better. His work has ended things like denying coverage to kids because they have a pre-existing condition, or requiring a woman to get a referral before seeing her OB/GYN. And, he's helped to provide tax credits to millions of small business owners so they can continue to provide health insurance to their employees. Fourth, Congressman Dingell has helped to ensure the safety of our nation's food and drugs. Anyone who eats should be appreciative of food that is safer and less likely to make you sick. Likewise, anyone who takes medication should appreciate safer medication that will make the condition better and not worse. I could go on. And on. And on. And on. Congressman Dingell has done a great deal for Michigan and for the nation. The choice is clear. Re-elect Congressman Dingell!


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 2:12 p.m.

I say to Mr. Dingle point your finger at yourself. Who helped bail out Wall Street? Who got huge donations from Wall Street? The Democrats received the largest. John Dingell can't accuse Dr. Rob Steele of the coruption on Wall Street and in Congress since only he has been there 50+ years! Oh, and who is the real millionaire? I wonder if Mr. Dingell will tell us what assets he has collected from us taxpayers over his lifetime!? Dr. Steele, when elected, will help get the lights turned back on in Michigan and our Country. It has been dark too long which has benefited the vampires in Washington too suck the life out of our citizens. We need a doctor in the House come November 2!!!


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 2:08 p.m.

Yes, foreign carmakers have chosen other states, lured as much by huge tax incentives and cheap land as by their non-union labor force. Whether Michigan is Right to Work or not is determined by the state, not the Congress. Perhaps you need to review the facts before letting loose your talking points.


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 1:34 p.m.

"...This attempt at character assassination and class warfare is what American politics has devolved to?" Rob Steele is a physician who has made a fortune off the private-market health care gravy train at a time when tens of millions of Americans have no health coverage, and tens of million more pay a great deal out-of-pocket for limited coverage with high deductibles. He is a man of means and privilege, and he openly engages in class warfare to advance those interests. He wants to eliminate Medicare, a program most seniors much prefer to have, rather than to be without. In its place (and in place of universal care, for that matter), he callously suggests a "health savings plan," something about as effective as throwing a bucket of water onto a raging house fire. As an opponent of reproductive rights, Steele would restrict services to women. He'd like to replace Social Security with a similar private savings plan which would effectively transfer huge sums of money out of one of our largest federal programs and into the excited, waiting hands of Wall Street banks and investment houses. What a payday! Can you spell "boondoggle"? Steele demands a flat tax system, which greatly penalizes the lower middle class and the poor, while allowing the wealthy to make out like bandits, as if they haven't done so already. He calls this "not punishing success," while others would call it abdicating social responsibility in the interests of greed. ------------ While I may oppose where his political stands, an apology is in order for my earlier sarcasm related to Steele's hobby of collecting and rehabilitating older automobiles. That was inappropriate and unrelated to current issues. Also, I'm not exactly a huge fan of Rep. Dingell, as overall he has been too conservative for my leanings, particularly on environmental legislation that affects auto industry standards. Over the years, though, the topic he's been strongest on is universal health care, a political stand for which I'm quite appreciative. Steele's candidacy, by contrast, appears to exist as a direct attempt to repudiate this meaningful legacy of Dingell's long tenure.

Mama G

Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 1:23 p.m.

@ SPEECHLESS - You're right - you are speechless! You just used someone else's words and not your own! They came straight from the website - Who Is Rob Steele - put up by the Michigan Democratic Party with John Dingells' blessing. Imagine - it is now totally unacceptable in this country to work and make money and DO IT ON YOUR OWN! I have always been of the mindset that earning your own way was the American way. Dingell wants everyone to turn to the government for everything - that way he "can control the people". Remember that tell all statement by Dingell? "It'll take time to control the people". How many of you out there want to be controlled by the likes of the John Dingell's and the left wing extremists in this country? It's unfortunate that a man such as John Dingell resorts to personal smears and lies about Dr. Steele.... and make no mistake - they are lies. Dingell has lost his way and can't find his way back to his constituents whom he promised to represent. He has done quite the opposite - he voted against the will of the people on the health care bill (I guess if you are the co-author of the bill, you'd better vote for it!) The impact of this website has actually been a very positive thing for Dr Steele. People are SICK AND TIRED of nasty political rhetoric and aren't buying what you're trying to sell John!


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 10:02 a.m.

@ Speechless Dr. Steele is no more "influential" than any other doctor (maybe more outspoken) but he is a man who has dedicated his life to saving the lives of others. Look at the FEC financial disclosures - the Health Insurance are financing Digngell's campaign not Steele's, Wall Street Bankers are financing Dingell's campaign not Steele's (don't know of any "wealthy right-wing religious extremists" supporting either candidate but let's have some more name calling and fear mongering rather than intelligent debate). Dr. Steele's only working "high-class vintage car" is his restored 1970, UAW built, Buick - the rest are disassembled relics he & his son are in the process of slowly restoring ( a man that works in his high-stress profession deserves a hobby) and auto restoration is a hobby enjoyed by thousands in the 15th district. Dr, Steele's door has always been open to those who need his services irrespective of weather they had health insurance. This attempt at character assassination and class warfare is what American politics has devolved to?


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 9:42 a.m.

I have been disgusted lately by the shenanigans of the man, somewhat affectionately known as Big John Dingell who has now stooped low enough to reveal the small man that he has become in his old age. Recently, his Democrat party has begun a smear campaign against his opponent, Dr. Rob Steele, in the race to determine who represents Michigans 15th district, a smear campaign that he has embraced as he no longer has the intestinal fortitude to run a campaign based on his political ideologies or record. Recently, a noted Detroit broadcast personality and columnist, Frank Beckmann stated that, This unseemly method of politics recently reached a new low in Michigan's 15th District Dingell. has allowed the Michigan Democratic Party to engage in an attack on his opponent that is unworthy of someone holding Dingell's senior status. On a webpage sponsored by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee, Republican candidate Dr. Rob Steele is attacked for the size of his home, the cars he owns and the way he earned his wealth. Dr. Steele happens to be a successful cardiologist who estimates that he has performed more than 15,000 cardiac catheterization procedures. In addition, he proudly says he runs a medical practice, which includes 36 physicians and about 300 employees with seven permanent, and two satellite offices in five different counties. That sounds like the kind of doctor who should be commended for his work, but not when that success is put through the Democratic political grinder. At the anti-Steele website, the doctor is excoriated as a "rich doctor who made millions off the broken health care system," never mind the lives that he's saved and the large number of families that have benefited. Additionally, the Democrat website plays the class warfare game by suggesting that Steele can't possibly understand "what it's like to get by in this economy" because he owns an 8,000-square-foot home. Additionally, the Democratic party on behalf of Dingell, hope voters will be appalled that Steele owns 8 cars -- none of which is less than 10 years old, by the way -- ranging from a 1962 Willys station wagon to a 2000 BMW M5. The attack is intellectually dishonest, at best, especially since it offers no suggestion of any impropriety on Steele's part. He is assailed simply because he has done well at his chosen profession, which happens to be a traditionally high paying specialty. If Steele benefited from the "broken health care system," then didn't all of his heart patients do the same? Didn't MSU football coach Mark Dantonio and his excellent physicians at Sparrow Hospital benefit from the "broken health care system"? And didn't Congressman Dingell benefit from the "broken health care system" with the surgeries that he has endured to repair his aging body in recent years? It's a pathetic campaign, not based on ideas, but on personal attacks and it is unbefitting of Dingell to allow this shameful effort to continue. The congressman should apologize to Steele for what his party has done and demand that the website remove the attacks. Here we have a sitting congressman, a millionaire himself (and married to an heiress of the Fischer Body fortune) acquiescing to an attack on a successful doctor who has done well professionally and financially. Certainly Dr. Steele has not done nearly as well as the CEOs of the big corporations and special interest PACs propping up the Dingell campaign financially. The Daily KOS has reported that If you visit the Federal Election Commission web site and check out Representative Dingells fundraising records, you will see that the incumbent has raised three-quarters of his $999,202 from hundreds of special interest groups/PACs, including Lockheed Martin, Kraft Food Global PAC, and Wal-Mart, PACs. According to records, Bristol Myers Squibb has contributed huge to John Dingell, a total of $47,500. Dingell took $43,000 in donations from Morgan Stanleys PAC. So the support of Millionaire John Dingell by the wealthy (including his Friends on Wall Street and those who have profited from the broken health care system," ) is welcomed by Dingell Democrats but successful businessmen and physicians who oppose political dynasties are vilified. If Mr. Dingell were the Big man he is reported to be he would have put a stop to the Negative, Smear type campaign tactics of his Democrat supporters before it started. If he were truly a Big man he would publically apologize for the shameless, classless, sameol, class warfare BS touted by his supporters and put a stop to it. But no, Mr. Dingell has proven through his actions that he lacks moral rectitude and is, in fact, a small, small man who will sanction anything he thinks will help him perpetuate the Dingell dynasty.


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 9:01 a.m.

Doctor Rob Steele is one of the finest candidates that Americans can hope for and I am happy to see that he has committed himself to run for congress to bring back sanity and good sense to this out of control Governing body. He stands for Fiscal Responsibility, Personal Responsibility, Smaller Government, Healthcare reform that makes sense, not this monstrosity of a bill that does not have the concerns of the health of our citizens as a priorty, nor the health of our devastated economy as the present governing body plunges us deeper into debt and reduces our "freedoms" further as they take away more of our "liberty" to make our own choices. We must stop this now with our choices at the polls and elect those who stand for the qualities that our founding fathers instilled in this nation when they signed our Constitution. Mr Dingell has only his self interest at heart and caters to those who would support his bid for office. I think it is time that we think of the values those we elect hold dear to their heart and how they stand for this country. I think Doctor Steele is "Just What The Doctor Ordered"


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 8:53 a.m.

@braggslaw That's what they said about the Kennedy Machine in Mass. As long as people in Michigan believe that crappe' nothing will change. A wise person once said that "the only power a lie has is to be accounted true". The Dingell family believes that a seat in the House of Representatives is theirs by right But the truth is that it is the "People's seat" as the new Representative from Mass. pointed out so correctly. Do not believe the lie that "the Dingell Machine is too powerful!


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 8:53 a.m.

"... Rob Steele will represent you...." Yes, he will... just so long as you are an influential, doctor, an important health insurance company executive, a Wall Street banker lusting after Social Security privatization, or a wealthy right-wing religious extremist. If you happen to own at least several high-class vintage cars, consider that a bonus in your favor. That by itself might get you in the door on a good day.


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 7:53 a.m.

AMEN for Dr. Rob Steele. He got my vote. I'm tired of John Dingell. He's old and have not done anything for us. I'm a crossover and am with Rick Snyder and Dr. Steele. It's time for a change!!


Sun, Sep 26, 2010 : 7:11 a.m.

The Dingell machine is too powerful at this point.