Manchester Township planning officials ignore the will of the people
The March 1, 2012, meeting of the Manchester Township Planning Commission was little more than a travesty of justice for the Residents of Manchester Township. I am referring to the conditional use permit approved by the commission that would allow a reception facility for 250 guests to be located on Tracey Road, zoned agricultural/residential.
While I attended the meeting, I noted that the public outcry regarding the opposition to the conditional use permit appeared to hold little meaning. The fact that the land in question involves wetlands, a stream and thus the River Raisin, also did not seem to matter.
Just about now, I can imagine you are thinking what can I do?
Citizens are actually expected to participate in our government. We pay taxes and vote locally.
Quite possibly we may have taken our eyes off the local government just long enough, that some members may have forgotten who they are working for yes, the citizens.
Elections are coming up. Now is the time to get involved in your community. We do have a voice!
Manchester Township
Tue, Apr 3, 2012 : 4:30 p.m.
Actually, the 60+ residents who spoke out against this were merely asking the planning commission to uphold the zoning that is in place for the zoning district in question. That A/R district expressly does NOT allow for commercial ventures such as event facilities/banquet halls, and the planning commission's attempt to circumvent the very ordinances that they are supposed to be enforcing was a feeble attempt to accomodate the financial interests of two people, while a hundred homes within the area experience a loss of property value from having a banquet hall in such close proximity (yes, some residents provided credible information that supports that). There is a business district in Manchester that is designed specifically for these types of businesses. I doubt any rural/agriculturally zoned area in the township would welcome this pursuit close to them (7 days per week, 250+ people). Additionally, there are several zoning ordinances that the planning commission violated by approving this, and several people on the planning commission openly admitted that they had not read, nor were familiar with the zoning issues presented by the people at that meeting. There was a wealth of credible information provided by residents. This was not a group of people opposing something for fun and sport, it was a strong showing of support for maintaining the rural/agricultural areas in our township. This would set a precedent for commercial ventures in A/R districts - this week it's this neighborhood, three months from now it could be yours. Thanks to a group of people who are paying attention, this may not happen going forward, and should shed some light on the severely lacking system that the planning commission uses to review applications for CUPs. I applaud the efforts shown by that group, and hope they're on MY side if this happens again.
Sun, Apr 1, 2012 : 2:12 p.m.
Not really..... Planning officials are appointed. You can not vote them in or out.
Sun, Apr 1, 2012 : 1:37 p.m.
Although I have no clue about this issue and can't comment on the merits of your argument I can say I fully agree on focusing on local government. No form of government impacts our daily lives more. "Quite possibly we may have taken our eyes off the local government just long enough, that some members may have forgotten who they are working for … yes, the citizens. Elections are coming up. Now is the time to get involved in your community. We do have a voice!" Right on!
Sun, Apr 1, 2012 : 1:37 p.m.
"While I attended the meeting, I noted that the public outcry regarding the opposition to the conditional use permit appeared to hold little meaning." That "outcry" does not mean you are right OR in the majority! Don't like it? Vote them out.
Sun, Apr 1, 2012 : 3:29 a.m.
So what's new? This is exactly what is going on in our nations capital.
Angry Moderate
Sun, Apr 1, 2012 : midnight
The loud minority of busy bodies who bother to huff and puff over NIMBY issues are not always representative of "the will of the people."
Sat, Mar 31, 2012 : 9:57 p.m.
Some people will oppose ANYTHING, regardless of it's merits and just because you show up at a public meeting with an opinion does not make you right nor does it require community leaders to take orders from you. They pay taxes as well so using that as a credential will not get you far.