endorsements for Ann Arbor City Council races
Voters in Ann Arbor’s Third and Fourth wards face an important decision on Aug. 6. They have a chance to shape the direction of the city for the next two years.
In each ward, voters must choose between a City Council incumbent and a challenger in the Democratic primary. With no Republican candidate in the race, the winner will run unopposed in November unless independent or write-in candidates emerge.
With the city facing tough budget decisions and important questions about the future of downtown, the outcome of the election could have a significant impact on citizens’ pocketbooks and the services they rely on from the city. believes all four candidates care deeply about the city and are sincere about wanting to win election or re-election in order to have a positive impact on the community. But after considering the issues and the candidates’ positions them, as well as their varied experiences, we’ve made the following endorsements.
Ward 3
The Third Ward race pits incumbent Stephen Kunselman against challenger Julie Grand. Though we think Grand, who chairs the city’s Park Advisory Commission, is familiar with many aspects of the city and is an effective advocate for its parks systems, we believe Kunselman’s experience, practical approach and independent streak make him a better choice in this contest.

Stephen Kunselman
He speaks proudly of his work to keep fire stations from closing and we applaud those efforts. It’s also obvious the city needs to look at its police staffing needs and consider adding officers where needed.
Clearly, the city has infrastructure issues that need to be addressed. The crumbling pavement on streets around town and the flooding that swamped the city at the end of June provide glaring evidence of this.
Kunselman has also worked successfully to get abandoned houses in neighborhoods torn down. We’re glad to see these eyesores coming down and hope these efforts will continue.
We also appreciate Kunselman’s role as an independent thinker on council. Though we don’t always agree with everything he proposes, he offers a valuable alternative perspective and a realistic approach. Grand accuses him of being combative, which we’ve seen on some issues. However, his ability to also co-sponsor legislation with Mayor John Hieftje, whom he frequently opposes, suggests that he can put citywide interests first. We encourage that approach.

Julie Grand
As for Grand, she also mentions infrastructure as a priority and supports the city’s plan to review downtown zoning, which we applaud. But she seems to lack Kunselman’s grasp of the issues, including those of regional importance facing the city, such as AATA expansion, collaboration with Washtenaw County and the potential for increasing communication between city officials and the University of Michigan.
She stresses communication, which is certainly important, but we don’t think she offers a compelling reason to oust the incumbent.
Ward 4

Marcia Higgins
Higgins has worked diligently behind the scenes, putting in much time on various committees, including the budget and labor committees.
She also oversaw the A2D2 process that brought new zoning with height limits and design guidelines to downtown. Higgins has acknowledged the need to revisit those guidelines and has the knowledge and understanding to help fix them as she leads a review process already underway.
We are concerned about Higgins' attendance record at council meetings. She has missed nearly 15 percent of council meetings since November 2011 and left early or arrived late at 12 of the meetings she attended. We think it’s important for Higgins to improve this record during this term.

Jack Eaton
As for Eaton, he seems well intentioned and he’s come close to winning a Fourth Ward seat in previous tries - signaling that many voters do believe he can be an effective representative. But we believe he isn’t as well equipped as Higgins to handle the issues facing council. While he’s quick to point out problems, citing as an example the city’s unfunded liability in the retiree pension and health-care plans, he’s short on solutions.
We share his concern about unfunded liabilities and agree the city needs to address concerns about public safety and infrastructure.
But we also question whether he has the temperament for compromise, a skill that’s necessary for effective governing. We had these same concerns in 2010 and aren’t sure his approach has changed.
AA Neighbor
Sun, Aug 4, 2013 : 4:31 p.m.
Does "working behind the scenes" mean working behind the backs of the voters? Higgins is completely aloof from the needs of her constituents: never responding to emails or requests for help, subordinating her ward's needs to the mayor's grandiose and preposterous vision for the region, and, in the final analysis, degrading police and fire protection with a false argument about the inevitability of change. I endorse Jack Eaton because he asks the question: "Change for whom and at what cost to our community and our pocketbooks?"
Sat, Aug 3, 2013 : 6:37 p.m.
I can't support Kunselman because he supports the Burton Commons project which will lead to treacherous conditions on Eli St. with the influx of traffic associated with that project. Not to mention that the residents of Eli St. will have an asset taken away from them that some of them had held for decades. i.e. the right to park on the street in front of their homes. In addition, the project will undoubtedly bring an increase in crime to the Forestbrooke subdivisionm that Kunselman doesn't seem to care about. He's only interested in the city's goal of increasing low cost housing at any cost to the other residents. You can't represent the third ward without representing the people of the third ward. That's why Kunselman is undeserving of re-election.
Nic F.
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 11:55 p.m.
I've lived in Ann Arbor's 4th ward for almost three years now. Politically speaking it's definitely the forgotten district. Our roads are crumbling, homes are getting robbed, and we see none of the development downtown or the north side sees. If I was didn't show up to my job 15 times (more like 2) I'd be fired. Change would benefit my ward and this town.
Elijah Shalis
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 11:52 p.m.
My roommate and I will be voting for Jack Eaton.
Nic F.
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 11:56 p.m.
I'm actually his boyfriend.
Sue Perry
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 12:44 p.m.
Jack Eaton's temperament ? Seriously ? I know him to be extremely well-versed on the issues, articulate, professional, and more than considerate and respectful in his discourses. He approaches issues in a fair, transparent, and above-board manner. Though I don't live in his ward, I support any candidate that will thoroughly question and faciliate change in our spending priorities so that we can restore balance between new projects versus basic city services. Shame on for their unsubstantiated characterization of this candidate.
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 3:07 a.m.
In the information sciences, streams of data that are readily predictable are not considered "news". They do not even count as "information". True Information consists of surprising and unexpected data patterns- a change in the same ol same ol. Most Newspapers, television, radio, and Newsblogs today no longer present the "news". I wonder why.
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 4 a.m.
Fair point LXIX! "Most Newspapers, television, radio, and Newsblogs today no longer present the "news".
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:53 p.m.
I also had to shake my head when reading the Observer article that Eaton, who is a practicing attorney, believes that it is a good idea to disregard legal constraints and risk the City's money when making development decisions. A Councilmember has to do more than please the neighbors when weighing significant risk. Eaton might say that he would have voted differently on the zoning which is one thing, but it is his irresponsible attitude towards projects covered under current zoning laws that I believe demonstrates his limited thinking. This is not a fiscally responsible attitude to have and one that raises concerns among 4th ward residents.
Colorado Sun
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 3:47 a.m.
If you want to speak of a "practicing attorney" causing citizens to shake their noggins, look no further than City Attorney Steve Postema who cheerfully saw no problem with Open Meetings Act compliance in E-MailGate - but later scrambled to negotiate a resolution when the city was sued. He is the chap that City Council members voting to approve the 413 E. Huron development pututively deferred to when they cast their "yea" votes for that wildly unpopular project. Would you rather see Steve Postema run for Fourth Ward City Councilperson? Of course not!
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:52 p.m.
As a 4th ward resident, there are several reasons I support Marcia Higgins over Jack Eaton for Council. My biggest concern about Eaton is his past and continued association with Pat Lesko. Pat is one of Jack's active supporters as demonstrated by her comments on (He is wise to not list her as his supporter on his website.) Every time she writes a comment she loses votes for Eaton as it reminds residents about his association with her. This editorial's concern about Eaton's temperament is likely based on this association. The most recent Observer article described Lesko as "fact challenged". The City overwhelmingly rejected her ill-informed and uncivil approach to government. (A view of her blog makes it clear the City was wise in their rejection of her quest to become mayor.) Yet Eaton has not distanced himself from her or from that approach to government. He has claimed to want civility, yet his comments here and elsewhere are disappointing as they fall back to the Lesko level of ill-informed and snarky. As to Councilmember Higgins, one simple example shows her leadership. She was right to get alternative federal funding for the Stadium bridges when the normal funding fell through. This was never the fault of the City. Again, see the Observer article about this. Eaton's position was to blame the Council for not saving the money in the first place and then recommend spending millions of the City street funds rather than attempt to get additional federal funding. His knee jerk attitude demonstrates that he doesn't have the wisdom to govern and wouldn't have the political clout to get needed federal funding. I don't agree with everything the City does. However, much of the carping seems ill-informed. The City is in very good shape and has gotten through very difficult times. There are major challenges ahead. Councilmember Higgins has proven ability in taking care of the City. Thank you for your service Councilmember Higgins.
Tue, Jul 30, 2013 : 1:35 p.m.
You sound more like you're part of her campaign than a resident of the 4th Ward. And Eaton was right; we should be using taxes for such things as the bridge and not all these vanity projects, and not sucking at the federal teat. It's not like we're not paying taxes on all those federal funds too.
Stuart Brown
Tue, Jul 30, 2013 : 2:56 a.m.
Of course, Higgins' past association with the Republican Party is no problem! Plus, Higgins' slavish support of and association with John Hieftje is no problem either! The Mayor's flunkies can never explain what is really at stake and have to resort to character assassination; voters who fall in for this deserve someone like Higgins.
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 1:26 p.m.
Candidates cannot choose who supports them, and I doubt that Ms. Lesko has the negative effect you suggest. Ms. Lesko is disliked mostly by those whose bad behavior is exposed by her research and writing. While I often cringe at the style of her writing, the Observers toss-off mention of her as fact-challenged is far from true, and most likely a result of her challenges to their own poor reporting. Mr. Eatons style of writing, it should be clear from even this comment section, are nowhere near ill-informed or snarky. Your attempts to demonize a candidate though association with his supporters are pretty weak, and to be frank, it is probably a good thing for you and Ms. Higgins that we don't go to far down this road. I am sure that an exposé of her well-connected rise to "power" would turn more than a few voters back to Mr.Eaton.
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 12:12 p.m.
"aes" nailed it.
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 8:34 a.m.
I disagree completely with your analysis and find that you yourself fit into the carping category. Jack may seem to have the support of someone you don't respect, but so what? Your remarks tar him by an association that does not exist, and you make assumptions that are not true. He is his own man and has never given any indication that he is swayed or influenced in any way by any particular person. His attitude is far from knee jerk--it is measured and thoughtful and wise. I find the remark about alternative federal funding to be a straw man. Nobody I know has a crystal ball to foresee whether federal funding will ensue.
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 2:48 a.m.
lol @ Marcia Higgins having "political clout". She filled out an application for federal funding, and that was it. It isn't like she has a strong online presence, or track record on A2 City Council...
Usual Suspect
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 12:38 a.m.
I'm guessing you had no problems with Obama's associations.
Usual Suspect
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:35 p.m.
It's so nice to see the Ann staff answer questions and backing-up their claims here in the comment section.
Usual Suspect
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:23 p.m.
"[Higgins] has missed nearly 15 percent of council meetings since November 2011 and left early or arrived late at 12 of the meetings she attended." Why would you endorse somebody who obviously doesn't want the job?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:11 p.m.
I can't think of a better candidate for city council than Jack Eaton. He has been a tireless supporter of neighborhood life, a champion of fiscal responsibility, and an advocate for public safety and basic governmental services. He listens closely to residents' concerns. He is an independent thinker who carefully researches issues and makes informed decisions. Many of us in the 4th Ward are accustomed to being ignored by our elected representatives. Jack gives us an opportunity to have a voice. I will definitely be voting for him.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:03 p.m.
Jack Eaton Meet & Greet When: Saturday, August 3 Time: 11am-1pm Place: Allmendinger Park on Pauline at Hutchins An opportunity to talk to Jack! Residents from all wards welcome.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 10:58 p.m.
Of course would support Marcia Higgins. They both are prominent in this community, yet they both lack substance, and are quick to level criticism at people who point out their mistakes.
Jack Eaton
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 10:33 p.m.
Usually, I do not comment on stories where I am the subject. Because I have no other means getting a response to justiceforeach, I will answer briefly. As a Council member, I will be just one vote of eleven on Council. No one member of Council can deliver resolution of any problem facing the City. I will cooperate with other members of Council to find mutually agreeable approaches to these problems. Regarding storm water - I have attended as many of the storm water and footing drain disconnect plan meetings as I could because I wanted to understand the problems residents were bringing to their government and because I wanted to understand the efforts being undertaken to address the problems. I believe you first have to get as much information as possible and then you need to understand the possible options for resolution of the problems. I will work hard to make sure that storm water problems are not deferred for some future Council, as was done after the 1997 study. I believe there are small steps, such as permeable pavement, improving existing detention and retention ponds and maintenance on existing storm sewers that can start before we have the results of the various studies being conducted right now. At the conclusion of those studies, I would work to give high priority to storm system projects over other non-essential capital improvement projects. Regarding the unfunded retiree liabilities - The Michigan Constitution requires municipalities to pay the pensions they promised to employees. The City cannot escape its pension promises made to those who have retired and those who have vested in the retirement system. There is no easy answer, but we must begin to address the problem now rather than wait for the issue to become a crisis. Further delay in funding those promises will only exacerbate the problem. If you wish to contact me directly about these or other issues, see my web site for contact information –
Larry Kestenbaum
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 8:32 p.m.
Jack, I really appreciate seeing you posting a comment here. I don't think you (or any other candidate or elected official) should refrain from commenting on articles or editorials, whether they are mentioned by name or not. This is not a book review, this is politics. And this applies to all of the local politics and news sites. To all local political actors: your point of view is more likely to be understood and appreciated if you are actively engaged with the citizenry, both online and offline.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 10:16 p.m.
"We had these same concerns in 2010 and aren't sure his approach has changed." Well the "we" that had those concerns in 2010 are all gone - none of them are on the current "editorial board". Yet you felt it OK to dredge them up and recycle them. Great journalism there.
Vivienne Armentrout
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 9:31 p.m.
I have to agree with Cendra Lynn. I can't think of anyone with a more even temperament than Jack Eaton. He is always calm, deliberate, and pleasant in dealing with others. Now, does he have opinions? Yes. Does he defend them in a complete and articulate way? Yes. Does he agree with everything that has been done in the city over the last 10 years? No. Does he espouse change in direction in some cases? Yes. None of that is an issue of "temperament". If we are to elect leaders, they should have the courage of their convictions, while being ready to treat colleagues with respect and to discuss issues fully. That's Jack.
Cendra Lynn
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 8:20 p.m.
Lacks temperament for compromise? You're joking, right?? Jack is the one who pulls me off the walls when I'm kicking, scratching, and biting. Karen Sydney and I had apoplexy over my garden fence for years about Public Safety and City money. Jack, meanwhile, quietly created a plan for effecting change that would bring City money back into Public Safety and citizen services. I'm the supposedly non-violent Quaker, but Jack is the one who thinks up ways to get people to agree on taking small steps forward and to work together. I've learned so much from him over the years. Jack has the time and freedom in his life to attend meetings and put his attention onto City needs. Since before he decided to run, he's been abreast of all the city issues, digging in and doing the homework. I also have never heard him degrade another person. No name-calling; no disparagement, just a quiet explanation of the other person's point of view and a mention of disagreement. So I'm taking a page from his book and not mentioning faults and failings of his opponent. What I will say is that I can count on Jack to be a responsible adult and not to engage in words and behaviors at a Junior High School level.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 7:09 p.m.
Steve Kunselman is great. You made the right call in endorsing him.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 7:08 p.m.
I believe Jack Eaton has the knowledge, skills, and ability to communicate that the position requires. He REALLY CARES about our city and our neighborhoods. He will certainly be able to compromise when he thinks it will further the goals of our city. If I lived in the 4th ward, I would definitely vote for him. Judith Marks (real name)
Colorado Sun
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 7:03 p.m.
In the July 17, 2013 Michigan Daily edition, Julie Grand was quoted: "Grand said she has been able to gain support from numerous Republican residents who agree with her...." Grand's husband is a U.S. Magistrate Judge formerly working in the same law firm as Leigh Greden. He made a generous donation in 2008 to the re-election committee GOP ultraconservative Michigan Supreme Court Justice Clifford "The Sleeping Judge" Taylor. Is she a Reagan Democrat? A Democrat by convenience? Does she or her husband attend AADP meetings as the Kunselmans or Sabra Briere does? Will she be a DDA "rubber stamp" on City Council?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 6:56 p.m.
Wouldn't it be nice to have the comments published as an article on They all seem to be much more logical than the "EDITORIAL OPINION" posted by "ANNARBOR.COM STAFF". And who exactly is Mr/Mrs/Ms AnnArbor.comStaff?
Kyle Mattson
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 3:15 p.m.
Those questions were addressed two weeks ago in this column:
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 6:49 p.m.
Jack is ready to support ALL the citizens in ward 4, whether they reside in lower Burns Park or the west side portion of the ward. He can be seen at neighborhood meetings on city issues, he answers phone calls and emails. He listens, he thinks. The problems of the city must be identified, defined in detail and repeated often; only then can the problems be tackled by the council.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 7:27 p.m.
Patricia Lesko
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 5:38 p.m.
You really endorsed the candidate who has missed, literally, hundreds of votes since 2011? I predicted you would do this. I predicted you would point to Eaton's "temperament" and question whether a labor lawyer who negotiates for a living would be capable of compromise. While your editorial knickers are in a twist about the underfunded employee health and pension liabilities and you chide one challenger (and no incumbents) for not offering a solution (a valid criticism), you neglected to mention that under the incumbents the liability has grown exponentially. The assumptions about the amounts paid in and the annual percent of return on the pension funds through 2024 are inflated by as much as 100 percent. We must immediately stop assuming that the rate of return on the invested money is 7 percent per year. That's what Detroit did. That fuzzy math hides huge additional pension liabilities. Ours is currently stated at $240M with the fuzzy math. It could be as much as $400M, however. We should consolidate management and cut fees paid to manage our pension funds. Switch to a defined contribution versus a defined benefit. No desk jockies retire before 65 (police and fire 55). No one collects a pension with fewer than 25 years of service. Period. Then, no one retires with paid health care. Ever again. We have Obamacare and Medicare. Let's offer fair lump sum payments to retired employees to move them out of our pension health care population. Let's press Lansing to pass a law that forbids all public employees in the state from collecting multiple pensions from cities, counties or the state. We reinvest the savings and aggressively pay down the unfunded liabilities, because I'm pretty sure selling parkland and/or doubling property taxes to pay off this pension liability isn't what taxpayers are going to want to do. It is what we're going to face, however.
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 7:26 p.m.
"Let's press Lansing to pass a law that forbids all public employees in the state from collecting multiple pensions from cities, counties or the state." Some of your ideas have merit. The above, however, makes no sense at all. Someone who, at the age of 46 or 47, has 25 years or more of public government or emergency services experience should never be allowed to work in his or her field of experience again? That's the most idiotic thing I've read in a while. It would appear you have a problem with defined benefit pension plans, which is fine, but how does sentencing our taxpayers to inexperienced leaders and service providers solve anything? If the pension is still being offered, what difference does it make who earns it?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 8:30 p.m.
Excellent analysis Ms. Lesko.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:19 p.m.
This is pure nonsense. Please stop pretending that this is a serious newspaper. The private, terribly biased opinion of a few undistinguished individuals running a small blog should not be presented as if it were the seriously pondered opinion of a real newspaper editorial board. The endorsement of Higgins is a joke. Please just stick to gushing stories about new chain restaurants and minutiae of sports; this is what you are good at--and leave your love of status quo city politics alone.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 8:08 p.m.
Well, I actually do agree with half of their "endorsement" but that is not the issue. This blog is not the NYT! I still remember the days when the Ann Arbor News was a pretty good small town newspaper, before the big company took it over, put in mediocrities to lead it and ran it into the ground. Then came even less--the blog.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:47 p.m.
Actually I said *before* the endorsements that they should stay out of our election. And I still believe that today.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:36 p.m.
This is pure nonsense. The "seriously pondered opinion of a real newspaper editorial board" can also be characterized as the "private, terribly biased opinion of a few undistinguished individuals". The key factor in these characterizations is whether you agree with the endorsement or not.
Colorado Sun
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4 p.m.
Endorsing Marcia is an absolute joke! We don't know where she works or what she does for a living. She has a campaign website partially in Latin. She has no known educational accomplishments. She was elected because her husband Pat Putnam sat on City Council. She could not be reached for a Michigan Daily interview two weeks ago. She ignores constituents. I'll support who the Michigan Daily endorses. Thank you.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:37 p.m.
"I'll support who the Michigan Daily endorses" Well that shows some independent thinking....
Terrence J. O'Hagan, JD
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 3:40 p.m.
People are fooling themselves if the see this as anything more than a power-trip." Shaping the City's future?" Concern for "constituents?" C'mon now
Vivienne Armentrout
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 3:28 p.m.
I urge readers to investigate further than this glancing overview "who do you like" of the races. Two recent articles, and at least explore some of the candidates' positions. There were earlier stories covering debate performances: (links to the other one). Editorially, could do a much better service by providing a list of links to stories related to the election. There are others but I don't want to have to search for all of them. Your statement about Eaton's "temperament for compromise", referring to 2010, shows that you are basing your endorsement on a long-held opinion rather than a careful current evaluation. As to his being short on solutions, are you suggesting that Higgins has better ones, considering that she has been on council longer than anyone besides the Mayor, and presumably participated in decisions leading to the current situation?
Colorado Sun
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:38 p.m.
Again the Armentrout wisdom flows forth! Those never-ending morsels of advice as the learned product of her many decades of political activism. Her insightful and and well-informed pronouncements have made her a doyenne of the anti-Hieftje crowd. We should heed her Cassandara-like utterances. I would compare her to Michigan's Zolton Ferency, the first Democratic Party state chair to openly oppose in 1966 the Vietnam War and who paid a heavy price politically. Draft Vivienne Armentrout for Mayor in 2014!
Vivienne Armentrout
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:01 p.m.
Cindy1, I was quoting the editorial in their statement that they had had this concern since 2010.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 3:46 p.m.
Your comments are informative and always appreciated, Ms. A. Ann Arbor benefits greatly by your extensive knowledge and commitment to the city. However, I did not know there was a long-held opinion regarding Eaton's temperament...? If this is true, I can only suppose that it has been trumped up by the "opposing forces." As 'aes' stated above, Eaton is "completely intent on doing the best that he can for the common good." That's the kind of temperament he has.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 3:25 p.m.
By endorsing Marcia Higgins in the Ward 4 City Councilman race, the editorial board evidently equates "experience" with time-in-office and attributes "understanding of issues" despite lack of meaningful participation in City Council discussions. The editorial board criticizes Eaton for not offering a solution for funding the city's pension fund ignoring the fact that no City Council member nor electoral candidate has offered a plan. Furthermore, the editorial staff itself has no idea how to resolve the problem or it would have published the solution in an editorial. The editorial staff has also adopted Marcia Higgins' belief that opposing regulation of the DDA engenders a "lack of civility" and failure to compromise among certain City Council members and which is being extended to include Jack Eaton.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 8:12 p.m.
So someone who doesn't automatically "rubber stamp" what the mayor wants isn't compromising? Maybe it's those who don't "rubber stamp" everything will contribute more to the city. Maybe people in Ann Arbor want council members who bring new ideas because many aren't happy with the current plans of the mayor, certain council members, and the DDA. Jack Eaton has proven (through his occupation) that he compromises. Compromise goes both ways and Higgins tends to just side with the mayor, which in the view of some, compromises the needs and will of the people she is supposed to support. Jack Eaton will compromise in ways that support people in his ward and other parts of the city. He will participate in council meetings, including deliberation about spending taxpayers' money wisely.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 3:15 p.m.
The Chronicle has an in-depth article on council campaign contributions. If I am reading it correctly it would indicate that Higgins had only FIVE contributions from within her own ward. What does that say to you?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 3:02 p.m.
Higgins is an empty chair, at best. She doesn't represent the 4th ward's best interests and she won't be a voice or advocacy for its future. Email her if you have concerns. Just don't hold your breath for a response. I'm voting for Eaton.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:39 p.m.
To all the candidates: It has been alleged by knowledgeable sources that someone in a position of power in Ann Arbor City government teaches a class at the U of M Gerald Ford School of Public Policy and uses free student labor to further self-serving goals of the individual in power and others. In fact, the students are paying good money, or are publicly subsidized to be students being educated at the U of Michigan Gerald Ford School of Public Policy. Please comment on the appropriateness or inappropriateness of such action to your way of thinking. Additionally, please vow publicly that you will in no way, shape, or form be associated with actions such as these - in fact or in public perception. Thank you in advance for thoughtfully informing the public on this.
Colorado Sun
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 5:27 p.m.
Steve Kunselman is paid a fair wage for his services. Not a faculty position when he does not deserve one like the Mayor. He should recuse himself when matters involving U-M come before City Council. As should have Marcia Higgins when she toiled at U-M School of Engineering as a clerical worker.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:41 p.m.
Why does Steven Kunselman work for UM (full-time!) when leases and service agreements run between UM and the City of Ann Arbor? Do those maize and blue paychecks influence his vote on those matters?
Colorado Sun
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:12 p.m.
Ask Paul Courant, who is a close ally of the Mayor. He was dean of that school and gave "big bucks" to Hieftje's campaign committee. Did he get Hieftje his "Lecturer" appointment as Pat Lesko has indicated? He is the second highest-paid lecturer of the 1,200 at U-M despite the fact he has only a BA degree. Courant's wife was later appointed by Hieftje to the Housing Commission. She later became its president and wields major power in city government. Why is John Hieftje working for U-M when leases and service agreements run between U-M and the City of Ann Arbor? Do those maize and blue paychecks influence his vote on those matters?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:22 p.m.
I don't know where to begin dissecting this "article." I'll address one point. A great irony is that you wonder about Eaton's temperament for compromise. He has repeatedly called for civility in local political discussions. He's a labor atty. who spends each work day building compromise, the very thing you call into question. He does disagree with Higgins on issues, but she also disagrees with him. The same is true with the Ward 3 candidates. I can only conclude that you've invented a criticism to base your non-endorsement on. And, endorsing incumbents is the common practice.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 8:01 p.m.
And how offensive the AA.Com statement about Eaton is - to make those statements about him without any specifics to back it up. Given that he is an attorney, I'd think they'd have some worries on their hands unless they have that detail to support their position.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 6:52 p.m.
Cindy1, you nailed it.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 3:28 p.m.
cindy1 Exactly right--that statement in the Opinion about Jack Eaton not having the temperament for compromise was one of the most ridiculous sentences I have read so far in (and that even includes the ideas issued by the commenters). Jack is rational, sensible and completely intent on doing the best that he can for the common good, which, of course, constantly calls for compromise. I agree that this criticism is a pure invention--and a really, really bad one!
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:33 p.m.
Incumbent rubber stamp - check. And yes, the temperament comment is thoroughly baseless. Where did they even come up with that?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:09 p.m.
A reminder to all candidates: Remember when Stephen Rapundalo mistakenly sent an e-mail to TONY Dearing of Ann rather than TONY Derezinski as he had intended, and Stephen's message was enlisting Tony's Derezinski's help in making it LOOK LIKE he was interested in the Mallets Creek issues? The take away from that episode was - Candidates : don't just LOOK LIKE you are interested - really DO in fact BE interested in matters that impact your constituents. If there are 26 council meetings lasting 5 hours on average apiece, I estimate that Ms Higgins (and Ms. Teal) missed about 20 hours of meetings in a year where they were decision-makers. I suggest that if you were in a private work place and you missed 20 hours of meetings in a year where you were a decision maker - you would lose your job and you would be replaced by someone who attended those meetings. Jack Eaton - how many hours of meetings would you anticipate missing as a decision maker?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:21 p.m.
Ms Higgins: We all probably remember Ms Teal nervously and furtively glancing at her cell phone as the razor-thin results came in on her last election. Convince us that we would not have another 40 plus hours of decision makers missing in action.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:58 p.m.
I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that has endorsed the incumbents and the mayor's cronies. I never would have guessed without reading the article.... Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but with no Republican on the ballot, isn't at least the 4th Ward an open election where anyone can vote without tainting the ballot?
Tue, Jul 30, 2013 : 1:12 p.m.
Should be "independent"
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:59 p.m.
And what do you expect a "Republican" will bring to City Council? Everywhere else (and especially in Lansing) Republicans are busy trying to -- eliminate abortion and restrict women's health care -- eliminate business taxation -- expand taxation of the middle class -- reduce funding for education -- reduce funding of municipalities -- restrict voting rights for some voters -- ignore the unemployed -- ignore the rise in poverty -- proffer right to work laws that will minimize worker salaries and benefits I doubt that any active Republican has time to devote to mundane issues facing the city. Actually, with the Republican penchant for smaller government I might expect that a Republican would want LESS funding for police and fire fighting services. This has actually been accomplished by the Republican government in Lansing during the past two years when funding for cities was reduced. But I believe that issues that separate Democrats from Republicans at state and federal levels do not extend down to city level. In fact some of our present City Council members were labelled Republican in the past and may actually hold Republican beliefs still but which do not enter into City government decision-making. Judging by their statements and actions I doubt that anyone can identify those City Council members who were once considered Republican.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:34 p.m.
I am SHOCKED that you could write such a thing. It is generally considered that Ms. Grand, not Mr. Kunselman is allied with the mayor. So your opinion seems deeply misinformed.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:39 p.m.
Dear Mr. Kunsleman and Ms. Grand: The city pension fund early buyout that gave former city manager Roger Fraser and many other city employees a very generous golden retirement payout, and helped to bequeath the city taxpayers a massive retirement fund deficit of $249 million and prompted major cuts to basic city services. What say you, and how do we go about addressing this? Thank you in advance for your thoughtful replies.
glenn thompson
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:38 p.m.
I believe that Jack Eaton's willingness to occasionally say 'no' the the temperament to argue that position is exactly what is needed on Council
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:43 p.m.
"No" is just as likely to be the right answer as "yes". "Yes" is how we got our public art money-skimming debacle. "Yes" is how we're getting a monolith at 413 E. Huron.
glenn thompson
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:42 p.m.
Opps! "the the" should be "and the"
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:33 p.m.
Mr Eaton and Ms. Higgins : The city pension fund early buyout that gave former city manager Roger Fraser and many other city employees a very generous golden retirement payout, and helped to bequeath the city taxpayers a massive retirement fund deficit of $249 million and prompted major cuts to basic city services. What say you and how do we go about addressing this? Thank you in advance for your thoughtful replies.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:28 p.m.
As a refugee from A^2 (Ward 5) I have a slightly different take on some of the issues outlined above. A very sad thing is that for too long, Ann Arbor has morphed into a one party state. That is never healthy as it leads to groupthink and self-deception. Ann Arbor will not go the way of Detroit as long as it has a viable U of M (a fortunate but artificial prop), but the tendency toward high taxes and over-regulation has set in. Look around at the surrounding bedroom communities: many have better services and lower takes, with less regulation and more congenial conditions. Having come to Ann Arbor from a true major metropolis, I've always been bemused by Ann Arbor's pretense to being a "big city". It's not. It's a small city or a big town. So it needs to concentrate on the basics. Don't get worried about bigger national and/or global issues. This is a municipal government. Leave the big issues to the appropriate levels of government! Although I'm reminded of the advice of people like John McEnroe when commentating during Wimbledon to "change a losing game", I must say that Kunselman sounds like he has an independent streak who actually wants to solve real problems. How refreshing! He almost sounds like a DINO, which is high praise indeed. Beware of grandiose schemes. Get the basics right (i.e. fix the atrocious roads and solve flooding issues). Ease the uncompetitive tax rates. And please try to make living in Ann Arbor less onerous.
Usual Suspect
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:31 p.m.
" there are effectively two parties engaged in a long term contest over the future of this city." Yeah... the far left and the way far left. This has been a cancer for a long time now.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 9:21 p.m.
Nah, I think you must be kidding 1bit. It would come as quite the surprise to the majority here (who I rarely agree with on anything except this), that there is no difference of opinion on the Council. A majority of the Council was often allied with the mayor until the last election - since then the majority consists of people who explicitly ran against his agenda. The fireworks over these differences are often rather dramatic. What on earth are you talking about?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 9:14 p.m.
@Tano: You're kidding, right? These candidates (and the council in general) are all shades of gray. This isn't "groupthink", it is an echo chamber. Their disagreements are usually trivial and there is no true voice of opposition on the council. With that said, there may be some change in the tide and anything that can be done to foster independent (not partisan) thinking is helpful.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:30 p.m.
Ann Arbor may be a "one-party" state in terms of the larger Democratic-Republican divide in the country as a whole, but that does not mean that there is a lack of political diversity or an outbreak of "groupthink". There has been a wholesale rejection of the larger political agenda of national Republicans, leading to a reluctance for anyone to identify with that party. But within the political community here, even though it is pretty unanimously allied with the Democratic party, there are huge differences on local issues. If you have been following AA politics at all over the past few years you would realize that there are effectively two parties engaged in a long term contest over the future of this city. One might characterize that as a progressive, modernizing vision vs. a conservative oppositional vision. Others might characterize the dispute differently, but it seems absurd to claim that there is some single-minded groupthink that threatens to emerge.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:55 p.m.
UM is not an artificial prop -- many cities have thriving economies with universities as their bases, and those universities have proven to be more stable than several other industries. I also do not know a single person who considers this a big city; maybe you are mistaking the fact that many people here have national and international experiences across a number of fields. But I agree about the basics - flooding and antiquated sewer system need to be addressed.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:10 p.m.
Like I said before, should stay out of our city elections. This is nothing more than the opinions of four of their staff of "content producers" - two of which don't even reside in the city - plus whatever direction they got from the mothership at MLive. Please weight their endorsements accordingly.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:21 p.m.
No, you should listen to the candidates and judge for yourselves. I'm in favor of Kunselman as well. That isn't the point.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:18 p.m.
It is certainly true that all "newspaper" endorsements come down to the opinion of a handful of people, with this opinion then leveraged into great prominence by virtue of the circulation of the paper. But we all know that, and I am sure that no one needs to be reminded that these opinions are not objective rulings from an all-seeing, beneficent authority. But why take it to the extreme of saying that has no right to express their opinion? Free speech + free press - they deal with political subjects every day and if they decide that they would like to tell their readers their opinion, they have every right to do so.
Nick Roumel
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:04 p.m.
We should instead listen to anonymous posters? PS glad to see the endorsement of my representative, Steve Kunselman.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:08 p.m.
Gee, seems like the staff members who make the endorsements haven't bothered to read staff-written stories about council attendance, voting records. Full speed ahead! Damn the flooded basements! More skyscraper dorms!
Kevin McGuinness
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 12:56 p.m.
Thank you Ann for running a comment section that does not require anyone to list their real name, resulting in some of the most ignorant comments you can read anywhere. Entertaining for some but not worth reading in the most part. Endorsements are great by people who do not even have the courage or commitment to their beliefs to put their real name down.
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 2:43 a.m.
After the slow internet connections, clicking noises on my telephones, and black ops helicopters I decided it was safer to use some initials. Not that anybody's words are permanately etched in a hundred cross-referencing data banks forever. Retrieved at any time to be used against you in a secret kangaroo court of law. "Are you now, or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party? Please explain the reasoning behind your statement "most ignorant comments" directed at other true freedom of the press participants. Would you rather they not be allowed to speak out as openly as they do? What is you stance on censorhip? Leninism?" Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition (Monty Python)..
Usual Suspect
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 5:45 p.m.
Kevin (if that is your real name), we have no way of knowing that Kevin McGuinness is your real name. it sounds to me like a play on words on the name of a great beer.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:47 p.m.
We know that "Kevin McGuinness" is A name, but how do we know that it is YOUR name?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:41 p.m.
@ Veracity - very well said indeed!
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:32 p.m.
Obviously, commenters who use pseudonyms, like myself, are concerned about retribution and vilification resulting from their attitudes and positions being published on-line. Some people will castigate individuals for their beliefs and can subject people to attacks extending beyond the subject of comment. Meaningful comments will include facts and logic to defend opinion. Purported facts that are wrong and logic that is faulty should be corrected or contrary evidence presented which is independent of who provides the statements. In some ways we live in a crazy world where a person's utterances can lead to physical and emotional harm if the identity of the commenter is known. Anonymity can be protective in these instances.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2 p.m.
@Brad I think the post you replied to illustrates your point perfectly.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:51 p.m.
You do realize that putting your real name on them doesn't insulate them from ignorance, right?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 12:55 p.m.
I have followed Jack Eaton's career for many years and believe that he is precisely the candidate with the perfect temperament for compromise. He is a labor lawyer and that's exactly what he does for a living--he compromises and negotiates!
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 12:05 p.m.
Seems appropriate that the Higgins endorsement is mailed in.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:57 a.m.
It is no secret that ward 4 has a major problem on its hand, directly affecting its residents with great cost, worry, and concern. Anyone who proposes to lead the Fourth Ward should be at important meetings bearing on these issues. To this, we add the fact that someone with a long history within the city and someone who would know says that the stormwater system put in place is inappropriate. It reminds me of Ward 5 where the pipe gets 55 percent SMALLER as it heads downstream and more and more water from more and more tributary area wants to be added to the pipe. Two questions for now- Ms. Higgins why were you not at the meeting where the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commision within the last several months spoke directly to issues of Fourth Ward flooding? Jack Eaton was there. Ms Higgins - its quite obvious you will protect the cities interest by not admitting to an inappropriate stormwater system despite all evidence to the contrary, but please layout how you will protect the people of your Fourth Ward from an inappropriate stormwater system, ok? Mr Eaton-what do you have to say on these issues? Its been said politics is about who gets what. How will the beleagured folks of the Fourth Ward get relief? A thank you in advance for your thoughtful replies.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 12:45 p.m.
Sorry 15th line down - city's not cities
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:43 a.m.
I'll chance Jack Eaton's "temperament for compromise" in order to get representation on council. Our current reps seem to have been MIA for many years.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:42 a.m.
Pablum extra well done.
Stephen Lange Ranzini
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:21 a.m.
Marcia Higgins has been a key ally of Mayor Hieftje over the many years he has served as Mayor. During this time the following boondoggles were supported by Councilwoman Higgins: 1) The Rog Mahal 2) The Garage Mahal 3) The Huirinal 4) The 1% For Art Fund 5) Cutting fire and emergency services under the levels required to assure service is at minimum national standards. 6) Cutting police services dramatically to levels under the minimum required to provide proactive policing to solve crimes. 7) Cutting road repair below minimum levels required to prevent major deterioration. 8) The city pension fund early buyout that gave former city manager Roger Fraser and many other city employees a very generous golden retirement payout, and helped to bequeath the city taxpayers a massive retirement fund deficit of $249 million and prompted major cuts to basic city services. Is it ironic that one of the Mayor's current key allies is a former Republican candidate for Mayor? As a Ward 1 resident I don't get a vote in this race. If I lived in Ward 4 I'd vote for Jack Eaton. I've known and worked with Jack over the years to fight and reverse many of these bad policies and he has been a great ally in that effort. That's why I endorse Jack Eaton for City Council.
Mon, Jul 29, 2013 : 1:45 p.m.
Brad, Once again, I am not disputing the fact that I addressed Ranzini in my original comment. In my second comment, I turned the principle upon myself. I was not claiming that Ranzini alone should mind his own business - I meant to express a general principle, and my second comment intended to show that I was applying it to myself as well. When I wrote " I no business of _mine_" I meant, it is not business of anyone who isn't to be represented by that candidate. I was rather clearly making the point that I was putting forth a general principle, not picking on Ranzini alone. Why is this so difficult for you to understand?
Usual Suspect
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:28 p.m.
Tano, judging from the count as of when I posted this - that being +29 for SLR and -21 for you- I'd say somebody does care. And three different people explained why.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 9:23 p.m.
Yes, in your second comment you said " I said that the choice of someone else's representative is no business of mine." Except that I can't seem to find where you said that at all. Your story seems to be shifting as you go along.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 9:16 p.m.
I don't understand your point Brad. How does that make any difference? I referred to myself in the second comment merely to make clear that I was willing to apply the principle to myself, not just to others.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 8:09 p.m.
@Tano - actually you said that it is no business of Mr. Ranzini. Your reply was directed at him.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 6:36 p.m.
@DJ I did not say that another ward's representative has no effect on my life. I said that the choice of someone else's representative is no business of mine. You can't see that difference?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:33 p.m.
Well said DJBudSonic- the whole Council votes on items that have the potential to impact each and every ward individually or as a group.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:16 p.m.
Anyone who thinks that "another ward's" representation does not affect them is seriously misguided in their understanding of how the city is governed. Be sure not to drive on another wards roads, or eat at another wards restaurants.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:19 p.m.
@Tano - so then you feel the same way about the staff and their endorsement? I know only two of them even live in the city and as far as I know the other two don't live in either the 3rd or the 4th. Personally I respect Mr. Ranzini's opinion way more than the "editoral staff".
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:07 p.m.
Why should anyone care who you support in a ward in which you don't live? These people are not going to represent you, so it is not any of your business. And your constant reference to mahals and urinals seems pretty childish and lame. These kind of jokes are funny the first or second time we hear them - not much longer than that.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:03 a.m.
Jack has exhibited deep seated prejudices that, in my mind, disqualify him as candidate for council. Marcia has exhibited a deep concern for and willingness to represent ALL her constituents and All city residents (not just vocal minorities) and a tireless work ethic.
Usual Suspect
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:25 p.m.
It was obviously a baseless smear by BJ A2.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 4:13 p.m.
Care to elaborate or is that not necessary because your statement is total fiction?
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 2:54 p.m.
I agree that those prejudices must be in your mind. Otherwise you would have mentioned them.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 1:42 p.m.
I think that's a loaded statement there. You allude to prejudices without factual support. I won't say it amounts to legal libel, but it panders to it. I've not read of anything about Mr. Eaton that supports such an accusation. Could you enlighten us? I have no cards in this game because I don't live in AA but everyone who lives near the city should be interested in its electoral outcomes. It seems to me galling that someone would skip City Council meetings more than rarely. That's your fundamental job as a councilperson. Being a member of council is more than just a resume builder. I would urge the citizenry in her ward to give close scrutiny to her and her opponent. Make the decision you prefer, but don't just vote for an incumbent as a matter of course. I also find it interesting that AA decides that Mr. Eaton's temperament will prevent him from compromising. I don't know that there is a lot of compromise on the AA City Council as it stands. Seems that Hieftje's block of votes controls the council without much consideration of citizens or opposition when it doesn't suit his agenda. But, I'd like to know what AA bases this allegation on. My point is this, we are being given subjective reasons to not vote for Mr. Eaton and default to Ms. Higgins. First, an allegation that he's too temperamental from, second a veiled but sinister allegation against his character. Yet, Ms. Higgins' track record--which is apparent and real--including real absences is dismissed without more than superficial scrutiny. Fourth warders, don't fall into the trap of mindlessly voting on the basis of these kinds of endorsements and innuendo.
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 11:10 a.m.
Appreciate things from your perspective.Who or what do you feel Jack is predjudiced about? Thanks.
Alan Goldsmith
Sun, Jul 28, 2013 : 10:17 a.m.
"While he's quick to point out problems, citing as an example the city's unfunded liability in the retiree pension and health-care plans, he's short on solutions." Then simply hasn't been paying attention. It's all there in Mr. Eaton's statements and on his website. Not surprising you missed it. Eaton is going to win the August primary and will make a very effective representative for the 4th Ward when he is. ward.