New Enbridge crude oil pipeline to be built through Washtenaw County amid statewide protest

Enbridge's plan to construct a new pipeline, Line 79, from Stockbridge to Freedom Junction in Washtenaw County to better serve the Detroit and Toledo markets. The line will run parallel to the path of an existing pipeline.
Courtesy of Enbridge
The Michigan Public Service Commission approved a settlement agreement allowing the project to move forward May 24.
This week, about 30 environmental activists gathered in Lansing inside the state Capitol to protest Enbridge’s planned expansions for its crude oil lines across Michigan.
The root of the protestors’ cause is the 2010 oil spill from Enbridge’s Line 6B that let more than 800,000 gallons of heavy crude oil into Talmadge Creek and the Kalamazoo River. Reviews on the incident by the National Transportation Safety Board found the company and federal regulators missed opportunities to stop or reduce the oil spill.
Enbridge has defended its plans to replace the portion of existing Line 6B in Indiana and Michigan, which was built in 1969.
The new spur of Enbridge pipeline that will run through Washtenaw County will take oil from the interstate Line 6B and divert it toward Detroit.
The new, 35-mile-long pipeline will run from Stockbridge in Ingham County to Freedom Junction in Washtenaw County’s Freedom Township, which is west of Ann Arbor. It will run parallel to the existing Line 17 that is currently on the same route.
The new line, called Line 79, will consist of steel pipe 20 inches in diameter.
- View a copy of the company's plans for Line 79 here: Enbridge_Line79_plans.pdf
The pipe’s wall are three or four tenths of an inch thick, depending on where it will be used. At road and railroad crossings, the thicker pipe will be used and will be enclosed in a casing, said Joe Martucci, spokesman for Enbridge. In open country, the thinner-walled pipe will be used and without a special casing.
The pipe is coated with a fusion-bonded epoxy coating applied at the steel mill that will help prevent corrosion, Martucci said.
Seven miles of Line 79 will be in Ingham County, four miles of the line will be in Jackson County and 24 miles will be in Washtenaw County.
At Freedom Junction, the new line of crude oil will be connected to 29 miles of leased pipeline, owned by Wolverine Pipe Line Company, which runs east across much of the southern half of Washtenaw County.
The crude oil will then be fed to a new metering facility in Van Buren Township near Romulus to feed to the Detroit refinery of Marathon Petroleum Corporation LLC.
The existing Line 17 serves both Detroit and Toledo's BP-Husky Refinery, but has been running under apportionment - meaning at capacity - because of increased demand by both businesses.
“By building this new pipeline, it will free up capacity on the existing line to deliver more volumes to Toledo market,” Martucci said, explaining how Line 17 has limited service to Detroit and Toledo with the current line.
Line 17 has a capacity of 90,000 barrels per day. Line 79 will have a capacity of 80,000 barrels per day.
As oil and gas activity is regulated at the state level, Enbridge is not required to gain permission of local authorities for its private land leases. The company is currently in the process of extending the lease agreements it has with existing landowners, and gaining new leases where needed, Martucci said.
When it comes to the oil and gas industry, Enbridge serves as the shipping company for the commodity. It does not buy or sell oil.
The new pipeline will allow Marathon to have a more dedicated flow of crude oil so the company can make use of expansions it has made to its refinery operations, Martucci said.
Once Enbridge selects a contractor for the project, the flow of construction will be determined. Martucci said about half of the laborers, equipment operators and truck drivers needed for the project will be hired out of local union halls by the contractor.
It’s unknown as to which end of the pipeline will see construction first. A new junction has to be built in Freedom Township to accommodate the project, Martucci said.
Line 79’s route weaves its way through county parcels and around lakes. About half of its route is adjacent to power line corridors, and the remaining half of the route is private land.
The pipeline will be buried in the ground about 25 feet away from the existing Line 17, Martucci said. The top of the pipe will be four feet underground.
Line 17 is at least 10 years old, Martucci said. Enbridge has a permanent land easement for the property on which the pipeline rests.
Although the land where the pipeline is buried cannot be built on or support deep-rooted trees, it can be farmed, Martucci said.
Amy Biolchini covers Washtenaw County, health and environmental issues for Reach her at (734) 623-2552, or on Twitter.
Thu, Jul 26, 2012 : 3:37 p.m.
I live within 1 mile of this new project in ingham county they are using eminet domain to take peoples land for this ! they have been working on this down the road from me all summer ,dont like the way they can just take your land like that!
Tue, Jul 24, 2012 : 1 p.m.
A few items. One this story is at least six months old as the line was proposed at the beginning of the year. Other public hearing on this were held but without news coverage who would have known? Two, after the Embridge failure, the dot labeled "Stockbridge" (also a bulk storage terminal like Freedom Junction in White Oak Township) had a release of 500,000 gallons but little to no coverage. As I recall this is a Marathon Facility connected with Embridge lines. So between Embridge and Marathon, nearly two million gallons of petroleum product from the Embridge lines and connected Marathon storage facilities were released to the environment.
Basic Bob
Tue, Jul 24, 2012 : 4:23 a.m.
It's helpful to understand what the protests are about. Enbridge is proposing to replace the pipeline 6B across the state. This is the one that broke. Protesters want to stop them from replacing the old pipe, but they are unable to stop them from using the existing pipe with the cracks and temporary repairs. Now that's living under a rock.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 11:09 p.m.
Everyone should do research on this subject because there hasn't been very much media coverage on what Enbridge is doing in our state. This is not the only pipeline Enbridge is increase the capacity on that pumps tar sand crude. First of all research what tar sand crude is, what it takes to pump it through a pipeline and the additional cost and impact to the environment to turn it into a usable product. Take a very good look at how many oil piplines run through Michigan and where they are at and where they go. Then take a look at the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration findings for the worst inland oil spill in history that happened on the Enbridge 6B pipeline in 2010 right here in Michigan. If you haven't done enough research, try finding the safety requirements to pump tar sand crude; you will find the studies won't be complete until sometime next year.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 7:26 p.m.
Since hydrogen fusion is always in the future then maybe we don't have oil energy yet, either. News flash - humans have already created fusion energy - many itmes over. Much hotter than your Sol, too. Just like Enbridge, the problem with fusion energy is one of substance containment - to safely manage the process once it has begun. Easy. Just like FatBoy in a briefcase, nuclear technology will be able provide fusion-run spaceships, towns, homes, cars, buses, barbeques - even make up a batch of synthetic oil for them other cave folk, too. Want a new career in fusion blogging? Call 1-555-kochbro...
martini man
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 6:54 p.m.
If the liberals are agin' it, then I'm fer it . Pump baby pump.
Middle America
Tue, Jul 24, 2012 : 10:21 a.m.
Partisans like you are ruining this country, "martini man".
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 10:12 p.m.
as long as you pay for the cleanup and will drink the contaminated water.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 4:44 p.m.
Are the people here who are arguing for big oil really rooting for big oil or against what they perceive as 'tree huggers'? Since when is being against pollution a leftist ideal? Shouldn't we ALL be against pollution and polluters? Am I crazy?
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 4:44 p.m.
I say let them build it. There is already a pipeline there (we took the risk how many years ago). It is an investment in jobs now - hopefully not later. They will build it to current standards so they can pump heavy crude where it is needed and, I'm assuming, send less of it through lines that are older and less able to handle it. Yeah, I know everyone is worried about future spills. But it isn't in Enbridge's interests to be sloppy because they lose use of the line and all the oil in it when there is a spill. They know they screwed up every aspect of Kalamazoo by not fixing known cracks and doing a horrible job responding and reporting the leak. That means they are now under the looking glass - seems like they'd be making doubly sure they do the new line right. Now, if we could get them to spend money updating the old lines as part of the approvals for this deal, we would all win!
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 10:14 p.m.
a2trader, When faced with quarters where profits are tight, do you think that pipeline monitoring and maintenance will be the last to be cut? If so, you've never worked in business before. Its always too easy to put non-revenue generating expenses off until better years. THe facts malke your argument completely moot because faced with the knowledge of what an oil spill would do to the environment and their reputation, Enbridge already chose a course of action that led to a devastatingoil spill.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 4:09 p.m.
How stupid does Enbridge think we are? Their record should have left them in bankruptcy with all of their assets sold and the cash committed to what will inevitably be a perpetual cleanup. Now they want to double the amount of acidic oil they pump through our county? And who are the ostriches that are defending them?
Unusual Suspect
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 3:23 p.m.
By the way, for the geographically curious like me, "Freedom Junction" is the corner of Fletcher and Ellsworth. It must have been given the "junction" moniker by the oil folks since no railroad ever ran there.
Unusual Suspect
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 5:30 p.m.
Well, It's in Freedom Township.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 4:31 p.m.
I guess it doesn't have anything to do with Freedom twp.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 3:08 p.m.
Unusual Suspect
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 3:02 p.m.
Just a moment while I consult my AnnArborite handbook... OK, it says I'm supposed to be against this or anything that has the word "oil" in it, and I'm actually supposed to call it "big oil" to make it sound evil. Got it.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:27 p.m.
Who's to say that if oil's ability to be refined and used as a fuel for internal combustion engines had not been "discovered" that alternatives would not have been discovered and in use today? It's completely possible that there would have been alternatives to fossil fuels had the oil industry and the auto industry had not conspired to lock us into this death spiral.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 12:56 p.m.
Hilarious. We all have pipes with nat gas and raw sewage running to our houses. They could contaminate one seems to be going nuts about it. I guess trucks carrying it...using diesel fuel to move it...driving down 94 would be a better idea. Remember the tanker on 75 that melted the bridge? Yeah, I'll take a pipe.
Angry Moderate
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:38 p.m.
You don't understand, Dave. This is an EVIL corporation trying to make a PROFIT.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 3:35 a.m.
Rather than shipping oil around to end up burning it, we need to keep it in the ground.
Kai Petainen
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:44 a.m.
enbridge knew of the fault in the pipe for 5 years. that's incredibly alarming and it raises serious questions about ethics. my point is.... is that ann arbor will complain and should complain.... but later on... when its built... ann arbor will go quiet and it won't care. we have enviro problems already in this city, but those are ignored and not fully investigated or solved. ann arbor is a wonderful city, but it's also a city that turns a blind eye to the problems it has and focuses on what might happen, instead of what has happened. and if ann arbor can work to solve what has happened, then perhaps it can handle what could happen -- but it hasn't solved the past.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 4:01 p.m.
Its a heck of a lot easier and less costly to prevent an oil spill than it is to try and clean up after one. I say try because cleaning up environmental catastrophes is usually impossible. There is no way that Enbridge, BP, or Exxon will recover all of the oil they dumped into our environment. We have to live in their toxic waste while they continue to generate windfall profits AND collect government subsidies.
Mr science
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 1:54 a.m.
STATEWIDE PROTEST!!!! THIRTY ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISTS!!!!! Let me see, that's thirty voices among a population of almost ten million; roughly one single voice in every three counties across the state. Brilliant reportage from where else but Ann Arbor.......
Angry Moderate
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:37 p.m.
The news reports what happened, not what you think would happen "if".
Ron Granger
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 12:08 p.m.
I think most of us did not know about the pipeline, or the protest. You would see a much larger protest if people knew.
Ron Granger
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 1:39 a.m.
This is why I don't want them in my backyard: From the NTSB report on Enbridge's 2010 spill in the Kalamazoo River, from their pipeline that ran beneath the river (for their convenience): "The Canadian pipeline company [Enbridge] knew five years before the pipeline ruptured that there were cracks in the section of pipeline that eventually failed, spilling more than 800,000 gallons of heavy crude into Talmadge Creek then the Kalamazoo River."
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 12:25 a.m.
Crude oil is corrosive. The epoxy coating will wear and slough with time. The leak into the Kalamazoo River was the result of corrosion. Now, Enbridge proposes to build a line that is made of thin steel that will carry thousands of gallons of crude through some very environmentally sensitive areas. For those who ask what is a safer design, a coaxial line using an outer sheath to contain any leaks from the inner line along with leak sensors would offer a means of protection. However, that would add costs directly to Enbridge's bottom line. Much easier to let leaks happen sometime down the road and let a future CEO worry about the costs of remediation and any fines. The Kalamazoo mess (don't let anyone tell you it's as good as it was before the spill) stands as testimony to the questionable practices of Enbridge. You would think the NTSB, the DOT and the PSC would be on heightened alert with this company's plans for a new line...and it's plans to maintain its existing line if it actually has any.
Top Cat
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 12:09 a.m.
Good Grief, enough with the partisan bickering. Build the pipeline, let's put Americans back to work and power our economy!
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:28 p.m.
I guess at any price isn't a price to high.
Michael Corliss
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 9:23 p.m.
A couple thjoughts, if I may: I don't have a problem with a new pipeline and/or increased flow of crude, so much as i have a problem with this company, Enbridge, being the one building it. If it were not for the fact that oil companies of all kinds have gotten the gov't to limit their liability for oil spills, Enbridge would no longer exist. In a fairer world, Enbridge would have been fully responsible for the damage they caused. (There's an idea that should appeal to both liberals AND conservatives--you broke it, you pay for it). Their assets would have been bought up by another company, which would be totally aware of the consequences for making the same mistakes. BTW, although increased supply SHOULD result in lower prices, this isn't as big a factor as one might think in the oil/gasoline market. There, prices at the pump are much more connected to what's happening on the world stage, not whether there's a second pipeline in Washtenaw county or not. The sudden big hike in oil/gasoline prices earlier this year was caused by Isreal threatening to destroy Iran's nuke problem, and eased after the US imposed very harsh financial sanctions on Iran to get them to quit it..
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 8:33 p.m.
Building the replacement line in the same path seems a responsible move by Enbridge. Perhaps those who are concerned about the environmental impact of the new line could get together and, with sincerity, volunteer to help Enbridge build and install a safe line. Put your energy into something constructive, as opposed to simply protesting. Keep in mind, less than 50% of extracted oil goes towards fueling things. A good portion goes towards life enhancing products, primarily plastics, used in a host of ways, including many to save lives in medical instances, and in the computer product you're using right now to protest it. Oil is a fantastic natural resource you should study before bad mouthing those who make a living processing it for our society to use.
Kai Petainen
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 7:32 p.m.
build it. ann arbor didn't care when oil/phosphoric acid was in the Huron River. build it. ann arbor didn't care when dioxane was in the groundwater. build it. ann arbor, why complain about this, when you never complain about the stuff that already hit you? build it. you only complain about the stuff that is popular or good for politics.
Ron Granger
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 1:38 a.m.
You don't speak for anyone but yourself.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 10:29 p.m.
He,HE we have the best Doctors and the best hospitol and the uni to learn from go ahead and build the doctors are waiting and so is the reasearch dept. He HE w eare in good hands
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 7:12 p.m.
Really want to protest the pipeline? Oppose any future auto bailouts and quit driving your SUV's.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 7:53 p.m.
Never had an SUV. As for the auto bailouts, I think it should have been tied to higher MPG. The rest of the world has 1-1.5L engines as the norm. Why are so few offered here ? Because people that can afford new autos can afford higher gas prices. Where does that leave us used car folk that need 35+ mpg.
Huron 74
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 5:56 p.m.
I hope everyone who is protesting this either walks or rides a bicycle to work and has a plan to handle the $8/gal gas prices when the middle east demands more $$$. The trucks that carry your "organic" food to the store will cost more, etc. All in all: there are too many people and not enough fuel for our expected way of life. I would suggest that the people who are complaining stop having babies first.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 7:16 p.m.
I suggest you step away from your computer and take something to clear your head, such as a tall glass of prune juice....
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:46 p.m.
Have you folks heard the batteries manufactured in China for battery powered green cars create massive toxic waste dumps over there. I guess that is only considered green if the toxic waste dumps are not here.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 8:12 p.m.
The green part is what oozes out of the batteries when they are disposed of............
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 6:36 p.m.
Obama done shipped dem jobs. All of em! I seen it! Hee Haw!
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 6:19 p.m.
The point is that it the companies that manufacture the batteries are heavy polluters and the EPA would never allow them to operate in the USA. So Obama ships the jobs to China, lets their workers earn slave wages manufacturing them, and then the green energy crowd in the USA feels all warm and fuzzy because people can know drive an $80k battery operated car.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 5:54 p.m.
Your point was what? Batteries in China pollute? And the implication for us is? Let oil pipelines from Canada continue to send oil to the Gulf of Mexico so it can be shipped to China (and raise our prices)? Maybe that's a good thing and maybe that was your point? Your point (perhaps you didn't realize it) is that stupid choices in China for acid lead batteries is stupid and we should do better (and we do...). Did I get it right?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:32 p.m.
So what is a "Liberal's solution"? On this matter?? More government subsidized "green energy" options?? But, remember we need oil today...
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:17 p.m.
Q. "How many jobs will be created by this project?" A. A few hundred jobs will be created now; many more when there is an oil spill.
Frank W
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:15 p.m.
Whoever writes the headlines needs to get rid of their preconcieved biases and read the article. Do 30 unidentified activists really constitute a " ststewide protest "?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:42 p.m.
For the media, more than two people constitute a "statewide protest".
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:15 p.m.
If this country wants to lessen its' dependence on foreign oil, then it needs to expand exploration, drilling, and transportation of our own oil resources. And please do not band the green energy drum. We have had four years of that and what do we have? Solyndra?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 7:15 p.m.
Get over it. Do you think Border's going under is some sort of illiteracy campaign?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 6:42 p.m.
US oil production has increased since 2008.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:28 p.m.
Right On !!!
Real Life
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 3:48 p.m.
Here's a great idea. Energy. Jobs. What's to protest about, except for those people who what us to live in the dark and never travel more than our feet can carry us in a day?
lou glorie
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:03 p.m.
Especially jobs in the environmental clean-up sector
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 3:37 p.m.
I am surprised no one has blamed Mitt Romney and Bain Capital Mgt yet.
Middle America
Tue, Jul 24, 2012 : 10:16 a.m.
Wait a minute, George Soros, Michael Moore, John Kerry, and the Kennedys are Democrats?! You are blowing my mind here, man! And no one has ever questioned their wealth!? You really believe that? Furthermore, I think that the silver spoon in Romney's mouth during his childhood probably helped him be able to have access to an education a lot of other people can only dream of. Most people involved in politics are the same, genetracy. Stop supporting partisanship. You are accomplishing absolutely nothing in your own little personal war against socialism, communism, or whatever scary ideology you currently prefer being afraid of.
Tue, Jul 24, 2012 : 1:54 a.m.
Well Middie, the wealthy white gentlemen I mentioned are all elitest democrats. Oh yeah, they consider themselves down with us commoners, only because they have their black tie fund raisers once a year to help the homeless, which of course the homeless are never invited to. Funny how someone like Romney can accumualte wealth by education and hard work and then beresented. A democrat does the same thing and all he has to say is, "Hey, I am one of you, I am not elitest at all." And of course no one ever questions their wealth.
Middle America
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 9:40 p.m.
Yes, just like them. I can see the points you are attempting to make, genetracy, but you are doing a pretty bad job at trying.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 4:02 p.m.
Planet Kolob? You mean the place with 57 states?
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:26 p.m.
Nobody wants to upset Mitt's buddy living on the planet Kolob.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:10 p.m.
Yeah Middie, rich white males like George Soros, Michael Moore, John Kerry, and everyone from Boston with the last name of Kennedy. Oh yeah, and don;t forget about the US Congress. Per capita, the democrat members are wealthier than the republican members.
Middle America
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 12:09 a.m.
Poor Mitt Romney. It must be tough being a rich white male in America. :'(
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 6:20 p.m.
Maybe Obama should outlaw corporations.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 5:46 p.m.
'Corporations are people, my friend'. Leave them alone and let them create millions of jobs and never pollute or pass the buck for cleaning up the mess to the middle class taxpayer? Right... How may dressage horses do you deduct from your taxes my friend?
Billy Bob Schwartz
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 5:29 p.m.
Mitt Romney and Baind Capital Mgt. are to blame.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 3:34 p.m.
Let's face reality......This pipeline "will" be continue your life.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 10:35 p.m.
Yes just think Canada is building a pipline all acrooss the GOOD OLD U S A ...and then sship it to japan,
Billy Bob Schwartz
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 5:29 p.m.
And big business will dominate our lives. And big government will dominate our lives. And war and pestilence and hunger and violence will happen. Now continue your life. What kind of attitude is that, Dick? People have to just troglodyte on through their existence without reacting to things that may endanger them? Very interesting. But, well, kinda fatalistic.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 5:28 p.m.
I know it is hard to face reality ut we must do it.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 3:20 p.m.
has done other recent stories on this issue? Why does it feel like this topic is surprising to a lot of readers reading it today? No advance notice for meetings, etc.
Basic Bob
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:07 p.m.
It was approved in May. Game over.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 3:11 p.m.
Oh. This should be some good drama. Let's see how powerful if at all, the Green Movement really is in the city of Ann Arbor. The same groups that has put bike lanes on every street, seemingly, and built a "greenbelt" around the city, this should really test their powers to allow this to occur. But since the MPSC has already approved this, it very well might be a moot point. However, since this will run parallel to an existing line I guess there's no need for the Greenies to get their panties tied in a knot. Still, would really like them to rally around it. Wasn't this the same company that had a leak in Kalamazoo? Battle Creek?
Billy Bob Schwartz
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 5:25 p.m.
Panties tied in a knot? An interesting word picture. Nasty, but interesting. And does this mean that anyone who is interesting in saving life on our planet from extinction by polution wears panties? Are there no men in that category, or do they cross-dress only. And why would one tie a knot in their own panties anyway? Fascinating. Or is this just the typical snide comment by someone who likes to be obnoxious to those with whom he disagrees? Yes, this is the same company that "had a leak" into the Kalamazoo River. Read the prededing comments to find out about it. Or would that require you to tie your didies in a knot?
Susie Q
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 3:37 p.m.
It doesn't look like the pipeline will go that close to A2.
Jack Campbell
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:49 p.m.
Oil is outdated and dirty. Thanks to our government being bought by giant oil corporations we probably will never move beyond it. The amount of subsidies given to these extremely profitable companies is criminal. Yet the anti-spending conservatives continue to throw our tax dollars and public lands to their crude buddies. Ridiculous.
Dog Guy
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:39 p.m.
I support the plan to install a newer and better oil pipeline. I am pleased to learn that there is a Freedom Junction in Washtenaw County.
Middle America
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 12:04 a.m.
"I am pleased to learn that there is a Freedom Junction in Washtenaw County."
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:47 p.m.
You think they will stop use of the old one ? Fat Chance.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:32 p.m.
Those that think this is good are poorly informed- Please do some homework. When the say "Heavy Crude" what they mean is "Tar Sands OIl" like the spill in K-Zoo. This type of crude is WAY more corrosive and because it is so thick, much higher pipe pressure is required to move it. line 17 is a lot older than 10yrs, more like 30 yrs. This was Endbrides excuse for the last spill- despite them knowing that line 17 was never built for heavy crude. In addition to their HORRIBLE record in Canada, they also misled Hazmat workers during the K-Zoo spill. Only when questioned about the lab tests on the spill did they admit it was tar sands oil. I believe this was two weeks into the cleanup putting many workers at risk and hampering the clean-up. Do we need oil ? Right now -yes, but if you think its for ever- think again. Air, electric and solar cars get better every year. Hydrogen Fusion is very close to a reality that will change the world. Don't live with it- Make a change.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:25 p.m.
Air cars? That's a new one on me. And I can't wait for my Ford Fusion that has REAL fusion. Yeah - let's bank on that.
Dog Guy
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:40 p.m.
Hydrogen is the fuel of the future and always will be.
Superior Twp voter
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:13 p.m.
BUILD it! Michigan has only one refinery - recently expanded. Feed this refinery all the crude possible. I'm tired of paying ten to sixty cents more per gallon than many other states. There exists NO reason that USA citizens are paying $3.55 per gallon for fuel.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 8:14 p.m.
Thanks ffe, when needing a balanced objective view, can't find a better place than "thinkprogress" progressive web site. Meanwhile, mainline CNN says:
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 7:48 p.m.
Source cut off-
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 7:45 p.m.
Sorry AborC, but not true If your looking for Romney to do otherwise - You want to check Konarka Technologies before you vote.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:51 p.m.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:17 p.m.
Ffe - wrong. Bush administration placed a hold on Solyndra grant pending further review. Obama administration revived and accelerated it in time for Biden to go out there and make an appearance.
Jack Campbell
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:58 p.m.
Won't lower your gas prices bud! They will just ship it out of here.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:43 p.m.
Also STV- You should know EVERY president since Nixon has pushed for alternative energy and conservation. Although Obama gets the heat over Solyndra, check the dates and you will find Bush pre- approved them and the funding was set up during his watch.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:36 p.m.
You can disagree but just look at the price in Europe, Townie is correct. If you want to be Big Oils Slave all your life - go right ahead. The rest of us are going another direction and can't wait to tell big oil where to shove their crude.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:34 p.m.
They should be paying closer to $6-8. I guess there must have been a part of the constitution I missed that said US citizens have a RIGHT to have cheap gas.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:32 p.m.
Other than supply and demand ?
Superior Twp voter
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:29 p.m.
Townie, I sincerely disagree with you. I will say that you sound like a certain "president" that currently occupies our White House.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:25 p.m.
The gas companies treat us like junkies (which we are) by keeping prices low so we don't have an economic incentive to move to more efficient cars. And we go along like sheeple. We need higher prices (slowly rising) to get people moving in the right direction and to support alternatives. All we're doing now is draining a resource we'll need later and setting ourselves up for 'oil shock'. It needs to be a slow transition (and it's happening but the oil companies are doing their best to confuse things).
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:45 p.m.
Since when is 30 anti oil activitists a "State wide Protest" ?
Basic Bob
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:37 p.m.
How much fossil fuel was consumed by 30 environmental activists driving to Lansing?
Angry Moderate
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:31 p.m.
That's classic, Cash. Complain if he lives in the governor's mansion in Lansing, complain if he lives somewhere else and commutes. How about offering something constructive instead of non-stop whining?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 3:39 p.m.
You mean Rick Snyder's entourage every morning and night?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 3:26 p.m.
And, sparty. the oil company will "Touch it if need be"
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:31 p.m.
"there" lake? LoL. Well. The Public ALL own PUBLIC Lakes and WATER resources so it is "theirs" to touch. ROFL.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:43 p.m.
Yes but don't touch there lake.....even if they don't own it.
Ron Granger
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:16 p.m.
So after the Kalamazoo disaster and their poor response, what is Enbridge doing differently about inspections, safety and spill response? What will they be doing in 10, 20, 30 years? History shows Enbridge's #1 priority is profit, not safety or concern for public safety.
Ron Granger
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 1:37 a.m.
"No matter how "safe" something is there is always accidents and unforseen problems. Why is this so hard to understand?" Why is it so hard to understand that this company has a documented history of not taking seriously safely? In fact, they ignored a clear risk - in a waterway - for over five years. That wasn't just can "accident". From the NTSB report: "The Canadian pipeline company [Enbridge] knew five years before the pipeline ruptured that there were cracks in the section of pipeline that eventually failed, spilling more than 800,000 gallons of heavy crude into Talmadge Creek then the Kalamazoo River."
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 8:09 p.m.
Every company's #1 priority is profit otherwise they wouldn't exist. Being profitable and safe is not mutually exclusive. No matter how "safe" something is there is always accidents and unforseen problems. Why is this so hard to understand?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 7:11 p.m.
They will distribute discount coupons for bottled water....
Stan Hyne
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:05 p.m.
Bad as it is, it is most likely better than trucking the oil.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 10:33 p.m.
Well if you lose the oil on/out of the truck it is only limit amounts...when the pipeline is running a steady flow ......
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:04 p.m.
How much of this oil will actually stay here in the states? @PATTYINYPSI are you serious between the 2 look at their record just the last few years. Can't be built over but can be farmed over, with the heavy equipment farmers use today.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:27 p.m.
OLDTIMER, are YOU serious? I'm looking at their records. You must be looking at their press releases! "BP was named by Multinational Monitor as one of the ten worst corporations in both 2001 and 2005 based on its environmental and human rights records.[101] In 1991 BP was cited as the most polluting company in the US based on EPA toxic release data. BP has been charged with burning polluted gases at its Ohio refinery." "Using data from Enbridge's own reports, the Polaris Institute calculated that 804 spills occurred on Enbridge pipelines between 1999 and 2010. These spills released approximately 168,645 barrels (26,812.4 m3) of hydrocarbons into the environment." And then, of course, there was that annoying little incident on the Kalamazoo River--for which, by the way, Enbridge never accepted responsibility; all they did was offer excuses.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:02 p.m.
You realize there already is a pipe there? It isn't something we aren't already living with. Sort of like saying we are getting a new road, bringing up images of virgin woods being destroyed, when really it is just adding a lane to an existing road.
Angry Moderate
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:29 p.m.
Oldtimer3: why don't you tell us what their profit margin is?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:08 p.m.
Yes and look how many gallons spilled before they caught it. They need way more monitoring than they have had in the past. But that may cut into their huge profits.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:56 p.m.
Pipelines are the safest and most cost efficient means of transporting oil.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:53 p.m.
Sounds like tree huggers united....we want, we want, we want but do not ask us to be inconvenienced.
Jack Campbell
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:56 p.m.
Tree-hugger.. I would rather be a tree hugger than a oil drinker. How can you be so willing to destroy your living space? Is making a political point worth ruining your health or your land. Stop the rhetoric, you just look like a fool.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:42 p.m.
There is already a line there lest you forget.....hugs !
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:31 p.m.
Sounds like corporatists united: We want, we want, we want, but do not ask us to clean up the mess.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:27 p.m.
Sounds like name callers united! Formerly bullies united.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:19 p.m.
Inconvenienced if line leaks or breaks in my lake? My well is fed by lake. Slight problem for everyone who lives out here. This oil line runs right thru end of Joslin Lake. A lovely wetlands, breeding grounds for Sandhill Cranes, stopover place for migrating birds & waterfowl. Slight inconvenience for them too, eh? Please think before making light of those of us who depend on clean water and land that might be ruined by careless oil companies!
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:31 p.m.
BP and Enbridge. What could possibly be bad about this idea?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 3:37 p.m.
Patty, I'm getting a headache thinking about it.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:23 p.m.
Navy. Check the article for reference to the difference in the wall thickness in the pipe for the length of the installation. I will ask you as well. Where does your drinking water come from?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:55 p.m.
First of all I don't understand the water question. How is this relavent ? Second there are NO tests that prove the wall thickness is enough for Tar Sands Oil , let alone for 10-30+ years this will be used.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:20 p.m.
Oil is still the cheapest fuel for those of us that cannot afford Priuses or totally battery operated cars, and are not able to ride bikes. Just realize that 99.9% of us need the oil and welcome it.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 4:41 p.m.
@Mike - No one needs to curl up in a ball, but we also don't need to let the Enbridges of the world dig where they want, when they want and how they want without proper regulation. ...and people constantly protest and raise awareness to Apple's labor practices.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 8:07 p.m.
Ron - Accidents are a fact of life so are crazy people who murder others. We cannot retreat into a third world country trying to avoid every danger in modern society. johnnya2 - Apple computer makes higher margins than any oil company as do most corporations. Google is another good example. Whya re we not calling for their end to obscene profits and demanding they help the needy more?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 3:11 p.m.
Johnnya2 What's wrong with profits? I was under the impression that that was the raison d'ĂȘtre of business. (hint: buy stock in successful companies, and you cans share in those profits.)
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:31 p.m.
In what way would your life be different if this pipeline were not built? Would you not have access to oil? This is NOT getting more oil. This is just moving oil for marathon and other oil companies to make even larger profits
Ron Granger
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:14 p.m.
Since you "welcome" the oil it sounds like you'd love to volunteer on a clean up effort for the next spill. But I caution you - crude oil is not like the stuff that goes in your engine. Or maybe you went to kalamazoo and helped cleanup the last Enbridge spill?
Joel A. Levitt
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:09 p.m.
AnnArbor.Com: Please, research and report on whether the design of the planned pipeline corresponds to "best (safest) practices" and on what governmental inspection and intervention procedures will be in place after the new pipeline begins to carry crude.
Basic Bob
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:29 p.m.
@Ron Granger, I doubt I will find the answer to your questions on this page. I'll check back later to see if any real knowledge has been posted by real experts.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:27 p.m.
"Fusion-bonded epoxy coated steel pipe" You don't have to know your stuff to quote from the Alro Metals materials catalog.
Joel A. Levitt
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:14 p.m.
Basic Bob, That is exactly what I expect of a local news organization that cares about having an informed and participating public.
Ron Granger
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:12 p.m.
Bob, if this company is so safe maybe you can tell us why the Enbridge leak in kalamazoo happened. Also, why was the leak mitigation so bungled?
Basic Bob
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:28 p.m.
Michigan Public Service Commission. Fusion-bonded epoxy coated steel pipe, buried 4 feet underground. Thicker pipe enclosed in concrete casing under roads and railroad tracks. Following an existing pipeline It sounds to me like Enbridge understands the technical and administrative requirements. Do you really expect a local blog of general interest to present this in any more detail than they have?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:05 p.m.
The path of the pipeline will be right through the massive natural areas in the Northwest quadrant of the county, where there are many lakes, ponds, and streams that feed into the Huron river. If there is a spill, Ann Arborites will be drinking it. This area is my favorite place to hunt, fish, collect mushrooms, and go swimming, and I know many other folks treasure this natural area too. It is very frightening that a company with a bad record and a horrific, recent environmental accident is expanding business in our midst. Please post stories about any further protests before they happen, so other reasonable folks with a stake in their local public land can participate.
Tue, Jul 24, 2012 : 12:43 a.m.
Hey Floyd, I agree with you, but it seems like we can't do anything about it. Do you have any suggestions/ideas on how to effectively protest? There are enough people on here that are against this pipeline that if we combined our efforts in an organized way we may be able to prevent it. I just don't know how to start.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:54 p.m.
@johnnyA2: Let me tell you something about Wikipedia: It's not worth the paper printed on. It is user-created content to which linking is a bad idea. If you want to link to something, please provide me with the original source (i.e. not "Wikipedia"). I personally edit Wikipedia pages and - in my line of work, due to the fact that "Facts" can be edited - never use a Wiki page for reference. So, I read through the articles you provided, which loosely reference some of the facts you shared and tied together for some reason. Anyways, what we learn from the "evacuation" argument was NOT that the area was evacuated due to the spill - it was evacuated due to concerns over air quality (that was straight from the headline of one of the referenced sources): Those individuals were simply "warned" of water quality. PS whatsupwithMI - my arguments to you are incorporated here.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 1:16 a.m.
GoNavy, from the comments, you have made, I think if you actually research instead of going from your gut, you will find out that your gut is (on the topics you comment on here anyway) often incorrect.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 1:08 a.m.
"The line will run parallel to the path of an existing pipeline." Caption under the diagram in article.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:28 p.m.
Go Navy, You really need to get a clue. Why do you think they shut down 35 miles of the KZoo river for TWO years? Why do you think they told families not to drink water and had to EVACUATE their homes? Oh and by the way, not everybody lives in city water. What is this bad actor company going to do wwhen they destroy a families well?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:56 p.m.
Ron Granger - I'm not talking about the Brita attachment on your faucet. Your city water treatment plant is in fact designed to process contaminated water. In fact, from Wikipedia: " The goal of all water treatment process is to remove existing contaminants in the water, or reduce the concentration of such contaminants so the water becomes fit for its desired end-use." What did you think they were doing behind the fences over there - letting the lake water sit until the sediment sank to the bottom? PS You're going to have to share a lot more empirical evidence showing readers that the "cost to process water rises exponentially" as the level of "contamination" (whatever that contamination might be) increases linearly - as you've apparently suggested here.
Ron Granger
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:11 p.m.
GoNavy, drinking water systems are not designed to process contaminated water. Their ability to filter is extremely limited. The cost to purify water for drinking skyrockets as the level of contamination rises. Water can be easily rendered undrinkable. That is why you cannot even swim in most water reservoirs. To suggest oil spill contaminated water could still be processed by your local water authority is just absurd.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:26 p.m.
What makes you think that you'll be drinking oil? Do you know, off the top of your head, if oil and water are easily mixed? Can you think of any efforts - recent or otherwise - made by the city and/or state to take water straight from the ground and do things like "purify" and "prepare it for human consumption?" I'm not sure which part of Ann Arbor you live in, but the part I live in doesn't rely on water that is straight from the ground.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 11:58 a.m.
How many jobs will be created by this project?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:20 p.m.
Before or after an oil spill?
Jack Campbell
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:51 p.m.
What will be the long-term environmental and health-risks if there is a spill?
dave french
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 11:40 a.m.
I recently heard in the media (CBC radio) that they have a terrible environmental record in Alberta. Evidently, there, they don't even bother cleaning up the spills. Yes, we need the oil, but this company deserves to be held to stricter safety standards.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 1:12 a.m.
Lets keep in mind, truth in reporting standards are much higher in Canada than in the USA. Fox News has been trying for many years to get Canadian station, but can't pass this "accurate reporting without bias" standard. So yes, I'd believe facts heard on CBC radio are more accurate than facts provided on most US news outlets.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:25 p.m.
GoNavy, I do not need to know what happened in Canada. I only need to know their track record in MICHIGAN If you are ok with being one of the 30-50 families that are evacuated and even more who are told not to drink the water you are free to bathe in crude oil. I do know this much for sure, if we didnt have oil we might be in the dark ages, but I also know without water we would be DEAD
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 2:23 p.m.
Kalamazoo. Nuff said.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:22 p.m.
"You heard on the radio? "Some guy told you? Let's be straightforward here: Does Enbridge spill oil in Canada and not clean it up, or doesn't it? If it does, please provide a source (other than "something you heard once.") I have a hard time believing that a Canadian oil company is spilling oil in a place where people know about it, and that it's not being asked to clean it up by the government.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 11:35 a.m.
Arbor......explain to us the liberal point of view about this please.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 8:03 p.m.
Billy Bob - so corporations that privide jobs and benefits are money grabbers? How do you jump to that? If they are receiving subsidies then you should have had your representatives in congress end those subsidies when they had control of the house, senate, and presidency. Blame it on them, not the greedy corporations. I'm sure you take deductions for work related expenses, your mortgage and property taxes, and personal deductions for each dependent. Does that make you a money grabber? I'd say it does especially if you are one of the 99%ers wanting to raise everyone elses taxes.
Billy Bob Schwartz
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 4:17 p.m.
Dick...Can we rely on civilized discourse from a conservative? Nasty is as nasty says. Besides, regardless of the expanation given, wold you actually listen to it with an open mind? Why don't we start with the conservative view point. Oh, grabbers are always right. Is that about right on? I used to be a conservative myself, but that was when there was more to it than teacupness. Oops...guess I'm nasty, too. And still waiting for conservatism to return to the rational and humane.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:19 p.m.
I hope you are on the payroll for said oil company. I can only share my view. What is the good part of the Enbridge oil disaster?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:03 p.m.
Sorry.....I should know better than to ask a liberal to explain themselves....impossible.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 11:21 a.m.
Wow Motor...what a great choice. Either have the oil corporation cut into their massive subsidized profits and install safe disaster proof pipes or live in caves! Life is so simple for you!
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 1:49 p.m.
"Where does your drinking water come from Sonny?" In case you have forgotten your geography, we happen to live in Michigan, which is surrounded by the Great Lakes. The Great Lakes contain 84% of North America's fresh water and 21% of the world's supply of fresh water. It's not like we live in some place that is dependent on a single source of drinking water.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:20 p.m.
Where does your drinking water come from Sonny? Walmart?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:20 p.m.
Interesting - Nowhere in the article did it state that the pipelines to be installed are "unsafe," nor can I find any reference (anywhere on the internet) of "disaster-proof" oil pipes. Care to elaborate?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 11:41 a.m.
"safe disaster proof pipes" ... and what, praytell, would these be? I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no such thing as "disaster proof". If you try to engineer for every conceivable contingency, you end up with something that is so costly that it will never be built. The Titanic sank. The Challenger blew up. Stuff happens.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 11:01 a.m.
Sorry to break the bad news but without oil you'd be living in the dark ages ( not that some people would'nt like everyone to do that ) grow up and live with it....or go naked and live in a cave...
Unusual Suspect
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:59 p.m.
"For most of American history we did not rely on oil." Or Penicillin.
Mon, Jul 23, 2012 : 2:24 p.m.
I don't know how you prove a negative and your if/then only works if there was no alternative. Who's to say that if oil's ability to be refined and used as a fuel for internal combustion engines had not been "discovered" that alternatives would not have been discovered and in use today?
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 5:05 p.m.
For most of American history we did not rely on oil.
Sun, Jul 22, 2012 : 12:35 p.m.
Sorry to break the bad news to you, but we have this pipeline running right through our lake & wetlands in our backyard, all that oil for your motorcycle. If the pipeline leaks, are you coming over & help clean it up or are you just going to spout helpful platitudes about living in a cave?