Michigan First Lady Sue Snyder announces role as advocate for grieving children
Michigan’s First Lady Sue Snyder has joined a statewide campaign to raise awareness about the plight of grieving children, she announced today at Ele’s Place in Lansing.
Ele's Place has healing centers for grieving kids in the capital and in Ann Arbor.
Snyder's first move as advocate for the campaign was to announce a new website called kidsgrief.org, which aims to provide assistance to Michigan families looking for information and resources for their grieving kids.
The website is affiliated with a nonprofit run by Ele’s Place called the Michigan Network for Grieving Children.
Sue Snyder announced a new partnership with Ele's Place in Lansing today. She'll serve as a spokesperson for a new initiative of the nonprofit aimed at connecting grieving kids with existing resources in Michigan.
Photo courtesy of Ele's Place
Ele’s Place supports more than 200 grieving children each week at its Lansing location and more than 100 each year through off-site programming at seven schools. Its Ann Arbor location, open since 2007, sees 100 grieving children each week.
Juliana Keeping covers general assignment and health and the environment for AnnArbor.com. Reach her at julianakeeping@annarbor.com or 734-623-2528. Follow Juliana Keeping on Twitter
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 4:23 p.m.
Does anyone want to consider that Sue Snyder is an independent person with her own will and preferences? Yes, she's married to the governor, but let's let her be a real person. To dismiss this as nothing more than a publicity stunt by the governor smacks of paternalism, the same as it does when Michelle Obama's efforts are demeaned. Sue Snyder is an educated woman and she can do a lot of good somewhere -- why don't we let her. Okay, the governor's office probably likes her to be associated with something virtuous, but the organization will also get a lot from this association -- we all know it exists now, for one. Plus, any contact the governor has with people working with real suffering has to be a good thing.
tom swift jr.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:19 p.m.
For those of you who are so upset that people are critical of this sham, I feel bad for you. On one hand we have a CEO who is taking all he can from families, on the other hand we have his wife who , other than lending her name (perhaps not as good a thing for Eve's place as they think) to support an organization that helps families. This is a political move, nothing more. I hope Eve's place understands that, by connecting to the Snyder family, they have furthered the regime that is hurting families, this may come back to bit them in the behind in terms of private donations. I'm no longer supporter the AAACF since they've thrown their name behind Snyder, I'll no longer support Eve's Place.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 9:44 p.m.
You obviously weren't supporting them in the first place because the name is Ele's Place and I think it's rather sad you put politics above grieving children.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 12:58 p.m.
What a bunch of losers on this site that would link their disatisfaction with the governor's budget with his wife's desire to support a worthwhile organization. Get a life.
Soccer Mom 100
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 12:53 p.m.
My husband (and son's father) died over 2 years ago. Despite therapy, my 13 year old son is still suffering from depression and its effects. I agree the economy in Michigan sucks. However, if one child can be spared the grief and pain my son continues to go through, that's reason to celebrate. The schools tried to help, but with one counselor responsible for so many kids, I can't blame them too much. Yes, I am lucky to still have a job, but the issues with my son stem from the loss of his father, not from the loss of his Dad's income. Even if this is a political ploy, if kids are being helped and given someplace to express themselves, let this one be. As others have said, you can't understand the grief unless you have been through it. Just a concerned Mom talking, but also a Michigan resident. We have to improve the state somehow - let's start with the kids.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 12:20 p.m.
Ele's Place is a wonderful organization and I'm glad that Sue Snyder wants to work with them. Having said that, there absolutely is a connection between poverty and losing a parent. Poor people are much more likely to die earlier than middle class and wealthy people, so children living in poverty are much more likely to experience the loss of a parent. In addition, the loss of a parent often means the loss of that parent's income, increasing the chances that someone will grow up poor after their parent dies. So if Sue Snyder really cares about grieving children, and preventing grieving children, I hope that she will tell her husband to keep the full Earned Income Tax Credit, and keep kids out of poverty.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 11:06 a.m.
Thank you Mrs. Snyder. Anyone who has ever had a grieving child or been a grieving child knows the importance of this work. If you don't get help the grief can dog you for life. I do not know the Snyders, but I am aquainted with them from the days their son was in PUBLIC school. They were quietly generous and involved. Most of the people who attack Governor Snyder (and the Mrs.) seem blind to what a terrible economic condition this state is in. They seem to think taxing small business less is a crime. No one running a small business in this climate is getting rich and many have gone out of business. If we don't get small and medium businesses going again we are truly sunk. We need jobs, not more debt. Has anyone out there ever been in big debt? You can either change your ways (difficult) or declare bankruptcy (easy). The administrations before Governor Snyder have spent like taxpayer money was in endless supply with no limits and no accountability. The debt problem will never be solved if we don't cut spending. It just gets passed to the next generation. Thank you Governor Snyder for making the hard, unpopular choices. This is why we elected you. Thank you again Mrs. Snyder for getting involved with a worthy cause. Also, the last time I looked Governor Snyder got his money the old fashioned way - he worked hard in school and earned it.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 2:14 p.m.
Ah, actually he made his money as a CEO who got a golden parachute driving Gateway into the ground (he was supposed to turn it around and didn't). He didn't 'earn' his millions, let's be real here.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 4:39 a.m.
I volunteer at Ele's Place and this is very positive thing. It's extremely sad that people can't see past their politics and give credit where credit is due. I'm really starting to become embarassed about calling myself an Ann Arborite because of the reputation we have of being pie in the sky liberals. I am a demorcat, but I find these remarks embarassing. I also find them lacking in class or thoughtfulness. Ele's Place is a wonderful organization that I am proud to be a part of and instead of whining about everything our government does we go out and make a difference. The complete lack of empathy for these children is just so very sad. It's all about ego and intellectualism around here, but I think a truly smart person would understand this positive and think about this from a grieving child's perspective instead of "how dare you impinge on my liberal entitlement". This is why there's absolute gridlock in DC - people are so caught up in being "right" and winning instead of actually compromising and getting things done. It shouldn't be about blame; it should be about what can we get DONE to serve the greater good. To make any entity viable you must balance your budget to become a healthy entity - businesses who don't do this close or go bankrupt. It sucks, but the cuts have to come somewhere and if you are so against all of these cuts put your money where your mouth and tell your government you are willing to pay more in taxes. I think a lot of people around talk a big game around cuts, but are they really willing to put their money where there mouth is? I think a lot of people don't really understand the true costs of things and don't quite grasp the concept that the money has to come from somewhere. I guarantee many of you would kick and scream about paying another 10% in taxes. It's easy to complain about things, but I have more respect for people who take action and make a difference.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 9:35 p.m.
As a matter of fact the Snyders have been long time significant donors to Ele's Place - long before he was elected. PR to bring greater awareness is to grieving children is a good thing. This once again shows the massive liberal bias people in this community have. Do your homework before you cast stones and have the courage to actually go out and make a difference instead of complain about everything.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:07 p.m.
This was a blatant PR attempt to shore up the Governor's sagging ratings. We need to recognize it and reject it. Did the governor's wife work with any of these groups prior to his election and sagging ratings? No. Did this have to be 'announced' ? No. She could have worked with them w/o making a public announcement. This is a sad attempt to use volunteer groups for PR purposes. We need to look at 'actions' (like destroying the safety net for those in need) and reject these 'look at what I do' to distract us from what is really happening under this governor. To buy into this PR stunt is to accept what is really happening to our state and our community.
Tom Joad
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:59 a.m.
Good grief, we're grieving at the choice of governor
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:55 a.m.
"If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty I would do so. I like to think that I am a gentle man but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me...Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" These were Joseph Welch's words to Senator Joseph McCarthy. They serve as a potent reminder for many things, including decorum and mutual respect. We are all entitled to our opinions, but please remember that there will be many other opportunities on this site to post vitriol. Before taking your keyboard up in anger, pause for a moment and realize that you probably support the same cause Ms. Snyder is championing. Whether or not you support Gov. Snyder, can you for not one moment find a cause that you may agree upon? I, for one, am not always looking at ways to divide us.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:46 a.m.
Most of the posters here are missing the point, either stubbornly on purpose, or innocently ignorant. I believe it is the former. You may believe Mr Snyder is hurting the poor. That is one thing. But this organization is about grieving children who have lost a parent. There is no overlap here. One does not lead to the other. There is no cause and effect. Therefore, there is no connection, so stop with the politicizing. Again, disgusting. (Maybe you should look one of these kids in the eye and tell them how horrible their patroness is. I'm sure that would go down real well.)
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 3:59 a.m.
It's callled "guilt by association".
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:39 a.m.
what are we talking about here...how many kids lose a parent compared to kids in poverty, or who are hungry or lose a home. A family with centeredness can support a child through a loss which is an episode, from an accident or the like. However, kids thrust into a deterioration of their life choices through the policies of the Republicans have where to go?
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:09 p.m.
So you would rather minimize this issue and only show concern about issues that have higher percentages?
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 2:50 a.m.
Apparently this is an experience you have knowledge of???? I highly doubt it
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:32 a.m.
This would be like Terry Jones wife being an advocate to Muslim children or the wife of the pastor at Westboro Baptist being an advocate for gay children......
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:11 p.m.
I thought it would be more like any number of unnamed individuals here having any concern for fiscal responsibility.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 12:58 a.m.
I find it so painful that people would reduce this wonderful effort into partisan politics.....really???? It is obvious to me they have never experienced losing a parent at a young age. Put your politics aside and appreciate what a wonderful effort this is. I myself spent years trying to process with no help from anyone or anywhere. Please take a momet to try and understand.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 3:27 a.m.
@Hallmark - Mrs. Snyder has been involved with Ele's Place for a number of years. This is not a PR move and your disrespectful and offensive assumptions speak volumes of your character. This is an organization that serves a population comprised of grieving children - and the children are not political tools. They are children coping with grief.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 2:56 a.m.
Hallmark, I can only say I can see the bigger picture. I understand struggle, I have lived it. I raised a child as a single mother with not even a high school education. I managed to do this without a single penny from the goverment. I was determined to do it and did so, on a waitresses income. I am afraid you will not get much sympathy from me on the "poor folk" title you would like to give us.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:36 a.m.
You put your politics aside and see how bad this guy is ruin our kids lives to make his business buddies richer and then have the nerve to have your wife go public about being an advocate for the children whose lives you are ignoring and trying to pretend this makes it ok. This is 100% a PR move on his side and nobody but the blind followers like yourself are falling for it. So I repeat, put your politics aside and start to question this guys ill motives.
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 11:56 p.m.
Come on Cash! they won the election. they can indulge most anything they please. they are the Snyders
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 11:36 p.m.
Most of the above posts are mean-spirited, grotesque, sophomoric, and just plain disgusting. She is supporting an organization that helps children who have lost one or both parents. If you can find fault with that, then I truly am sorry for you. Take a deep breath, step back for a moment, and look at this from the perspective of the child. You have lost a parent. Someone wants to help you. ......and you want to slam this person? You should all have your mouths washed out with soap.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:38 a.m.
I guess it alright if I slap my wives and kids around as long as I join a group that supports abused family members huh??
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:36 a.m.
Cash This is a story about his wife, a separate human being with her own interests, aspirations, desires. Sure, he is married to Rick, whom you obviously detest, but in this case you are way off base. A sincere question for you is then obvious and follows: Would you rather have Ms Snyder resign any affiliation with this group and lend no help whatsoever? Would that put things right for you? If her involvement with this group is so anathema to you, I would assume severing ties would remedy the situation?
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:28 a.m.
Agree completely, sbbuilder. Some people can't put politics aside for even a nanosecond lest they "lose" the game.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 12:58 a.m.
And Cash 100% increase on nothing is still nothing. Time for everyone to get some skin in the game, too many people on the back of the working family.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 12:54 a.m.
sbbuilder now you know who your dealing with.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 12:35 a.m.
Snyder is mean-spirited, grotesque, sophmoric and jsut plain disgusting. Thus, comments about him must be as well. It's the reality of the situation. Increasing taxes 100% on working poor families IS cruel, and inhumane. You can't cover that up with a PR blitz. Like it or not.
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 11:21 p.m.
She can start with all the kids her husband is going to put out of work.
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 11:13 p.m.
Yes, by all means, let's all mock this woman for helping grieving children.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 7:16 p.m.
It is easy to fuel anger, it is much harder to put it out. From you posts, you frequently champion the causes of the poor or weak (much like your avatar). However, Bobby Kennedy would champion this cause as well. Your opinion is your right. What I question is the location of your comment. There are plenty of other places to post your opinion and it does you a disservice to have a negative comment in regards to helping grieving children.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 2:48 p.m.
1bit, the difference of opinion shouldn't negate either. Isn't it odd that I don't think you are investing too much disdain. It's your right!
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:25 a.m.
Cash, You are investing too much mental anguish and energy here. Seriously. Take a step back from the abyss. The woman is trying to help grieving children. Fine, point out the "irony" but salute the cause.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 12:52 a.m.
Cash are you kidding me, how about holding the parent accountable? And what is so bad about poverty, its a great motivator.
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 11:49 p.m.
Rewarding good behavior is as important as establishing consequences for bad -
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 11:18 p.m.
It is ironic that the wife of the man who will be causing grief to the poorest children in Michigan, "cares" for grieving children. I can't think of a more deserving person to mock.
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 11:02 p.m.
We need a advocate for GRIEVING CONSERVATIVES in Michigan! Lets spread the pleasure of paying taxes so that more than 50% of the people have that honor! (Seniors included) We want a new system of government that gets smaller each year rather than bigger! We need a new system for educating our children where teachers can get paid as much as NFL players but our children need to IMPROVE their test scores. Oh Please, someone be my advocate! I am Grieving!
David Briegel
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 2:02 p.m.
They are grieving all the way to the bank!
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 10:56 a.m.
Grieving conservatives? Haven't seen any of them lately. State government has been getting smaller for more than a decade and taxes are lower - I guess the question is how low is low? For conservatives I guess it's Somalia like government - none. Conservatives love to proclaim their victimhood all the time while they destroy our democracy and social safety nets.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:41 a.m.
What stupidity. Did you really compare teachers pay to NFL players?? How about comparing their pay to a high school dropout working at Mcdonalds. It's a lot closer than to a NFL player.
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 10:58 p.m.
Grotesque: using grieving children as a way to up his political campaign, Snyder has really amazed me this time. Here's an idea: don't take away the earned income tax credit that helps 20,000 children NOT go into poverty.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:14 a.m.
Actually, Mrs. Snyder has been involved with Ele's Place for a number of years. Your insinuation that this support for grieving children is merely a political ploy is offensive.
Mr. Ed
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 10 p.m.
Kids are grieving over the cuts to education.
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 10:41 p.m.
Not to mention cuts to poor kids clothing and raising the working poor's taxes.
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 9:50 p.m.
So the wife of the man who is raising taxes on working poor families and taking away the clothing allowance for the poorest Michigan children.....is concerned about children? Oh brother.
Moscow On The Huron
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 12:55 p.m.
This was almost not a predictable first post.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:57 a.m.
You should reread my post, Hallmark. It's just the opposite side of the same coin.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:44 a.m.
Sorry 1bit, you might not agree with Obama and his wife, but at least they have the best interest of the public at heart and try to make this country a better place and actually perform charity for what it is, rather than a PR move.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 1:20 a.m.
Really, your comment this time is beyond the pale. Right out of Sarah Palin's playbook. Next time somebody criticizes Michelle Obama for doing anything worthwhile, take a nice hard look at yourself in the mirror. But a pithy comment is worth criticizing a woman working to help grieving children.
Wed, May 11, 2011 : 12:43 a.m.
How dare Rick make us live within our means. He needs to give us back our credet card or I'm going to throw a fit!
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 10:43 p.m.
No, he already took away their allowance. Nothing left to tax.
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 10:41 p.m.
LOL Sparky79, Please! He might read this and that will be next!
Tue, May 10, 2011 : 10:07 p.m.
He's probably going to tax the kids' allowances next.