Medical marijuana organization sets up shop in downtown Ann Arbor
A medical marijuana clinic set up shop in downtown Ann Arbor, and a leader of the non-profit group running it says they're being careful to follow state guidelines and keep a good reputation in the fledgling Michigan industry.
But an Ann Arbor official says the city will soon examine the legality of any dispensaries, as well as the broader issue of zoning for medical marijuana dispensing and use within city limits.
Liberty Clinic has been located in an upstairs office on Main Street in downtown Ann Arbor for about four months, according to the leader of the non-profit organization, Jim "Chainsaw," who said he would not give his full name because there are still gray areas in state law regarding medical marijuana.

A marijuana dispensary is shown in this file photo.
Just one of those oft-referenced gray areas is the legality of creating clinics or clubs to distribute or use medical marijuana. The issue is never explicitly addressed and has led to contention over the interpretation of the law.
The clinic is an example of part of a growing number of operations popping up - and, some have said, pushing the limits - to distribute medical marijuana since Michigan became one of 14 state to allow limited use of the drug for medicinal purposes.
"When it comes to dispensaries, that is a law enforcement issue," said James McCurtis, spokesman for the Michigan Department of Community Health, which is in charge of administering the program. "There's nothing in the law that addresses them."
Several communities around the state have responded with regulations and zoning ordinances that control where medical marijuana can be dispensed and grown or, as Birmingham did, ban it outright. Ypsilanti Township is considering its own zoning ordinance.
The Liberty Clinic is being run as a non-profit caregiver collective network, which enrolls both registered patients and caregivers as members, Jim said. Per the state law that requires a patient-caregiver relationship, registered caregivers are only allowed to have five patients each and are required to keep 12 plants or fewer per patient.
However, the organization and others that have begun looking to locate in Ann Arbor face a possible legal challenge within the city.
While City Attorney Stephen Postema says no rule of thumb exists anywhere in the state, he thinks the law regarding dispensaries or co-ops is clear.
"The law doesn't contemplate there would be a group of plants that could just go to anyone," Postema said. Instead, the law allows a caregiver to cultivate a designated set of plants for a designated patient, he said.
"City Council will be looking at this, and there will be several issues that will need to be addressed," he said.
The MDCH has had no shortage of interest in the program, despite clear legal issues that have yet to be resolved.
As of June 4, the department had received nearly 34,000 original and renewal applications for medical marijuana cards. Of those applications, about 18,000 patient registrations were issued, and 7,800 caregiver registrations were issued.
Liberty Clinic has 1,200 members with more than 100 caregivers within the clinic, Jim said. The idea was to link patients with caregivers in a situation where they can drop in any time and where patients can learn to cultivate their own plants, Jim said. The clinic has taken steps to remain legal and welcome in the community, he said.
According to materials distributed by the clinic, all members to have a valid Michigan marijuana program card, a photo ID and a signed code of conduct sheet.
Every member is required to sign a code of conduct agreement saying they won't loiter, engage in disruptive behavior and won't "consume medicine" in or near the premises of the clinic. They must also promise to "not sell or redistribute medicine to others" and will keep a currently valid recommendation for medical marijuana.
Registered patients must have a doctor's recommendation saying they would benefit medically from the use of marijuana and need to have a state-issued medical marijuana ID card.
At the Ann Arbor clinic, it costs $12 for a yearly membership or $100 for a VIP membership, which allows a member access to clone plans and genetics, a free T-shirt and discount on purchases of one ounce or more of the weekly special. It also includes weekly e-mails informing members of the strains available in stock.
The clinic says it also provides education and training and procedures to grow and care for plants. Its materials say it also has trusted contractors who can help set up a grow room.
Like many who have begun taking advantage of Michigan's medical marijuana law, Jim said it's important to take extra caution to be discreet about using or dispensing medical marijuana for security and reputation purposes.
He said he moved to Ann Arbor because of Michigan's medical marijuana law. But he has been frustrated with rules that have made it difficult for registered users and caregivers to create a legitimate marketplace to help patients manage pain and discomfort with marijuana.
When Michigan passed its law allowing limited usage of marijuana for medicinal purposes, "I saw Michigan was going to allow it and allow people to help others with this, I said I was going there and taking a different avenue," Jim said.
"You have to choose if you're in it for the money, for legalization or to help the patients. I'm in this to help the patients," he said.
Tina Reed covers health and the environment for You can reach her at, call her at 734-623-2535 or find her on Twitter @TreedinAA.
h noneofurbiz
Tue, Sep 28, 2010 : 5:19 p.m.
His last name is Chaney not sure if thats how its spelled. He is also a convicted federal felon. He is from Ohio and could probably care less about anyones pain, He is definatley in it for the money.
Mon, Jun 14, 2010 : 6:22 p.m.
where is it Im paul jensen and I promoted the law
Atticus F.
Mon, Jun 14, 2010 : 12:04 p.m.
I'm so tired of these judgemental, ignorant people, who say things like "he doesn't look sick, so he must be a druggie". How would you be able to look at someone with a slipped disk in their back, and be able to tell if they are in pain? If you are a not a doctor, you should keep your uninformed oppinion to yourself. Here's a word of advice; stop worrying about what other peoples medical conditions are, and start worrying about yourself...You will will be alot happier in life if you stop letting other peoples actions upset you.
simply amazed
Mon, Jun 14, 2010 : 10:16 a.m.
"At the Ann Arbor clinic, it costs $12 for a yearly membership or $100 for a VIP membership, which allows a member access to clone plans and genetics, a free T-shirt and discount on purchases of one ounce or more of the weekly special. It also includes weekly e-mails informing members of the strains available in stock." Woohoo....VIP membership, a free t-shirt, weekly specials for volume discounts, and a menu for your choice of strain to vaporize? I'm in. Can I get this same kind of program with my high cholesterol script? This is sounding more and more like a cloak and dagger party than a medically warranted necessity. Issue it like a prescription is supposed to be issued, then I'll believe it. Last time I checked, my "pharmacist" never sat down with me to "vaporize" my prescription. Can't wait for the ice cream type truck to cruise the neighborhoods to the tune of Stairway to Heaven. Way to slam this into law without a forethought as to how it could be distributed properly. Whatever.
Responsible Spending
Mon, Jun 14, 2010 : 10:02 a.m.
Legalize it, Tax it, and lets move on. It is a win-win for everyone. The Pot Heads can smoke the weed that they are ALREADY smoking (just legally). Police and prosecutors can focus on more important issues. (Rapist, Murderers, and Gangs) The State can plug some holes in their billion dollars deficit.
Blue Eyes
Mon, Jun 14, 2010 : 9:38 a.m.
So now our fair City will try to regulate (ban?) marijuana clinics through it's zoning ordinances?! Ann Arbor has a $5 pot ordinance, 70% of voters were for medical marijuana, and NOW you want to run the clinics out of town? Come on City Hall, get it together, one way or the other!!!!
Sun, Jun 13, 2010 : 10:54 p.m.
Jesus, IT'S ANN ARBOR, LEGALIZE IT ALREADY!! I have been in Ann Arbor most of my natural life (over 35 yrs) and more then 75% of the population here have tried it and more then 50% of the population uses it socially-don't argue these facts with me I know what I'm talking about from FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE. Get a clue people. If it isn't legal it's just tax money missed. If it is legalized, tax money comes in and prices stay low, amen.
David Briegel
Sun, Jun 13, 2010 : 4:43 p.m.
Bonsai, that's a start. Who cares what anyone thinks? The truth and the lie have been treated equally as though the truth didn't matter. It's easy to pontificate anonymously. Jim is smart not to reveal his identity in this insane world that treats honest citizens and patients as criminals and semi-literate buffoons as noble patriots! Do you know the names behind the corporations that rent our "evil, big gubbermint" to get no-bid contracts written into the law of a "free market society"? Do you even know the name of the man that got a two million dollar a year bribe to do the bidding of those same corporations? Didn't think so. But you want Jim to reveal himself. Why? You won't! This thread is a perfect example of the schizophrenic nature of our "authorities" be they legal or "experts". Balls104, I know many members of the legal professions that detest the hypocrisy of this insane system of injustice. Angil Terach, excellent post!! Dave Cavanaugh, don't expect sanity and reason here! Top Cat, It is not "a joint" it is "The Joint"! MeNext, you expect "freedom"? This is right wing America. They only want to be free from the evil liberals, progressives, Marxists and Neo-Marxists! ActionJackson and many of us here aren't afraid to speak on the record. Why did change the policy it had as the A2News?
Sun, Jun 13, 2010 : 1:31 p.m.
actionjackson - I'm not asking you to trust me farther than reading my opinion and agreeing or not. It's laughable that the difference in context seems to escape some people. Let me try to spell out my opinion and you can agree or disagree based on my argument, not my identity. 1. "Jim" wants to be in business selling newly legal medicine to sick people. Yet he won't give his last name. I find this shady because it signals that he won't stand behind the goods and services he's offering. Why should I trust him to provide this important service if I can't even evaluate who he is and what experience he has in the area? 2. wants its audience to trust it as a provider of news, yet it grants anonymity to this source for a reason I can't discern other than "Jim's" fear that he might be breaking the law. I find this troubling because it forces me to wonder under what other circumstances it grants anonymity, and whether and why and how often it allows sources to hide behind anonymity. This is important because it speaks to the credibility of the organization -- does it print anonymous accusations against anybody made by anybody, or are their guidelines? 3. I, bonsai, am not asking anybody to trust me to provide any service... all I'm asking anyone to do is to evaluate my comments. What else do you need to know about me to help in that evaluation? That I'm a lifelong stoner? That I've lived in Ann Arbor all my life? That I voted for Obama?
Sun, Jun 13, 2010 : 10:55 a.m.
One way to deal with pot is to not spend any money on enforcement or incarceration; if the Feds want to keep it illegal make them pay for the enforcement.
Sun, Jun 13, 2010 : 10:25 a.m.
For those who suggest that cannabis lacks medicinal benefits for certain patients are willfully ignorant and tiresome. There are hundreds of scientific and medical peer-reviewed studies that support the medicinal use of marijuana. Educate yourself and step beyond state-induced ignorance. A point of clarification, doctors don't write prescriptions for medical marijuana, they provide a recommendation that using cannabis could help the person in question. Doctors cannot prescribe a schedule 1 drug it's against federal law. Nor can the doctor prescribe a certain marijuana dosage or strain that will work best for the patient; this issue is something that is worked out between the caregiver / dispensary and the patient. Finally, why do the naysayers still use the pejoratives "stoners" or "dopers" to describe recreational marijuana consumers? Do you also describe yourself and fellow drinking buddies as "drunks" or "alcoholics"?? Any legitimate study has proven that using recreational marijuana is safer than alcohol in terms of damage to the individual and harm to society.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 8:02 p.m.
@bonsai I notice you have two posts concerning a last name for Jim. How about yourself, why is your identity being hidden. Opinions should have backing with a name!
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 5:37 p.m.
The best definition of ignorance I have seen is several phrases ending with "CONTEMPT PRIOR TO INVESTIGATION." Dave Briegel and I had a conversation last night about the Ann Arbor News requiring a real name on their editorial, opinion column. I agree to the point he made about being up front with identity. That being said I have no trouble telling folks that I am Jack Sherburne, a resident of Ann Arbor since 1951. I have always had liberal ideas and will stick up for those who have been less fortunate every time. I voted for the legalization of medical marijuana and have seen the positive effects on suffering patients many times. So what if someone just wants to get high and it gets in their hands. Prohibitions have never worked in the past and won't work this time. Get over it for those of you who believe that reefer madness will ruin our fair city. Those who want to get high have been doing so since the 60's. Why do you think we voted in a $5 fine for possession. Ann Arbor and Berkley, my dad's hometown have always been forward thinking and generally right on the money to make them towns that I can live in happily. Don't worry about the caregivers who are out there now except they unfortunately take the chance of getting busted. Move on and accept the fact that the times, they are a changing.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 4:56 p.m.
Lets load up the jails with these vile and despicable herb "pushers" like we have for the last 70 years. Oh, that didn't work? We tried alcohol prohibition and that just made the Mafia rich and loaded up the jails with people who should not have been there. Our schizoid attitude about sex and drugs is surely laughable. But I am getting tired of laughing. When will it ever be over? Prohibiting anything that people want to use just drives more people to try it. Cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, coffee, caffeine, why are some legal and some are not? Who knows. Good luck to the new business. By the way, AA Police need to put a couple of cops full time on this business to make sure they abide by all the rules. Just take a couple of beat cops (hopefully there are some left) and dress them in plain clothes, rent a loft across the street, set up cameras, audio bug the place and this is just like movies! I know the city has tons of money to do this so they better get busy.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 4:41 p.m.
I've been on the job for 20 years. The US has lost the Drug War. Take it from someone who knows. And I say good. And I like kicking in doors and all the fun that comes after... It's just that I'm sick of protecting people from themselves. It's not what I signed on for. It's an utter waste of time. Prohibition (The Volstead Act) didn't do anything for America except create the Mafia and destroy the liquor industry. Drug prohibition has done the same thing. Multiple Mafia's and importation, meaning our countries money going overseas, funding God knows what. As much as we cannot keep people from ruining their own lives, we concentrate the bulk of our law enforcement efforts at that rather than mitigating or eliminating the abuser's effect on others. These drug clinics are the first sign of society using a repressive governments system of laws against the government. When the government responds with childish and ominous sounding threats, they belie their weakness to counter. Ultimately I think pot will be legalized in my lifetime. Really, I can't wait until the day that this "War" is over and I'm not forced by law to care about that 'funny smell' coming from your neighbors apartment. Then, maybe, I'll be able to focus on why, Mr. 'Nosey Neighbor" it is, that your kids are filthy and you're drunk from dawn till dusk.., I wish the clinic luck and will buy a t-shirt from them if I'm down there. I find the irony of it too much to resist.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 3:20 p.m.
to Angil Tarach: You said it better than anyone else. To those who must see someone limping in pain or in a wheelchair or walker to believe that they have any type of ailment, I say, "Shame on you for your willful ignorance!" I have had two friends who died from lupus. Anyone who didn't know they had the disease wouldn't have thought them sick at all. My lawyer died from complications of kidney failure, he looked healthy as a horse! I have known a lot of brave people who don''t wear their afflictions on their sleeves, but look for any way possible to manage their conditions with dignity. To those of you who scoff; educate yourself! Willful ignorance is the closest thing to Evil I have ever experienced in my life. It goes hand in hand with arrogance.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 2:54 p.m.
I'd rather be behind a stoner waiting the stop sign to turn green, than a drunk who doesn't see it at all!
David Cahill
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 2:50 p.m.
Am I the only one amused by the fact that the people complaining about "Jim" not using his last name are themselves using screen names here?
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 2:34 p.m.
Do people remember that our city voted to legalize medical pot by a margin of roughly 70% to 30%? The Mayor and City Attorney promptly scoffed at the idea of doing anything to support this voter exercise of democracy. This is another example of how this Mayor is so out of touch with the wishes of the people in this town. The implied threats by city officials to find some excuse to shutdown this business is repugnant to me. Legal pot will be here soon, so the city should get use to it!
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 1:46 p.m.
The application numbers are correct(34,000) but the state is so far behind, that if you applied 6 mos ago you still are not processed. --- I don't think these people are profiteering, because they are legit they have higher costs(Lawyers,taxes,Insurance,etc..) I do agree with "Me Next" that the cost is steep. $150 for your clinic visit, $100 for your state permit, then $25-$30 per gram for treatment. That makes legal medication $840 per oz vs street price of $400 per oz. Just think of our state budget if we taxed weed, the average plant will yield 3-4 oz each. We could afford schools and help our overcrowded legal system. I vote we make weed legal and ban booze.
Angil Tarach-Ritchey RN, GCM
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 1:29 p.m.
It's expected that there are people that understand this issue and those that do not. As a previous hospice nurse the use of marijuana by past patients suffering with pain and nausea gave them some quality of life that they wouldn't have had without it. Please refrain from passing judgement on patients with an invisible illness. You can't physically see most cancers until the very end of life when patients are so sick they wouldn't be out in public anyway, but that doesn't mean they're not in pain or nauseated. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome, and Lupus are other illnesses with extreme amounts of pain that you don't see displayed in outward appearances. This is no different than not seeing diabetes, kidney failure, Lyme disease, or the flu. Just because a patient doesn't "look" sick doesn't mean that don't suffer. If you have ever spent time with patients that can't leave their homes because of the constant nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy, or in such pain that they have no assemblence of a quality of life, it's very hard to understand the positive effects of marijuana for these patients. Will there be people that find doctors who prescribe anything for anyone who walks in the door for a few dollars? Yes. Will the people that find these few doctors get the license to get high? Yes But this is no different than drug addicts now doing this with Vicodin and Oxycontin. So should the few who will corruptly take advantage and misuse the new law prevent the true and suffering patients from receiving a real medical treatment that will allow them to function better each day? Absolutely not! This treatment had been going on for years and years. So would you rather have it in the underground and let patients who suffer from things like ovarian cancer or brain cancer be at risk for being in jail, or have it in the open so we can make the defining line between patients, who by the way are not trying to get high, from the folks that only want to get high. Understand that if there hadn't been medical proof that marijuana was a beneficial treatment for specific types of patients than this never would have been brought to legalization for medicinal purposes. With the newness of the legalization there will be patients and doctors who will refrain from ordering and using marijuana when they both know it could benefit the patient just because of the judgement and perception. It is my hope that people reading this will not be so quick to judge those with invisible illnesses and those trying to help them.
David Briegel
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 1:22 p.m.
Me Next, Why on Earth would you expect sanity? Can you name one single, solitary thing about the last 100 years of "drug policy" that has even resembled sanity? Selective enforcement, primarily against poor and minorities? Swat teams invading the homes of MS patients! Incarcaration by the "boom industry", the prison industrial complex. Many lawyers getting rich. And why would you object to making a profit off the dying? It is just Capitalism! frankdewalt, you think it's painful to watch, imagine how painful it must be to "experience" our schizophrenic policies! Destroying families, one life at a time! Awakened, legalization is what a sane and civilized nation would do!
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 1:06 p.m.
ffej440: um, yes, I think it makes a businessperson less legitimate if he won't publicly state his last name because he's afraid he's breaking the law. I also think it makes a news-gathering organization less legitimate if it grants sources anonymity for their convenience. Perhaps I should stick to my miniature trees...
Me Next
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 12:27 p.m.
I believe I have seen it all. The legal & humane thing to do is turn this "HERB" over to localities. The only thing I read here is that some people will no longer be victimized by Gov in the final stages of life. They will, however, be regulated to death. What makes Gov. think they have the Power to control people? I could name a dozen or more normal household goods used to "alter consciousness" (I won't. Don't want to give kids ideas). Apparently Banana Republic mentality will still help bankrupt USA & US by taking productive people out of society & making them wards of the nation & States. That's real smart. They get to feel Powerful while the product is unstoppable because of demand. While Politicians & foreign lands keep the cost high for their cut. May I make a sane suggestion? Leave free people alone & concentrate on the listed & enumerated duties for which you wanted the Trust Position at citizens' expense. Am I the only one that sees - State control of Doctors here? Doctors dictating for State? Hello! Tell it to the 20 something year old mother of 2. So emaciated from cancer & sick as a dog, that her doctor has to be the dog in the dog & pony show just to return her GOD given right to use what GOD has made to relieve her suffering. State card & "signed conduct" pledge. If a product is complained about - as concerning fraud (especially the dying) or is Hazardous to ones life (not the life some want to dictate to all others)but real damaging elements to the human body, then by all means - 1rst Local gets involved, then State if Local is complicit with violating product trust, then national if State is complicit. Rule of Law? I have no problem with a Statutory law that anyone caught giving, selling, transferring to children (under 18) any substance that interferes with normal growth & development - go directly to a Community house where they work for the locality to pay off the fine. Second offense or if they violate the public's trust working off the fine - It's a violent crime against a child & prison for 10 years period. So we have here the establishing of profiteering off of the dying or medical need person. The merchandise is the patient. Doctor, State, Supplier Registrar, & Caregiver chain. Lawful regulation would be supplier taxed on product respectively, citizens left alone. 2 Problems solved. The secret Society & financial drain on the nation respectively. Freedom Rules again in America - concerning this product alone of course. You think citizens will not assert GOD given Right to freedom anyway? You think they won't damage themselves with other products? Do you think they are not doing just that? All this does is make it available in the open for a few dying & with medical need that had no access to the Secret Society. Soon as a connection is made - stuff your Dictates. What will you do? End a dying life, end their suffering sooner - pen them up like sick animals? I was expecting sanity.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 12:10 p.m.
What is the big deal about Jim not giving his last name? We don't know the names of most busisness owners, why should he be any different? The Ypsi store shared his name, does that somehow make him more legit?
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 11:54 a.m.
WHY would allow "Jim" to remain anonymous? Do you all have any guidelines about this? Does anyone who asks get to hide his/her last name?
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 11:51 a.m.
djm12652- insomnia is also NOT a qualifying condition in Michigan. Please read the law, it is very strict. As far as "Stoners" lined up at the door,I find that hard to believe- street prices are much lower than a dispensery (lower overhead/no taxes) Last of all, I would say warm milk toast does not relax your muscles like THC. (Medical FACT)
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 11:44 a.m.
One would think that City Council would welcome a progressive business to downtown. Given that for decades AA has been at the forefront, at least in Michigan, of cannabis law reform and that Hash Bash brings in revenue for city retailers, City Council should have no problem with this new place. Ann Arbor needs to think of itself as hip and progressive, not snooty (a la Birmingham.)
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 10:25 a.m.
"... Lots of people think alcohol is okay but not pot...." Pot should have been "OK" for the last 30 years or so but hasn't, due in no small part to the happy discovery by many U.S. states that incarcerating lots of potheads (and other low-level drug users) created a form of economic stimulus. Hence, the Prison Industrial Complex, where small cities competed with one another to become a site for new "industry" construction. Locking people up was profitable business. Over the years, as the traditional Republican anti-drug campaign speeches slowly faded into the background, the Reagan-era "Say NO" to drugs campaign morphed into "Say YES" to prison jobs. One silver lining during the Great Recession has been the states' loss of interest in paying prison overhead due to their budget crises. This, along with the very effective national work of the medical marijuana campaign, has brought us to a point where we should have been almost 30 years ago. I'm amazed at how far the campaign has moved forward in a relatively short period of time — vaguely reminiscent of the '60s!
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 10:14 a.m.
I live and work downtown and I have to say those that I know that are going into the "clinic" not one of them seem to be suffering from any debilitating medical issues. The "anxiety" claim is used often as well as insomnia. Which I'm not sure why smoking weed during the day will help you sleep at night...maybe smoking before bed yes, but...warm milk toast with sugar will help you sleep as well. For those such as aataxpayer's dad and my sis-in-law that we just lost to brain cancer, it would be a blessing to alleviate the nauseousness of chemo and increase their appetite. But the stoners you see out on Main St. waiting to go up to the "clinic" tell the whole story...And I do get a chuckle out of "Chainsaw" not wanting to give his name...if everything was on the up and up, there would be no need to "hide"...and will there be a happy hour? OH yeah...always happy.... @ffje440...THC caps have been available at certain cancer treatment facilities...
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 10:01 a.m.
ffej: Thanks for the explanation. This is even worse, a government "pot board" that is charged with enforcement. Ripe for corruption for sure. Patient palms the Doc and the Doc palms the "pot board" bureaucrat. Smacks of a Soviet era style process. Rock on Obama!
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 9:39 a.m.
KRC- No caps yet. You can buy brownies and cookies, there is also a device called a "Vaporizor" that provides treatment without smoke.Check with your local dispensery.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 9:26 a.m.
@Awakened: 100% agreement. The contortions this country is putting itself through to slowly legalize something in baby steps are just painful to watch.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 9:13 a.m.
For those who don't want to smoke it, are THC caps available?
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 8:22 a.m.
Lots of people think alcohol is okay but not pot. Wondering why.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 8:21 a.m.
Legalize it and get it over with.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 8:18 a.m.
Yo Insidethehall.. The doctors don't call in a script.The doctor gives a one year script that goes to the state for approval before a patient card is issued. The state knows every doctor that writes a script.Also "anxiety" is not coverd in Michigan- I wish it were than I could give up the Prozac.Some clinics will write more scripts than others because they are specialized in this form of treatment; it doesn't mean they are trying to profit.
Chase Ingersoll
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 8:04 a.m.
You have to hand it to them - a bunch of so called dopers figure out how to provide health care services to the community without the need of any government largess. Perhaps they would be interested in addressing some additional medical needs in the community for those of use that are not interested in cannabis. I for one thought the Hash Bash this year was pretty weak and would suggest that it think about going H3 (healthy herbal hydroponics) and taking on a commercial flavor that would appeal to those of us that are just trying to pop some wood and keep our cholesterol below 200.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 7:54 a.m.
Gee, maybe it's time to give up on this round of "prohibition". It isn't working any better than last time.
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 7:44 a.m.
Cool, weekly specials. I wonder if they have delivery service? I'm feeling stressed. lol Better run to a "quack" doctor and get my note. lol
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 7:41 a.m.
the story should have indcluded a picture of the VIP membership T shirt. Will they offer grow your own classes on Wednesday nights?
Top Cat
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 6:40 a.m.
Can we refer to this place as a "Joint"?
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 6:38 a.m.
This is new?
Sat, Jun 12, 2010 : 5:48 a.m.
It should be law that the pot shop submit timely data on the doctors who are writing the Rx. In Cali if you claim "anxiety" you get your pot papers no problema. This was the fear with this legislation is that doctors will profit from it, perhaps in a pay for play scheme, and the doper gets his herb.