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Posted on Fri, May 7, 2010 : 3:55 p.m.

Kristin Judge files for reelection as Washtenaw County commissioner in 7th District

By Ryan J. Stanton

Kristin Judge has filed papers with the Washtenaw County Clerk’s Office to have her name placed on the Aug. 3 primary ballot.

The Democrat from Pittsfield Township will be running again for her 7th District seat on the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners.


Kristin Judge

She currently faces no challengers.

Judge first was elected in November 2008. She now serves as vice chairwoman of the Ways and Means Committee.

As a commissioner, Judge has kept in regular contact with residents with her monthly e-newsletter and now her recent blog “All Politics is Local” in cooperation with Heritage Newspapers.

“My only campaign promise was to take the responsibility for communicating with residents instead of waiting for them to find me," Judge said. "When I went door to door in 2008, I realized that most residents were unaware of county government functions and who their representative was. I wanted to change that, and I think I have been successful."

Judge was one of several people who helped to close a $30 million structural deficit in the county's budget for the 2010 and 2011 calendar years.

She recently started the Washtenaw County Internet Safety Task Force with members from local, state and federal organizations to raise awareness and educate residents on Internet safety. She also is working on a county transparency initiative with Commissioner Wesley Prater that is aimed at giving residents easy access to information on how their tax dollars are spent.

“In this age of computers, no one should have to pay for a FOIA request to see how their government is spending money," Judge said.

During her time on the county board, Judge has been active in the Michigan Association of Counties and National Association of Counties on the justice and public safety committees, which help create policy and advocate for it in Lansing and Washington, D.C. Judge feels it is important that Washtenaw County be at the table when policy that impacts residents is being made. 

“It would be an honor to continue a job I am absolutely passionate about," Judge said of her bid for reelection. "If the people of Washtenaw County are pleased with my performance so far, I would like to continue to serve them.”

Ryan J. Stanton covers government for Reach him at or 734-623-2529.


Sabrina Gross

Sat, May 8, 2010 : 8:06 a.m.

Pittsfield Township and Washtenaw County are very fortunate to have Kristin working to represent them. Kristin arrives at meetings and events organized, prepared (because she has taken the time to actually review and analyze the board materials and other packet information), and actively contributes to the discussion and debate about how to spend and save taxpayer dollars. The years of "rubber-stamping" that had become common practice at the Board of Commissioner meetings are officially over now that Kristin is part of the meetings. Just as importantly, Kristin is responsive, listens, and follows-up on issues that are important to those she represents. Kristin has my full support for re-election as county commissioner for District 7 [Pittsfield].


Sat, May 8, 2010 : 7:23 a.m.

I came to know Kristin through Michigan State University where we both were awarded a year long leadership fellowship. Kristin is an extraordinary individual who cares deeply about her local community. Her leadership skill set is far beyond that of her peers, she speaks of her community with passion and love. She conducts herself and her elected position with uncommon dignity and valor. Kristin is an example of what an individual working in elected politics should immulate. She is conscientious of how vitale her actions are to serve the people in her community, she goes well beyond reasonable efforts to communicate current events / issues with the people in her district, and she guides her decision making with genuine concern for the citizens she serves. This is one person I would recommend that you go out of your way to meet and get to know, as she would do the same for you. This is one person you should be very proud to cast a vote toward. Vote for Kristin Judge. She completely deserves to be reelected and you deserve her leadership. Also a BIG CONGRADULATIONS to ANN ARBOR for being the 4th best city in the United States to live in!!!


Sat, May 8, 2010 : 7 a.m.

Kristin is the first commissioner we've had serving Pittsfield who actually communicates with her constituents. AND she is energetic about serving our needs. She attends conferences to become educated about new ideas on how to do the best job she can. I cannot remember any other county commissioner who has EVER done this before. I wish other county commissioners, instead of fighting, would take her lead in trying to build up relationships. E.g., remember Obama's speech about "being nice" anyone??? I think there are people who have been elected who would rather serve their own egos than actually do good for the community. She has single-handedly reminded me that some people DO get elected to try and make our area better. Go for it, Kristin!!


Sat, May 8, 2010 : 12:01 a.m.

Kristin always calls me back when I call her with a question or concern. She shares information with the public in an open and honest manner. She's smart, dynamic, and energetic. It is refreshing to have a trustworthy candidate on the ballot.


Fri, May 7, 2010 : 11:29 p.m.

All I can say is that she is definitely committed to serving her community. She will always do what is good for our community and not what is good for her or special interests. I put my full faith in Kristin to do the right thing. You cannot say that about many politicians these days.

Kristin Judge

Fri, May 7, 2010 : 10:57 p.m.

"I could have charged the county for mileage" "if anyone wants to see programs" typo fixes!

Kristin Judge

Fri, May 7, 2010 : 10:53 p.m.

Thanks Gemini for giving me the opportunity to talk about the commissioners' budget. I was the first commissioner to fight for a reduction in our wasteful spending. Commissioners were getting unlimited per diem, mileage, magazines, travel etc. I helped create the plan that significantly reduced the amount of money available to commissioners and put a cap on it. I will defend my travel to MAC and NACo because of the importance of legislation written in DC and Lansing that directly effects county residents. Just this week I attended a House Judiciary committee meeting in Lansing to support legislation aimed at reducing unfunded mandates on county government. I could have the county for mileage, but did not. This year I have taken a pay cut because all of my fund will be spent on the cost of attending MAC and NACo conferences. When I travel, I do not get reimbursed for food or driving to the airport or around the city in am in. I would have to eat if I was home anyway. I will also continue to attend meetings without any per diem mileage pay this year. So, personally I will earn less money. If anyone wants to see my trip receipts, the progeams I have brought back or the legislation I am working on just call me at 734/646-2088. I will meet you to show you anything you want to see. For too long county board members have been so focused on how fabulous we were in washtenaw county. They did not see the value in learning from commissioners in other areas. I don't want to live in a bubble. There is too great a need to learn from others.


Fri, May 7, 2010 : 10:03 p.m.

Anyone remember this: A resolution on the May 20 [2009] Ways & Means Committee agenda which precedes the regular board meeting calls for $77,750 worth of cuts to the $600,000 set aside annually in the budget for commissioners salaries, travel and other expenses. Among other cuts, the resolution submitted by commissioner Leah Gunn would eliminate the budget for all attendance at conferences and conventions and all per diem expenses... Commissioner Kristin Judge began the discussion by saying she planned to make a friendly amendment to cut the travel budget by half, rather than eliminating it entirely. She said that theres some travel she wanted to do for the job, such as attending the annual National Association of Counties conference. I cant do this job at a loss financially, she said.


Fri, May 7, 2010 : 5:25 p.m.

Go Kristin! She has been a tireless public servant who is well deserving of reelection.