Jeff Irwin picks up endorsement from feminist group in bid for state representative
The Michigan National Organization for Women announced its endorsement of Jeff Irwin today in the 53rd District race for the Michigan State House of Representatives.
Michigan NOW, the largest multi-issue feminist group in Michigan, advocates for a broad range of reforms, endorsing only candidates who take "uncompromising stands on feminist issues."

Jeff Irwin
“I am especially honored to have the support of feminists, and specifically Michigan NOW,” Irwin, a Democrat from Ann Arbor, said in a statement. “I stand with the National Organization for Women on issues from gender equity in health care to LGBT rights, and I look forward to working with other feminists to make Michigan a more welcoming, successful place.”
NOW has recognized Irwin as a strong supporter of a full range of feminist issues, including reproductive rights, gender equality in health care, affirmative action, pay equity and equal marriage rights.
“Jeff has been evaluated through the MI NOW PAC process," said Renee Beeker, the group's president. "His record and responses support policies and actions which protect and enhance the rights of women. For these reasons, Jeff has received Michigan NOW’s endorsement for the 53rd state House seat.”
Irwin listed six issues he hopes to work on as state representative:
• Protecting the reproductive rights of women • Enhancing diversity at the state's educational institutions • Expanding the rights of our LGBT residents • Mandating equity in health care coverage • Promoting adequate sexual education and access to family planning • Protecting the rights of women to breast feed
Irwin will face off against fellow Democrat Ned Staebler of Ann Arbor in the Aug. 3 primary for a chance to replace Rebekah Warren in the House. The winner faces Republican Chase Ingersoll in the November general election.
The 53rd District includes the majority of the city of Ann Arbor and parts of Scio, Pittsfield and Ann Arbor townships. Click here for a map of the district.
Click here for a list of candidates running for office in Washtenaw County, as well as links to their websites.
Ryan J. Stanton covers government and politics for Reach him at or 734-623-2529.
David Cahill
Fri, Jul 2, 2010 : 3:43 p.m.
Congrats to Jeff! And yes, lots of people in AA care about NOW's endorsement.
Thu, Jul 1, 2010 : 10:03 a.m.
NOW? Oh yeah that'll be a game changer. Lots and lots of people worry about what they think.
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 3:14 p.m.
"uncompromising stands on feminist issues" which the NOW stands for has done them a lot of good with High Profile national canidates like Bill Clinton and Al Gore. I know that this is just a State election; but what does Jeff Irwin really think? I guess we need some good investigative reporting not someone simply rewriting Jeff Irwin's talking points!
Wed, Jun 30, 2010 : 3:14 p.m.
Seriously? That's all you have to say? I hope you don't vote.