Posted on Thu, Jun 6, 2013 : 12:15 p.m.
Images from Huron High School's class of 2013 graduation
By Courtney Sacco
Huron student Zibo Zou, the last student to walk during the graduation ceremony, has the river rats rattail pined to him before the start of ceremony. Courtney Sacco I
Huron student Zibo Zou, the last student to walk during the graduation ceremony, has the river rats rattail pined to him before the start of ceremony. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (1 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Members of Huron's class of 2013 line up before they enter the EMU's Convocation Center at the start of their graduation ceremony. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (3 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
A graduate looks up into Convocation Center at the start of Huron's class of 2013 graduation ceremony. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (4 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
A graduate looks up into Convocation Center at the start of Huron's class of 2013 graduation ceremony. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (5 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
A graduate plays the violin with the Huron symphony orchestra during Huron's class of 2013 graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (6 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Huron's principal Dr. Arthur Williams addresses the graduates during Huron's class of 2013 graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (7 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Huron's class of 2013 during their graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (8 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
A graduate during Huron's class of 2013 graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (9 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
A graduate with a cap dedicated to her "BFF" during Huron's class of 2013 graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (10 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Huron graduate Dominic DiGiovine delivers the class message during the 2013 graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center, Wednesday June 5. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (11 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Huron graduate Molly Gelb delivers the class gifts during the class of 2013 graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center, Wednesday June 5. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (12 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
The superintendent of the Ann Arbor schools Dr. Patricia Green addresses the graduates during Huron's class of 2013 graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (14 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Kelsey Aaronson, the first graduate of Huron's class of 2013, wears the ceremonial river rat ears and waits to receive her diploma, Wednesday, June 5. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (15 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Huron's class of 2013 graduates line up as they wait to receive their diplomas, Wednesday, June 5. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (16 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
A graduate celebrates as he walks up to receive his diploma from Dr. Arthur Williams during Huron's class of 2013 graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center, Wednesday, June 5. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (17 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Dr. Arthur Williams hands a graduate her diploma during Huron's class of 2013 graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center, Wednesday, June 5. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (18 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
A graduate hugs a faculty member after receiving her diploma during Huron's class of 2013 graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center, Wednesday, June 5. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (21 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Huron's class of 2013 graduates line up as they wait to receive their diplomas, Wednesday, June 5. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (23 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
A graduate receives a few words of wisdom from Darlene Tankersley as she waits next in line to receive her diploma. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (26 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Huron's last graduate Zibo Zou, wearing the ceremonial rat's tail, waits next in line to receive his diploma, Wednesday, June 5. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (27 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Huron's last graduate Zibo Zou, wearing the ceremonial rat's tail, walks up the ramp to receive his diploma, Wednesday, June 5. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (29 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
A graduate moves her tassel symbolizing graduation. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (32 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Members of the Huron Class of 2013 throw their caps up in the air at the end of their graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center, Wednesday, June 5. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (34 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Graduates are cheered on by Huron's faculty as they leave the Convocation Center at the end of Huron's class of 2013 graduation ceremony. Courtney Sacco I /calendar/photologue/photos/_1_/cache/060513_Huron_HS_Graduation_CS (36 of 37)_fullsize.JPG
Ann Arbor Huron High School's class of 2013 held its graduation ceremony Wednesday evening at Eastern Michigan University's Convocation Center. A replay of the ceremony will be made available online by Community Television Network later this month. staff photographer Courtney Sacco was there to capture these images.
Thu, Jun 6, 2013 : 4:29 p.m.
Title says "Images FORM Huron High School's class of 2013 graduation" (caps mine).
Julie Baker
Thu, Jun 6, 2013 : 4:31 p.m.
We've fixed the headline typo. Thanks.