Illegal fireworks charge against Milan police sergeant dismissed
A veteran Milan police sergeant is no longer facing a charge of setting off a firework in police headquarters late last year, officials said.
Monroe County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Jack Simms confirmed Monday a charge of illegal fireworks possession against Sgt. Tim Casey was dismissed after Casey completed a diversion program for first-time offenders.
Art Aisner | For
Casey, 45, of Chelsea, faced up to 90 days in jail if convicted of the misdemeanor offense. Instead, he attended a community class and paid a fine, Simms said.
Casey was scheduled to appear for arraignment in Monroe County District Court last month, but the hearing was postponed.
Simms said Casey likely won't have to appear in court and won't have any type of criminal record.
“He did what he was supposed to do as a first-time offender, and upon completion of the classes, the case was dismissed,” Simms said.
Casey, who has been with the department for 16 years, was charged for placing a lit firework under a closed bathroom door while another officer was inside just before midnight on Dec. 5. No one was injured.
Police Chief Jeff Lewis initiated an internal investigation after finding evidence of the incident the next day, including video recordings from hallway surveillance cameras. The Michigan State Police were called to conduct an independent criminal investigation after Lewis conferred with city officials.
Casey told investigators he didn’t intend any harm and characterized the incident as a prank, police reports said.
Casey remains on paid administrative leave while the internal investigation continues, Lewis said. There is no timeline for the probe’s completion.
Milan City Councilman Michael Armitage, a personal friend of Casey’s, said he hopes Casey will return to work soon.
“I’m concerned because for four months we’ve paid someone not to be there,” he said.
The case drew a groundswell of criticism of city officials. Many, including Armitage, said they felt the incident should have been handled without a criminal investigation.
“I always believed the matter should have been handled internally with disciplinary action,” Armitage said.
Mike Vincent, Casey’s attorney, said his client is focused on his springtime wedding and wants his job back.
“He’s moving forward and is eager to get back to work,” he said.
Art Aisner is a freelance writer for Reach the news desk at or 734-623-2530.
jeff taylor
Sat, Jan 22, 2011 : 9:46 a.m.
Who does he think he is? Reuther? Taylor? Or maybe Butler? These are the real pro's of old! Nice try!
Fri, Mar 26, 2010 : 1:18 a.m.
I am glad things are looking up for Ofc. Casey. During my brief stint with MPD I learned a great deal from him. I had no problem trusting him with my life and I can personally attest to his professionalism and dedication to the community. Though I am no longer a resident of Milan due to relocations associated with service to my country, I feel that after being raised in Milan, and having deep rooted family ties to Milan I still have a vested interest. I can honestly say that I have no issue with Ofc Casey continuing his service to the community. I have no doubt that he will serve the best interests of the City, and the good citizens of Milan, much like my Grandfather did 25 years ago..
Thu, Mar 25, 2010 : 2:11 p.m.
@ethics, I find your words quite interesting to say the least. I too enjoy "analyzing" others. Take for instance when you say, "I admire good standing citizens that are honest and have integrity." Yet you seem to have issues with Mr Armitage, one of the most " proactive, intelligent, controversial, and forthright" leaders I've seen in Milan during the TWENTY plus years our family has lived here!? What exactly is your "issue" with him? You've not really said anything specific, yet you attempt to make him look bad. Why is that? I am also intrigued with your very specific descriptions of the mayors whose "tenure" you've "watched" as a concerned citizen, right down to their NAMES. Interestingly enough, you couldn't bring yourself to mention the "current" mayor's name and she is the one you seem most impressed with! hmmm?! I again point out that your name is not being made known here so it is very easy to point fingers and "support" takes honesty to be able to speak openly in either forum and let your name be known! Oh and lastly, I agree with one thing you commented on. Some people like Mayor Muckler and others do not. I don't know her personally so "liking" her is not an issue. However, what I have seen of her she is far from being "forthright", just the opposite I would say! The only "transperancy" I've seen is the ability to see through her and what type of mayor she really is...clearly she lacks the integrity one in her position should have...I have had personal contact with both our mayor and the chief of our town and neither have been honest and forthright. I've been blatantly LIED addition to my questions being avoided rather than acknowledged and given answers to...these are not the actions of a leader that you describe. Again "ethics", I ask...who are you?
Thu, Mar 25, 2010 : 12:33 p.m.
The choices of the people as to who is "suppose" to be running this town makes me SICK. I loved Milan and I still do, but sometimes I wish that I didn't by my first house here (which was bought 2 years ago.) Milan is wonderful, small town. If the people running this town were: HONEST, TRUSTING, CARING,RESPONSIBLE,along with PROACTIVE, INTELLIGENT, CONTROVERSIAL,and FORTHRIGHT.The list goes on but I don't need too... I don't have many "CLOSE" friends here in this small town anymore(because most were smart and left this crap hole that it is turning into.) I had no hard feeling against any of the four people that are being talked about here. After watching and doing my "HOMEWORK" on ALL of them (Lewis, Muckler, Armitage and Casey) I am starting to understand why this is all going on... As do ALL four of them, it is NOT about the "FIRECRACKER". (FYI- This all started before the Chief got here.) Anyone who has COMPLETED their "homework" on ALL of them and not just one or two of them, know exactly what I am talking about. The only thing I am not completely understanding is WHY the "ONE" is making the choices they are and NOT being COMPLETELY truthful. As far as the city council meetings you are right they have went from "MAD TV" to "MADDER TV" and now is pretty close to "MADDEST TV". I really don't care who "eats popcorn with who while reviewing the city council meetings, because they didn't make it". This is all the BIGGEST joke ever. If EVERYONE would live by these sayings: (we wouldn't have these issues.) 1. Treat everyone as you would want to be treated. 2. The truth hurts but sometimes it hurts to tell the truth. 3. Everyone makes mistakes. 4. Nobody is perfect and Nobody is better then anyone else. 5. Look at yourself instead of others. 6. Stand up for what is right. The list goes on.... I am hoping and praying that everyone in this situation stops and looks at them self and make the "mistakes" they have made, right. Everyone will be happier in the end. * I think we need to get rid of a couple people on city council.. (Armitage is NOT the problem) Just my opinion :) Have a wonderful day to all!!
Thu, Mar 25, 2010 : 9:40 a.m.
I live in this wonderful, small town. I have no close friends in this quaint little community. I admire good standing citizens that are honest and have integrity. I watch and analyze the efforts of many. I appreciate community service. I enjoy getting into a good, healthy debate about real issues that affect our community and state. This (firecracker) issue isn't one of them. I would like to make a comment about Milan City Hall. I have only lived here during the tenure of three mayors. All were and are fine citizens. Ludwig was dedicated and hardworking but his ideas were stale and taxes rose. Diaz is a great man but had no experience. The City Council meetings, during his tenure were like "Mad TV". Some council members took advantage of his weeknesses to their advantage. The current Mayor is proactive, intelligent, controversial, and forthright. Some like her, some don't. This is the American way. For once, think outside the Milan box. Yes, your community is important but there are far more important things to worry about (health care, economic problems, world starvation, etc.).
Snarf Oscar Boondoggle
Wed, Mar 24, 2010 : 11:41 p.m.
w0w - i;m almost speechless... adults defuse lady-fingers politician and sparkling chief. glad the histrionic charges took a powder. now milan is fully staffed with their roamin' candles of law enforcement, the lights of my life.
Wed, Mar 24, 2010 : 9:16 p.m.
ethics..I personally take offense to your words! The "questionable things" you speak of escape me! I'm certain you're familiar with the saying, "there are two sides to every story"...well, apparently you feel that any not agreeing with "things" as you see them are not trustworthy or intelligent. I believe the old phrase, "Opinions are like...noses, everybody has one"...and yours, in MY opinion is not worth the time it took for you to post here! Your words that no one will question Mr. Armitage's dedication to Milan are true...yet you question his "motive"? I question YOURS! It seems from your past posts that you have issues with Mr. Armitage...who are you? I've seen Mr Armitage speak out PUBLICLY about what he feels is right...without reservation...he doesn't "follow" anyone in attempts for personal gain, unlike some in our town...hmmm
Wed, Mar 24, 2010 : 4:57 p.m.
Anyone with integrity and intelligence will remember all the questionable things Mr. Armitage has been involved with in his brief time in the public eye. Thankfully there is google and other sources so we don't forget this. No one will question his dedication to the city but what is his motive? Unfortunately for him he lost all control of City Hall when the former mayor stepped down. He was the puppeteer. Now he will wait patiently before he runs for Mayor again in 2012. And you, hopefully will do your homework...
Wed, Mar 24, 2010 : 11:38 a.m.
"Am I the only one angry to see the words "on paid leave" again? Why is anyone facing disciplinary action being paid full salary to stay home?" Are you asking why the officer that it the story that states he's not getting charged is on paid leave? Due process maybe? If he was on non paid leave they would just have to retro pay him when this sham of an "investigation" gets squashed. Good point Anonymous Due to Bigotry. i gave up trying to figure that out a long time ago. At one point it said firecracker, then it appeared it was a whistling bottle rocket...etc. I can't remeber if I got an answer or not. If it was a bottle rocket they don't sound anything like a gunshot.
Anonymous Due to Bigotry
Wed, Mar 24, 2010 : 9:02 a.m.
This story is missing critical information regarding exactly what sort of "firework" was detonated. Like the last few crime stories, it's pretty much impossible to come to any conclusion about whether some sort of action was justified when the most relevant details are missing from the story. Furthermore, this just gives peoples' imaginations room to wildly distort things. Some will imagine that he set off 1/4 of a stick of dynamite and others will imagine that he detonated a snap-n-pop.
Wed, Mar 24, 2010 : 7:29 a.m.
J Sorenson...that question would likely be answered by Mayor Muckler and Chief Lewis! My guess is that Casey was "targeted" from the begining...trumped up charges...i'd say if had been another cop who did the same it would've been laughed off and forgotten a LONG time ago!! sad....
J. Sorensen
Wed, Mar 24, 2010 : 2:16 a.m.
Am I the only one angry to see the words "on paid leave" again? Why is anyone facing disciplinary action being paid full salary to stay home?
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 9:45 p.m.
Longfellow, the scenerio you suggest is "the height of idocy"! It was definately worth a laugh though...thanks!!
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 9:43 p.m.
I think that the " higher ups" should be getting investigated next. I KNOW that this was NOT about the "firecracker", it was just an easy way of trying to get him out, because of something that has NOTHING to do with this. Seriously, I have lived in Milan 24 years. I know that I could trust my life with Sgt. Tim Casey and some others there at the pd, which is sad. I should be able to trust that EVERY single one of them have the BEST interest for us the citizens of Milan. I mean that is their job, right? I have noticed (not with just Milan) that before someone gets their badge, or gets into a higher position they are sweet a pie, then they get the "real" badge or the next badge up and they get this attitude " I am better then you". I hope and pray that everything is made right. It is sooo sad that this is made "hush hush." We are in AMERICA what the heck happened to Freedom of Speech and Standing Up for What is Right? As far as Milan goes... This city has gone DOWN Hill the past couple years, hmm wonder why? Because there is NO communication! Communication is EVERYTHING, if you dont communicate then nothing is going to get better!!! Everyone is looking at what the others are doing wrong instead of everyone looking at their self. Team work needs improvement. Let's ALL do something to change this city. Look at OURSELVES and see one negative thing that we can change (instead of looking at others). Communication, if you have a problem or concern about something GOTO that person, if that don't work then go one step higher.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 9:42 p.m.
af3201sps, You judge M. Armitage because he speaks in support of Sgt Casey and just happens to be a friend. At least he speaks OPENLY with regards to his feelings on the matter, not hiding behind some screen name! Your comments supporting Mayor Muckler and Chief Lewis lead me to believe you are "more" than just a concerned citizen, a relative or a BEST friend perhaps? Furthermore, I am impressed with M. Armitage for his open expressions, they took much courage on his part. I applaud his level of obvious integrity. Elected officials should speak out for what is right, not simply show support of the higher officials opinions? For the record, I support Sgt Casey and hope he returns to work very soon, the internal investigation has gone on long enough. I am ONLY a concerned citizen and know neither Armitage or Casey personally.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 8:34 p.m.
I am glad to see that the charges got dropped.. Also, Michael Armitage is one of the BEST councilman Milan has. Michael has done a HECK of alot for this town in making it better, unlike some others (not going to mention their names, as I am SURE they know who they are). Milan needs people that are going to stand up for one another (as long as it is for what is right) and trusting and honest, I do believe that is Michael and Tim Casey all the way!
Milton Waddams
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 4:05 p.m.
"The case drew a groundswell of criticism of city officials." The sophomoric actions of Casey drew plenty of criticism as well.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 4:03 p.m.
I'll bet Chief Lewis would not want to testify under oath about his "pranks" at YPD during his career as a street officer!
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 2:35 p.m.
"Police stations are never empty," What exactly doss that mean anyway?
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 2:13 p.m.
haha think you've just proved some big point? I understand police carry guns. They also probably know better what guns sound like better than say, you or I. Again it';s your word against the officers and I'm goiung to beliueve them more than you. Rich Kensey (sp?) wrote an article I believe saying it was no big deal. I will also trust him over you. I unsertand theoretical discussions but if you actually think the oplice officer in the john would come out shooting his gun, I can't hold a conversaiton with someone like that; it's too silly.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 1:59 p.m.
"The potential for the sound to be mistaken as a gunshot, and the danger of weapons being drawn in response could very well have ended in serious injury or fatality." Midnight, in an empty police station, with one officer in the can...Come on serously? You think the cop is just gunna come out blazing his weapon like it's the OK Corral? That's silly.
Bill Wilson
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 1:55 p.m.
Setting off a firecracker in a police station is the height of idiocy, and should be the basis for demotion, at the very least. The potential for the sound to be mistaken as a gunshot, and the danger of weapons being drawn in response could very well have ended in serious injury or fatality. Those who wish to dismiss this prove the adage: Common sense isn't so common.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 1:55 p.m.
If they did legalize more that would be great. Of course for this season ohio will still have better deals. It would help people that live higher up in the state though
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 1:53 p.m.
It sure sounds to me like the police chief has it in for Sgt. Casey. I've heard some of what had happened and I also come from a law enforcement. I know what a close-knit family police officers are and how they like to play pranks on each other. I think this should have been handled a little better internally. The police didn't have to make such a "public" issue out of this. Maybe he needs to have some training himself on how to handle internal matters.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 1:18 p.m.
" If I were to do something of that magnitude of stupidity, especially at a police station, I would most certainly be facing felony charges of domestic terrorism and assault on a peace officer." Again, you doing it in a police station as opposed to someone working in the police station are completely different. It's called common sense.
Matt Cooper
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 1:05 p.m.
I'm wondering if any of you law experts posting here have any clue as to what the elements are of the crimes you suggest he should have been charged with, or that you insist you would have been charged with had you done the exact same thing? I'm thinking probably not. Domestic terrorism? LOL Tell me what the elements are for that conviction? Assaulting a police officer? Good lord, I'm sure you know what that entails...don't you? Bunch of legal eagles here I tell ya!!
Matt Cooper
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 1:01 p.m.
Right phoebe, and maybe if we try really hard we can get Casey accused of the Lindbergh kidnapping as well as the Jimmy Hoffa disappearance!!! Come on now. Let's use at least a little common sense. They guy played a prank, nothing more nothing less. The punishment fit the crime. He did his community service and paid his fine. Let's not try to make the guy pay for every illegal, illicit or unethical act ever committed at the Milan Police dept.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 12:56 p.m.
phoebe...great point "Hudson and Dudley were sentenced to 18 months of probation, 40 hours of community service and fined $643, a court clerk said." "Hudson and Dudley allegedly threw a firework into the yard of another MSU student living on Grove Street in East Lansing as a prank." So once again there is a double standard for the cops. If you are a cop in the police station you can set off a firework and face a "misdemeanor offense". If you are a female college student and set off a firework in someone's yard you are given "felony charge, with maximum penalties of up to 20 years in prison." In the end the cop goes free and the girls are on probation, community service and fined. Is it any wonder people don't trust the cops and don't trust the courts? What a joke! As a taxpayer I find this a huge waste of my money, for both cases. The prosecutors and the judges should have to reimburse the Michigan taxpayers for this waste. Isn't there more important things for the courts to do?
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 12:55 p.m.
Thankfully this was thrown out. So lame to begin with. Only a couple more months till i go give ohio over $500 for the 4th of July.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 12:44 p.m.
"marcus" I was responding to the quote that Armitage was a friend of Sgt Casey. Milan is a small town and it is not hard to know alot about certain people or happenings here. Armitage is in the news alot and had previous run ins with the previous police chief. That was public knowledge and in the press quite a bit. I actually like Mr Armitage and voted for him. Not sure I will next time. I was hoping that he would take the same professional stand Mayor Muckler did and put friendships aside in this case. He seems to show the same disdain for police administrations in Milan and I am hoping when he speaks to the press that he will speak positively and firmly for Chief Lewis just as Mayor Muckler did. I appreciate the fact that she did that.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 12:23 p.m.
af3201sps, Sounds like your interest in, and knowledge of, Mr. Michael Armitage is a bit over the top. I wonder why you are so fixated on him when the story is about Sgt. Casey? Hmmmm... sounds like someone with a grudge!
scooter dog
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 12:08 p.m.
Time for the grandstanding, ego tripping, lowball,trumpted up charges, excause of a police chief to LEAVE.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 10:59 a.m.
The real question here is: Why does Michigan still have such an inane nanny-state law on fireworks? The amount of money that is spent across the borders each year is pretty ridiculous (80% of the plates at Shelton's in Fremont, IN are from MI at any given time). Money that could be contributing to Michigan's economy, rather than Ohio or Indiana's. Instead, we choose to spend more money prosecuting people for having a little fun during the summer.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 10 a.m.
phoebe, I'm in agreement with you which brings up another key point. Michael Armitage was at the center of the whole incident that led to Chief Stuck being fired. It was widely reported in the news media (AA News, etc...) that Chief Stuck had disciplined Mr. Armitage, who was a dispatcher at the time, for impersonating a police officer at a city event. It was from there that Mr. Armitage made allegations against Chief Stuck of theft. I suspect the truth is some where in the middle but now that Mr. Armitage is a city council member he owes it to Chief Lewis to show public support when a member of the department has erred.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 9:48 a.m.
Common sense prevails.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 9:42 a.m.
"Milan City Councilman Michael Armitage, a personal friend of Caseys, said he hopes Casey will return to work soon." I do not understand how Mr. Armitage, a city council member in Milan, can be fair and unbiased in this matter. At no time during this matter did Mr. Armitage speak in support of Chief Lewis and as a Milan resident I feel this is wrong. Mr. Armitage has a long history of being involved and connected to different problems in the police department. All incidents he has been part of in some way undermined or showed a lack of support for the police chief. While I do not feel that Sgt Casey should have lost his job over this matter I do feel that he should be demoted as he demonstrated a lack of maturity and leadership. Mr. Armitage should learn to put his personal friendships aside and do the job that we elected him to do. He should come out publically in support of any action that Chief Lewis decides to take in this matter.
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 : 9:38 a.m.
Gee, I wonder what would've happened if I had set off an ILLEGAL firework inside police headquarters?