Fight over haunted house in Ypsilanti Township could get costly

Herbert Tackett says Ypsilanti Township is overreacting to his haunted house. The township says the house is a fire hazard.
David Wak | For
Ypsilanti Township resident Herbert Tackett has been offering what he considers a public service for 15 years - a free haunted house at his home on Devonshire Road in the eastern part of the township.
But Tackett's longtime Halloween tradition came under fire by township officials last year, who called the haunted house a safety hazard.
Township Fire Marshal Phil Stachlewitz allowed Tackett to keep the haunted house open last year - but warned him it was the last year he could run it because it didn't comply with township building or fire safety regulations.
Tackett isn't giving up that easily.
He's reopened the house this year - but says he downsized it by half and made sure it's as safe as possible with plenty of room and exits. He said he couldn't follow some of the township's requests - like having a sprinkler system installed - because it wouldn't be financially feasible. He said he loses money, but wants to provide the haunted house for neighborhood kids.
"I just want them to leave me alone," Tackett said of the township.
That's not likely to happen.
Township Police Services Director Mike Radzik said Tackett was issued two citations Thursday for erecting a structure without a building permit and for erecting a structure without the Zoning Board of Appeal's approval. The citations run $100 each.
Radzik also said if Tackett lets people into the haunted house, he'll face 13 more citations. Those will include several fire safety violations for not having marked exits, no fire extinguishers or alarms, no sprinkler systems, and running an amusement spot without proper fire safety prevention.Â
After last year, Radzik said the township tried to encourage Tackett to hold the haunted house at a more commercial spot where it would comply with proper fire codes.

The Tacketts say they plan to go ahead with the haunted house, despite the township's warning.
David Wak | For
If Tackett chooses to run the haunted house on Halloween, he may be out $1,500 from all the citations. Radzik said he hopes it won't come to that.
"The ball is in their court," Radzik said.
Tackett's wife Stacy said Thursday that they plan to go ahead with the haunted house.
"We'll pay the fines," she said.
Tackett said many of his neighbors can't afford to take their kids to commercial haunted houses, which can run between $12 to $15 per person. He said he gets 400 to 700 people through his haunted house each year, and many people in the community love it.
Tackett's haunted house, located on the north side of his property, is basically a series of rooms built out of portable carports he purchased and draped with white and black plastic. The rooms are full of plastic ghosts, monsters, and skeletons. When the house is operating, they're shrouded in dry ice fog and lit by strobe lights.
Tackett said he has a group of volunteers who dress up like spooks and surprise people going through the maze. He said other volunteers also watch over the kids.
Tackett said the township is overreacting.
"They're doing this out of spite," he said.
David Wak is a freelance writer for Reach the news desk at or 734-623-2530.
Thu, Nov 5, 2009 : 10:46 a.m.
This was the BEST haunt I ever went to. And for free! They even gave out big size candy bars at the end. As a mom no matter where I am with my child, I'm always scoping out exit's for safety, the mall, the store, friends...etc... I don't need gov to tell me that this home haunt is "dangerous" what is dangerous is gov telling me what is best for my child. I found exit signs, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and easy ways out. To me this haunt is safer than Club Divines and Wiards. Also, this has been a family and neighborhood tradition for 15 years with NO issues until last year- I can't help but to feel that the tacketts have been singled out- especially since my family have seen other residential haunts throughout the township. there is something special about residential haunts that commercial haunts can not duplicate- for four hours out of a year GOV want's to control this too? Why not spend more energy going after residential speeders in school zones- this happens EVERY day in Ypsi.
Mon, Nov 2, 2009 : 11:52 a.m.
Did anyone ever check about whether there are sprinklers at Wiards?
Tackett Haunted House
Sun, Nov 1, 2009 : 2:43 p.m.
@screwface sounds like your the only one with all the answers.
Sun, Nov 1, 2009 : 10:18 a.m.
grimm i am part of the nra and have been shooting my whole life don't judge people to quickly old fella, just because you don't like any gov involment doesn't mean we don't need it and how do you know i am not in ypsi lol your just alittle to quick to judge for someone who has all the answers
Sun, Nov 1, 2009 : 10:09 a.m.
beside i am all for it of he would do a few things that he is supposed to to put this on. i give my time to the com as well and have for the past 10 years, doesn't mean i have any rights to side step rules and codes put in place to keep people safe
Sun, Nov 1, 2009 : 10:06 a.m.
DMS not affraid of eating my words i'm affraid of this jaintor building an unsafe kids haunted house and hurting someone. but take your kids every year and i'll be hear when they get hurt for you to cry to and look for someone to sue
stephanie hill
Sat, Oct 31, 2009 : 9:48 p.m.
i think they should leave him alone i live in kentucky and i am dieing to come too it just be glad that he loves his and wonts to make something fun for them to do i wish people around here would do that for our kids i have 2 kids and they would love this i mean it dont cost you nothing so just leave the man alone and let him have fun and the kids have fun let him have his house. i wished i couold get up there to it i love it........ leave him alone.....
Sat, Oct 31, 2009 : 11:14 a.m.
OMG!! Screwface, we invite you to go over and take a look at what you have so much to talk negative about. or are you scared you might have to eat your words? Everything is UP TO CODE!! what dont you get? Herbie by Far is not trying to get around the rules what so ever!! the township told him the rules and he followed them and fixed what was wrong. so again YOU MY FRIEND ARE WRONG! What ever happen to Appreciation? A family that is giving back to his hometown..Just to see a smile from the kids?? I as well as others APPRECIATE that and all the oether things he has done for our community? As for the comment about him giving to the poor people of ypsilanti?...He is doing it for the familys that have been Devastated by the U.S Economy and the outsourcing of jobs to 3rd world countries and the loss of the Manufacturing bass in Ypsilanti. VIA GM AD closed in 1992, Water wheel 1996,Ypsilanti ford 2007 and now Willow run Power train in 2010 (just to name a few) the People of Ypsilanti are not poor they have taken the hit of outsourcing. they are rich in spirit but poor in pocket and they are not to blam! for the Tackets to entertain on one night for 3-4 hrs on their Property at no coast to anyone but themselves shows there is still hope and still people who care about our kids and the childhood memories they will have unlike you and anyone else that would protest any of this. Again, get your fact's before you post because you seem to only comment on what you hope to be true. maybe take some time out of your day today and give back to your community, maybe give your own kids a few good childhood memories..Oh, I got it, maybe you should bring them on over to our side of town where they would have a great time a thank you and talk about it for years to come!
Sat, Oct 31, 2009 : 10:34 a.m.
it wouldn't be an issue if it was up to code... fix it, then tell folks to mind their business. just because it is "for the children" doesn't mean it is above the law. on the plus side, the police sound as if they are going to be monitoring the event, so that would make it a little safer. PS your kids love gangsta rap
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 10:57 p.m.
screwface, let me just say, this Man is doing this for the kids alone!! He has been a part os this community almost his hole life. He volunteered his time when we were kids at the roller rink, he Volunteers for Willow Run Schools Every year with float blding and for the past 15 years has dont put on this haunted house at no coast to anyone but himself!! Its easy for people to sit back and make comments on things they no nothing about!! my husband is friends with Brenda Stumbo and as soon as I heard this Issue an Email was sent to her asking what and how this could be fixed and guess what!! I mtself went to his house walked through and found every thing the fire marsh. said was wrong has now been fixed!!! EVERYTHING!! If you cant see past the fact that this man is giving back to our kids then you yourself need to re-evaluate your self.. Have you or would you ever put your time or money into what this man has done?? I think not because you spend to much time passing judgment on others and have no clue of the facts!! The Township officials should hang their heads in shame! they always say they are out for the community and whats best but I guess only if its going to get them money and only if its time to win one more vote! Herbbie Is a Heck of a guy to do all that he has done in ypsilanti. He may not be a big shot running for office and just an every day great guy who cares about our kids and seeing them Smile, But he has given alot more time then most who want to cry about him. Like I said I was there today and he was more then happy to show me what they say was unsafe and he made safe! I as well as 100's of others are proud of him and his family for giving back and expecting nothing in return. those of you who think he is wrong need to #1 go take a look and see that he IS up to code for safty.(he did just what they asked) and #2 you could olny dream of being the person he is!
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 10:38 p.m.
notabilly, good point. Does Wiards have sprinklers? Did they install them when they moved from their old location to the new buildings? Is there a double standard here?
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 9:47 p.m.
we should let him be because he's doing it for the poor people and his neibors so that makes it ok. if something bad happens so what its just his neibors or poor people who can't afford a haunted house. my point was they have rules againts it and he didn't even try to get a permit or exception so it's just someone trying to do something on there own by going around the rules.
Tackett Haunted House
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 6:04 p.m.
Just so that people know there are smoke alarms, Fire extinguishers, multiple spots to exit the haunted house and clearly marked exits.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 6:02 p.m.
And once again government over steps it's bounds. As I see it, this is a party he is having on his own property, not a business or "for profit" venture. Time to take names and remove officials from office. I think the Tackett's should contact CNN and get some national coverage like the Michigan lady who was being prosecuted for watching her neighbors kids before school as they got on the bus. She was charged with running an unlicensed day care for doing her neighbor a favor and CNN gave her story some coverage. Aren't people broke and hurting enough in this state? For God sakes, lighten up and allow people to have some pleasure in their life that doesn't cost them! I'm really tired of this state taking and taking from everyone.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 5:57 p.m.
screwface your probably right this haunted house is at the same level as a crack house or a brothel... in fact maybe this is a huge ploy he is probably holding all those things in the haunted house that might explain the fire that is going to spontaneously occur during the 3 hours of Halloween. we should put cameras in everyone's homes and yards and monitor everything everyone is doing to make sure nothing like this haunted house never happens again! you see this bs you are throwing out here about letting people have crack houses.. nobody said that all im saying is ITS A HAUNTED HOUSE FOR 3 HOURS PROBABLY. he obviously has been doing it for 15+ years how dangerous could it be really? you know what else maybe he knows what hes doing? just because there isnt a sprinkler system or walls that you cant walk through does not make it "unsafe" you would think he was forcing the community to walk through it. and comparing it to a crack house or a brothel is ignorant. so there ya go.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 4:43 p.m.
maeqFree, Of COURSE it's a firefighter's job to fight fires....I'm of the opinion that we have enough fires without taxpayers creating fire hazards for them to work in. And how close is this fire hazard to neighbor's homes? In your world, it's okay for a person to walk up and shoot someone because that's what we have police for. Lovely.
Laura Bien
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 4:38 p.m.
Mom of three: It's Bien. Not Bean. Though my old high school nickname was 'lima bean.' The rest of your comment: I beg your pardon? Are you implying I have a connection to Wiard's and are advertising for them? I most certainly do not, and was not, and I sure as heck can't afford those prices either.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 4:15 p.m.
ypsi your right people should be able to do what ever they want when ever they want if they do it on property they own. brothels crack houses bars what ever people want to do we should just get off there backs and let them do it
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 3:42 p.m.
Yeah i guess this guy should had known the township was going to charge him 1,500 bucks to throw 4 or 5 carports up in his yard. maybe he could had just rented out some building for i dunno how much money (probably more than 1,500 bucks) so he could let people go through that for one night on Halloween.. the haunted house runs for probably 3 maybe 4 hours just get off his back and maybe next year instead of spying on the man until 5 days before Halloween and then charging him all this money. maybe offer to help and help make it work out for the sake of the community. obviously the fire marshal knew it was going to happen maybe he could had helped instead of just waiting til the last minute then hitting him with this.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 3:11 p.m.
@maqe you think firefighters want to risk there lives because someone thinks they don't have to follw the rules? firefighters are aware they have to risk there own lives but that doesn't mean they want you or me to make it more likly they have to do when this guy could take his $1500 he will pay in fines and try to do this right. you people will be screaming for someones head if this thing hurt someone.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 3:02 p.m.
@YpsiLocal7754 I totally agree! Why are they wasting time & tax payer money "investigating" this?
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 2:58 p.m.
@cash Are you serious? Isn't that (...firefighters would have to endanger their lives to save kids...) part of their job description? C'mon, lets see a little more thought :-)
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 2:48 p.m.
well people probably shouldn't go shopping because people rob places that sell stuff. in fact maybe everyone should just stay in their homes and not go outside because who knows if its too cold you could get sick... lets just make everyone's decisions for them and fine someone who isn't making people go through his "unsafe structure"..i dunno if i was stuck in a fire i think i would rather have walls that i can rip open and walk away from. maybe this family man should just stop doing things for the community that only shuts him down... i wonder what the money they are making off him will go toward? the 8 hours of overtime they are paying some guy to sit in front of his house? aren't there real problems our township can take care of?
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 1:23 p.m.
as a ypsi jaycee for someyears that did haunted hauses the rules are there because people have been hurt in the past, you let him run this against the rules then how can you stop the next person or make the jaycees follow the rules. this is a stupid reaction to a stupid problem. if he makes it smaller then he wouldn't have these problems. grim glad you feel safe enough to ride homemade rollercoasters (suuuuuure) but that fact doesn't make it right. your points to its on the person who goes through are wrong. thats like saying it's on us to know the cars we drive are safe not on the car comp to make them safe.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 1:18 p.m.
@ grimdaddy what does hiphop have to do with this story? and why would i care what a 50yr old thinks about hiphop
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 1 p.m.
And imagine if a fire did break out...the township (the same one people are complaining is over doing it) fire department would have to come out and endanger THEIR lives to save kids in it. And then the parents of the kids would all get attornies and sue the fire dept for not stopping the haunted house and the homeowners for erecting a fire hazard. And the media would blast the township for not enforcing existing fire codes. All in all, the township cannot win. I must say from the bit of the picture shown, I sure wouldn't want that junk pile next to my house. Fortunately, it's not.
not a billy
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 12:58 p.m.
This has nothing to do with local politics. The National fire codes were changed a couple of years ago to require this type of temporary "structure" to be safe, particularly relating to fire. "It won't happen to me" is precisely why codes are required. Too many people die from decorations (Rhode Island a few years back with Great White band --- 100+ died from combustible decorations). Mr. Tackett would be better off sponsoring a Halloween party for the neighborhood (maybe at the Ford Blvd. Fire Station a few blocks away) rather than taking on the liability of this pile of blue (brown) tarps and cheap construction. For the Fire Department - - does Wiards have to have sprinklers in their haunted house that has been allowed to open without many questions for several years? PS: Mr. Tackett has a great costume in the picture.
mom of three
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 12:31 p.m.
@Laura Bean I can't afford $15 per person (At 5 in our family...$75 is a weeks worth of groceries. We forgo a lot of things, but when a neigbhor puts up a free haunted house, why come in and rain on the parade? And the link really does seem like a cheap advertising ploy by Wiards.
Laura Bien
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 12:20 p.m.
Prices for Wiard's "Night Terrors":
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : noon
Speaking of fun police, they work fast, don't they. Screwface (great screen name, by the way) how would you propose putting sprinklers in a tent? I guess it could be done, but it seems a little much. I like the movie, fire truck idea better (and a fire truck is another attraction for the kiddies!) Again though, I would feel safer in this tent than any of those abandoned building haunted houses around the area. As for the risk of a kid getting hurt; Mr. Radzik clearly takes it on him self. One would like to hope that folks would see what the Radziks are doing as fun and to the benifit of the community and hold him harmless if a child was injured. But then, I would have thought the township had better things to do than harrass Mr. Radzik. Pformer Pfiser; again, a tent. A fire retardant tent at that, as grimdaddy noted. If we paid heed to all "possible safety concerns" or worried about bad press, we wouldn't leave our houses! Regardless, as I said before, I would feel safer in a small tent I can rip or cut my way out of than in the pitch black mazes and lax safety requirements of "comercial" haunted houses.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 11:26 a.m.
I love the comments for this haunted house and those who say the township is all against 'fun.' I'd love to see reactions to the headline story run on CNN that reads: "Dozens burned to death in Michigan unlicensed haunted house" "A fire broke out in a neighborhood haunted house that was unlicensed and had been cited by the township in which it was located. Due to the residential nature of the structure, when the fire started near the 1st floor entrance, power was immediately lost. None of the visitors could find the exits and the room dividers acted like spider webs, entrapping the guests until they met their fiery demise. Most of the dead are women and children. Lawsuits have already been filed on behalf of the estates against the township for not shutting down this attraction they were long aware of."
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 11:22 a.m.
claim to be filming a movie and rent a fire truck. it would be much cheaper. either way, i understand why township officials would be so concerned. this is obviously the biggest thing they have to worry about. all other areas are trouble free. happy halloween.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 11:19 a.m.
The only reason things like this are noticed is because some "Do Gooder" calls the city and reports you. I am the member of Motor City Haunt Club and many of our member do the same sort of thing in their yards as well. The key is to keep it low key and set it up as late as possible and get it down as fast as possible. Donation buckets are problematic too. You can get hit with a citation for operating an unlicensed charity or soliciting for funds. I do all of these things and have had no trouble as of yet. One neighbor did threaten to call on me but I mentioned the unusual plants in her yard during the summers and she hasn't said boo to me since. A side note to screwface. Car canopies are required by law to be fire retardant. Ihave let my children attend these sort of haunts and I look at it this way...Accidents happen. I have even ridden homemade roller coasters getting whiplash too. No law suits it is my responsibility to attend or ride. The attending person should be the responsible party. PS Hip Hop is not music. It is bad poetry that is recited to stolen music.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 11:14 a.m.
Once again, we get a local government acting as fun police. In this case, the Township doesn't even have a "a few people are offended" excuse! It's not like this guy is putting on his haunted house in a semi-abandoned building or even his own home. We are talking about a tent. If there was a fire, I could cut an exit with my swiss army knife! I've always found the scarriest part of "comercial" haunted houses the lack of fire safty. I personally would feel a lot safer in Mr. Radzik's haunted house, fire inspection or not! I'm pretty sure the township has better things to do than harrass a guy who's just having some Halloween fun; and to the beniffit of his neighboors at that. This is not a real public safty issue, and we don't need more government sponsored fun police. Or are these fines part of the township's financial action plan?
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 10:47 a.m.
the sprinkler is a big deal, is this was a small haunted house like in a garage it wouldn't be needed. if he wants to build it big and is will to pay $1500 or more in fines he could rent a barn or K of C hall or something. or maybe we should let him build what ever he wants for the kids, maybe a rollercoaster or he could make a homemade h2o slide park sounds safe. whats his plan if one of these kids gets hurt without him having insurance?
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 10:38 a.m.
@81wolverine: Don't you think the people that choose to let their children attend the haunted house be the ones using common sense? I may think something is safe while someone else may be more paranoid... shouldn't that be up to the parties involved and not the state? I wonder if it would it be ok if he made people sign a waiver... this is ridiculous.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 10:34 a.m.
@mom of three: welcome to the madness that is my home state. The way the state seems to deal with the financial crisis is to sock it to the people who live here any way they can. Michigan residents beware...
mom of three
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 10:22 a.m.
Being new to Michigan, I have noticed a few things. Michigan is one of the hardest hit with unemployment, yet prices for activities and goods is sky high. Why is it that a commercial haunted house is charging $15 a person, when the average family can not afford to pay that? And why is it that when a decent family does a community service, they get targeted and punished? And why is it that common sense is the first sense lost, and the one least likely to return?
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 10:10 a.m.
It's really nice of him to do this every year and a shame the township has to be so restrictive. A requirement for a sprinkler system is excessive, especially for an event that runs one day. Making sure there are adequate marked exits and fire extinguishers is reasonable - you want it to be safe for visitors. Still, I'd say even some of these "commercial" haunted houses are not completely safe either. I was in one years ago at U-M that these inspectors would have shut down. Although no one wants an accident to occur, common sense should prevail.
Fri, Oct 30, 2009 : 9:56 a.m.
My kid and kid sister go to this every year and love it. I say put a bucket out front so that we can donate to his fines for the privilege of going through it again this year. This whole family is awesome.