Fresh out of college, University of Michigan grad is making moves to become next mayor of Ann Arbor

William Keith Bostic Jr. graduated from the University of Michigan last week. And now he's circulating petitions to run for mayor of Ann Arbor.
Ryan J. Stanton |
It's been an eventful two weeks for William Keith Bostic Jr.
Last week, the 22-year-old Texas native was graduating from the University of Michigan with President Barack Obama delivering his commencement speech. This week, he's making moves to run for mayor of Ann Arbor.
Bostic recently was a finalist to be the student speaker at commencement and was featured in the Wall Street Journal. His speech offered insight into his personal experience dealing with the economic downtown in Michigan.
"Calling alumni to solicit donations during the recession was difficult," he wrote. "Losing my job, then working as an unpaid intern, was difficult. But I responded."
Bostic was a late surprise this week when his name appeared on the list of candidates seeking the mayor's seat in this year's election. He currently is circulating petitions to run as an independent in the November general election.
"I don't want to be affiliated with either party," he said. "I just feel that both parties really haven't done anything, and it upsets me that we have constant standstills on issues within the city. Action needs to be taken. I plan on listening to everybody's opinion because, like I said, I like listening to people on the Republican side, I like listening to people on the Democratic side, and it's not about being a liberal or a conservative. It's about being a United States citizen, and we need to work together.
"And continuing to listening to these political machines on both sides — you know what, let's bring in a new side and throw a wrench into these machines," he added.
A native of Stafford, Texas, Bostic came to the University of Michigan for college following in the footsteps of his father, former U-M football player William Keith Bostic Sr.
"He lived here in Ann Arbor forever, so I used to always come up here to Ann Arbor," Bostic said. "So I have a personal connection with the city."
After a shaky start to his college career, Bostic earned bachelor's degrees in political science and African American studies last week. He also played football for U-M.
"I played two years under Coach Carr and then I ended up leaving because I was trying to go to law school," he said. "But I realized, you know what, I can't get into law school with a 2-point-something, so I raised my GPA up and I got a 3.0 and accomplished my goal. And so now I said, 'You know, let's take a chance.'"
Bostic said he talked to his hometown mayor in Stafford, Texas, and received encouragement to seek office in Ann Arbor.
Bostic has until July 15 to collect 250 signatures to appear on the November ballot. He would face the winner of the Aug. 3 Democratic primary, which pits Mayor John Hieftje against challenger Patricia Lesko. Steve Bean, chairman of the city's Environmental Commission, also intends to run as an independent in November.
"The main reason that I'm running is I mainly just want to help out the people of Ann Arbor," Bostic said. "I've worked here as an intern and it kind of made my day just reading different stories going on throughout the Ann Arbor community. And so I figured, if people are asking for a new person, I feel I can be that person. I really have nothing to lose. If people are asking for an outsider, I'm the perfect outsider."
Bostic said he's still forming his platform, but he has at least two issues already he knows he wants to address during his campaign.
"The Stadium bridge needs to be fixed or something needs to be done, because I don't want to see another Minnesota happen," he said. "That scares me. I refuse to drive on that bridge. I take alternate routes just so I don't have to deal with it, and imagine another scenario like Minnesota happening. I don't want to see it."
Argo Dam is another issue. Bostic said he's watched the debate over the dam's fate heavily divide the community over the last year and he wants to help both sides reach compromise.
"We have the people who want to tear it down and then we have the people who use the pond for recreation," he said. "I want to hear from both of these sides and we need to come to a consensus. This needs to be an issue that's addressed, but I feel that nobody's listening to either side. We need to actually be adults, have a conversation, and come to a consensus. Some people might be mad and some people might be happy. But you know what, it's for the majority of the people of Ann Arbor and we all have to make sacrifices at some point."
Ryan J. Stanton covers government for Reach him at or 734-623-2529.
Tue, May 18, 2010 : 2:57 p.m.
Good job William, it is refreshing to see a young man who has his head on straight and is reaching for the stars. Don't let the naysayers worry you about experience, you get that if elected. Stay true to yourself and keep going for it! Congrats! And I know your dad is very proud.
William Keith Bostic Jr
Fri, May 14, 2010 : 11:21 a.m.
First I would like to tell everyone thank you for the support. I am really excited about the upcoming election. I am looking forward to hearing the stories and problems that the people of Ann Arbor are facing. I want to hear all sides of the story. Ill be someone who can listen and then act. This is the main reason why I have not formed a platform yet. I have not heard everyones opinion. It would be wrong to make a choice without consideration from the dissenting side. One issue that I will be focusing on right now is finding a means to reduce the deficit without enacting layoffs. This will be difficult but possible. We need to find ways to generate revenue while streamlining the budget. Sacrifices must be made but not jobs especially from our first responders. I want to hear ideas. I know I cannot come up with these ideas myself. No idea in my opinion is dumb. This is why I need the help of the people. I want to know what problems you are facing regardless of your ideology and beliefs. It is time that we work together and become a cohesive community. Public discourse is a good thing because it leads to something better. This is just one issue that I will tackle. As I stated in my interview my platform has not been fully envisioned yet. I am still doing research on certain issues. That is where the process of acquiring 350 signatures will come into play. I want to know what issues we are all facing. We cannot just focus on a single issue. It can be something miniscule or large but I want to hear. I want to help. By running for mayor I'll be the voice for you. For those who question my experience at being mayor I meet the qualifications. Im a United States citizen. I am exercising my right to run for public office. This is my decision. Some may consider me as an outsider. My dad grew up in Ann Arbor. I lived in Ann Arbor for five years when I was younger. I came back to school here because I love this place. I love this city and I love the people that make this city great! I am looking forward to meeting the people that make this city tick. Once again thank you for the support. I know I do not have all the answers, this is why I need your help. If there is anyone who would like to get involved please email me at:
Fri, May 14, 2010 : 8:46 a.m.
Here is a better idea, you have your diploma, now go get a job in the real world where you can truly learn about life. Take your name off the ballot and please don't waste anymore of our time.
Fri, May 14, 2010 : 8:19 a.m.
HRH, single-issue voting is a large part of the demise of our electorate. There are some good points on this comments page about experience and time within the city. People are right to be a little put off by someone who hasn't been around the city that long coming in and saying they could do better. We know there are problems, pointing them out is easy. Solving them takes courage of your convictions because in the process you inevitably anger people. Like I said in an earlier post, I'm not ruling the guy out, I would just like to see him have some actual plans and ideas before I support him.
Thu, May 13, 2010 : 11:20 p.m.
How does Mr Bostic stand on the A2 airport expansion proposal - if he is against this he can have my vote!
Thu, May 13, 2010 : 8:12 p.m.
So he hasn't said what he would do, that is the problem with people who run for office. They point out problems, but never say what they would do to fix them. Yes, the Stadium Bridge needs to be fixed but where will the money come from? I'm sure Hieftje will tell you that also, Argo Dam there can't really be a compromise either it will get torn down and the pond will be gone or it won't and it will stay. Someone does need to make a choice. Why not put that on the ballot if it should stay or go.
L. C. Burgundy
Thu, May 13, 2010 : 5:16 p.m.
I gladly voted for Eric Plourde two years ago, but Mr. Bostic leaves me a little cold.
Thu, May 13, 2010 : 4:05 p.m.
Good luck to Mr Bostic....BUT, I do have concerns with someone who has "visited" our city and "nothing to lose"; the residents have alot to lose. We've had many people come to our town and tell us what could be better....WE know it could be better. Mr Bostic is quoted as saying,"The main reason that I'm running is I mainly just want to help out the people of Ann Arbor" Thank you, but you don't have to be the Mayor to do that. Whether we like/dislike the current City leaders, they are not absolute idiots. It looks easy from the outside, but once you get in and realize you have to play Mediator to the different Agendas, you realize why nothing gets done. Imagine you're the Referee in a game that has 6 different teams on the court at the same time. Mr Bostic, I applaud your courage. Perhaps it would be better if you gained some life experience first. Please don't use our town as a resume filler for your next endeavor; we've had too many of those, too.
Thu, May 13, 2010 : 3:45 p.m.
"I don't want to be affiliated with either party," Then I hope you "don't want to get elected."
gettin old
Thu, May 13, 2010 : 3:34 p.m.
Congrats on the decision to run!!! Ann Arbor needs a change!
Thu, May 13, 2010 : 3:32 p.m.
what a breath of fresh air. glad i'm not the only one who doesn't want to drive on that bridge.
Mike Jennings
Thu, May 13, 2010 : 3:17 p.m.
Again, where do I sign the petition? I do hope to see the rest of your platform but for now it's just good to see someone trying to do something diffrent.
Thu, May 13, 2010 : 2:27 p.m.
Where do I sign the petition? Good luck!!
Thu, May 13, 2010 : 1:24 p.m.
Very interesting. The platform is definitely in need of development. Usually that is something people figure out before they throw their hat into the ring. Either way, I'm glad to see people of my generation getting into the local politics. It would be nice to have some people running our city who don't have a conflict of interest with local developers when it comes to city contracts (granted the mayor has limited authority when it comes to much of this, but the general point is the same).
Thu, May 13, 2010 : 1:06 p.m.
Good we need real change in the Mayor's office.