Posted on Fri, Apr 9, 2010 : 4:50 p.m.
Former Willow Run Superintendent up for top schools job in Illinois
By David Jesse

Doris Hope-Jackson
The Chicago Tribune reports she is one of two candidates for the job.
Hope-Jackson served as an assistant superintendent in Harvey earlier in her career. She also served on the school board there during part of her tenure as superintendent in Willow Run.
Click here to read the story.
Click here to read's coverage of Hope-Jackson.
Sun, Apr 11, 2010 : 1:09 p.m.
they can have her.
Edward R. Murrow's ghost
Sat, Apr 10, 2010 : 9:26 p.m.
I have no idea what Ms. Hope-Jackson did or didn't do at Willow Run. But I am tickled by the posters being "shocked" that a school district in interested in her. There isn't a school district in the county whose superintendent hasn't come under massive abuse from the people on this website and from citizens at school board meetings. What person in their right mind who has any sense of self-respect would subject themselves to this kind of public abuse and scorn?
Basic Bob
Sat, Apr 10, 2010 : 7:26 p.m.
The people of Harvey know what they are getting, and they don't seem too picky. Not to mention that the complaints against her are public record so the school board doesn't have to say anything else. As well as her history of suing employers. Background checks _are_ legal, so there is a chance she won't work again. I'm sure someone will give Dr. Hicks a job but they'll keep her on a shorter leash.
The Picker
Sat, Apr 10, 2010 : 5:35 p.m.
Also, Again the local watchdog of gov't (Newspapers) are failing the citizens of all local communities by not exposing these facts before these swindlers are hired!
The Picker
Sat, Apr 10, 2010 : 5:29 p.m.
Wonder who has written this into Federal law? I can only guess. With this law in place we are doomed as a society. Employment of future school leaders must be from within or we are going to end up with scoundrels every time. If good people are chosen at the bottom, they will rise through the system and become great leaders of the future. And hopefully we can weed out the bums during their probationary period.
scooter dog
Sat, Apr 10, 2010 : 1:12 p.m.
Federal labor laws prohibit prior employers from bad mouthing ex employees no matter how dispicable they were.You can only say that they were employed with you and thats about all.Unless the person seeking the job lists all the bad things on their resume,which is highly unlikely,then its water over the dam,sad but true
Sat, Apr 10, 2010 : 12:19 p.m.
Doris Hope-Jackson professes to care only about "the children". Right. She was disrespectful to the children of Willow Run, as well as their parents and educators. No doubt she'll get the job in Harvey and hire her friend Laconda Hicks...... and wreak havoc there, as well. Aren't values such as honesty, educational skills, integrity and intelligence widely considered as virtues and not impediments when districts seek superintendents? We've had some stinkers in Willow Run. However, the current "acting" superintendent Laura Lisiscki (still receiving her principal's salary while diligently working to improve education; Hope-Jackson still receiving her superintendent's salary while doing nothing currently after doing major damage for years) isn't just "acting" like a superintendent-- she's truly an ethical educational leader. I guess there's good AND bad... as in every profession.
Sat, Apr 10, 2010 : 9:49 a.m.
George Fornero left for the Chicago area school district after his fiasco with Ann Arbor Public schools and Gerry Middleton his former Deputy Superintendent who left shortly after, now works with him in the same school system. Why don't these communities do an in-depth check, requesting references from parents and teachers from their former school districts? Are there that few qualified candidates? Cant' they find people like Robert Bobb? Mr. Bobb is a Fellow of the 2005 Broad Foundation Urban Schools Superintendents Academy where school districts should be looking for potential candidates.
Sat, Apr 10, 2010 : 9 a.m.
The Picker - you might want to read the linked article. Neither candidate has much going for them, or so one would think. This district makes Willow Run look well run!
The Picker
Sat, Apr 10, 2010 : 8:28 a.m.
Do communities do resume' checks anymore? I find it hard to believe there is such a shortage of qualified applicants out there. This women has destroyed every district she has worked for. Its time to hold school board members accountable to the taxpayers for their choices.