Former Republican Congressman Joe Schwarz endorses Mark Schauer over Tim Walberg
Former U.S. Rep. Joe Schwarz, a Republican, formally announced today his endorsement of Democrat Mark Schauer in his bid for re-election against Republican Tim Walberg.

Congressman Mark Schauer speaks at a rally on the campus of the University of Michigan last month.
Ryan J. Stanton |

Tim Walberg
“Integrity matters," added Schwarz, who chaired the successful Cure Michigan campaign in 2008 to amend the state’s constitution, lifting restrictions on the search for cures and legalizing embryonic stem cell research. "Mark has represented us well and fought hard for our district. Mark takes the correct positions on Social Security and on economic deveopment. For me, results and reasonable positions on difficult issues trump partisanship, and that’s why I’m proud to support Mark Schauer.”
Schwarz endorsed Schauer in his first race against Walberg two years ago. Schwarz and Schauer previously worked together on a community effort to prevent the closure of the Battle Creek Air National Guard Base.
Ryan J. Stanton covers government and politics for Reach him at or 734-623-2529.
Sat, Oct 9, 2010 : 7:33 p.m.
I'm amazed that all of Schauers' many brochures I get in the mail never promote his voting record or stance on health care, taxes, stimulus, or environmental issues, he never promotes his own accomplishments. He only attacks Walberg with outrageous, dramatic statements. If the Democrats are so confident that what they are doing is right for the country, why are none of them campaigning on their accomplishments and voting record. Every so often a really inspiring Democrat comes around (Clinton, Obama) inspire the masses with slick promotion and once in power they always fail to live up to the campaign hype. Unfortunately, Obama and the democratic congress have done some real damage.
Ann English
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 7:21 p.m.
I remember Joe Schwarz as a moderate. I didn't vote for him in his primary, but for a more conservative opponent. He won that primary because moderate John McCain came to the area to endorse him for Congress, not too long before the primary vote. You can tell what a candidate's political views are by observing who endorses him or her. It did not surprise me at all when Joseph Lieberman endorsed his fellow moderate McCain during the 2008 presidential campaign.
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 8:53 a.m.
@clownfish Bravo!
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 8:30 a.m.
BREAKING NEWS: There is no such thing as "ObamaCare" It is a made up term, made up by entertainers in order to distract people from the real world. Insurance rates have been going up every year, before Obama even ran for President! It was the insurance companies that demanded mandatory coverage, so they could reduce costs. Now it is they that are raising premiums, it is they that are increasing administrative costs, while delivering little to nothing for actual health care. Cap and Trade did not pass the congress, it does not exist in law, a red herring, a bogeyman for the extreme right. Do we hear any complaints from Whiners about how many times Walberg voted with Bush or with his Speaker, the indicted Tom Delay? That he voted for off-budget borrowing from the next generation...borrowing to the tune of hundreds of! Or how about Walbergs continuation of tax cuts during two wars, an unheard of never-done-it fiscal policy that is part of our current budget mess? Don't like the stimulus? Don't drive down I-94 anymore! Don't call the police! Don't take money at your business that may come from a teacher, road commission worker, cop, fireman or other person whose job may have been saved by the "failed stimulus". Don't accept any COBRA coverage from the thousands of MI residents that got continued coverage when their jobs disappeared, VIA a TAX CREDIT. Don't do business with any small business that got tax breaks/credits under Obamas stimulus or newest legislation. Don't do business with Adaptive Materials, Frederick Construction, Metro Painting, Pittsfield Twp, Quinn Evans Architects, The University of Michigan, Saylor Construction, Szydlowski Plumbing, WegCo Corp in Wash County. Why don't one of you smarter than us libs Whiners please show us what the economy would have looked like had AIG, Goldman Sachs or other investment firms/banks (you know, the ones you want to give more tax breaks to!) FAILED completely if Bush had not backed them up. YOU guys got what you wanted, De-REGULATION of big business, now you are outraged that they took advantage of that? And you want Walberg to do it again? So called "real republicans" or "conservatives" have been whining for decades about cutting entitlement programs, NOW they are upset about Medicare cuts? Isn't that what you wanted? Or, is it just that you got the talking points from another entertainer? When I read these comments, like "voted with Pelosi", "San Francisco liberal" or "failed stimulus" I know I am reading the regurgitated talking points of celebrity entertainers, not the serious political dialog we need in this country. From reading the comments above I am pretty sure Saint Ron Reagan, Jack Kemp, Bill Bennett and William Buckley would be called RINOS's and not allowed into the new, smaller tent of the radical right wing lead by entertainers and failed governors. Reagan- tripled national debt. Bush- doubled national debt. Eisenhower- spent billions in "stimulus", socialized road and infrastructure building. Where were you guys then? Holding signs that said "I support my President" and calling deficit hawks "traitors"? Where were you when billions of US tax dollars were LITERALLY STOLEN in Iraq? Stolen, not just taken by graft or bad contracts, but stolen by the Iraqi govt or former govt officials? From American Conservative Mag online- I continue to support our Commander in Chief during war, during this republican recession, I will vote for Schauer. Walberg does not speak for me.
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 8:19 a.m.
Those who blame the new heath care law for the increase in premiums have not being paying attention. I am a small business owner. Our premiums had been going up by ridiculous amounts PRIOR to the new laws. We kept reducing coverage and increasing deductibles to limit the premium increases, until we could cut no more. Our health care system is/was broken and needs fixing. Repealing the new laws will just take us back to an unworkable system. I am tired of naysayers who offer no solutions.
Chip Reed
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 7:41 a.m.
I don't believe that people like Tim Walberg, who believe that the Rapture will come in our lifetimes, are suited for making long range plans for the rest of us who will be stuck on this planet.
Steve Pepple
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 7:37 a.m.
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Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 6:18 a.m.
Schauer and anyone else who supported Obama care needs to go and many of them will in the upcoming election. Health insurance costs are going up, not just because of the increase in mandated coverage, but also because the federal gov't is planning on cuts in medicare, medicaid thus forcing more of these costs to be put on private insurers. My premiums went up 30% and I have a 10,000 deductible. Ridiculous. Can't wait for November.
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 6:16 a.m.
Reasons to oust Mark Schauer: Repeal Obamacare!!! It is a disaster- already showing it's effects in states like Connecticut where major insurance companies are raising their premiums by 20%: State OKs Anthem Rate Hikes, Some More Than 20 Percent; Attorney General Cries Foul By MATTHEW STURDEVANT, 6:55 p.m. EDT, September 17, 2010 The state's largest health insurer was granted rate hikes Friday that will be well over 20 percent for some plans, drawing sharp criticism from the attorney general. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Connecticut requested a wide range of premium increases, which will take effect Oct. 1, to cover the costs of new benefits required by federal health reform.... Hartford Courant, September 17, 2010
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 6:09 a.m.
REASONS to VOTE for TIM WALLBERG: Take a look at how he rated with PROMINENT taxpayer groups while he was in office: 2007 Walberg supported the interests of the Citizens Against Government Waste 90 percent in 2007. 2007 Walberg supported the interests of the FreedomWorks 90 percent in 2007. 2007 In 2007 National Taxpayers Union gave Walberg a grade of B+.
Steve Pepple
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 6:08 a.m.
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Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 12:45 a.m.
Dr Schwartz is a RINO -- not a true repub and never a conservative. Seems many of these types have been discovered lately -- and all the far left liberals that now think that Schwartz is now a good person as he endorsed a far left liberal -- just comical of the left.......
David Briegel
Fri, Oct 8, 2010 : 12:15 a.m.
"goose stepping"? "ilk"? "tax and spend"? "lock step"? "San Francisco Dem"? You really know how to wound a man! "damage the economic system of the U.S."? Wow, I thought that is what the failed "borrow and spend" and mismanaged wars did to us! Mark Schauer deserves our vote!
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 : 9:53 p.m.
Mark Schauer is a dismal FAILURE. He has the fresh stink of his OBAMACARE vote, along with Cap and Tax. He is just one more tax and spend leftist crank who will hopefully pay for those travesty with his job. Like other Michigan "representatives", he failed to negotiate any special consideration for Michigan. To the contrary, he was perfectly happy goose stepping along the party line, voting as instructed by his democrat bosses regardless of the damage to Michigan. Like others of his ilk, he needs to go back home now and sell encyclopedias or aluminum siding - something them that will cause less damage to the United States economic system and the future of our country. FIRE SCHAUER!!
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 : 8:46 p.m.
I live in the 7th myself, and you guys up there sure don't speak for me. I'm happily voting for Schauer. We need intelligent representation, not bible-school graduates, thanks.
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 : 6:56 p.m.
I would hardly call Schwarz a 'prominent Republican'. He's more of a 'prominent RINO', which is why we voted him out. Snyder certainly is doing nothing to encourage the conservative vote by allowing Schwarz to sabotage his campaign. We might even have to vote for Bernero just avoid the connections to Schwarz. Most of the 7th district doesnt trust him as far as we could throw him and this mean-spirited endorsement of anybody-but-Walberg is one of the reasons.Because this isnt the first time he's done this, just to take potshots at the guy that beat him fair and square. Integrity? Old sore-losin' Joe wouldnt know integrity if it bit him!
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 : 6:47 p.m.
I've never been a big fan of Tim Walberg, but Joe Schwartz's endorsement is probably based more in the personal dislike the two have for each other after that nasty 2006 campaign.
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 : 6:03 p.m.
Schwarz is not a prominent Republican he is still smarting from the whipping Walberg gave him in the 2006 primary. Mark Schauer voted with Nancy Pelosi in lock step. Schauer voted for the stimulus, TARP II, Obamacare, and Cap and Trade. The poeple of the 7th don't need nor want a San Franciso Democrat representing them in Congress.
Bob Martel
Thu, Oct 7, 2010 : 3:57 p.m.
It's nice to see a prominent Republican reach across the aisle and endorse a candidate based on substance and not simply because of shared party affiliation. Good going Dr. Schwarz!