Ann Arbor superintendent contract: Swift to earn base salary of $200K
The Ann Arbor school board Wednesday ratified a five-year agreement with new Superintendent Jeanice Kerr Swift that will allow her to earn an average annual salary of $210,000 throughout the duration of the contract.

Jeanice Kerr Swift
Courtesy photo
Board President Deb Mexicotte, who along with the district's legal counsel negotiated the contract with Swift, said there would be no penalty for Swift if she severed her employment with the Ann Arbor Public Schools early. Swift would be paid for her 90-days' notice, as well as whatever paid-time-off and leave time she had accrued.
If the Ann Arbor school board were to terminate Swift's employment with cause, she also would not receive any of the incentive money for her years of service.
If the board terminated her without cause, simply because as a superintendent she is an at-will employee, Mexicotte said Swfit would receive her prorated longevity accruals and a severance pay package of 18 months, which Mexicotte said is standard for most AAPS superintendent contracts.
The Board of Education voted 4-3 on July 31 to offer the superintendency to Swift, one of two finalists for the spot, after its first choice for the job turned it down. The contract was approved Wednesday on a 5-1 vote, with Vice President Christine Stead absent and Trustee Susan Baskett voting "no."
The base pay the board approved for Swift is in the middle of the range trustees set earlier this year for their next superintendent: $180,000 to $220,000.
The start date of Swift's contract is Aug. 27, which is the opening day kickoff celebration for teachers. Swift will be in Ann Arbor for opening day and then will return briefly to Colorado. She will be back in the district for students' first day of school on Sept. 3, Mexicotte said.
The five-year contract has an automatic extension clause that will allow the contract to automatically renew for one year if after three years the board takes no action on the contract.
Because Swift is relocating to Ann Arbor on a rather quick timeline, per the contract, the Ann Arbor Public Schools will pay Swift up to $100 per day, not to exceed 90 days, to reimburse her for "reasonable expenses occurred in her move to Ann Arbor," which could be rent for a temporary apartment, Mexicotte said.
The $100 per day equates to a total maximum reimbursement of $9,000, or about $3,000 per month. But as trustees noted, Swift would not be receiving the $9,000 in cash or as a stipend. She will be required to submit expense forms and any bills or invoices related to the reasonable expenses she's claiming.
Mexicotte said the fringe benefits, including health care and pension costs, are all typical of what Ann Arbor's other central administrators receive.
Also per the contract, Swift will be provided a cell phone and cell service, a laptop computer and a $250 per month car allowance for travel expenses that occur within Washtenaw County. The car allowance is in lieu of the standard IRS mileage reimbursement rate.
School board trustees were very complimentary of the contract Mexicotte and the district's legal team negotiated.
"I see many of the requirements that the trustees wanted (in this contract)," Trustee Simone Lightfoot said addressing Mexicotte. "The car allowance is half of what we paid out before ... So there were efforts, I see, that you were cutting costs for us. ... I did not want to have (Swift) at the (lowest) base salary, but did not want anybody maxed out either. So I appreciate the president's consideration of that."
Trustee Andy Thomas said at first he blanched a bit at the thought of $100 per day, but when he realized it was "up to" he felt it was "not outlandish at all" for Swift to find temporary quarters.
He added with all the driving to Ann Arbor's school buildings, the Washtenaw Intermediate School District and Lansing the board is expecting Swift to do, he said the travel allowance is understandable.
"I see no problem with any of those perks. I think this is a very reasonable, very acceptable contract," Thomas said.
Baskett's primary objections to the contract were regarding the travel allowance, the 18-month severance package and the lack of performance metrics or performance incentives built in. She also would have liked to have seen some sort of monetary penalty for Swift breaking the contract early.
"I welcome Dr. Swift coming to the district," Baskett said. "I do not welcome this contract."
Danielle Arndt covers K-12 education for Follow her on Twitter @DanielleArndt or email her at
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 8:25 p.m.
18 month severance package????? This is standard for superintendents? Now i'm beginning to understand why are schools are a financial disaster............I don't think I could find suitable accommodations for $3000 per month though..........regardless of what the circumstances are when she leaves she will receive her longevity pay because it is less money than paying an attorney bill so you can consider that money spent regardless on her performance..........In a time of declining enrollment, declining finances, and increasing costs for food and fuel it amazes me how generous we as a community can be as we continue to cut the budget year after year. If she wants to take on the real problem which is related to wages and benefits then she will earn that money; won't happen, mark my words........
Fri, Aug 16, 2013 : 8:38 p.m.
It's normal for someone making this kind of money to have a severance package. Add in that she needs to sell her house and move and that makes it longer. Add it the high turnover in this district and I bet she asked for longer and settled on 18 months.
Fri, Aug 16, 2013 : 9:01 a.m.
Our BOE does not know what fiscal responsibility means and they spend like drunken sailors. 18 month severance package is another slap in the face of the tax payers.
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 6:53 p.m.
@Honest Abe: I'm curious at what cap or value you do place on education positions? If you don't think any position in education is worth this much (and this position is the equivalent of the CEO and not out of step with similar positions in similar markets - yes, Pat Green's was way over the top - this comes back down closer to Todd Robert's salary), I'm scared to think what value you would place on the positions of teachers and support staff (office, custodial, transportation, para-pros and all the other necessary people/positions that continue to dedicate their adult lives to the education and well-being of future generations).
Danielle Arndt
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 5:51 p.m.
A downloadable copy of Swift's contract has been added to this story.
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 4:34 p.m.
No one can (or should) be forced to remain in a position that is not working for them, for whatever reason. It is Not penalties for leaving, but rather the positives provided by a job that is both professionally rewarding and personally satisfying, that cause people to stay for a long time and to do excellent professional work while they stay. Contracts usually do Not include specific performance objectives, because those evolve as changing district needs and development of the relationships and unpredictable external factors all work together to create a dynamic situation that requires thoughtfulness and flexibility in order to make good decisions for our kids. We always do need to find something to complain about. But, in this case, it would appear that some very reasonable things are happening. Any of us who expect life to be perfect, or to be programmable through contract language, may not have been around the block very many times. :-)
Honest Abe
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 2:41 p.m.
No position in education is worth that salary.
Sat, Aug 17, 2013 : 1:10 a.m.
Oprah makes????????? For a TV talk show, and a show about a TV talk show????? Enough to buy her own network???? Athletes make how much at their professions yearly??????? All of those sport professions???? Paris Hilton???????? Anyone, on those Bravo Housewives...$$$$ an episode??????? Can we continue this lis? Yes we could! On, and on, and on!!!!! Come on people! Let's Get Real! I know many that make the same salary amount w/o all of these degrees and years of experience! Why not give a little support to your Local Education! Donate more than your criticism! Put your money where your mouth is! Or HELP OUT!!!!!!!!
Honest Abe
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 10:22 p.m.
Sorry you do not see it the way I do. But $200,000.00 is a tad steep for this position.
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 10:20 p.m.
If education isn't worth it, then no other position is worth it. Our past, present, and future have all relied on education for our humanity to progress. IMHO, educators should be the highest paid of any profession in our society!!! (And yes that includes doctors, lawyers, and engineers of whom there'd be none without teachers!!
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 5:30 p.m.
Honestly Abe?
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 1:52 p.m.
Nothing makes me happier than hearing a bunch of lazy misenthropes condemn a woman who has earned her salary and position after a lifetime of hardwork and accomplishment. Shame on any person for earning advanced level degrees and working their way to a high paying salary. We should all sit at home on our computers complaining because we never accomplished anything significant in our lives, and we hate our thirty thousand dollar a year jobs. For all the "thats our tax dollars" cry babies, you get what you pay for. This woman is in charge of educating our kids, you want the lowest bidder move to Detroit. I chose to live in a community where education is valued and the accomplishments of others are praised and appreciated. Get off your butts, go do something with your lives and stop complaining about people who make more money than you, they earned it. Sorry dropping out of community college didn't earn you the big pay check you desired.
Resident A2
Sun, Sep 1, 2013 : 10:21 p.m.
sheepyd - you said everything that I was thinking. I am so tired of people thinking that people with higher education degrees (heaven forbid you should be unionized) getting a good job with benefits that are commiserate with your years of education. I, for one, welcome Dr. Swift to Ann Arbor and wish her the best!
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 10:17 p.m.
Hear! Hear! Ditto that!!
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 6:57 p.m.
sheepyd, you are my new favorite commenter.
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 5:29 p.m.
Nicely put.
Kellie Woodhouse
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 1:45 p.m.
I'd be interested to know if longevity incentives have appeared in other contracts, or if this is a new addition to A2 SI negotiations-- an attempt to slow the turnover.
Danielle Arndt
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 5:54 p.m.
Kellie, Pat Green did not have a longevity clause, but Todd Roberts did have something similar, Deb Mexicotte told me. It was not referred to as a longevity clause, more like a bonus. I don't know the specifics, but the amount was not as great and it was if he was here for three years. Roberts was the only notable incentive like this in the past decade, according to board members.
Kellie Woodhouse
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 1:50 p.m.
Just found this old article on Pat Green's contract... She as started at a base of $245,000. The article doesn't mention a longevity clause.
Angry Moderate
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 1:17 p.m.
A $10,000 per year incentive will do nothing to get someone who can command hundreds of thousands of dollars in salary to stick around. There should be a penalty--a serious penalty--for leaving before 5 years. I doubt that this woman will still be here in 3 years.
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 3:23 p.m.
I would prefer that the departure agreement be mutual - the BOE owes the Superintendent 18 months severance if they dismiss her without cause, so if the Superintendent leaves without cause - the penalty should be 18 months. Simple mirror cause.
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 12:44 p.m.
"Baskett's primary objections to the contract were regarding the travel allowance, the 18-month severance package and the lack of performance metrics or performance incentives built in." For once I have to agree with Ms. Baskett - the lack of performance metrics and incentives is disheartening. I welcome Dr. Swift, but she now has nothing to focus her performance on and nothing in writing that provides a solid basis for what she should be doing. Expect a multipage laundry list from the BOE of priorities, many of which will be well beyond her ability to achieve (e.g. passing the enhancement millage, fixing the achievement gap).
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 3:55 p.m.
I was as shocked as you DonBee to find myself agreeing with Ms. Baskett's No vote.
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 1:09 p.m.
Aren't we glad we leave this school board in office? I'm not.
Bertha Venation
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 12:36 p.m.
"Board President Deb Mexicotte, who along with the district's legal counsel negotiated the contract with Swift, said there would be no penalty for Swift if she severed her employment with the Ann Arbor Public Schools early." Thanks a lot, Deb. Do you want us to check the oil while we're under the bus where you shoved us?
Wake Up A2
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 12:25 p.m.
Now FOIA her expense account once she gets into her job. Pat had a 2 million dollar budget. She will also get an ipad just like all principals and balas types. My guess is lunch will also be provided by Chartwells. Travel expenses will be covered for out of state conferences. Total package should be around 300k plus her 2 million dollar personal program budget.
The Picker
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 12:08 p.m.
$4000.00/ week ! Good work if you can get it !!! Go ahead and pay your taxes!!!!!
The Picker
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 12:09 p.m.
Its only money !!!!!!
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 11:56 a.m.
This salary and expenses seem reasonable to me, based on what we expect to be getting. So long as we get what we're paying for, I have no problem writing my share of the check.
Fri, Aug 16, 2013 : 3:41 p.m.
I agree! I find it a small price to pay on the behalf of all A2 residents if it means the continued vitality of our school district going forward. Which is why, I as well, would have liked to have seen metrics built in the contract.
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 11:28 a.m.
This seems like a very professional, very thoughtful approach on the part of both Dr. Swift and the AA School Board. Clearly both parties did their homework about what did not work well in the past and both made the good faith effort to work together in constructive ways to address those issues in this contract. Sounds like we have a very perceptive and proactive new superintendent......and kudos to the board for running such a professional process. This bodes very well for district operations in the coming five years.
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 11:17 a.m.
Seems to hit the basics including no bonus unless she finishes all 5 years. I I do not like automatic extensions if the board fails to act. I don't trust them to remember to act.
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 10:53 a.m.
wow ! i hope shes worth it !
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 1:56 p.m.
Many trees dying in Ann Arbor, Goob.
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 1:05 p.m.
Once again, the AA BOE throws around money as if it grows on trees.
Danielle Arndt
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 10:44 a.m.
Just a quick note to readers, I am trying to get a copy of the actual contract for further review. Deb Mexicotte actually emailed the document to me immediately after I spoke with her following the board meeting. I watched her do it, but for some reason the attachment didn't go through. So as soon as I have a copy, I will upload it for readers and be better able to answer any questions you may have on some of the specifics (for example, RUKiddingMe, about the fringe benefits). Thanks for reading!
Thu, Aug 15, 2013 : 10:27 a.m.
Great, detailed report on the pay. You can tell you anticipated the detailed requests from readers. in fact, I'm surprised w/ all that detail I still have a question, but... "Mexicotte said the fringe benefits, including health care and pension costs, are all typical of what Ann Arbor's other central administrators receive." So what are these? Are these like the benefits and pensions that have already proven to be sinking half the cities, towns, and governments in the U.S. (including Detroit and Washtnenaw county)? It would be good to get the full info on this; we need to know if these types of packages have been adjusted using common sense and an awareness of what's going on around us. Any way to get the numbers/details on this?