Dexter's new $1.18 million Mill Creek Park project slated to begin in mid-July
The Mill Creek Park plan in Dexter.
Village of Dexter courtesy photo
The village worked with consultant JJR to design the project that includes grading, stream restoration, a boardwalk and pathway, an amphitheater, landscaping, habitat restoration and storm outlet vegetation along the Mill Creek.
“It is with great pleasure that I bring to the Village Council the Mill Creek Park project” resolution," said Allison Bishop, community development director, who has been instrumental in putting this project together.
She said the project started back in 1994, when discussions of removing the dam under the Main Street Bridge began.
In 2007, JJR began formulating the park's Master Plan and in 2008, the dam was removed as part of the Main Street Bridge replacement project. The park plan was adopted in 2009, Bishop said.
Paul Evanoff, the consultant from JJR who has been working with the village, said he hopes the project can get under way in mid-July.
Bids for the construction of the park were issued on April 15, and six were received on May 16.
Cedroni Associates Inc. of Utica was the low bidder, with a base amount of $1.18 million for the first phase of the park project. The company also submitted a bid of $62,000 for the wood steps to be added to Warrior Creek Park that will lead to Alpine Street for a total bid package of $1.242 million.
The stairs will provide a link between Warrior Creek Park along the Mill Creek and the Dexter District Library and farmers market locations on Alpine Street, while serving as an additional access to the village's downtown.
The resolution to award the bid also includes a contingency of $25,000 should unexpected sediment problems arise.
The village is providing about $492,300 from various funds, and the remainder of the money is coming from State Department of Natural Resources, Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, waterways and county parks grants.
Lisa Allmendinger is a regional reporter for She can be reached at For more Dexter stories, visit our Dexter page.
Fri, Jun 17, 2011 : 12:53 p.m.
I hope they plan on using local contractors to do the work
Thu, Jun 16, 2011 : 5:33 p.m.
The design needs to be tweaked to add the "Dexter Bear" viewing platform.