Three charged with murder and robbery in fatal shooting in Ypsilanti Township

The suspects, from left to right: James Lester, Keywone Walker and Willie Walker.
Police say three men robbed a 28-year-old man of cash and marijuana Saturday night before fatally shooting him in an Ypsilanti Township apartment.
Keywone Jarvis Walker, 22, and James Daniel Lester, 22, both of Ypsilanti Township, and Willie Edward Walker, 30, of Ypsilanti were charged today with murder in the death of Jason Hoover.
They also were charged with armed robbery, conspiracy to commit armed robbery and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. All were arraigned this afternoon at the Washtenaw County Jail, where Magistrate Thomas Truesdell denied them bond.
They are accused of shooting Hoover at least once at Schooner Cove Apartments at about 8:23 p.m. Saturday. Hoover was taken by ambulance to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, where he was pronounced dead, Washtenaw County sheriff's spokesman Derrick Jackson said.
Jackson said he did not have specifics about who shot Hoover and what led up to the shooting at the apartment in the 5000 block of Bosuns Way. Hoover's girlfriend called 911, Jackson said.
Washtenaw County Deputy Medical Examiner Jeffrey Jentzen, who was scheduled to perform the autopsy, did not return a phone call seeking comment today.
Several of Hoover's friends who watched the arraignment on a television screen in the sheriff's department lobby described him as a generous person who enjoyed spending time with his 1-year-old daughter, barbecuing and playing poker with friends.
Justin Wood, 31, of Ypsilanti, said that Hoover recently told him he wanted to turn his life around.
Wood had a drinking problem and began regularly attending church more than a year ago to get back on track, he said. He was hopeful Hoover was going to follow his lead and make positive choices.
"I know he wanted to go to church," Wood said. "It's just so hard to take that first step. I know in his heart he wanted to do the right thing."
In addition to the other charges, Willie Walker is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a firearm by a felon. Keywone Walker also is charged with carrying a concealed weapon. It's unclear whether the two Walkers are related.
The shooting remains under investigation, Jackson said.
All three men charged in the case are scheduled to return to court for preliminary hearings on Nov. 17.
Lee Higgins covers crime and courts for He can be reached by phone at (734) 623-2527 and email at
Tony Dearing
Thu, May 26, 2011 : 7:02 p.m.
Please don't post comments that presume guilt on the part of suspects who have been accused of a crime.
Sat, Nov 13, 2010 : 9:34 a.m.
STOP! The victim and the alleged murderers are all someones family! All of the anger is not going to erase the fact that our Hoover is DEAD! There past records victim included has nothing to do with the fact that they killed him. We as his friends need to look at our lives and see if we can change ANYTHING that will put our lives in better protection against these type of crimes. Do not let this anger grow. Let the law do there job! Come together to mourn and remember and support his mother and family as you all have been doing and let go of the hatred. For those of you who are in the thug mode leave it behind you and as the Priest said at the funeral clean up your life so we do not have to bury you! I will pray for all of you and for the families and mothers of the accuse as I am sure there mother and fathers hearts are broken as they see there childs life end with a prison sentence! May God touch each of your hearts as you proceed with this journey we call Life! LET GO AND LET GOD
Fri, Nov 12, 2010 : 3:05 p.m.
ViSHa and others, this is a small community news site. We must go under the assumption that the individuals reported on live in our community, as well as their family and friends. With this assumption, we should keep our comments civil as if we were all discussing the issue in person. We are a community and trying to divide sides on how you should view the victim is petty and cruel in view of people who knew the victim. It is not the victim's friends/family's responsibility to avoid a news article about their loss out of fear of how cruel some comments may be. Rather, it is YOUR responsibility to articulate yourself in a respectable manner that does not offend those who are grieving. They have a much better reason to follow this story, whereas your only reason is a morbid interest (the gawker syndrome).
Fri, Nov 12, 2010 : 3:27 a.m.
I want to start by saying I'm sorry for the family's loss and for the child growing up w/out a father. However I also want to point out that It is not 1 family at a loss here. It is 4 family's that have now suffered a loss. This will effect many people and many will grieve whether its because of a death or because of life in prison. This was a drug deal gone your either family of a dealer that will never again come home or an addict that will never again come home. I truly am sorry for the family's loss but he was not the only one w/ a mother, girlfriend, child, or sibling. In cases like this EVERYONE has lost someone they loved. I am not saying this to be heartless or to say what these guys did is ok because it is not but like others have commented just because he was killed over drugs doesnt lessen the hurt it goes both ways... just because someone is an addict and does something HORRIBLE doesnt change that they had family that loved them.
Thu, Nov 11, 2010 : 9:11 a.m.
This is exactly what's wrong with people these days..
Wed, Nov 10, 2010 : 5:40 p.m.
@jeffrey Shepherd--your are right, he wasn't a drug dealer, he just sold illegal drugs. @Suzanne Hagen--you say his problems with the law were years ago when he was younger. He was selling illegal drugs and hanging around with criminals.
Wed, Nov 10, 2010 : 12:46 p.m.
@jeffrey shepherd. according to the eyewitness, his girlfriend, the purpose of the visit was to purchase marijuana. the girlfriend also said Lester and the victim hung out recently--he is also on the victim's friend list on FB (although you are not). this man did not deserve to die for what transpired but you cannot accuse everyone of lying on unless you are saying his girlfriend is lying also. i hope the girlfriend can at least take comfort that her cute little girl looks like her father and she will always have that.
Wed, Nov 10, 2010 : 11:52 a.m.
i am sick of all you talking crap about how hoover was a drug dealer and how if you live like a thug you die like a thug that is crap first of all he was not a thug and not a drug dealer he was a father and a son and a friend. all of you have so much to say but all of you must live in a bubble and not the real world and i dont care what otis says about hoover he did his time for what he did when he was younger and i am sure all of you that has so much to say has a nice past i am sure you are all dirty you just sit their and have to put in your 2 cents i cant believe some of the crap that i herd on here hoover should still be here today even if he was a drug dealer witch he was not just because he had mj on him dont mean anything how do you no he did not have a mj card and lester was not his pat first off if you did not no him shut your mouth and i hope all 3 of them become someones litt girl looking at all of them they are all going to have it rough in the junt and i cant wait to here about it when it happ to all 3 of them. R.I.P. JASON HOOVER
Wed, Nov 10, 2010 : 9:40 a.m.
while the conversation guidelines seem to remove the extremely insensitive remarks, family and friends need to remember that this is a news story, not an obit memorial or FB group honoring the victim. you are not going to have all the comments be sunshine and rainbows. the comments relate to what is reported. some of these comments were premature concerning the drug dealing, but as the new story points out, it did all stem from a drug deal--their doesn't seem to be any dispute of that. as one person advised, maybe reading the comments is too painful. people have every right to be angry over this senseless shooting--but it shouldn't be taken out on those who are commenting on the information provided by if you feel it is wrongly reported, take it up with them.
Wed, Nov 10, 2010 : 9:04 a.m.
Wow, I just shake my head in disbelief at some people commenting on here, whatever Hoover's past mistakes, he did not deserve this to happen to him. So many people are portraying him as this big bad person because he had marijuana, SERIOUSLY, I dont know if anyone has informed any of you but it is legal for medical purposes and is not a hard addicting, drug, that people kill over. Yes Hoover had made mistakes in his life, but please while all of you are taking the time to look at OTIS, have you looked at the date, he was young, how many of you have gotten out of prison had that label and tried to get jobs being labeled a felon? Our prison system, does not help people to live productive lives when they get out. That being said, there is one charge on his OTIS from when he was young, not a laundry list, he was not a hardened criminal, so please get it straight. It is nice to know that so many people feel they are so superior and have no skeletons in their closets, which I do not believe for a moment, but if it makes you fell better to be judgmental and heartless then so be it! The only judgement that matters Hoover has already faced, and I am confident he is in a better place, and Im sure so is everyone who knew him, and that is all that truly matters.
Wed, Nov 10, 2010 : 6:14 a.m.
@Angela, I am pretty sure there is a difference between possessing illegal drugs and j-walking. I am almost positive there is a difference between tying up your alligator and home invasion, I am almost positive that being a parole absconder is worse than spitting on the street. BTW--there is a HUGE difference between making a mistake and committing a crime. Maybe you just live with or hang around people who have made "mistakes".
Wed, Nov 10, 2010 : 5:49 a.m.
HERE IS ALL WHAT IS GOING ON FOR DONATIONS TO JASON HOOVER.. Friday, November 12 6:00pm - 8:00pm ~SPAGHETTI BENEFIT DINNER- GLAD TIDINGS WORSHIP CENTER 2131 Holmes Rd Please join us for a spaghetti dinner and silent auction to help the family of Jason Hoover pay for his memorial.Plates will be $10 each and all procedes will go to pay for Jason's funeral. They still need $5000 so if you can, please join us. Saturday, November 13 at 11:00AM - 2:00am ~BUFFALO WILD WINGS- OFF OF HURON ST Ypsilanti Mi From 11 am- 2am bring in a printout of this post and 20% of your order will be donated to help Hoover's family give him a funeral.So please come out Saturday,eat,drink and help out! Sunday, November 14 at 1:30pm - 5:00pm ~KRAZY KOPZ POKER ROOM(VISION LANES BOWLING ALLEY)38250 Ford Rd WESTLAND HOOVER loved to play poker here with his friends BUY IN $20 All money raised will go towards helping pay for his funeral. The winner of the poker tournament will recieve a poker chip set and gift cards and there will also be a 50/50 raffle. COME OUT AND PLAY SOME POKER FOR JASON HOOVER. Words cannot express the pain we all are going threw as for me I am LOST and I think that's how all of us feel but no matter the pain we are making this possible for him to REST IN PEACE. Also we appreciate and a big thanks to all the RESTAURANTS who are donating food for the events also for all the gift certificates and all other donations that we got for the silent auction. A thanks to all the gas stations and places that are allowing us to have donation jars there every where thank you so much for being so kind and letting us post all our flyers. also thanks to all pizza shops that are allowing are flyers to be on there pizza boxes. ALL ARE THANKS CAN NOT BE STRETCHED ENOUGH YOU ALL HAVE HELPED US MAKE ALL THESE EVENTS POSSIBLE. I KNEW WE COULD DO THIS YOU ARE SO LOVED R.I.P. JASON HOOVER.. GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN.. If tears could build a stairway & memories a lane, I'd walk up to Heaven and bring you down again...
Wed, Nov 10, 2010 : 5:42 a.m.
HERE IS ALL WHAT IS GOING ON FOR DONATIONS TO JASON HOOVER.. Friday, November 12 6:00pm - 8:00pm ~SPAGHETTI BENEFIT DINNER- GLAD TIDINGS WORSHIP CENTER 2131 Holmes Rd Please join us for a spaghetti dinner and silent auction to help the family of Jason Hoover pay for his memorial.Plates will be $10 each and all procedes will go to pay for Jason's funeral. They still need $5000 so if you can, please join us. Saturday, November 13 at 11:00AM - 2:00am ~BUFFALO WILD WINGS- OFF OF HURON ST Ypsilanti Mi From 11 am- 2am bring in a printout of this post and 20% of your order will be donated to help Hoover's family give him a funeral.So please come out Saturday,eat,drink and help out! Sunday, November 14 at 1:30pm - 5:00pm ~KRAZY KOPZ POKER ROOM(VISION LANES BOWLING ALLEY)38250 Ford Rd WESTLAND HOOVER loved to play poker here with his friends BUY IN $20 All money raised will go towards helping pay for his funeral. The winner of the poker tournament will recieve a poker chip set and gift cards and there will also be a 50/50 raffle. COME OUT AND PLAY SOME POKER FOR JASON HOOVER. Words cannot express the pain we all are going threw as for me I am LOST and I think that's how all of us feel but no matter the pain we are making this possible for him to REST IN PEACE. Also we appreciate and a big thanks to all the RESTAURANTS who are donating food for the events also for all the gift certificates and all other donations that we got for the silent auction. A thanks to all the gas stations and places that are allowing us to have donation jars there every where thank you so much for being so kind and letting us post all our flyers. also thanks to all pizza shops that are allowing are flyers to be on there pizza boxes. ALL ARE THANKS CAN NOT BE STRETCHED ENOUGH YOU ALL HAVE HELPED US MAKE ALL THESE EVENTS POSSIBLE. I KNEW WE COULD DO THIS YOU ARE SO LOVED R.I.P. JASON HOOVER.. GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN.. If tears could build a stairway & memories a lane, I'd walk up to Heaven and bring you down again...
Wed, Nov 10, 2010 : 3:41 a.m.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 9:51 p.m.
I hope that and wish that little girl can grow up n a world where people are not so selfish to take the life of someone over something that they too can grow in their own backyard and basement with a little effort.Cowards! Oh, and it is time for Mr. Kinsey to do a piece on a felony murder case he handled to educate the populus!
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 9:48 p.m.
Just so evwerybody knows, absent something that is not being reported, they acted in concert, they are all going to be given the same murder charge. Besides that, a felony muirdeer charge is easy to bring, since it appears from the facts presented that they, the three people who Ann has identified by picture, are the people involved in the shooting. It doesn't matter if one of them only went into it to scare the person, they are all on the hook for the homicide. I would love to hear Riceburner's comments on this. I tend to agree with some, but not all of his posts.I would be interested to see if he thinks an armed victim could have changed the outcome here.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 9:40 p.m.
Life is short, life is precious, don't make all your decisions based on what tomorrow brings, sometimes you just need to live for today.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 8:27 p.m.
i did not know hoover that well but all week before this happened James was carrying a gun and was talking about robbing someone or anyone he could so all of you are lucky it was not your family or anyone you loved this is wrong of anyone of you that did not know hoover to even say anything about him if you don't know him keep his name out of your mouth because you don't know what you are talking about or even who you are talking about your just fallowing the story! i knew both of them hoover not very well but James has had nothing but prison in his future ever since we were kids so don't blame the dead blame the killers!!!!
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 7:56 p.m.
has anyone considered the fact that maybe he had a medical marijuana card? if so he was not breaking the law by having marijuana on him. everyone is assuming that he was a drug dealer because these criminals murdered him over marijuana, maybe he had every legal right to carry it. i am not saying that this is the case but it is possible. i cannot believe how heartless some of you people are being. as soon as you heard marijauna was involved all respect for this man went out the window and i think it is so sad. shame on you!!
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 7:26 p.m.
@Stevek I live in the real world, called REALITY. You think that the only criminals in this world are thugs??? Have you ever J-walked?? that is a crime, so is spitting on the sidewalk. I'm sure there was also a time where you were late to an appointment or work and sped the whole way there. Dont act like this world is a fairytale. There are criminals all around you... Judges,lawyers,cops,doctors, politicians, and even the mayor have been proven to be criminals. There are dangerous criminals that shouldn't be able to walk the streets, and there are petty criminals in which they mainly victimize themselves. Our laws in this country were written by man, not god himself... Did you know that in the city of Detroit it is illegal to tie your pet alligator to a fire hydrant, that is a stupid outdated law but suppose for some reason someone did something like that. Should they be shunned by society and labeled as a thug or a criminal?? My point is good people make mistakes, good people break the law sometimes. It doesn't mean they are monsters and they certainly dont belong in the category with murderers or other predators...
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 6:47 p.m.
Wow really, my comment was removed? Let me try this again... Did he deserve to die? NO! Should he have known the danger involved when he chose to let drugs in his life? YES! When people make decisions to be around drugs, be ready for the consequences. It's easy people...MAKE THE RIGHT DECISIONS IN LIFE!! I am sorry for his family's loss. I am sure they will miss him.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 6:28 p.m.
At some point you have to call a spade a spade. The victim obviously made some wrong choices in his life that may have led him to where he ended up. Its clear from photos on Facebook that he liked a certain type of lifestyle. Sad to say, but true none the less. Its truly sad that a little girl will grow up without her father. I have to agree with an earlier comment, you live like a thug, you die like a thug. Hopefully others can learn from this and make life choices accordingly. I wish nothing but the best for his daughter and his family.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 6:21 p.m.
@Angela--In what world do you reside? Most of us are criminals who have not been caught? Who raised you? Who do you hang around with? I hate to kill your buzz, but the majority of NORMAL people are not, never have been, and never will be criminals.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 5:40 p.m.
Unfortunate things happen everywhere; however, I bet living anywhere other than Ypsi and Ypsi TWSP would increase your odds for survival other than Detroit, Flint and Pontiac.
Michael O
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 5:39 p.m.
absent,loving fathers.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 5:10 p.m.
"Anybody know of a nice, safe apartment complex for about the same price? :(" lisa there parkway meddles near kroger in Ann Arbor which has low rent and is extremely safe just like all off Ann Arbor north-side.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 4:35 p.m.
ARAAT - You're right, that is the most important thing at the end of the day, but I am just trying to take a look at the legal aspects of it all. If Lester brought these guys over there knowing their intent, then he is just as dangerous as the other two, but I want to know which one had the ability to kill and if there was indeed a plan to kill or just a plan to rob him that took a much more serious turn of events. If there was no plan to kill and only to rob, then I would definitely say the shooter deserves a harsher penalty even though they all had horrible intentions. The article notes that Hoover's girlfriend called 911 so I am assuming she is going to be a very valuable witness. I'm confident that will follow this story and let us know the details as soon as they can.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 4:14 p.m.
@Malorie My point to u is the only thing that matters is a mans life was taken over nonsense. It seems to me as if u are defending one or more of these guys and that I dont understand. Of course only one did the shooting but they all had a plan when going over there. Lester was one of Hoovers friends and I blame him for bringing these guys over there and I hope he rots for that. Either way they are all 3 where they need to be!
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 3:35 p.m.
I used to live at those apartments and there was always something going on, I had to call the police in the middle of the night one time because of fights going on in the parking lot. Nice apartments but not a safe place to live. I feel sorry the the guys girlfriend and little girl, my thoughts and prayers are with his family!
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 3:09 p.m.
@Concerned in Ypsi.. Most of us really are criminals to some extent, most people cant look inside themselves and admit to that fact. Good people with good hearts and good morals do stupid things sometimes. Not every criminal or every ex-con deserves to be labeled as a bad person. Jason Hoovers criminal record is irrelevant to this story in every way. He paid his debt to society, he served his time. Yes he was on parole and he was an absconder but what did that have to do with anything?? He was at a relatives house not on the corner slanging dope. I cant continue this argument anymore but I will not stand for a bunch of strangers slandering my dead friend. Im positive(and I'm sure everyone that knows him will agree) that his daughter would have been better off seeing him through bars than staring at a stone in a cold lonely cemetary. GET REAL!!!!
concerned in ypsi
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 2:22 p.m.
@ Angela Henry: you say that most of us are criminals to some degree.....darling, I have never in my life been in trouble with the law nor have I gotten a ticket, etc. I was raised properly in a good household and was taught right from wrong. I was taught not to get involved with drugs, etc......all you have to do is to look on OTIS and see that these folks had a colorful past and unfortunately it includes the victim who was an absconder as well. what does that teach a child? that its ok to run away from your responsibility....Mr. Hoover would have been put back in jail for running. God bless his little girl, she lost her daddy and I feel the pain in that, honestly. But could you imagine having to take her to prison to see him? Thats unfair too....While I am sorry for the hurt this causes everyone, look at your friends and if others are playing the "heck no i'm not going to probation", turn them in. If the 157 friends of the three assailants on Facebook had did that, i'm sure that Mr. Hoover would still be alive today....
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 2:03 p.m.
Congrats to the Officers catching these thugs in a time-ly manner. My thoughts and prayers go to Jason's daughter family and friends.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 1:48 p.m.
ARAAT - The reason it matters is because it tells you how many were actual SHOOTERS. If it doesn't matter to you who actually shot a gun at a person then you have no sense of justice. Just because they are all being charged does not mean all of the charges will stick; the police are most likely going to reduce charges on the guy(s) who testifies against the shooter. It is quite possible that there was no plan by this group to kill their victim but one of them decided to during the robbery so it is important to know what happened and who shot the gun. Of course they are all culpable for the robbery, but I think most agree robbery is a lesser evil than murder.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 1:22 p.m.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the friends and family of Jason. He sounds like a nice guy who met up with the wrong people. For all the people wondering about how the criminals are not in jail, why the police aren't doing more, etc.: The first thing to be cut when the city budget needs to be met is public safety. Then school-related. Then infrastructure. As soon as more taxes start rolling in, first the politicians and administrators get a pay bump, then the road contracts get filled, then schools, then public safety. Bottom line: If you don't like where you're living, save your pennies and move - because the place isn't going to change in anyway but for the worse any time soon. This is coming from someone who lived on 7 and Van Dyke for the first 1/3rd of his life - and is in Ypsi right now.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 12:44 p.m.
@Lisa: There is a cute apartment complex that isn't well known off of S. Grove. It is called Oakwood Park Apartments, they are clean and VERY inexpensive. I know some people living there and they are nice, quiet, have a security guard whom wanders the complex at an undisclosed time every day/night. It is very sad that such a historic town has been given a bad name due to shootings, rapes, murders, robberies, etc. May the person killed RIP
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 11:44 a.m.
Just for the record, Jason Hoover was not a drug dealer!!! But if he was that doesn't mean he deserved to be killed!! I am outraged by some of these comments!! He was in the wrong place at the wrong time and he paid his debt for that mistake, with his life... He was a very passionate person. He loved his family.. that includes all the friends that became his family over the years.. The life he lead and the choices he made, he paid for those mistakes!!!! He never hurt anyone!! He shouldn't be up for judgement, that is God's job. The fact at hand is that he was murdered. He didn't deserve it and neither did his family. It doesn't matter what his criminal record says.... Most of us are criminals to some degree, the only thing that separates us from the people sitting in prison is that most of us haven't got caught yet!! So before you open your mouth and slander a dead man, take a minute and realize that you probably didn't even know him,never even seen his face and you have no right judging him. He was the VICTIM!! not the perpetrator!!!
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 11:28 a.m.
Sad story indeed, it is a shame these types of stories can't fade away. @Ypsisucks, Amen!
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 11:07 a.m.
My heart goes out to all families involved, especially that of the victim. I wish people were not so insensitive about the things the have posted or the things they are going to post. I did not know the victim myself but the situation is heartbreaking and senseless. Please put yourself in the families shoes before you post a comment. The families are going through a very difficult time right now. And please don't rush to judgement. The victim was not in the wrong. Don't judge his action but love him for his heart. This is what Jesus would do. I believe he has gone on to be with the Lord.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 10:32 a.m.
1. Violence happens in every culture and in every class of people. However, desperation does tend to create more crime. So maybe we should work on ways to create less desperation by making things more equal for certain cultures and classes of people? Instead of, you know, making all encompassing yet vaguely on subject comments on newspaper websites. 2. It's easy to judge strangers from afar. It doesn't take much courage to log in here and make snide remarks behind the veil of the internet. That, and some people are just completely out of touch with reality so they have no choice but to be ignorant and insensitive. (Forgive them. They can't help it, I guess.) But honestly... Some of you might not be so quick to speak so harshly if this were someone you knew who lost their life. If it were a family member... Or better yet - what if we were judging YOU from your least positive perspective? Judge not lest ye be judged, people. 3. No one is perfect. Plenty of people are doing less than admirable things. For the most part, it does not mean that they deserve to be murdered. Bottom line: This man did not deserve to have his life end this way. However, this does points out the importance of valuing every moment of our lives. Not just by appreciating our time that can end at any time, but by safe guarding ourselves from negative circumstances. Which includes not letting destructive individuals into our lives/environment. Because even if we are "good people", we can be defined by the company we keep. As in this case, sometimes this can be deadly serious. Sounds like this young man wasn't able to get the negativity away from his life in time. Which is sad because it sounds like he had a lot of positivity he could've focused on instead. If anyone wants to honor him, I'd say try to correct your own ways or help others correct theirs. 4. This was truly unfortunate, and my prayers go out to all affected by this tragedy.
Mr. Ed
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 10:07 a.m.
This is from the OTIS site regarding Lester's absconding. Was anyone looking for him. He was a direct threat. ABSCOND2: Offenders with this designation have absconded from probation. These offenders are under the jurisdiction of the county that sentenced them. Absconders have eluded their supervision by failing to report in a reasonably timely manner. As such, absconders pose a direct threat to the health, safety and welfare of any person, household or community. Please report any information about probation absconders to the appropriate county sheriff's office.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 10:06 a.m.
God bless the family he left behind, I know lots of people who smoked weed and are good people but once they became married/had a baby they quit due to the fact they wanted their family to have a better life then what they had/have. I am not saying he was wrong to smoke, but it is agaist the law and the three men that came after him knew he would have weed/money for weed on him, even if they did not personally know him they might have found out about him thru his dealer and decided he would have money and or weed on himself.
Mr. Ed
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 9:59 a.m.
It looks like Willie Walker is on probation. When will the Judges of Washtenaw County start locking the criminals up? When will probation mean something? The police always get blamed for not doing what they should be doing. The judges keep giving the criminals a slap and a hug with release and no prison or jail time. Judges probation is not working. The judges need to start locking people up for the crimes committed. How can Walker be on probation and have no accountable? The probation officer needs to do their job too. Lester was wanted for absconding from probation according to OTIS. Probation is a waste of money if Probation has no teeth to enforce the orders of the court. It appears there is a big break down in the criminal justice system with probation and the Judges not doing their job.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 8:35 a.m.
Schooner cove is like all the apartment complexes in the area.....It has been invaded by urban blyte....Section 8 has allowed the scum of the earth to move in next to decent people......Drugs and the Hip Hop culture have ruined a place where decent people have live for years....
concerned in ypsi
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 8:35 a.m.
Point is, it was all about drugs and turf wars....look them all up on OTIS....not such an innocent perfect bunch now were they?
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 7:39 a.m.
Cash donations to the memorial for Jason Hoover are now being accepted at all Bank of America locations. The account is under Suzanne Hagen in trust for Jason Hoover. Please share this with everyone you know. Thank you! You can click the lin... See More
Steve Pepple
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 7:23 a.m.
Several comments that violated our conversation guidelines were removed.
Angela George
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 7:17 a.m.
To all that knew and loved Jason, stop reading these comments. These other people are going on what they read, and their opinions. They are just that Opinions. The people that knew him, and what he was, a good father and a fantastic friend, do not need to have their hearts hurt any further. These people are not the ones that have to hurt thru this, and they can assume whatever they want about the situation, but we all know the facts. Stop giving these people any power by commenting to them. They will never understand, and nothing you say will change their minds. Instead we need to put the word out about the way people can help by donating to make sure this man can have a proper burial. This is now the most important thing we can do! Benifit dinner 6 pm Friday Glad Tidings in Ypsi. If there are other ways to donate, PLEASE POST THAT! My prayers go out to the people affected by this senseless tragedy!~
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 5:28 a.m.
@suzanne---Here are the proven facts we know. Three thugs played a part in murdering a young father Young father was a convicted felon. Young father was involved with drugs. Young father loved his daughter If young father cared more about the welfare of his daughter, he wouldn't be associated with drugs and thugs.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 5:04 a.m.
>>described him as a generous person who enjoyed spending time with his 1-year-old daughter, barbecuing and playing poker with friends. Who apparently had weed and money. I can't help but think that if he was spending time with his daughter, barbecuing or playing poker on Saturday night instead of whatever he was doing he'd still be alive.
The Black Stallion3
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 4:55 a.m.
What a fine looking group they are. What is happening to America?
concerned in ypsi
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 4:36 a.m.
@suzanne hagan...."he was a great father"...etc....while I do feel bad about his daughter losing a father...after using OTIS...Mr. Hoover was an absconder from Parole...which means he skipped out on can you say you have turned your life around when you have done that? And are now selling dope? The whole story is sad in many ways....just showing why Ypsi is no longer a safe place to live in.....and the druggies rule the city....
chris woods
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 2:27 a.m.
First RIP Hoover! People from my old Hood(Ypsi) please stop the madness were to old for the drama. Stop killing one another. No one deserves to die in front of their child or soon to be wife(I only pray his daughter was not there when this happened). Second lets face it Ypsi always has been full of drugs. Thats why most of us leave and move to somewhere safe(Livonia or Novi) to raise our families. Time for the police to do their jobs and really start a war on crime. Stop the cheap talk make Ypsi safe again.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 1:58 a.m.
i am glad that they all were caught and i hope that all three have nightmares about what they have done. it is so sad to me that a life was taken and people that did not even know the victim would come on here and be so heartless. for those that have commented on here that he was a drug dealer and deserved this or the one who is cracking jokes i find you disgusting. RIP jason hoover.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 1:42 a.m.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 1:25 a.m.
R.I.P. Hoover. no matter what kind of life style he lived he was a great man, father, son and friend and for no reason at all did he deserve to loose his life, people need to know the stories before they put there two since in, Hoover would have done anything for any body if they needed it. All three of them deserve what they get and need to rot in prison, they are all guilty and wont get away with this one, we lost a great person in our lives because of these guys selfish act, people need to learn to work for their own money instead of trying to take someone elses,R.I.P. Hoover forever loved and always missed
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 1:07 a.m.
Gone and soon forgotten!
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 1 a.m.
Sugar coating or not, this guy wouldn't be dead if he weren't dealing large quantities, to strangers, who couldn't care less. Good fathers don't put their kids in that situation! End of story.
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 12:43 a.m.
I am just sickin about what i am reading on here. FOR 1 DOSENT ANY BODY DESERVE THERE LIFE TAKIN AWAY FROM THEM. I have growen up with jason and he had the biggest heart of anybody I know he would give you the coat off his back. So people to sit here and judge someone they dont know is just wrong im at lost for words about the whole thing. RIP. JASON HOOVER GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTON...
Monica R-W
Tue, Nov 9, 2010 : 12:40 a.m.
Well murders (sadly enough) happen in many places, areas, apartment complexes and communities. It does not make an area "bad" because an action like this one, occurred. Regardless, the WSCD should get credit for quickly arresting the suspects. As for the gentlemen, whom life is lost, I hope his family will find someway, in the future, to cherish the positive memories they had with him. For the suspects, if the story is correct and a life was taken over weed and money, they all deserve to go to prison for a very long time. There was a comment on if only one of the suspect shot the victim, why all three might be charged with first degree murder. One, that is the way for one or more of the other suspects to confirm the actual shooter. In the end, which-ever one (or more) turns state evidence will more likely than not, receive a reduced sentence or lesser charge in a plea bargain.
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 11:53 p.m.
@ Lisa Schooner Cove isn't that bad. This is only the 4th shooting that's happened since I've lived there - 1 of those wasn't even fatal. I only know 1 person who's been raped, robbed, and kidnapped there. And, the public drug use is hardly noticeable if you keep the blinds close. The folks at Mckinley refer to the place as "paradise" compared to their other properties in the area. It is noisey though.
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 11:06 p.m.
The shooter matters not in the least in the eyes of the law or God. If convicted they will never see the light of day again. One may get out someday if he rolls on the others quicker than anyone else.
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 11:02 p.m.
I am in total disbelief that you could say that he did not care about his daughter because of mistakes he made in his life let me correct you HIS DAUGHTER WAS HIS WORLD, shame on you for being judgmental, the point is not what a VICTIM did the point is that he was brutally murdered
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 10:51 p.m.
There wasnt anything in these stories that I read that said he was a drug dealer, it said he was robbed for money and weed. That doesnt mean he sold it!!
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 10:44 p.m.
It is never a pleasant thing when a person, father, son, whatever...dies. Someone loved him and hurts because his life was cut short. That being said. If that man loved his daughter, he should have thought about his lifestyle, before it was too late. You live like a thug and you will die like a thug. All you drug dealers should think about that. If you are killed, like this man was, it is your loved ones left behind to hurt. If he hadn't been selling drugs, those men wouldn't have been there. End of story. Rip to him and good luck to his little girl that will never know her daddy! May she find peace!
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 10:43 p.m.
People like this are giving weed a bad name. Good old hippies wood never kill anyone over weed.
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 10:36 p.m.
first off. RIP JASON HOOVER.. ibelieve you're in a MUCH better place. my prayers are with his family. 2nd.. this story seems a lil shady. iwonder what the TRUTH is. One of these guys ( notice the look on his face ). ifeel is totaly innocent. just a case of being in the wrong place @ the wrong time. itruely hope thats the case. I am qoinq to follow this story closely. ( just my opinion ) darn : (
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 10:15 p.m.
ezbngreen who are you to judge anyone?? Yes, it says he had dope, so he deserved to be shot? His daughter deserves to grow up without a father? His mother deserves to go on without a son? Shame on you...what glass house do you live in?
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 10:08 p.m.
@ ezbngreen NOONE has sugar coated anything, and Hoover was a not just a drug dealer who got bumped as you say, he was a loving father, a son, a brother and a great friend who would do anything for anyone. THAT is what matters that a human life who was a good person with a heart of gold is gone. In my profile pic he is with my 2 year old daughter, does he look like someone who deserved this, ABSOLUTELY NOT! You are only showing your ignorance and I pray you never have to lose someone like this, and I hope people are not so insensitive if it ever happens to you!
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 10:05 p.m.
What it leaves behind is baby with no father, a mother with no son, a fiance alone to raise the baby and a whole lot of people hurting!! You should be ashamed of yourself coming on here saying something like that!! HE DID NOTHING TO DESERVE TO DIE regardless of his lifestyle.. Let it happen to someone you know and im sure your whole attitude will change......RIP HOOVER!!!!!
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 9:57 p.m.
Drugs! Quit sugar coating the situation! The three who went to score and bumped this guy for some dope and some coin; leaves behind a dead drug dealer. Schooner Cove is a mess and has been. It is what it is...Time to spin this story into a positive for the community. turn the drug dealers in. Stake a claim in your community and make it a place for law abiding families to raise their kids safely.
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 9:56 p.m.
I live in the building and I can confirm there was one gunshot--I heard it. Also, Mr. Hoover did not live in the apartment, if I understood the police correctly. The family was in the process of moving out before the shooting, not as a result of it. I saw the moving boxes beforehand. Anybody know of a nice, safe apartment complex for about the same price? :(
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 9:53 p.m.
These 3 need to be locked up for the rest of their lives, its really to bad we dont have the death penalty in Michigan, they took a life, it does not matter how many shots were fired or who actually pulled the trigger, they all had a hand in murdering a good man with a good heart. RIP Jason Hoover
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 9:48 p.m.
I'm SO glad they caught all of them; kudos to the police for catching the third and final suspect. What a terrible waste. Yooper--if that's true, that's TERRIBLE! there any way to confirm this? *smh*
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 9:32 p.m.
@Malorie The story I read (above) says all 3 are being charged. Maybe Lester didnt have a gun so he's not being charged with that but he is being charged with murder. As for how many gunshots, why does that matter? What matters is a mans life has been taken away and his little baby girl has no father now.
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 9:18 p.m.
That is messed up yooper but I think she didnt plan on going back anyway.
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 9:12 p.m.
McKinley's Schooner Cove management sent out a letter today stating that the tenant(s) of the unit in which the shooting took place are leaving at management's request. What's up with that? They don't have a problem with you selling weed out of your aparatment as long as you sell enough to pay the rent, but get get murdered and the rest of your family is cast out on the street?!
Mon, Nov 8, 2010 : 8:37 p.m.
Thanks Stefanie. Glad I missed those comments; I can only imagine what they were saying. I am curious, do we know which one the shooter is? There was only one shooter (and one gunshot), correct? It sounds like both Walkers had their own gun since they're both being charged with carrying a concealed weapon, but no mention of Lester.