Man gropes two girls, attempts to abduct another in West Willow
Parents are urged to be on high alert after one man sexually assaulted two young girls and attempted to abduct another in the West Willow neighborhood of Ypsilanti Township Wednesday morning.
Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Derrick Jackson said the first report came in at 7 a.m. Wednesday from a 17-year-old girl who was walking near Chevrolet Street and Studebaker Avenue on her way to a school bus stop. Jackson said a man was riding his bike in the opposite direction and passed the girl, then turned around and approached her from behind.

The man reportedly put one of his hands around her mouth and used his other hand to grope her, Jackson said. The girl bit down on his hand and she was able to shake free, Jackson said. The girl ran back to her nearby home and alerted her father, who saw the man and chased after him but couldn't catch him, Jackson said.
While deputies were in the area investigating that report an 11-year-old girl approached police. Jackson said that girl reported a man matching the description of the bicyclist had approached her and groped her chest area before fleeing. Deputies are still investigating the girl’s report and more details about when and where the assault happened were not immediately available Wednesday morning.
While talking to the girls, investigators received another call from dispatch notifying them of the kidnapping attempt of a different 11-year-old girl by a man matching the same description.
Jackson said the girl was on her way to a school bus stop at 7:30 a.m. near Nash Avenue and Dodge Court when the man approached her.
“He rode up to her and grabbed her arm and said, ‘You’re coming with me,’” Jackson said.
The girl managed to yank her arm away and ran away and screamed, he said. The girl’s parents reported the incident to police.
The man is described as black, with blotchy patches of hair and a medium complexion. He was wearing a black and white striped hooded sweatshirt, red shorts and riding a dark — possibly black — bike, Jackson said. The 17-year-old girl bit the man on the hand near the pinky, so he likely has a visible injury, Jackson said.
Multiple witnesses in the area, mostly children who were at bus stops, reported seeing the man riding his bike in the area, Jackson said.
The man matches the description, in both appearance and actions, of a man suspected in a sexual assault reported last week near McCartney Avenue and State Street. Jackson said a man rode past a girl who was walking in the area before turning around, groping her and riding away. Police are still investigating that incident as well.
Anyone with information on the incidents Wednesday morning or might know someone matching the description is encouraged to call the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department at 734-971-8400, 911 if in Ypsilanti Township or report information to CrimeStoppers at 1-800 SPEAK-UP.
Kyle Feldscher covers cops and courts for He can be reached at or you can follow him on Twitter.
Monica R-W
Wed, May 9, 2012 : 10:03 p.m.
First, thank you Washtenaw County Sheriff Office staff members to being on-top of this situation immediately this morning. The WCSO had Deputies patrolling the area after notification of these sad, sick attacks on our local community children. The West Willow Community is STRONG and will keep vigilance against this individual or others who might seek to harm our children in this manner. Also, thank you Ann for accurate reporting on this story and Willow Run/Van Buren School Districts for sending out com notifying parents of this situation. Monica RW West Willow Resident/Chevrolet Street Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
Woman in Ypsilanti
Wed, May 9, 2012 : 6:43 p.m.
This is terrible! But since this is someone doing this in broad daylight and in the public view, I am hopeful that he will be caught quickly.
Wed, May 9, 2012 : 3:48 p.m.
Just got the call from my daughter's school. I appreciate the communication between the Sheriff, the schools/transportation, and parents.
Wed, May 9, 2012 : 3:03 p.m.
Society is not to blame, predators wiring is all wrong. People that prey on children should not be part of society.
Wed, May 9, 2012 : 2:47 p.m.
I often notice creepy guys riding around in the neighborhood on bikes that give me the willies. Unfortunately, liberal guilt prevents me from calling the police.
Wed, May 9, 2012 : 3:50 p.m.
Well that's good because riding a bike isn't a crime and neither is looking "creepy". If they seem like they are up to something suspicious, however, please call.
Wed, May 9, 2012 : 2:37 p.m.
It's very scary to think there is a man riding around looking for any young girls walking alone in the neighborhood. It's such a large neighborhood with many children. I hope they are all able to stay safe and thankfully there are usually many people outside in the neighborhood so hopefully there will be plenty of witnesses to help catch this creep. And for people thinking anything like: "oh stay out of west willow" just be mindful that there is such a thing as streets and bus service and he doesn't have to stay there so really all of Ypsilanti Township should be on the watch.