Ann Arbor pediatrician accused of window peeping takes leave of absence
Previous story: Veteran Ann Arbor pediatrician accused of window peeping
A veteran Ann Arbor pediatrician accused of going to a girl's home and looking through a window, watching as she changed her clothing, has taken a leave of absence from IHA Child Health — Ann Arbor, the company said in a statement today.
Dr. Howard Bruce Weinblatt, 65, of Ann Arbor, is charged with four counts of surveilling an unclothed person and two counts of window peeping.

"We have just learned of allegations against Dr. Howard Weinblatt arising from his personal life," the statement says. "We therefore have accepted his request for a leave of absence effective immediately. We trust the authorities to do a complete and thorough investigation. We understand this is a difficult time for all involved. At this time, we have no further comment."
Officials at the state Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs said this morning that Weinblatt's license to practice medicine is active and no action has been taken against it. Weinblatt has been licensed to practice medicine in the state for more than 34 years. Sherri White, a department manager in the Allegation Section of the Health Investigation Division of the Bureau of Health Professions, said no one has made a complaint about Weinblatt. One of her staff members is monitoring the case, she said.
If someone is convicted of a felony or high-court misdemeanor, their license can be suspended, she said. White also said someone's license can be suspended if they are deemed a threat to the public. She said she doesn't have enough information to say whether she believes Weinblatt poses a threat to the public.
"As long as we haven't taken any action against his license he can continue to practice," she said.
Weinblatt, who is out on a promise to appear, is scheduled to return to court Wednesday afternoon for a preliminary hearing.
Lee Higgins covers crime and courts for He can be reached by phone at (734) 623-2527 and email at
Olga Goldfine
Sat, Feb 18, 2012 : 12:54 a.m.
Whatever accusations are, there is still the presumption of innocence, isnt there?? And he was an excellent pediatritian - one of the best.
Katie Ringer
Fri, Dec 30, 2011 : 8:34 p.m.
i have know him literally all my life he has been are family ped since 74. my family will continue to support him, his family and practice. and we will continue to follow his case and i hope this gets cleared up soon and that he can return to his practice.
Mon, Dec 5, 2011 : 3:22 p.m.
I am ashamed at the Ann Arbor News for casually destroying a man on such flimsy evidence; it is irresponsible and nasty, a case of "journalism" at its worst. And how odd the details: parents watch a man watching their daughter change "four times" without buying her a set of curtains? blech.
Lee Higgins
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 12:43 p.m.
Weinblatt will defend against the charges, his attorney says. Here's the story: <a href=""></a>
Rocky Cooper
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 3:18 a.m.
I am Just in shock! I have Known Dr. Weinblatt since he began the practice on Stadium Blvd. As he was my baby sisters pediatrician as well as ALL 4 of my children. I have known Dr. Weinblatt to be the absolute best doctor for my children, he is always professional and cares deeply for each and everyone , he would still ask how is my mother and sister who is now 38 years old. I can NOT make any assumptions from this small story which really does NOT give any real details other than what Dr. Weinblatt was ACCUSED of. All I can stand by is that ALL men (women too) are presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law. I believe Dr. Weinblatt did the very professional thing by taking a leave of absence as the practice does not deserve to be punished. I will be awaiting ANY and ALL news about this case but until then I make no assumptions. I do want to state that if my kids were sick and in need of medical care right now I would still call Dr. Weinblatt to have them seen.....That just shows how great the care he has taken of all of my children since their births, (oldest will be 26) .
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 2 a.m.
I predict that Sherri White of the Allegation Section of the Health Investigation Division of the Bureau of Health Professions will do nothing. Doctors are almost never punished. Ms. White's office is understaffed with uneducated or skilled investigators who seldom understand the issues and rarely discipline where discipline is warranted.
Matt Cooper
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 1:13 a.m.
Dr. Weinblatt was my doctor when I was a kid, as well as for my two sisters, 3 nieces and one nephew. I've always known him to be respectful, professional and dedicated to the care of the children whom he took care of and have never once seen him do anything inappropriate with anyone. Please withhold judgement until the entire process plays out.
Rocky Cooper
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 3:19 a.m.
Well said Matt! I feel the exact same. Read my statement below!
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 12:58 a.m.
I think a lot of u parents become blind sided by someone's professionalism demeanor I'm mean peple have 2sides to them ! What u see and wat u don't don't be so quick to assume and protect this DR when the first and most important person u should be protecing is ur/our children! And yes if this was someone other without this profession or younger maybe even a minority you all would have thrown the book at em' I'm just saying stop it with all ur double standards!
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 10:44 p.m.
I know some people here want to believe the allegations are untrue, but think about it: AAPD knows that just by arresting him and putting this out there, his career is over. They would never arrest him if they didn't have an airtight case against him. Who knows what they found on his computer, or how many witnesses there are. You don't ruin someone's reputation and career by without being absolutely sure. Sad, but you never know about people.
Angel Rowlands
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 5:32 p.m.
Yes they would....he's accused, they can place him in custody, until evidence is recovered, found etc..and file charges based on what an accuser states,and when it's a child they move quicker.
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 2:18 a.m.
Brisco, you've got it wrong. Police arrest people on suspicion all the time and ruin lives. I wonder why that girls parents didn't close the drapes when she was undressing.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 10:40 p.m.
Can post a link to the search warrant and affidavit in support? The searc warrant affidavit provides the putative probable cause needed to issue the warrant and often illustrates what proof the police garnered to support a finding of guilt to that point.
Adam Plomaritas
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 10:39 p.m.
"'We have just learned of allegations against Dr. Howard Weinblatt arising from his personal life,' the statement says." Ummm...What statement? I'm assuming it's a statement from IHA CHA, but how would anyone know. Please proofread your articles. This is your job.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 9:59 p.m.
What I find a little odd is the person the who saw this and reported it watched it four times. Also, they must have been peeping as well if they reported what he saw. But then again, we don't have all the facts right now and we probably never will.
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 1:32 a.m.
@ttc: The article from the Detroit News had some additional information that was not on Weinblatt's attorney, Larry Margolis, said in an email that Weinblatt was "shocked and dismayed" after learning of the allegations and immediately requested a leave of absence. Margolis noted the witness' claim is that Weinblatt was peering from a window in his own home, and he plans to fight the charges. "Dr. Weinblatt is entitled to the presumption of innocence until the county prosecutor overcomes that legal presumption by competent evidence in a court of law," Margolis said in an email."Dr. Weinblatt has pleaded not guilty and he intends to proffer a vigorous defense to these "invasion of privacy' charges." Weinblatt was arraigned on Nov. 23 before Magistrate Camille Horne, who released the doctor on the promise he would be present for a preliminary hearing Wednesday and abstain from visiting the girl's family or house, said deputy court clerk Heather Lovelace. Someone allegedly saw Weinblatt peeping through a 12-year-old's window on Olivia Avenue, a few blocks southeast of the University of Michigan, "under circumstances where that individual had a reasonable expectation of privacy," according to the complaint. Weinblatt lives near the alleged victim. From The Detroit News: <a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 10:47 p.m.
The other article said one adult witnessed all 4 occurrences. If it was a family member in the household who knew she was changing, making sure his presence outside their home wasn't just a coincidence, I follow it. If not, it seems a little odd. I guess we have to wait until the prelim examination for those facts to come out.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 10:41 p.m.
You mention that we don't have all the facts, but also go ahead and make a bunch of assumptions about the "person who saw this". Maybe it was different people who saw it. Maybe it was the same person and they did report it but the peeper was gone before anybody could catch or identify them. Maybe this is right outside the person's window, which doesn't exactly make them a peeper themselves.
Joy Bash
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 9:57 p.m.
Innocent until proven guilty? If this man were just some average joe would you all still be saying this? No you would have convicted him as you read the story. He should be treated like everyone else. If he did do this shame on him and let the legal system rain down on him more then the average joe. He was trusted to treat your children and if that trust was broken he should go to prison. These kind of people rely on your trust so they can get away with such a horrid crime on children, the most innocent of us all. You can't always trust someone because of the work they do with children. How many times has an adult who worked with kids done harm to them? I hope he didn't do this because it is sick. I would wonder how many times I took my child to him and they had to undress in the office, was he looking at them? I would never go to him or that office again.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 9:47 p.m.
I will repeat my previous comment from the previous article. "Just because this man was a good doctor and people liked him does not mean that he is not guilty. I would venture to guess that most people who are charged with a crime (especially one like this) would elicit responses of disbelief from someone. This man just happens to have been someone who interacted with a lot of people in this town. He should not receive special treatment in the media or in the courts. If he is innocent, then hopefully that will be brought out. I do however feel that should not be removing posts from people who had less than happy interactions with him. That shows a bias in my opinion." I do not believe that someone who was not in his position of prominence would receive nearly the number of comments asking for people to withhold their views on this. One other thing to remember is that they only arrested this man after they searched his home. I do not believe that they take this lightly and just arrest someone on a weak premise. We all need to see what comes of this. None of us can say for sure what goes on in someone else's private life. We learned that from an incident years ago.
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 5:05 a.m.
You've got the information twisted and the "facts" wrong...where are you getting your information from? You're just adding to the fire and destroying someone who doesn't deserve this. I will be looking for your apology in the near future.
Matt Cooper
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 1:23 a.m.
"I do not believe that they take this lightly and just arrest someone on a weak premise." Right. Only the guilty ever get arrested, and yet there aren'y any guilty men in prison.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 8:01 p.m.
Have there ever been an previous "charges" filed against the alleged peeper? Or accusations?
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 8 p.m.
The allegations are hard to believe Having said that, however, Dr. W could have had a spotless career and then become mentally ill. Dr. W is not immune to mental illness or a chemical imbalance that allowed him to engage in such behavior. I know only a little about the legal system, but I would think the prosecutor would HAVE to have more than hearsay in order to charge Dr. W with a crime. I agree that Dr. W's career is over whether he is innocent or guilty.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 7:44 p.m.
As a former patient at CHA and having known this Doctor I truly believe everyone should do their best to stick with this idea of being innocent until proven guilty. I do think it is more than possible that this is some huge misunderstanding and I strongly believe this man should be given the benefit of the doubt. He has been practicing for so many years and has always been professional and extremely helpful. I only hope that whatever may come of this does not have a lasting effect on the CHA pediatric clinic. I know many of the staff there and they are all hard working and respectful members of the community. Let us all wait and see how this pans out and hope for the best for everyone.
L. Brooks
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 7:24 p.m.
This news also makes me sad. This pediatrician is my child's back-up doctor. Never before have I seen a doctor interact so empathically with a young child (my son is nearly three). Of course, this has no bearing on his private life. I am not here to defend or cast further aspersion on this man's character. If this accusation is true, then our community loses a very good doctor. I am; here to ask that others take particular care in what they say at this point. I agree it was wholly inappropriate to post the accused person's name; this only seems to happen when the person directly works with kids. While I understand the desire to protect children; this does have a devastating on the person's life and career. The case might easily end up dismissed, but this man's 15 minutes will live on forever. Please think twice before you post any anecdotal information that you may have on your child's interaction with this doctor; it is just horrible, I think, to post "leading" information that further incriminates and adds to the group think that starts to take hold. All I can say is that I assume, as a parent, if your child tells you that her doctor was asking inappropriate questions, and going so far as avoiding this doctor, that it was reported, or at least discussed with the doctor. If there is something untoward going on, I doubt that only one teen or tween girl felt uncomfortable; it really concerns me that as parents we do not follow through on things like this. If IHA had known, it may have encouraged the medical board to take this up and the man could have gotten some help if needed. Maybe this whole unfortunate situation could have been avoided. Really, how helpful is it to air incriminating observations after it has come this far? Anyone seen "Capturing the Friedmans"?
Matt Cooper
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 1:20 a.m.
djm: You label it "criminal activities" without allowing the man a fair trial? This is what's wrong with people. They presume to know what they're talking about, when in a lot of instances they don't. It's only "criminal activities" IF Dr. Weinblatt is proven guilty in a court of law.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 8:09 p.m.
exactly ypsiveteran...@ L Brooks unfortunate situations can often be avoided...but criminal activities should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law...
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 7:42 p.m.
Why was it inappropriate to post his name, once he'd been arrested and arraigned? Because he's an Ann Arbor pediatrician and not,say, an Ann Arbor crack dealer? The names and pictures of everyone else who's arrested for noteworthy offenses get published. Why should he be any different?
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 6:33 p.m.
I am taking NO position on anyone's guilt or innocence, but just want to state that if someone is accused of, let us say, shoplifting, we assume innocent until proven guilty unless the evidence against them is overwhelming. When someone is accused of a crime or misdemeanor of a sexual nature, we INSTANTLY assume their guilt and say they wouldn't be accused unless they were guilty, guilty,. guilty. We have to exercise care in the direction of assuming innocence until proven here; just as strongly as we shouldn't assume the INNOCENCE of someone because they are a respected member of the community. We have to listen and be fair as we can to everyone concerned.
Matt Cooper
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 1:17 a.m.
"...if someone is accused of, let us say, shoplifting, we assume innocent until proven guilty unless the evidence against them is overwhelming". Actually, we presume innocence until proven guilty in a court of law. And you are right, we ought let the process play out, regardless of our personal thoughts on it. Secondly, I'm guessing most of the negative comments are coming from people that don't know and have never met Dr Weinblatt.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 6:27 p.m.
My children have been treated by Dr. Weinblatt many times during their growing-up years. He was always very kind and professional. Let us all not crucify someone this way. While anything is possible, it does seem likely to me that this could be an innocent mistake. Perhaps he simply walks regularly in the neighborhood. We all look in neighbors' windows without harboring any bad thoughts. Please say a prayer for him and his family. Such an unfortunate situation could happen to anyone - simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is a wonderful doctor. May innocence prevail.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 6:08 p.m.
WOW, I really hope this is not true. Howard is a great doc and has given my children great care. Sad all around.
Steve in MI
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 4:56 p.m.
The mass-corporatization of medicine seems like such a good idea. Until one bad story taints the reputation of the entire mega-practice.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 6:11 p.m.
I think the doctor in question is the one who gets tainted. The practice may get some negative attention briefly but in the long run, they'll be fine.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 4:49 p.m.
The way most guilt is determined on <a href="" rel='nofollow'></a>
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 4:38 p.m.
The word "accused" should be added to the Uniform Resource Locator (URL). I do not know this person, but the URL should change. IHA will probably think so too.
Jen Eyer
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 5:13 p.m.
Yes, when I say "can't," that's what I mean. In any case, the URL is just keywords, not a sentence.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 5:02 p.m.
Jen, it can be changed. You will loose links, but it can be changed.
Jen Eyer
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 4:45 p.m.
The URL is simply a string of keywords related to the story, and once it is published, it can't be changed.
EMU Prof
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 4:22 p.m.
I knew the Sandusky comparison would be made. Here's the huge difference: nobody seemed to be particularly shocked about his behavior. There had been plenty of smoke around that fire for years. People were much more shocked about the cover-up and the corruption of Paterno than about the fact that Sandusky turned out to be a creep.
Michigan Man
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 4:08 p.m.
All physicians take an oath to do not harm. This is a very disturbing matter. Will more allegations and complaints now be forthcoming? This case is seeming to have elements like the Penn State football coach scenario - person in authority allegedly abusing children, person in authority having private and unsupervised time with partially clothed children, etc. Where is the Ann Arbor outrage that was so prevalent, visible and never ending in the Penn State matter?
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 1:05 a.m.
@a2citizen: well said.
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 12:07 a.m.
"Where is the Ann Arbor outrage?" The outrage gets deleted.
Chris 8 - YPSI PRIDE
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 4:08 p.m.
No matter what, Guilty or innocent, assumptions and conclusions were already made the second this story hit the internet. This Doctor's career is over, guilty or innocent. I am sure his receptionist will be flooded with permanent cancellation calls this morning. So far all I see is a well respected Doctor without a spot on his record (according to the first published article in this online Newspaper) who was arrested due to another persons observations. Then Police then drawing conclusions obviously by arresting the Doctor. Now they have to hope that the prosecutor OK's these charges or someone is going to be paying big time. We also have the Court of Public Opinion who will ultimately convict this guy. He is finished in the Pediatric field due to this type of witch hunt. The sexual offender lists are full of people who were caught doing something as simple as urinating in the woods. This type of publicity all over the place has made people like myself (who would never inappropriately touch a child) never ever want to shake hands or be alone anywhere with a child at anytime unless they were my own. This type of story should be scary to any one who has contact with Children in their profession, job, or any volunteer work they may do.
Angel Rowlands
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 5:16 p.m.
Dr. Weinblatt has been awesome to my family for 23 yrs. Even if it comes out as a misunderstanding, his career isn't the worst to take a hit, his kids and family and his own self being are permanently damaged! I would take my kids to him in a heartbeat! But families who have never taken met him or taken their kids to him previously wont. They keep a " victims" name out of the paper to protect them but put the accusers name city where they work their whole life goes right in. Yet they are innocent till proven guilty. In reality that's a joke. If you hear it, you have already prejudged it, gave an opinion, and made your decision... Yet we really don't know the whole story.
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 12:17 a.m.
"...Then police draw conclusions..." Dude,...sounds like you are drawing your own conclusions. "...The sexual offender lists are full of people who were caught doing something as simple as urinating in the woods..." Why are you equating urinating in the woods to peeking into a window to watch a 12 year old girl undress? "...made people like myself (who would never inappropriately touch a child) never ever want to shake hands or be alone anywhere with a child at anytime ..." Well, I hope you don't want to peak into the window of an undressed 12 year old either. "...This type of story should be scary to any one who has contact with Children in their profession..." I was not aware you could make a living peaking into the window to watch 12 year old girls undress.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 8:50 p.m.
Your point about the Duke faculty is well-taken. Not to change the subject, but it's interesting that most of the recent cases of innocent people being charged and tried on unfounded sex abuse accusations stem from the Oakland County Prosecutor's office. The Wendrows and that Oak Park teacher most notably.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 7:55 p.m.
You may want to read up on "Group of 88" in connection to the Duke Lacrosse case. Rather illuminating. "I haven't read any innuendos, just facts being reported" Look at the comments to the previous article. There is already plenty, and likely more coming. "When it comes to guilty behavior, it's science, and it's well-documented" As is use of science and pseudoscience to suit personal agendas and biases. Another (more local) case to think about is the Wendrows.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 7:35 p.m.
Liekkio, I believe your declaration about his career being ruined and "he's damned if he sinks or swims" comments would be argued by the acquitted Duke Lacrosse players. Secondly, I'm not sure what "witch hunt" you are referring to, but it does not appear, at this point, that there is any witch hunt going on here. As for the rest of your comment, speak for yourself. I haven't read any innuendos, just facts being reported. When it comes to guilty behavior, it's science, and it's well-documented. It doesn't automatically confer guilt, but it's a factor, as are many other things.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 7:19 p.m.
Ypsiveteran, you are wrong on several accounts. Point one: his career IS finished, regardless of the trial outcome (assuming this matter ever makes it to trial). Even Dr. Weinblatt will get acquitted, there is no such thing as a complete retraction of all the innuendos and assumptions that have already been said and written about him. No one will hire a pediatrician with such rumors swirling around him. Point two: "The media displays the pack mentality with gusto, but the public does care about the facts and is quite capable of being more discerning". Sure, the media is looking for dirt to peddle, but "the public" is looking for a cheap way of feeling righteous. To satisfy both, this man's behavior will be twisted and shaped to fit whatever imaginary model of "guilty person behavior" his detractors manage to come up with. And like in most witch hunts, he'll be damned if he sinks or swims, (speaks or remained silent). The truth is, a lot of people need a perfect scapegoat to vilify to feel good about themselves. It seems to me that Dr. Weinblatt just got that job :(
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 5:12 p.m.
Typo correction...."probable" cause, not "probably."
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 5:09 p.m.
I disagree. If the charges are proven to be false in court and the man is acquitted, his career will not be damaged. Dave, you are talking about media behavior, not the behavior of the general public. The media displays the pack mentality with gusto, but the public does care about the facts and is quite capable of being more discerning when it comes to their day-to-day behavior and choices. That being said, the facts as they are reported so far are consistent with the behavior of a guilty person. An innocent man of his stature just does not decline to comment about charges like this, and the fact that enough probably cause existed to obtain a search warrant on his home in a simple peeping tom case is also quite significant.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 4:47 p.m.
No kidding. When I was unemployed, one of the brainstorming ideas for how to pass my time was being a math tutor, maybe volunteering at a school. No way I'm going to spend *any* time with someone else's kid. One of my friends is a teacher and one day in class he re-tucked his shirt in. That night one of his students told her mother that he "stuck his hands down his pants." That mother went bat-guano crazy and began a systematic campaign of harassment, libel, and slander which went on well after her daughter was put in another classroom. It was awful for the poor guy who did nothing more than tuck in his shirt while standing at the chalkboard. Maybe this doc did it, maybe he didn't, but either way his career and reputation are finished. People don't care about facts, once they smell blood in the water they are like piranhas and will shred someone just for the fun of being part of a pack when it takes someone down.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 4:46 p.m.
I agree whole-heartedly. Quite frankly, I believe that those who have been accused of a sexual crime should not have their names published until a guilty verdict has been reached. If this turns out not to be true, this man's name will be tainted with the stink of this accusation for years.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 4:07 p.m.
Seriously, Ann, if you have been reading the papers for the last month it should be clear that someone can be considered an "upstanding citizen" in some aspects of their life and still have some pretty dark and ugly secrets (cough, cough, Penn State, cough, cough, Jerry Sandusky). So it's OK to take a wait and see approach, but seems extremely unfair to assume and allege that whomever made the claim is "unbalanced."
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 5:02 p.m.
it appears the paper removed her comment, and my response to it. I agree with you, however. He could be the best dr. in the world, and still have dark secrets. Accusing the victim of being "unbalanced" is wrong.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 3:58 p.m.
Such sad news all around. For the girl and her family, for Dr. Weinblatt and his, for the IHA pediatric clinic, and the community. Let's respectfully wait this out and not jump to conclusions. There is probably much more to this story, and we only know the small amount of information reported here.
Wed, Nov 30, 2011 : 12:41 a.m.
Bluecollar - alleged v. convicted. Big difference, and worth presuming someone innocent until proven guilty. For both the doctor and the accusers.
Tue, Nov 29, 2011 : 10:05 p.m.
That's awesome!!! We should take that approach on all "alleged" pedophiles. Make that all criminals across the line. Once again AWESOME idea.