Domestic violence suspect wounded by Pittsfield Township police is out on bond
A man who was shot by Pittsfield Township police after reportedly making threatening gestures and disobeying commands to surrender was freed from the Washtenaw County Jail.
Devin Reddick posted $1,000 bond at his formal arraignment in Washtenaw County district court late last month, court records show. He is scheduled to stand trial on misdemeanor domestic violence charges on March 1.

Devin Reddick
Reddick had been in custody since his Jan. 15 arrest and subsequent outburst before a magistrate two days later. Police said officers were investigating a domestic assault complaint made by Reddick’s wife when his vehicle was spotted on Platt Road. He pulled into the Rosewood Village condominium complex and was shot in the abdomen by an officer who felt threatened, police said.
Reddick was transported to the hospital and was released to the jail later that night, police said.
The officer remains on paid administrative leave while the Michigan State Police investigate the shooting. The case was turned over to prosecutors, who said Friday that no decisions have yet been made.
Reddick also faces charges for driving with a suspended license and refusing to be fingerprinted.
Art Aisner is a freelance writer for Reach the news desk at or 734-623-2530.
Fri, Feb 11, 2011 : 3:19 a.m.
$1,000 bond, Michigan State Police still investigating, subject released. What is going on here? What is taking the state so long? They say a picture is worth a thousand words so why is it taking so long to review a dash cam? There is more to this story than meets the internet eye.
Mon, Feb 7, 2011 : 7:56 a.m.
Eh, so whatever happened to the "warning signs" of potential deadly threat we hear so much about? Is this going to turn into another story about " next day, the guy walked into the police station and opened fire?" Of course what YooperTrooper says it true: it might be that this series of incidents arose out of a "big misunderstanding." Trouble is: big misunderstandings can lead to big grudges against someone - anyone who might be seen as a worthy "cause of my bad behavior." We all know: violence prone people do always have a "reason" that provoked them to be violent. Yeah, we believe that, don't we? I don't buy: "Some people look scary when they're worked up." -- The true history of that behavior proves that such displays are intended to threaten and intimidate. That is: over the line!
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 2:01 p.m.
Wow, he must be well connected.
Basic Bob
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 10:10 p.m.
If he was well connected, he wouldn't have spent two weeks in jail!
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 5 p.m.
yeah bill that must be it......mob connections.....
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 10:11 a.m.
@ jcj: Domestic Assaults can be very complicated things... I can't find any previous records for Mr. Riddick... He's due back in court on Mar. 1... I'll take that bet. The bond and release aren't exactly unreasonable if the only charge is Domestic Assault. Domestic Assault could mean anything. It could mean as little as a loud argument over a misunderstanding. Sometimes people get worked up and things get blown out of proportion. Some people might look scary when they're worked up. It might not be wrong for an officer to point their gun at someone like that, but... It could be counter productive and escalate the situation. Until the State Police Investigation is out it looks like we might have nothing more than a big misunderstanding that got blown way out of proportion.
Sun, Feb 20, 2011 : 3:19 a.m.
You obviously didnt do your research very well jcj....
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 12:44 p.m.
I accept your explanation of what might have happened and will go so far as to say I might have over reacted. But my reaction was based on a history of repeat offenders in this country.
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 3:09 a.m.
Did I miss it or did conveniently withhold the name of the judge? I he had been a Michigan Militia acquaintance he would have been held for a year or two WITHOUT bond. Who wants to make a bet he will be charged with another crime before he goes to court for this one?
Sun, Feb 6, 2011 : 1:30 a.m.
So....wounded by is the new shot by.
zip the cat
Sat, Feb 5, 2011 : 9:33 p.m.
WOW,What a frigging joke,for all he did he only gets a 1K bond The courts in this state are a real farce.