Posted on Sat, May 12, 2012 : 7:05 p.m.
Cat lovers turn out for annual show in Ann Arbor
By Angela Cesere
Kathy Calhoun, a judge for the The Cat Fanciers' Association Cat Show, examines Joelen Bartholomew, a Maine Coone cat from Kitchener, Canada during the 2012 Cat Fanciers's Association Cat Show at the University of Michigan Sports Coliseum in Ann Arbor, Mich. on Saturday morning. The show brought about 90 exhibitors with 150 cats being shown from across the U.S. and Canada. Angela J. Cesere |
Kathy Calhoun, a judge for the The Cat Fanciers' Association Cat Show, examines Joelen Bartholomew, a Maine Coone cat from Kitchener, Canada during the 2012 Cat Fanciers's Association Cat Show at the University of Michigan Sports Coliseum in Ann Arbor, Mich. on Saturday morning. The show brought about 90 exhibitors with 150 cats being shown from across the U.S. and Canada. Angela J. Cesere | /calendar/photologue/photos/!catfanciersshow/cache/051212-AJC-cat-fanciers-association-show-01_fullsize.JPG
Halle, a Japanese Bobtail cat from Fowlerville, wanders around on a lease next to her owner, Kevin Mathis. Angela J. Cesere | /calendar/photologue/photos/!catfanciersshow/cache/051212-AJC-cat-fanciers-association-show-02_fullsize.JPG
Jack Nichols of Omaha, Nebraska, plays with his 5-month-old red and white Persian kitten at The Cat Fanciers' Association Cat Show. Angela J. Cesere | /calendar/photologue/photos/!catfanciersshow/cache/051212-AJC-cat-fanciers-association-show-03_fullsize.JPG
St. Catherines, Canada resident Victoria Johnston-Dorricott brushes Flash, her Himalayan Persian cat before taking him to be judged. Angela J. Cesere | /calendar/photologue/photos/!catfanciersshow/cache/051212-AJC-cat-fanciers-association-show-04_fullsize.JPG
12-year-old Columbiaville, Mich. resident Alex Mareno holds her sphinx cat Abracadabra on her while watching other cats get judged at the Cat Fanciers' Association Cat Show. Angela J. Cesere | /calendar/photologue/photos/!catfanciersshow/cache/051212-AJC-cat-fanciers-association-show-05_fullsize.JPG
Loretta Baugh, a judge with the Cat Fanciers' Association, checks the eyes of Celine, a 4-month-old American Shorthair from Northville at the Cat Fanciers' Association Cat Show. Angela J. Cesere | /calendar/photologue/photos/!catfanciersshow/cache/051212-AJC-cat-fanciers-association-show-06_fullsize.JPG
Gene Darrah, a judge with the Cat Fanciers' Association, checks out Hope, a silver Egyptian Mau cat from Washington D.C. at the Cat Fanciers' Association Cat Show. Angela J. Cesere | /calendar/photologue/photos/!catfanciersshow/cache/051212-AJC-cat-fanciers-association-show-07_fullsize.JPG
Grosse Pointe resident Debbie Varga combs the hair of her bi-color Persian cat named Desire at the Cat Fanciers' Association Cat Show. Angela J. Cesere | /calendar/photologue/photos/!catfanciersshow/cache/051212-AJC-cat-fanciers-association-show-08_fullsize.JPG
Sharon Powell a judge with the Cat Fanciers' Association, checks out Wynterwynd Lake Effect, a Russian Blue cat from South Haven, Mich. at the Cat Fanciers' Association Cat Show. Wynterwynd won Best Shorthair Premiere and 2nd Best All-Breed Premiere. Angela J. Cesere | /calendar/photologue/photos/!catfanciersshow/cache/051212-AJC-cat-fanciers-association-show-09_fullsize.JPG
Windsor, an 8-month-old Norwegian Forest cat looks out from his travel house at the Cat Fanciers' Association Cat Show. Angela J. Cesere | /calendar/photologue/photos/!catfanciersshow/cache/051212-AJC-cat-fanciers-association-show-10_fullsize.JPG
The Cat Fanciers' Association Cat Show took place Saturday at the University of Michigan Coliseum in Ann Arbor.
The show brought about 90 exhibitors with 150 cats being shown from across the U.S. and Canada. Cats are judged by a 100 point system with qualities that vary from breed to breed, but usually include beauty, coat, color, and shape.
Sun, May 13, 2012 : 10:40 p.m.
Sorry - not 24 hours - just "after the fact."
Sun, May 13, 2012 : 10:33 p.m.
WHY didn't we hear about this earlier, instead of 24 hours after the fact?
Sun, May 13, 2012 : 4:30 p.m.
I thought everybody was interested in what went down in 1965?
Sun, May 13, 2012 : 1:02 p.m.
I am glad that this is a cat show, if it was a dog show, President Obama's followers would be licking their chops at a dog show! You do know that the President ate dogs growing up.
Sun, May 13, 2012 : 4:04 p.m.
So? I bet you eat cows, chicken and pigs. No different. You have just rationalized that it is ok to eat one and not the other.
Sun, May 13, 2012 : 2:37 p.m.
Uh...who cares?
Sun, May 13, 2012 : 1:25 p.m.
We know because you keep repeating it as if anybody cares.
Sun, May 13, 2012 : 3:27 a.m.
I wish I had known about this earlier.... I am a big fan of Maine Coons and siberians.
Sun, May 13, 2012 : 1:46 a.m.
I bet none of those cats traveled to the Cat Show on the top of their cars......good thing they weren't transported by Mr. Romney!
Sun, May 13, 2012 : 4:02 p.m.
As typical of the right wing, they do not understand what one does as a CHILD is much different than what one does as an ADULT. Second, I see no difference in eating dog or cat versus eating a cow. It is why I do not eat any of them. Third, why is the immediate comeback, what Obama did, versus defending against the charges. When Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh are being hypocrites and saying gay marriage is an abomination, the first thing they bring up is John Edwards or Bill Clinton, which has NOTHING to do with whether they are lying hypocrites.
Homeland Conspiracy
Sun, May 13, 2012 : 3:42 a.m.
Rmoney only does that to dogs...I hope