Bill Clinton calls on University of Michigan students to get out the vote during stop in Ann Arbor

U.S. Rep. John Dingell, D-Dearborn, and former President Bill Clinton take the stage today at Rackham Auditorium on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor.
Ryan J. Stanton |
Former President Bill Clinton issued a call to action to students in the crowd this afternoon during a get-out-the-vote rally on the University of Michigan campus in Ann Arbor.
"Flood YouTube, flood Facebook, flood your e-mail lists, put up signs in the student union, get on the radio stations," he said. "Do whatever you can. Do not let young people sit this election out. You have more riding on it than anything."
Clinton arrived in Ann Arbor mid-afternoon to stump for U.S. Rep. John Dingell, D-Dearborn, who is being challenged by Republican Rob Steele, a cardiologist from Superior Township, as Dingell seeks his 29th term in Congress on Nov. 2.
Clinton said getting young people to vote is the key to Democrats maintaining control of Congress. And he cited reports that show turnout among the 25-and-under crowd is expected to be down 55 percent from two years ago when Barack Obama was elected president.
"You voted in record numbers two years ago. It's time to make your vote two years ago mean something by protecting the forward progress," Clinton told the crowd of more than 1,100 gathered inside Rackham Auditorium.
Clinton said he's tired of the "right-wing rhetoric" being spewed by the GOP.
"I almost gag when I hear these Republicans lambasting the president and the Democrats in Congress, 'Oh, they're such big spenders, they're just crazy, they're quasi-socialist,'" he said. "I have a simple question: Who's the last president to give you a balanced budget?"

Clinton addresses the crowd. The U-M hat perched on the podium was a gift from Dingell.
Ryan J. Stanton |
Under the Republicans, Clinton said, the national debt quadrupled to more than $3 trillion. He said the Republicans "dug the country a humongous hole," and are now criticizing Obama and the Democrats for not digging the country out of it within 21 months.
"The Democrats' line is, 'You're right, we didn't get you out of the hole, but it was a very deep hole, and at least we stopped digging,'" he said.
Clinton offered a global perspective on the economy.
"The United States is 70 percent out of that $3 trillion hole," he said, comparing that to other countries. "Germany has recovered 60 percent of its lost income, Japan 50, the United Kingdom 30. So compared to the competition, we're doing pretty well. That is not cause for applause, but it should give people pause before they throw out the present coaching staff and bring back the people that led them to several 2-and-9 seasons."
Earlier in the afternoon, Clinton stumped for Democratic gubernatorial nominee Virg Bernero during a rally at Renaissance High School in Detroit. Clinton was expected to wrap up the day by speaking at a rally in Battle Creek in support of Democratic U.S. Rep. Mark Schauer, who is in a tough race against Republican Tim Walberg.
Clinton has booked more than 100 appearances for candidates all over the U.S. in the final stretch before the Nov. 2 election.
Several Democratic candidates for statewide offices spoke at today's event, portraying Dingell as a fighter for middle-class families, the auto industry, education and the environment.
"That's something the Democrats have been standing up for for years and years, while the Republicans have been standing up for the corporate greed that has polluted so many communities," said 53rd District state House candidate Jeff Irwin, D-Ann Arbor.
"For those of you who pay a lot of attention to local politics, I'm not going to be claiming a per diem for my attendance here today," Irwin joked, making reference to a recent report on per diem payments collected by Washtenaw County commissioners for attending meetings.
Democratic attorney general candidate David Leyton, Genesee County's prosecutor, earned a standing ovation from today's crowd when he said, if elected, he would fire Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell.
Shirvell has been accused of harassing and stalking U-M's openly gay student body president, Chris Armstrong. Leyton said Shirvell should not be getting a generous taxpayer-funded salary while "bashing a college student with hatred."
"When I become attorney general, he's out," Leyton said.
UAW President Bob King said voters have a choice on Nov. 2 between a party with a positive vision for the country and "a party that's building their platform on division, on hatred."
Brendan Campbell, chairman of the U-M College Democrats, called for support for Bernero, saying his opponent, Rick Snyder, would make dangerous cuts to higher education.
"The Rick Snyder on TV is not the real Rick Snyder," Campbell said. "Don't be fooled. He is no moderate, and he is no friend of students."
Dingell spoke before Clinton and issued a call to save America from "those no-good Republicans," whom he said are waging a war on middle-class families.
Clinton's arrival in Ann Arbor to stump for Dingell was seen by some as an indication of Dingell's vulnerability. But despite the anti-incumbent environment and the hanging cloud of Michigan's struggling economy, rumors of Dingell’s political demise may be exaggerated.
A poll released last week by EPIC-MRA showed Dingell leading Steele by 17 points — 53 percent to 36 percent. The poll interviewed 400 likely voters in the 15th District, which stretches from Dearborn through Ann Arbor and south to the Ohio line.
Dingell has never received less than 60 percent of the vote in a general election. One pundit also pointed out last week that the seat has been held by someone named John Dingell for 77 years (the current congressman's father held the seat from 1933 until 1955).
Steele has raised significantly less money than Dingell, according to new campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.
Dingell has raised and spent about $1.7 million this election cycle. He still has nearly $800,000 left to spend from his campaign war chest heading into the final days of the race.
Steele has raised about $662,000 and has about $345,000 left to spend. About 94 percent of his receipts have come from individuals, including several medical professionals in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti area. Only 2.6 percent of Steele's receipts have come from PACs, while more than $1.2 million of Dingell's — or 72 percent — are from PACs.
Steele also has funneled nearly $25,000 of his own money into his campaign.
Across all of Michigan's 15 Congressional districts, more than $34 million has been pumped into Congressional races this election cycle. Democratic candidates for Congress have raised about $14.8 million, while GOP candidates have raised $19.2 million.
All 15 of Michigan's representatives in Congress are on the ballot this year. The state's delegation currently includes eight Democrats and seven Republicans.
Steele's final-week push heading into the election includes a "Take Back Congress" rally Wednesday night on the U-M Diag, the historic center of campus. The University of Michigan College Republicans is sponsoring the event from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
The tentative lineup includes an invocation by Dr. Dawn Lancaster, music by Christian recording artist Kimbirly Vasi and a speech by Tea Party activist Wendy Lynn Day. The master of ceremonies is radio host Thayrone X of WAAM Talk 1600.
Before he left campus today, Clinton was serenaded by the university's G-Men a cappella group, which sang a rendition of "Yesterday" by The Beatles. Another a cappella group called Gimble kicked off the rally earlier in the afternoon.
Ryan J. Stanton covers government and politics for Reach him at or 734-623-2529.
Tue, Oct 26, 2010 : 5:32 p.m.
Gotta love Dingell's quote today on WJR. "That I'm their watchdog to see to it that big money, big government, don't hurt the American people." He sure likes to put these cute soundbites out there, but his actions are totally a different story. When Dingell says he wants to hold the government accountable and live within its means, but yet votes to spend us into debt repeatedly, what are we to believe? His words or his actions? When Dingell says he is powerful and most respected in Washington, but gets kicked off as chairman and no longer holds any key positions and only brings back.80 on every dollar we send to Washington, what are we to believe? His words, or his actions? When Dingell states that our health insurance premiums will go down, but yet Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, publicly announces that our premiums will go up because of the new health care law, and premiums are going up, what do you believe? His words or the action? When Dingell says he wants to protect social security, but puts our social security in the general funds and fails to keep it out of reach of the government spending machine, who are we to believe? His words or his actions?
michigan face
Tue, Oct 26, 2010 : 2:50 p.m.
the large cigars are reserved for Limbaugh.
michigan face
Tue, Oct 26, 2010 : 2:42 p.m.
Vote Virg and Dingell and I thank Bill Clinton for being the best President of my lifetime. eliminated one of my comments for having Capital Letters (said it sounded like shouting) - Isn't is curious that skeo's comment above was allowed - any link to the Republican point of view??? and waam - a marriage made in h..
S. Keo
Tue, Oct 26, 2010 : 12:17 p.m.
Did Bill Clinton mention that Congressman John Dingell's tax, borrow, and spend policies of the Democrat majority have failed to promote economic growth and job creation! Now Michigans unemployment rate at 13.1% and more than 650,000 Michiganders out of work, too many families know the pain of having to tell children their parent no longer has a job. Regrettably, the expectation of new and higher taxes, new government regulation, and costly government mandates has seriously discouraged employers from hiring during this recession. We must vote the Democrats out in November, starting with Congressmen, John Dingell, Mark Schaur and Gary Peters who ALL went along with Obama/Pelosi/Reid SPEND=SPEND=SPEND AND THEY IGNORED the people of Michgian!
Tue, Oct 26, 2010 : 10:50 a.m.
@insidethehall, isn't the term "sheep" referred to the religious followers that vote conservative?
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 8:57 p.m.
Me thinks Dr. Rob Steele will outdraw Clinton with the Wednesday rally on the Diag. Bring a football to toss we'll show the DEMS who is fired up and ready to go. Will Biden be brought in to deliver his favorite lines????? "Stand up John stand up!"
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 2:49 p.m.
Funny how you didn't even touch the MSU comment. Funny how you chose to ignore what Dingell says and what his actions prove. Someone, anyone, please explain to me why Dingell's words don't match his actions/votes? When Dingell says he wants to hold the government accountable and live within its means, but yet votes to spend us into debt repeatedly, what are we to believe? His words or his actions? When Dingell says he is powerful and most respected in Washington, but gets kicked off as chairman and no longer holds any key positions and only brings back.80 on every dollar we send to Washington, what are we to believe? His words, or his actions? When Dingell states that our health insurance premiums will go down, but yet Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, publicly announces that our premiums will go up because of the new health care law, and premiums are going up, what do you believe? His words or the action? When Dingell says he wants to protect social security, but yet allows the government to raid the social security fund and put it into the general funds what are we to believe? His words, or his actions? Sorry, Dingell had 55 years to spend wisely. Dingell had 55 years to help reduce the deficit. He hasn't done it. And we expect him to do it now?
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 12:50 p.m.
Dingell and Clinton are out of touch with reality. They are on University of Michigan's campus, home of the Wolverines and yet Clinton speaks of the Spartans, Michigan State University. They made the audience wait for three hours. It's a shame that Dingell made his own constituents wait, but after 55 years in congress I guess he expects to be waited on hand and foot.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 12:45 p.m.
@Ian, you should like Dingell - he spoke out on the House floor against Glass-Steagall repeal, and quite presciently predicted at the time that something like this financial crisis would occur. Just one of those facts that people should know.
Monica R-W
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 12:02 p.m.
Dingell is LEADING by 20+ points. So, the complaints are going no-where and Congressman Dingell will easily win another term. Dr. Ron Steele who?
Carl Duncan
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 12:01 p.m.
If Dingell and Clinton shared cigars afterward, for the sake of cigar aficionados worldwide, it was a no-strings attached brand.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 11:47 a.m.
Put it this way: if you like where Michigan is positioned as a state ( its economy, its unemployment rate, its prospects for attracting new business, its financial situation,) then sure, return John Dingell to office for another 2 years ( isn't that the definition of insanity?). I have worked for Dr. Steele's campaign: this is a man who wants to do the right thing for Michigan, by representing our interests, stopping the wasteful spending spigot in Washington, and getting our economy back on track. That is just not going to happen under John Dingell. Come Nov 2, remember: vote for the Doctor, not the Dingell!
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 11:42 a.m.
It wasn't the tax cuts that made Reagan's tenure an economic failure, it was his military spending. That was the one positive I was looking forward to with President Obama, an end to the Bush wars. But I have been disappointed in our continued military presence all over the world.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 10:37 a.m.
The message to all: students and citizens alike...Get out there and VOTE!
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 10:30 a.m.
David Briegel, the house, which Dingell is a member of, does not deal with foreign policy. The house deals with tax and spending bills. The house has "exclusive" power to initiate spending bills. Some say give Dingell another 2 years. Hmmm...when Dingell has had 55 years to to bring back more money to michigan, and hasn't, we need to give hime another two years? When Dingell says he wants to hold the government accountable and live within its means, but yet votes to spend us into debt repeatedly, what are we to believe? His words or his actions? When Dingell says he is powerful and most respected in Washington, but gets kicked off as chairman and no longer holds any key positions and only brings back.80 on every dollar we send to Washington, what are we to believe? His words, or his actions? When Dingell states that our health insurance premiums will go down, but yet Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, publicly announces that our premiums will go up because of the new health care law, and premiums are going up, what do you believe? His words or the action? When Dingell says he wants to protect social security, but yet allows the government to raid the social security fund and put it into the general funds what are we to believe? His words, or his actions? Sorry, Dingell had 55 years to spend wisely. Dingell had 55 years to help reduce the deficit. He hasn't done it. And we expect him to do it now? Time for him to go.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 9:54 a.m.
Faux news hate and intolerance? ever listen to MSNBC?
David Briegel
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 9:19 a.m.
WAAM, Indeed, Like FAUX News is Republican Radio. Slanted and unbalanced! I tune in to listen to the local news. When the talk comes on I turn the station as the hate and intolerance is unbearable. If Rob Steele were interested in ALL the people he would renounce their support!
David Briegel
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 9:15 a.m. should post a link to the Clinton speech so the naysayers can hear for themselves.
David Briegel
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 9:06 a.m.
There was standing room only at the rally. People who tried to get tickets were turned away. People at the door were turned away. TopCat, bugjuice clearly answered your point! Veracity has an excellent post as always. I stand by my remarks. I was there! Mr. Clinton clearly cited the phony arithmetic that Republicans use to paint over their failures like trickle down, voodoo economics. The clear failure of tax cuts for the wealthy who are winning that evil class warfare that Republicans attempt to use as their defense in pitting one class against another as though that is not precisely what is occurring as they battle to defend the tax cuts for the top two percent of the wealthiest Americans who have recently benefitted with 80% of the accumulated wealth for ALL Americans. The American system used to have a more balanced and fair sharing of wealth accumulation. The best part of his speech was the simple fact that the Dems and Obama deserve two more years to fix the mess created by the Republicans. (By the way, where are the centrist Repubs who want America to succeed? Oh, that's right Rush and FAUX News and the Tea Partiers won't allow any ideological impurity!) There is no equivalent of the Blue Dog Dems in the Republican party. John Dingell has a 17 point lead and deserves two more years as we cannot afford Dr. Steele as a Freshman learning his way around. Dr Doom indeed! Dems cannot afford to be complacent. They need to get out and VOTE!!
S. Keo
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 8:57 a.m.
Obama promised health care costs would go down. He lied. Obama promised, during the campaign, that he would not force anyone to buy health insurance. He lied. Obama promised that you could keep your existing health care provider if you wanted to. He lied. Obama promised Medicare services would improve even though he cut their budget in half. He lied. Representative John Dingell was/is for this Obama care legislation forcing Obama care on the people. Vote for Rob Steel and get Dingell out of office.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 8:47 a.m.
Clinton created jobs blah blah blah. Its not like he was President when the Internet became available to the masses, no big deal. Oh and didn't he sign NAFTA, the source of all this "unfair trade" that Liberals deplore nowadays? Or is that just Mark Schauer? Those campaign advertisements on TV are really getting old fast...
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 8:43 a.m.
jonny - you can find Juanita Broaddrick's 'Dateline NBC' interview online. This is no lie. Search for yourself - Juanita Broaddrick was Dem Supporter, and still is. Clinton has never apologized for his violent rape of her.
S. Keo
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 8:34 a.m.
John Dingel, it is time to go! He is 84 years old and that's great, but he "ruled" long enough. Please check the shocking audio of Rep. Dingell, in an interview by Paul W. Smith from WJR, stating that Obama care will eventually "control the people"! The Democrats have not been honest with us and this is just another take over of our right to choose in our country. Vote for Dr. Rob Steele to protect our right to choose. Please see utube Dingell speech.
Wise old man
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 8:34 a.m.
Story good, comments variable. Apparently the repubs provided talking points to their thought-challenged constituents. Too bad, but no surprise.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 8:22 a.m.
"I notice that you omitted his personal integrity and his commitment to his marriage." Clinton's been married to the same woman for more than 35 years. Oh, you mean Republicans who honor "family values" such as 2 time wife ditcher Newt Gingrich, Mark Foley (sex with aides), Rudy Giuliani (mistress), John Ensign (mistress), Larry Craig (bathroom sex), Bob Barr(3 marriages), Jim Bunn (divorced wife and 5 kids married staffer) Bob Packwood (convicted harasser), Mark Sanford (mistress), David Vitter(mistress) ad nasueum. The list of hypocritical family values Republicans is longer than my... arm.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 8:14 a.m.
David Briegel, the house, which Dingell is a member of, does not deal with foreign policy. The house deals with tax and spending bills. The house has "exclusive" power to initiate spending bills. However, with that said, Dingell's response to Cuba and all other questions was to spend more money! In dealing with Cuba, he wanted us to spend more money over there to show them how good of a people we are. What Dingell fails to realize, by spending more money over there, it only helps the current leaders to stay propped up. The citizens of Cuba already know that we are "good" people. That's why they are fleeing their country and trying to come here. The quickest way for a leadership change over there is to stop propping the government up. Good thing Dingell is in the house of representatives or else our foreign policy would be even in worse shape!
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 8:08 a.m.
First, allow me to complement Ryan Stanton on an accurate and objective reporting of the Clinton/Dingell rally. For those who are uninformed, Rackham Auditorium is where the rally occurred and not in some gym. Also Rackham Auditorium has an 1117 capacity. Ticket availability lasted only a couple hours leaving many Ann Arborites disappointed. The rally probably would have filled Hill Auditorium if it were available. Chrysler Arena? Who knows? For our resident Republicans, InsideTheHall and Engineer, Clinton established a balanced budget at the end of his 8 years in office and had added 23 million jobs, the most under any President. Many of those new jobs were created after taxes were raised on the top 1.2% earners. Many of the bills passed by the House of Representatives (over 400, I understand) languish in the Senate because Republicans will not allow them to be considered. The party of "NO" has essentially prevented implementation of the tools of recovery in hope that a stagnate government will swing voter allegiance to them. Holding the American economy hostage for votes is shameful! As long a 60 vote "super majority" is required for most action in the Senate, the Republicans will continue to obstruct progress but blame it on the Democrats. Hopefully, voters will be thoughtful and inquisitive enough to see through this ruse and vote for candidates willing to move forward with positive and meaningful programs. If so, the Democrats should not lose their majority in Congress.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 8:05 a.m.
David Briegel said: "It was a great afternoon with good, enthusiastic Michiganders hoping for a positive future. John Dingell has served us well and is clearly in command of his faculties and the issues." Glad it was a nice afternoon. As for Dingell having "served us well", I think most clear thinkers would disagree 100%. This state lost more than 700,000 manufacturing jobs in the past 10 years. That one fact alone proves he has not served us well.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 8 a.m.
It is unfortunate that Dingell is out of touch with reality. He says all the right words and has all the cute phrases that make into a great soundbite on tv or for print in the newspaper, but his actions are totally the opposite. When Dingell says he wants to hold the government accountable and live within its means, but yet votes to spend us into debt repeatedly, what are we to believe? His words or his actions? When Dingell says he is powerful and most respected in Washington, but gets kicked off as chairman and no longer holds any key positions and only brings back.80 on every dollar we send to Washington, what are we to believe? His words, or his actions? When Dingell states that our health insurance premiums will go down, but yet Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, publicly announces that our premiums will go up because of the new health care law, and premiums are going up, what do you believe? His words or the action? When Dingell says he wants to protect social security, but puts our social security in the general funds and fails to keep it out of reach of the government spending machine, who are we to believe? His words or his actions?
Top Cat
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 7:51 a.m.
"His charisma and brilliance is beyond compare." I notice that you omitted his personal integrity and his commitment to his marriage.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 7:50 a.m.
Alan you are correct WAAM almost did go out of business because nobody l;istened to the LEFTY Air America. Since changing format to conservative talk radio they have flourished and ratings have increased handsomely.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 7:48 a.m.
"I was always upset at Clinton for rapping Juanita Broaddrick" Because rapping is not violent. If you are implying that Clinton RAPED this woman, then offer up proof. Funny how a woman claims something happened 20 years prior once he becomes a president or other success. Her accusations were so out of reality the republicans did not even call her as a witness in his impeachment trial. Is that because they knew she was a bold faced liar? Funny how when republicans lose they want the impeachment or degrade the president. Democrats, when a REAL case of impeachment should have been brought (Nixon or Bush Jr) did not. One party looks out for the country, the other looks out for their power.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 7:47 a.m.
"John Dingell represents all that is wrong with the political process, yet he keeps getting reelected. Southeast Michigan deserves everything it is getting." Like $14 million for the Stadium Bridge. Let's See Dr Doom pull that off. He'd probably send the money back to Washington.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 7:32 a.m.
"People should remember that it took the Republicans under George W. Bush 8 years to get the United States into this huge financial hole with two wars going on. It will take the Democrats longer than 21 months to dig out of the mess that they inherited." So, the process for digging one's way out of a hole is to dig it four times deeper? Interesting.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 7:03 a.m.
Were I President Clinton I would avoid connections that sound like dangle.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 7:01 a.m.
I was always upset at Clinton for rapping Juanita Broaddrick. How does the Leftists handle that violence? Clinton got away with it.
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 12:22 a.m.
I am talking about the Republicans who tow the party line... not all the Republicans. Not all of us tow the party line of bunk.
L. C. Burgundy
Mon, Oct 25, 2010 : 12:03 a.m.
denise, projection is unbecoming. Also, check out video excerpts of the debate John Dingell refused to allow to air on TV:
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 11:57 p.m.
The only sheep in this election are the Republicans who tow the party line.
L. C. Burgundy
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 11:40 p.m.
Dingell's prime years are clearly in the past. There is no dignity in giving someone a Congressional seat for life. A vote for him is two more squandered years with a man who was stripped of his committee chairmanship by his own party. In Dingell's time in Congress, southeast Michigan has gone from one of the respected powerhouses of the country to a lowly joke. 55 years is already way too many and 2 more will accomplish nothing. Vote for change.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 11:32 p.m.
I agree with Ian and AlphaAlpha. The Democrats and Republicans are both UNSUSTAINABLE, BIG GOVERNMENT. Do you think we should borrow money to give people welfare and health care? Vote for the Democrats. Do you think we should borrow money to push Democracy on unwilling Middle Eastern countries? Vote for the Republicans. Do you wish to respect each others' rights and work towards mutual cooperation on the free market (not a market with bailouts, tariffs, and an artificial monetary system. A TRULY free market)? Visit and get educated about what our options are
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 10:57 p.m.
Ian speaks much truth: "The whole progressive vs. conservative, Democrats vs. Republican is nothing more than DIVIDE and CONQUER. They want us fighting each other to keep us occupied and distracted so those in power can manipulate us and pass laws that are against our interests. Like NAFTA, CAFTA, and Gramm-Leach-Baily Act that repeal the Glass-Steagall Act. Not to mention recent Financial Reform Act that gave more power to the private Federal Reserve Bank and the Healthcare Act. While wars go on, and on, and on." "If people do not get it, we have a one-party system pretending to be two separate and opposing parties to fool the masses. Democratic Party = Republican Party at the leadership levels. It should be obvious by now since Bush/Cheney policies are practically identical to Obama/Biden. Obama has many of the same cronies and lobbyists at the cabinet levels. " So true.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 10:39 p.m.
@Edward, There are also Democratic sheep. Those people clinging to Obama are same as those that clung to Bush/Cheney at the end of their eight year reign. No difference. Both are sheep that cannot see beyond the propaganda. Unless, those clinging to them benefited directly from their favors. For example, Halliburton from Bush/Cheney and Goldmand Sachs from Obama.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 10:13 p.m.
Is it true that President Clinton could only draw 1100 people? Most college students were in grade school when Clinton left office. So I am not suprised that the attendance was small. It is my opinion that his appearance will have little impact on the election. Dingell claims to be for working people yet 72% of his campaign funds come from political action committees. If he was a Republican people would be complaining that he is a sell out. The election is a referendum on the Democrat Party stewardship of the economy. Dems have had overwhelming majorities in both House and Senate since 2006. They could pass any legislation they wanted without any GOP votes. That is until the election of Sen. Brown of Ma. If you honestly can say that the Dems have been effective in growing the economy and wisely spending the peoples tax money then vote for Dingell. If career politicians could solve our problems then they deserve relection. But if they fail then they should be voted OUT. We deserve better than the results we have seen in the last 4 years. Its up to us to do something about it. Vote out the incumbents on Nov.2.
Dan Stevens
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 10:12 p.m.
* Michigan has lost more than 780,000 jobs since 2000. At over 15%, Michigans unemployment rate is 60% higher than the national average. * Michigan has lost more private sector jobs since the year 2000 than any other state in the country. * Michigan has lost more than half of all the private sector jobs lost in the United States from 2000 through May 2009. The status quo is simply unsustainable. We need new policies to get our state back on track. For years we've had state bureaucrats picking winners and losers -- deciding which industries (and which companies within those industries, get favorable tax treatment). This makes no sense to me. I support the Michigan Turnaround Plan because it's the best way to get our state moving. Check it out @
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 9:58 p.m.
If people do not get it, we have a one-party system pretending to be two separate and opposing parties to fool the masses. Democratic Party = Republican Party at the leadership levels. It should be obvious by now since Bush/Cheney policies are practically identical to Obama/Biden. Obama has many of the same cronies and lobbyists at the cabinet levels.
5c0++ H4d13y
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 9:57 p.m.
I didn't realize that Dingell was in that much trouble. I thought he had it locked up.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 9:52 p.m.
The whole progressive vs. conservative, Democrats vs. Republican is nothing more than DIVIDE and CONQUER. They want us fighting each other to keep us occupied and distracted so those in power can manipulate us and pass laws that are against our interests. Like NAFTA, CAFTA, and Gramm-Leach-Baily Act that repeal the Glass-Steagall Act. Not to mention recent Financial Reform Act that gave more power to the private Federal Reserve Bank and the Healthcare Act. While wars go on, and on, and on. We need to stop fighting one another over issues like abortion. Both Democrats and Republicans purposely do not want to come to an agreement on this because it is a great tool to keep both sides apart and arguing. Bush/Cheney and the Republicans could have done something when they controlled the presidency and Congress. Yet, they did nothing. Currently, the Democrats have complete control of our government, yet, they refuse to stop the wars. Rather, they have escalated them. WAKE UP people.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 9:45 p.m.
@Insidethehall And students vote for DEMS because DEMS appeal to a more educated base. Just a fact. Go ahead and google it;-)
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 9:35 p.m.
A full house, a positive friendly crowd.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 9:15 p.m.
There he goes again....Wellllllllll Wilbur. People of faith vote Republican because the DEMS endorse abortion and gay marriage. Those are show stopper issues for people of faith.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 9:11 p.m.
Ryan: How filled was the auditorium? The report from the Detroit rally is the gym was 1/3 filled less than 500 people. Even Clinton can't make lemonade from those lemons!
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 8:49 p.m.
Has anyone else noticed that Dingell's campaign videos only interview elderly constituents? I am a college student, and I would NEVER vote for Dingell. Social security? Sure! Medicare? Sure! By the time I go to receive my benefits, are paying into the system for over fifty years, there will be no money in the fund for my generation. Where will Dingell be? Dead. For many decades, too. So he doesn't care if things work out for me and my generation.
Monica R-W
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 8:46 p.m.
Former President Clinton was ON FIRE today! If Democrats are still sitting on the sidelines, not sure if they are voting...if President Clinton can stop within the state and ask for your vote...I cannot think of one reason not to be at the polls on November 2. Here is a link to a story from the earlier Detroit Rally:
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 8:46 p.m.
Thank you for coming to Ann Arbor Mr. President. Having been born in the 70s, I can honestly say you have been the best president during my lifetime! It means a lot that you would take time out of your schedule to help the voters in Michigan make a rational choice with their vote. Thank you!
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 8:38 p.m.
Tom, the hole was started by Clinton. The economy was headed into the tank as he was leaving. He rode years of prosperity that was a result of Ronald Reagan. Reagan set the stage for a great economic period that the Clinton's eventually destroyed. Here in Michigan we have had a dem gov for years and what do we do we lead the pack in unemployment. Yeah we need more of that. The college kids that voted for Owebama now are realizing under his joke of an adminastration they will find it almost impossible to find a job. Hopefully they will realize the error of their ways and come out strong for the republicans.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 8:31 p.m.
I use to like Clinton. Then I found out he was behind the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act that led to the current financial crisis and the passage of NAFTA that decimated our manufacturing base. Gore is te salesman for man-made global warming (another scam). Seems to me someone is purposely trying to destroy this great country. Just to be fair, Bush/Cheney have done just as much damage or more to this country and Obama has taken the batton from Bush. Can't we get a real leader that cares about this country?
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 8:24 p.m.
I will always be grateful to President Clinton and the Democratic congress for the Family and Medical Leave Act which passed in 1993. Because of that law, I was able to take time off to be with my newborn daughter. People should remember that it took the Republicans under George W. Bush 8 years to get the United States into this huge financial hole with two wars going on. It will take the Democrats longer than 21 months to dig out of the mess that they inherited.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 8:23 p.m.
DavidBriegel, is your post in jest? No serious person would write what you did. Heck, President Clinton and Sen. Dingle would not write what you wrote.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 8:20 p.m.
my good friend Dave Briegel is right. Bill Clinton is a politican in a million, with charisma and brilliance enough for ten men, who (IMHO anyway) was a great president. unfortunately, Clinton isn't running. and the Dems who are are hardly Clintonian. the Dingell machine is too powerful and it looks like we'll be sending him back to Washington for the 50th year to help oversee Michigan's decline into bankruptcy. hopefully the Republicans will have more success in other races, including governor.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 8:14 p.m.
Ryan: Can get a copy of the video of the debate and post it? Let the people decide by watching the full Steele/Dingell debate.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 8:09 p.m.
Thankfully college students do not vote in lock step like the sheep the DEMS want them to be. It is the DEM party what wants to punish success and those UM students will be plenty succesful in whatever vocation they choose. They will see who rewards success, creativity, and the spirit to be whatever you choose to be. Recent polling indicates that young people have defected from the DEMS in larger numbers than other domographic groups. These kids are smart and they ain't sheep.
David Briegel
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 7:53 p.m.
It was a great afternoon with good, enthusiastic Michiganders hoping for a positive future. John Dingell has served us well and is clearly in command of his faculties and the issues despite the evil comments of the Steele supporters who try to portray him as out of touch and no lnoger competent. The stuttering, halting performance of Dr. Steele and less than informed responses, especially on foreign policy should serve as proof that he is not prepared to serve at this level. The brilliance of Bill Clinton was clearly evident as he tied real life political positions, votes and philosophies to their natural outcomes and how the citizens of Michigan have benefitted from the votes and policies of Dems and been clearly harmed by the backwards thinking Repubs! He really energized the students with specific examples of the benefits of Democratic policies versus Republican. I have never heard another political commentator or analyst with that kind of natural ability! His charisma and brilliance is beyond compare.
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 7:48 p.m.
John Dingell represents all that is wrong with the political process, yet he keeps getting reelected. Southeast Michigan deserves everything it is getting.
Marshall Applewhite
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 7:47 p.m.
Did Dingell and Clinton share a large cigar after the speech? Does anyone know?
Sun, Oct 24, 2010 : 7:44 p.m.
Funny that anyone would take advice from someone who misplaced the nuclear launch card for a couple months. Politicians and sport figures are not people that I look up to or want to take advice from.