Ann Arbor Transportation Authority receives federal funding for 10 new hybrid buses
The Ann Arbor Transportation Authority plans to add 10 new hybrid buses, thanks to $1.7 million in federal funding for the purchase, Congressman John Dingell announced today.
The grant comes from the Clean Fuels Bus and Bus Facilities program through the federal Department of Transportation.

U.S. Rep. John Dingell announces funding for the Blake Transit Center.
The 10 new buses will bring the fleet of hybrids to 41 total. In the first two years of operating hybrid buses, the AATA saved more than 100,000 gallons of fuel and about $270,000 in fuel costs, according to a press release.
“The citizens and merchants of the Ann Arbor area rely on TheRide to bring the community together, and demand for TheRide continues to increase,” Dingell said. “The Ann Arbor area is committed to protecting the air we breathe and the environment we live in. These buses will help TheRide provide improved and energy-efficient service.”
News of the hybrid buses is the latest in a series of funding announcements in the Ann Arbor area from Dingell this month. He also has announced grants for more than $1 million in federal investments for improvements at the Blake Transit Center, $13.9 million for reconstruction of the East Stadium bridges and $150 million to develop a high-speed rail corridor between Kalamazoo and Dearborn that would run through Ann Arbor.
Sat, Oct 30, 2010 : 7:30 a.m.
@Joe Hood - Arlington and Bethesda were like Detroit is today in the 1970s? I don't think so, while both Arlington and Detroit have a large amount of land devoted to Cemeteries, the comparison stops there. Arlington was and is filled with Government employees living in homes and apartments. It was and is a preferred living area for military officers who are looking to climb the ladder to flag rank. Bethesda was and is the home of the White Flint Mall, the Navy Medical Center and other high end locations. In the 70s, when looking for rental property, I could not find any I could touch on my junior officer salary in Bethesda. I ended up in 5 corners, an area that was just starting to go from wooded farms to dense condo and apartment projects. While Metro has increased the value of these locations and driven prices up further, the reality is that both Bethesda and Arlington were much in demand even in the early 1970s before the Metro.
Fri, Oct 29, 2010 : 10 a.m.
More money for more buses supported by my tax dollars. If the system cannot support itself on fares it should not exist.
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 10:21 a.m.
This is what career politicians do - they spread around $$ to buy votes @ election time.
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 8:45 a.m.
Yup, I had to click on this link to see if Dingel is at it again. Wow, this guy seems to know how to use pork and fast. He is not getting my vote this year. So a bird in the hand is not worth two in the bush. Great news Ann Arbor but we really need to concentrate on the deficit right? I agree more money allocated that the government does not have.
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 8:35 a.m.
Isn't it funny about perspective? If these buses or the Stadium bridge grant had been going to Anchorage AK by way of deceased former Sen Stevens. (was not a fan) There would be an outcry from one group. But since it is coming to us deserving individuals here in Ann Arbor by way of Rep. Dingell the outcry is from a different group. My only concern has been the timing and where is the money coming from. But as long as there are funds available or yet to be borrowed we will love the ones that get us those funds no matter whether they are deserved, or needed or not. And no matter the eventual cost.
God Loves Us All
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 8:33 a.m.
Look how God has blessed Fox News with No 1 Ratings
God Loves Us All
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 8:33 a.m.
Look how God has blessed Fox News with No 1 Ratings
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 8:15 a.m.
@ERM Thanks for the honest thoughtful answer. I certainly have no proof that the decision whenever it was made was based on this election. However I am sure that we can agree that there are politicians on both side of the isle that have or have had too much clout sometimes for it to be good for the general populace. As examples I would mention Stevens in AK, Strom Thurmond SC
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 7:29 a.m.
@johnnya2 - The vast majority of the cost of roads comes from the gas, tire, oil, and other taxes you pay to drive a car. Trucks and other commercial vehicles pay road fees, or user fees in addition. Look up the Highway Trust Fund. It is the bicycles that get the subsidy to the tune of $2.5 billion in gas tax funded bike paths and improvements from 2004 to 2008 according to the GAO. The problem for roads will come as efficiency of vehicles increases more - more miles, fewer gallons, less fees, worse roads.
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 7:06 a.m.
@David If someone has a different philosophy than you. You automatically assume they are a tea partier. How sad that your understanding of others is so limited. And you are so quick to pigeon hole others. Hmm... Has a familiar ring to it. I don't hate Clinton any more than I do any holier than thou politician. I don't care which side of the fence they are on.
average joe
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 7:01 a.m.
Does anyone think that if the AATA didn't get this grant(subsidy)that they wouldn't purchase these buses anyway? (IF they really needed them) I don't understand why AATA keeps getting more "special projects' grants when they have a huge pile of cash in the bank. If a company has over $50 million laying around like AATA does, then the Federal Gov. shouldn't be sending $$ to a public 'business' like Dingel has lobbied for. One more example of wasteful spending. Nothing like using taxpayer's $$ to help get re-elected
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 6:56 a.m.
It's a regular Pork Storm. We send our money to DC, and they send us a lesser portion back. It isn't like we aren't still paying for the busses, people.
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 6:36 a.m.
Ok lets make something very clear to those who say buses get a subsidy, SO WHAT. It isn't that we "say" then get a subsidy - it's that they get a HUGE subsidy. To the tune of 93%. That's ridiculous.So now we'll have more underutilized busses, but at least they'll be hybrids. Woo hoo.
Joe Hood
Thu, Oct 28, 2010 : 1:13 a.m.
@Speechless Washington Metro through Arlington and Bethesda are great examples of public transportation enabling to encourage development and infrastructure changes. Development over the Metro stations has been non-stop, where in the 70's these areas were Detroit look-a-likes of today. Mass rail transit makes sense, when you have the population density. Michigan doesn't have the density. People have been encouraged to move further west since the opening of the Erie Canal. Michigan is sprawl, the opposite of the needed density for public transportation. I would love high speed transit to convenient locations as much as the next guy but how are you going to move all of those folks back into the cities and not have them drive up and down 23? "Build it and they will come" has to have a serious game plan.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 11:41 p.m.
More rational economies found in other developed, democratic countries choose to direct their public investment so as to encourage development and infrastructure changes which advance agreed-upon social goals. Such a process typically includes developing popular systems of mass transit at considerable start-up cost. Lesser subsidy levels may continue thereafter. They're not so foolish as to wait decade after decade to see whether or not private business ever gets around to doing these things. Besides, since auto travel itself also isn't free and must be subsidized through substantial taxes, there's always a social question regarding how public money will be divided among various forms of transportation, of which the automobile is but one. It's good to see at least a little bit of this happen here inside our own country. There's been more federal support for mass transit lately, and some of that funding has gone to the AATA and to regional rail in this area. It's about time! Plus, hybrids bring us so much less in the way of bus fumes. Better our taxes go toward positive things like this rather than, say, to trillion-dollar military invasions halfway around the globe which bring death to civilians and soldiers.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 11:30 p.m.
what I don't understand is why don't all these tea party people vote with their feet. They could all congregate to one particular state, eliminate taxes and live as they wish. They could donate the money they do get to charity and cheat the feds on their taxes. It could be the digital age version of the Hippie, history might give them the moniker of the Dippies.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 11:27 p.m.
"the most important stat regarding AATA is the approximate 93 percent operating subsidy it gets" Ok lets make something very clear to those who say buses get a subsidy, SO WHAT. Those of you who choose to drive a car get a subsidy as well. They are called ROADS (paid for by tax dollars), road signs, (paid by tax dollars), police patrols (paid by tax dollars), ambulance service for accidents (paid by tax dollars). When you stop taking subsidies for your driving addiction, then we can stop subsidizing the buses. Until then, just say thank you Mr Dingell, and shut up.
Joe Hood
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 11:11 p.m.
Ugh, the answer to the tea party is to attack semantics of the messengers. If you hadn't noticed, these messengers aren't the usual hired guns of politics. They are regular people that are incensed by people going to Washington and NOT doing their job. If your opponent resorts to ad hominem attacks in a conversation, it usually means that opponent is out of ideas.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 11:10 p.m.
@David Briegel, Apparently you didn't walk too far from where you were standing if you didn't see a handful of minorities applauding and holding Steele signs at the rally. Apparently you didn't listen to well either because there were Dingell hecklers who walked through the crowd and yelled vote for Dingell and kept on walking to wherever they were going.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 11:01 p.m.
@jcj Yea you could have picked any number but you picked 4 years, what are the chances of picking 4 years, the number between presidential elections? Furthermore asking a rhetorical question and just picking a number out of thin air, is more nonsensical then you making a mistake on the number of years a congressman serves. The answer to your question was, he has been serving as our representative in congress since 1955, how was that not clear to you.
David Briegel
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 11 p.m.
jcj, OK, it was a Dem rally that drew the crowd for that evil, hated Clinton. The Republican rally had everyone except shrub and still drew so few despite the extreme efforts of all the candidates, Republican Radio and Mr X! At least neither rally had tea party thugs around. I saw NO violence. I saw almost everyone at that rally tonight as I walked amongst the crowd expecting to see a familiar local. I even bumped into Dr Steele and we shook hands. I can honestly say that the only minority individuals I saw were the students walking through the Diag. I spoke with a fine African American young man for about 30 min while we watched the rally and we were only heckled a couple times, by blond women yet! And I didn't even put on my Obama t-shirt. And, in all seriousness, for all the tea party rhetoric about the Constitution and taking back the govt of our nation, to not know the difference between who has 2yr, 4yr and 6yr elected terms shows a level of childishness. Or, as Ghost alleges, ignorance!
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 10:56 p.m.
@Jake C Let's try to stay focus here. I am asking very simple questions about Dingell's words and his actions and how they don't add up. He says he's the watchdog for the american people to make sure they don't get hurt by big money and big government. But yet he goes out and votes to spend all this money and votes to create a bigger government than we have now. What are we to believe? His words or his actions? Can you answer that? Or anyone? I have never demanded my politician (Mr. Dingell) not to cut my social security. In regards to Dingell not bringing back money that we send to Washington, it is Mr. Dingell who said he is powerful and most respected in Washington. It is Mr. Dingell who got kicked off as chairman and no longer holds any key positions and only brings back.83 on every dollar we send to Washington. So again, what are we to believe? His words, or his actions? When Dingell states that our health insurance premiums will go down, but yet Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, publicly announces that our premiums will go up because of the new health care law, what do you believe? His words or the action? When Dingell says he wants to protect social security, but puts our social security in the general funds and fails to keep it out of reach of the government spending machine, who are we to believe? His words or his actions? This post isn't about what I believe or not believe. It is about Mr. Dingell's words and his actions. Are we supposed to focus on his words? Or his actions? Can you explain why his words and his actions don't match?
Joe Hood
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 10:56 p.m.
@ERMG Ray Lahood is the current Secretary of Transportation. Though a Republican in Congress, he was the king of pork (LaHood received a 0% rating from the conservative and anti-earmark Club for Growth 2007 RePORK Card). I can't say there is a direct link between Dingle and Lahood, I'll leave that up as an exercise for the reader. The Stimulus was loaded in such a way to push the brunt of the money out right now, it's the way it was written. Perhaps there is no direct collusion with Dingle but he certainly had a hand in writing the law.
Ray D. Aider
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 10:52 p.m.
He should just build a really cool subway system going all throughout Ann Arbor then branching to Ypsi, Dearborn, Romulus, Monroe and all points in between. That would be really cool. They have such things in other regions. It would only cost a few billion. Think of all the jobs it would create.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 10:48 p.m.
@EMG So you subscribe to the its a coincidence theory? Do you know the answer to your question? "Or were the decisions made as part of a typical process?" Or are you as ignorant as the rest of us? "If these were earmarks, they were approved months ago, and this is an announcement of a decision that had already been made, a bill that had already been passed." IF that's the case why not make the announcement months ago. As for the 2 vs 4years Since Dingell has been in office over 50 years ( Oh sorry I should have said 54 years 10 months and 13 days)I could have said any number from the last week to the last 54 years. But while I am not an expert on Mr Dingell's accomplishments or lack there of I assumed he had accomplished something of value in that time so I did not want to go back too far. Hence my statement the last 4 years! You are grasping at straws. I repeat. "If there is anyone out there that does not know what he is doing they have their head in the sand" I should have said "If there is anyone out there that does not know or will not admit what he is doing they have their head in the sand or are terribly ignorant of how politics work""
Jake C
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 10:41 p.m.
@maalen: I think when you complain about "Big Government spending" while demanding that your Politicians better not cut your Social Security, and in the same breath complain that your congressman isn't doing enough to bring federal dollars back to your home state for projects that other states would immediately call "Pork Spending", you're being a hypocrite.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 10:27 p.m.
@David Briegel "The Dingell rally turned away hundreds requesting tickets and countless more who showed up at the door without tickets!" Who do you think you are kidding? Those were Clinton groupies! Dingell has not been able to get 250 people to hear him speak in the last 10 years. Yet another case of twisting the truth.
Joe Hood
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 10:16 p.m.
@maallen I think I have an idea of what happens. John has a heart but is addicted to earmarks. He is against a bill but to get his earmark passed, he has to vote for the bill. It's the power trap, Mephistopheles gets him every time.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 10:08 p.m.
Can anyone please explain how Dingell's words and cute phrases that he puts out there for media sound bites don't match his actions? Anyone? Dingell says, "That I'm their watchdog to see to it that big money, big government, don't hurt the American people." When Dingell says he wants to hold the government accountable and live within its means, but yet votes to spend us into debt repeatedly, what are we to believe? His words or his actions? When Dingell says he is powerful and most respected in Washington, but gets kicked off as chairman and no longer holds any key positions and only brings back.83 on every dollar we send to Washington, what are we to believe? His words, or his actions? When Dingell states that our health insurance premiums will go down, but yet Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, publicly announces that our premiums will go up because of the new health care law, what do you believe? His words or the action? When Dingell says he wants to protect social security, but puts our social security in the general funds and fails to keep it out of reach of the government spending machine, who are we to believe? His words or his actions? So anyone care to explain why his words don't match with his actions? Why we should believe his words instead of what he his actually are? Anyone?
Joe Hood
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 9:56 p.m.
@braggslaw I don't think people are arguing the hybrid buses aren't better and newer. I think they get double the mileage of the older diesel buses (8 vs. 4MPG). @David Briegel I'm less concerned about these various tea party candidates personal quirks than I am about the ideology of spending only the money one has. Spending Chinese loaned money does us no favors, it's akin to that first free taste of crack, next thing you know you're hooked and the price is no longer free. Wow, opium wars in reverse!
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 9:53 p.m.
Ok, this is starting to look like when the Cubans would bring out Castro to make a public appearance over the past few years. Why not go door to door, glad hand the people,kiss a baby, but just get away from the podium.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 9:41 p.m.
Thehybrid bus is actually a smart move due to it's large mass and regenerative braking The savings in fuel and mechanical brake wear will pay for the increased cost
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 9:33 p.m.
@jameslucas So the guy is a dinosaur. I never said anything about him being elected for the first time 4 years ago or the 25th time.I picked a number out of the air I could have said 2 months or 10 years and you still could not answer the question!
David Briegel
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 9:32 p.m.
jcj, Man Up. Check your manhood. Man Up! What the heck do you tea drinkers mean? What do you say to a woman? Like say, Sharon Angle? Man Up Sharon. Talk to reporters. They represent the people. Please translate to us mere mortals who speak only English and not jibberish.
Joe Hood
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 9:30 p.m.
Oops, I forgot further information other than first hand experience on Congressional Inquiries, here is a link to USAID's reference material for dealing with Congressmen:
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 9:29 p.m.
Ghost You gotta go easy on the 'hate' stuff. That's pretty strong verbiage to use for a few little posts. There is no stronger word than hate to describe, well, hate. Could you give specific examples of where hate adequately and appropriately could be used? "Lots of ignorance of our government and the way it works on display here." Confusing two years or four? Totally unforgivable. Utterly ignorant. Send the rascal to the corner to wear the pointy hat. For shame. Can we now return to the larger issue at hand here? By my calculation, old math and all, those shiny buses will run $170,000 a copy. That would buy a whomping amount of diesel, but who cares because it's free money! I think they went from 4.5 mpg to 5 with the new hybrids. Now they can drive all over the County. Whopeee. Donald In my view, the most important stat regarding AATA is the approximate 93 percent operating subsidy it gets. Full buses, empty buses, in between buses. The argument goes in circles. But, you can't get past the incredibly high subsidy. That is way out of line with what is reasonable. Also, Ghost, I categorically refuse to put my head in the sand and give Mr Dingell a pass on the timing. No way. Let's see how many announcements he gives us in the month or so (assuming he get's re-elected) after elections. I'd bet you a dollar to a hole in a donut that there ain't nuthin' coming.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 9:24 p.m.
Will somebody fill us in as to how many announcements of grant money Dingell has made in the last FOUR years???? Compared to the last TWO weeks???? Are you any of you Dingell supporters MAN enough to admit this is a ploy and if he were only concerned about his district some of this grandstanding would have been done last month,last year?
Joe Hood
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 9:14 p.m.
@ERMG Having worked in Washington as a federal civil service employee, letters from Congressmen get federal agencies jumping. Oh, and please don't call people names, it isn't polite.
Kyle Feldscher
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 8:43 p.m.
@Maallen The only information I can find quickly (I'm currently at the Ann Arbor school board meeting) shows that the deadline to submit applications for the grant was June 14. The program provides $81,000,000 total funding for all of the projects that were approved and the application process began in May. I'm sure more information on this story will come tomorrow when we follow up on it.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 8:39 p.m.
Dingell is the ultimate part time politician. Nothing, Nothing from him until just before the election and then he is in the news every day. God, how can I get a job that pays me for four years with great benefits, but I only have to work about four weeks?
David Briegel
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 8:29 p.m.
insidethehall, if there were more than 250 you must have been counting the students walking through with their ipods in their ears. And that would include all the speakers and their families. They get easily 20 times thet many citizens for the hash bash! The Dingell rally turned away hundreds requesting tickets and countless more who showed up at the door without tickets! jcj, Joe, Don, maallen, do you even see any irony (hypocrisy) in lamenting how little Mich gets on a site announcing the receipt of federal funds. Do you even know what you want? If elected Rob Steele will send us LESS? jcj, you do understand the Constitution requires elections every TWO years. lol
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 8:17 p.m.
@Kyle Feldscher: Is there a way you can find out the date of when this grant was approved?
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 8:09 p.m.
Dingell has a few more days left to grease the ol' wheel and find some more money for his re-election. He has served 55 years and only brings home.83 cents for every dollar we send to washington. That is sad. Yet, he says, "I am trying to fix that." He's had 55 years to do that and hasn't done it. Another 2 years of Dingell isn't going to fix it either. Michigan ranks 46 out of 50 in bringing back our taxes we send to Washington. Dingell has not done a very good job. And now that his re-election is on the line, he is trying to show he is doing something! Dingell is out of new ideas. All he knows how to do is spend. When his words and his actions don't meet up, then there is something wrong. When Dingell says he wants to hold the government accountable and live within its means, but yet votes to spend us into debt repeatedly, what are we to believe? His words or his actions? When Dingell says he is powerful and most respected in Washington, but gets kicked off as chairman and no longer holds any key positions and only brings back.80 on every dollar we send to Washington, what are we to believe? His words, or his actions? When Dingell states that our health insurance premiums will go down, but yet Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, publicly announces that our premiums will go up because of the new health care law, and premiums are going up, what do you believe? His words or the action? When Dingell says he wants to protect social security, but puts our social security in the general funds and fails to keep it out of reach of the government spending machine, who are we to believe? His words or his actions?
Mumbambu, Esq.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 8:02 p.m.
So just because AATA provides tens of thousands of rides a day we are supposed to subsidize the system as taxpayers? No thank you! I much prefer to drive on the roads for free with no tax payer money being wasted like this boondoggle. What next? Investing in sidewalks just because a fifth of Ann Arbor employees use something other than a car to get to work? What really frustrates me about this news is that our tax dollars would be appreciated in Alaska or Florida...why can't we send more of our money there? Why waste it here on things we clearly don't want?! It's good Dingell is announcing all this now since Rob has such a commanding lead in the polls! Ugh. I hate these Dingell adds though "Rob Steele" wants to do what?... Maybe Rob Steele doesn't have to rely on social security but I definitely do! Can you believe he actually wants to take social security and put it all on red? Good night and... A pleasant tomorrow :)
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 7:54 p.m.
Oh O.k.! Come on riders we will have to pay back..... So lets dig deeper into the pockets... Fares will start going up!!! Buses run late now and your next bus done left. Oh No! I will be late for work.....
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 7:49 p.m.
Representative John Dingell has served in Congress since 1955 and has been reelected every TWO years, so am would not put much stock in someone who ask " Where has Dingell been the last 4 years." You would think some have their head in the sand, or on Fox news.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 7:40 p.m.
What busses have you been on? All three people in my house ride the bus frequently and they are often 3/4 full on the 3, 4, and 6 between Ypsi and A2.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 7:32 p.m.
More candy less than a week before the election from the ol liberal Dingell. Well, Mr. Dingell we are not sheep and can see thru your politics as usual. Dr. Rob Steele rallied 400 strong on the Diag on a cold and windy Wednesday night as the election nears and the race tightens.
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 7:20 p.m.
No doubt they will have tinted windows so no one can see that they are nearly empty. Maybe AATA can get some dummies in the seats so they look full. What a waste of money.
Joe Hood
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 7:17 p.m.
@jcj Can't you see the huge crowd of unborn and unconceived that will be paying for the buses?
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 7:07 p.m.
Who was he talking to? The photo does not show many people. Nothing more than a campaign commercial!
Joe Hood
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 7:04 p.m.
We bought 10 new buses with taxes, now all we need are more employed people to pay back the Chinese for the loan. Ain't that the ultimate offshoring?
Wed, Oct 27, 2010 : 7 p.m.
Where has Dingell been the last 4 years. One week before the election and he announces all kinds of grants. If there is anyone out there that does not know what he is doing they have their head in the sand. Why couldn't he "find" this money last month or last year? It does not matter. It is just more money allocated that the government does not have! He is as dishonest as the day is long!