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Posted on Sun, Sep 11, 2011 : 11:45 a.m.

Ann Arbor officials mark 10th anniversary of 9/11 with memorial ceremony

By Ryan J. Stanton


Ann Arbor Police Deputy Chief John Seto and other officers from both the Milan and Ann Arbor police departments offer a solute during today's 9/11 anniversary ceremony.

Ryan J. Stanton |

Ann Arbor Fire Chief Chuck Hubbard said he remembers vividly where he was on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, when terrorists launched an attack on the United States.

"I was here on duty at this station," Hubbard said, addressing a crowd gathered in front of Ann Arbor's downtown fire station today on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

"I was upstairs watching the news, preparing to go into a training session when I saw a small plane hit a building," he said. "And I remember thinking, 'My god, that's weird.' "

Hubbard said he knew something was seriously wrong when that scene repeated itself, and the rest of what happened that day remains etched in his mind.


Fire Chief Chuck Hubbard and Mayor John Hieftje bow their heads in silence during today's 9/11 ceremony.

Ryan J. Stanton | Ann

"I am confident everyone who died that day will always be remembered as American heroes," Hubbard said.

About 70 people gathered along Fifth Avenue between city hall and the fire station today for a ceremony paying respect to the nearly 3,000 people who lost their lives exactly 10 years ago. Hubbard shared the podium with Police Chief Barnett Jones and Mayor John Hieftje.

"Though our flag be tattered and torn, we as Americans will stand for what is right," Jones said, recalling what it means to be an American.

"We stand for liberty, for life, for the pursuit of happiness, for equality, for a greatness that rings around his world," he said.

The ceremony began with the honor guard from the Ann Arbor police and fire departments raising an American flag. Students from the Skyline High School choir — Jessica Lakin, Rachel Xydis, Yan Theros and Kate Topham — sang the national anthem.

Later in the ceremony, the honor guard carried out a wreath, bearing a ribbon reading "9/11 Never Forget," while "Taps" was played.

Hubbard, who has worked for the Ann Arbor Fire Department for 26 years, said he's humbled when he remembers the events of 9/11.

"I am humbled by the courage of firefighters who rushed into a burning skyscraper while everyone else fled out," he said, recalling 343 firefighters died that day.

"The truth is they do not consider themselves heroes," Hubbard said. "They would tell you they were just doing their job. But ask anyone who has been rescued or had a family member rescued ... they will tell you that's not true. They are heroes."

Jones said being an American is a privilege he doesn't take for granted. He said he was born in the U.S. only by chance — he was born two weeks early, and had that not been the case, he would have been born in Canada.

"All across this nation and all around this world, let them see we're still standing together," Jones said as the crowd joined hands in unity. "Let them know that they can never take away our freedom, they can never take our lifestyle, they can never take away what is America."

Hieftje called attention to other 9/11 memorial services planned for today, including an 8 p.m. gathering on the University of Michigan Diag. During his brief remarks, Hieftje called today's anniversary "a chance for Americans to show who we are."

"Our lives have changed," Hieftje said. "We live life in a different way than we used to, but we continue and we will persevere."

Mike Wentzel, chaplain for the police department, closed today's ceremony with a prayer. He said with god's help, "this will be a new America."

"The direction of our future will be determined by us," he said. "We did not choose to be thrust into these horrific events, but we are the ones who determine where and how we go from here. And with god's help, we will do all we can to protect our children, to make a world that is safer for all to nurture and to cherish the best that is in all of us."

A national day of service and remembrance is planned from 1-4 p.m. at both the Cedar Bend and Miller Nature Areas today. Go here for a more detailed listing of events.

Ryan J. Stanton covers government and politics for Reach him at or 734-623-2529. You also can follow him on Twitter or subscribe to's e-mail newsletters.



Mon, Sep 12, 2011 : 7:39 p.m.

I noticed in this story the word "God" is not capitalized. Why?


Mon, Sep 12, 2011 : 2:06 p.m.

One thing I found strange about the report of the ceremony is that it treated the disaster as if it were an act of God. That is probably how al Qaeda viewed it, but it is wrong. This was not an earthquake. It was an act of terrorism. And the surviving members of this group of terrorists are continuing to commit mass murders. It is not enough to mourn the victims. We must also maintain our resolve to fight the terrorists.


Sun, Sep 11, 2011 : 10:20 p.m.

I very much appreciate the ceremony this morning. It was well done, although not well attended. What I am disappointed with is the fact that Mayor Hiejfte said the vigil was at 6:00, with no news coverage about it I took him at his word and here I am, having to wait two hours. I was hoping our mayor had his facts straight.


Sun, Sep 11, 2011 : 8:17 p.m.

Please go and visit our Firefighters at US-23 and Plymouth Road. They have their Ann Arbor red firetruck with the ladder fully extended with the American Flag on it. It looks really great!!!!

Jen Eyer

Mon, Sep 12, 2011 : 12:17 a.m.

Emily: If you have a photo, send it to us at, along with the basic info. Thanks!


Sun, Sep 11, 2011 : 6:38 p.m.

Personally attended this very dignified and solemn ceremony. Thank you to those involved for making a special start to our day of remembrance today. Well done.