Marcia Higgins facing criticism for missing Ann Arbor City Council meetings

Ann Arbor City Council Member Marcia Higgins, D-4th Ward, is seeking re-election on Aug. 6. An analysis of the past 61 council meetings shows Higgins has the lowest attendance score of any council member in office right now.
Ryan J. Stanton |
She's up against Jack Eaton, a labor attorney and neighborhood activist, in the Aug. 6 primary. Eaton said he isn't making an issue out of the incumbent's absences, but some of his supporters are.
Someone anonymously launched an anti-Higgins website at, which used to be Higgins' old campaign site before she let it expire.

Higgins calls that a low blow and wonders about Eaton's involvement.
"I just find it kind of interesting that something I've had forever — that is my campaign name — is just bought up. I think it's bad politics," Higgins said.
Eaton said he doesn't know who started the website and he's not taking a position on it.
"I'm not running against her on the basis of her attendance," he said. "I would really rather run on the basis of our differences on issues, rather than engaging in that kind of attack." ran the numbers to find out where Higgins stands in relation to her peers on council when it comes to meeting attendance.
An analysis of the past 61 meetings shows Higgins has the lowest attendance score of any council member in office right now.
Counting meetings she missed, meetings she left early, and once when she showed up a half hour late, Higgins was at least partially absent for roughly one-third of all meetings reviewed.
Higgins said she doesn't think anyone's attendance on council, including her own, is an issue — nor does she think absences have gotten in the way of conducting council business.
"We all have a work, home and council balance," she said. "And sometimes you have children's events, you have work events, trips you have to do for a job — and every once in a while council members actually like to take a vacation." reviewed hundreds of pages of meeting records going back to November 2011, including 42 regular sessions, five special sessions and 14 work sessions.
The review included close scrutiny to see who was present at the start of each meeting, who arrived late, who stepped away for part of the meeting, and who left early.
Council members on average attended 94.4 percent of their regular Monday night meetings, 92.7 percent of special sessions, and 91.6 percent of work sessions.
Higgins and Margie Teall, both 4th Ward Democrats, had the lowest attendance scores for regular sessions at 85.4 percent. Both were entirely absent from six out of 42 regular sessions.
Christopher Taylor, D-3rd Ward, trailed behind them, missing four out of 42 regular sessions. No other council member missed more than one or two regular sessions.
Higgins also missed two work sessions, while Teall missed one work session, though that was typical for most council members.
Higgins stood apart from her peers by leaving meetings early more than any other council member. She stepped out from 11 of the past 61 meetings before they finished.

Marcia Higgins and her opponent Jack Eaton pose for a portrait before a recent council candidate forum.
Ryan J. Stanton |
No other council member but Higgins and Teall had more than one or two meetings where they were late or left early during the time period examined by
Teall was late to meetings three times and left early four times. However, three of the four times she left early, it was just before the meeting adjourned. And all three times she arrived late, it was still early into the meetings and she didn't miss any votes.
"You really do the best you can," Teall said, adding she tries to be there for the most crucial votes and usually only misses a meeting or leaves early if she's not feeling well. "I wouldn't expect anybody to have perfect attendance."
Higgins told she has left some meetings early because she has asthma problems and doesn't have much of a choice because it becomes a medical issue.
"I've had a couple of massive asthma attacks at council, and sometimes it's just due to how dry the air will get in there, and I just can't be in that environment, so I have to leave," she said.
Most council members who spoke with said they're generally understanding and sympathetic to fact that people have things going on in their personal and professional lives that might prevent them from making it to some council meetings or staying until the end some nights.
"I think everybody on council takes the responsibility of attending meetings seriously, so I'm not going to judge anybody," said Council Member Stephen Kunselman, D-3rd Ward.
"It's a long haul as it is to be a council member," he said. "Sometimes council members have family needs to attend to and it's just something that we accept."
Some council members defended Higgins by pointing out she has had to deal with the loss of her daughter Meredith, who died at the age of 31 after a longer battle with cancer in late 2009. Higgins adopted her young granddaughter and is raising her now.
"She's got a set of personal and family tragedies that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, and the work that she does under her circumstances on council and for Ann Arbor is simply amazing," Taylor said.
Higgins said she's not trying to blow off her council responsibilities, but she acknowledges she has prioritized family above council meetings sometimes.
"I have a granddaughter that we're raising and there are times that she has events at school, and I have chosen that I'm not going to miss that in her life," she said. "I mean, we are her parents and we have a responsibility to be there for things she needs, and sometimes that's a hard decision."

"Council members should attend the full meeting, and I think that's a reasonable expectation," said Council Member Jane Lumm, who hasn't missed a regular session since she joined council in November 2011.
Ryan J. Stanton |
Jane Lumm, an Independent who represents the 2nd Ward, said she notices when some council members leave meetings early and she considers that poor form.
"I don't consider that acceptable," she said. "Council members should attend the full meeting, and I think that's a reasonable expectation. That's part of our jobs."
Lumm has made it to all 42 of the council's regular sessions since she was elected in November 2011. She left one meeting early when she was sick and missed two work sessions, including a budget work session in February because she was in Pennsylvania visiting her father in the hospital.
Lumm said she's not interested in pointing fingers, but she suspects there are some council members who don't have stellar attendance records.
"And I would be concerned about that as a constituent," she said.
Council Member Sumi Kailasapathy, D-1st Ward, hasn't missed a meeting since she was elected last November. She said showing up to meetings is the bare-minimum expectation.
Kailasapathy, who is supporting Eaton in his campaign against Higgins, said if a council member is either partially or entirely absent for one-third of meetings, they should consider stepping down.
"I think one-third, that's a pretty high number. I would step down," she said. "I would lose my job if I did that at work."

Sumi Kailasapathy, D-1st Ward, has attended all 18 regular council meetings since she was elected to council in November 2012. "I take it very seriously," she said. "Unless there's some really good reason for me to not turn up, I will be there."
Ryan J. Stanton |
"Coming from an ardent supporter of my opponent, I'm not surprised," she said. "I will never apologize for seeing to the needs of my family after our daughter's death. My record of success will compare to hers any day of the week."
Council members said they try to communicate with each other and give a heads-up if they're going to be absent. Sometimes it's because they're out of town on business or vacation, not feeling well, or prioritizing family.
For example, Chuck Warpehoski, D-5th Ward, was absent from a meeting in June after his wife had given birth to their son two nights earlier.
"I don't want to pre-judge in ignorance what's going on with people," said Sabra Briere, D-1st Ward, who has a 95.2 percent attendance record for regular sessions.
"I know why I miss a meeting, but I don't always know what's going on with other people."
She added, "The question is whether we have anyone on council who rises to the level of falling asleep at meetings, which we've had in the past, skipping almost all meetings, which we've had in the past — I don't think we have anyone on council like that right now."
Taylor said he works hard to schedule business and vacation trips around council meetings, but sometimes that's not possible.
He said he left early during the council's May 13 meeting, which was a special continuation of the May 6 session, because he had a concert rehearsal that night. He said he stayed for the crucial vote on the 413 E. Huron St. high-rise and then left.
Kailasapathy joined Higgins in leaving early from a meeting on April 15 that ended up lasting until 3:11 a.m. Kailasapathy left at 12:50 a.m. and Higgins left at 1:25 a.m.
"I hadn't slept in 24 hours, so I was collapsing — it was the tax deadline," said Kailasapathy, who is a certified public accountant. "It was really rough."
Kailasapathy said she noticed how absences at the July 1 meeting affected the vote on a video surveillance ordinance.
Two council members — Teall and Sally Hart Petersen — were absent when the council voted 5-4 in favor of an ordinance aimed at protecting citizens' privacy rights. But without six affirmative votes in support, the minority side prevailed and the proposal was defeated.
"I thought that was kind of awkward," Kailasapathy said. "So I think it's important to be there. I take it very seriously. Unless there's some really good reason for me to not turn up, I will be there."
Ryan J. Stanton covers government and politics for Reach him at or 734-623-2529. You also can follow him on Twitter or subscribe to's email newsletters.
Ryan J. Stanton covers government and politics for Reach him at or 734-623-2529. You also can follow him on Twitter or subscribe to's email newsletters.
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 10:26 a.m.
The agenda is known in advance so what's the big deal? Meetings are often too long and many discussions boring beyond belief. No councilmember has a duty to sit through that nonsense. Considering everything here I think Marcia Higgins's attendance record is fine but, more importantly, her work as a councilmember has been exemplary.
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 5:12 a.m.
May I point out that in last year's August Primary Election, Ward 4 precincts voted as follows. Please note that in Precinct I, exactly 5 (FIVE!) voters turned out, of a possible 1259 registered voters. The illustrious Precinct 7 had an admirable 27% turnout. So while comments on would make one think that a great majority of Ward 4 voters are exorcised about their city government, the voter turnout would suggest otherwise. The people spoke, but barely. Compared to the voter turnout in her ward, Ms Higgins's attendance record looks stellar. Official Election Results This report created: Tuesday, Aug 14, 2012 02:10:51 PM City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 1 RegisteredVoters 1259 TURNOUT Ballots Cast 5 0.40% City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 2 RegisteredVoters 834 TURNOUT Ballots Cast 27 3.24% City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 3 RegisteredVoters 2810 TURNOUT Ballots Cast 218 7.76% City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 4 RegisteredVoters 2249 TURNOUT Ballots Cast 384 17.07% City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 5 RegisteredVoters 1733 TURNOUT Ballots Cast 200 11.54% City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 6 RegisteredVoters 2760 TURNOUT Ballots Cast 377 13.66% City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 7 RegisteredVoters 1995 TURNOUT Ballots Cast 531 26.62% City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 8 RegisteredVoters 2827 TURNOUT Ballots Cast 205 7.25% City of Ann Arbor, Ward 4, Precinct 9 RegisteredVoters 2851 TURNOUT Ballots Cast 395 13.85%
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 10:23 p.m.
Two thumbs up for posting this information - this is the real story in Ann Arbor - the pathetic voter turnout. This is how we get saddled with $45 million tech bonds for the schools - while they lay off teachers and close the pools and eliminate busing. One gets the representation they choose - and in this case, only a few are choosing - "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice."
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 11:11 a.m.
Correct. AA voters seem to stay home, no matter what the issue is. We are well known for having an apathetic, registered voting population. Go figure!
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 10:21 a.m.
Thank you for this info. This shows the real problem. I think lots of what who gets elected and what ballots pass is due to this. When these people have friends and people who will benefit, all they have to do is vote; they'll beat us every time when we stay home
Frustrated in A2
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 4:52 a.m.
I'm not sure why everybody is hating on for pointing out facts they were told about. And on another note I think this is another reason to support Eaton but that's just my humble opinion.
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 3:20 a.m.
I don't know what is going on here. I do know this article is incomplete. It only addresses one issue and it does it purposely congregates different form of absenteeism to drive up the count. It does not talk about anything else besides the absenteeism. Honestly, I do not know if this woman is a good choice or not from this article. Her opponent does not even want to use this against her. What is going on? I may totally disagree with this woman, but I wouldn't know it from this. I was surprised to see so many people supporting this article. If you disagree with someone, have a solid ground. It scares me when people use petty things to invalidate others. I am glad she had a robust opponent that does not stoop as low as this article. AGAIN, I may disagree with her completely, but I wouldn't know it from this muckraking.
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 1:46 a.m.
Sorry for being late to the party. But here's how I look at it. Most of us don't have jobs that entail Monday night meetings. Instead, we have full-time, 5-day-a-week jobs. So what does Marcia Higgins's attendance record translates to in terms that most of us who work full-time can relate to? A full-time job is about 250 days per year, give or take (52 weeks x 5 days, less paid holidays or weather closures.) Someone who shows up to work 85.7% of the time is there 214 days per year. That means their employer says it's OK for them to take a total of 36 paid days off per year. Someone who comes to work late or leaves early 28% of the time (12 of 42 meetings) is working part-days an additional 70 days per year. In other words, we're looking at a "full-time equivalent" employee who's either completely missing or not working a full day 106 out of 250 days of the year. I don't know too many private sector employees who would continue to retain that kind of employee.
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 1:46 a.m.
Yawn. Slow newsday, Ryan. You're pandering for hits again...
Colorado Sun
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 1:32 a.m.
The Michigan Daily recently, on July 17th , published an article regarding the City Council ward races. The reporter received statements from various candidates pursuant to interview requests, including Jack Eaton. However Marcia Higgins did not respond to messages left by the reporter. Need anything more be said?
Wed, Jul 24, 2013 : 4:06 a.m.
She doesn't respond to voice mails, emails, or written correspondence -- didn't you know that? At least if it's from Ward 4 Constituents that is, and now you're suggesting she doesn't respond to the media either? ROFL
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 2:20 p.m.
Perhaps her silence suggests she is secure in her position because she is one of the mayor's minions. Just like a parrot..."repeat after me", repeat after me1"
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 12:13 a.m.
1) There is a huge management and self-management issue if Council meetings are running until early morning hours. I wouldn't blame anyone for leaving early! 2) This is city council, not neurosurgery. Frankly, it doesn't bother me at all if members miss sometimes for family and health reaasons. 85% is good enough for me.
Nicholas Urfe
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 11:29 p.m.
This article should come as absolutely no surprise. The topic of meeting attendance has come up in these forums before, and Ryan specifically said last year that he was planning an article on the topic. So it isn't like anyone was blindsided.
Nicholas Urfe
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 11:27 p.m.
As a voter, I expect my representatives to at least show up. Is that asking too much? Attendance, and slipping out early, are two of the few things that can be objectively measured. If the performance on those two visible items is worst in class, what does it suggest for the more difficult to measure aspects of that job? What is good in enough? In their roles as representatives for thousands of constituents, their attendance and performance should be exemplary.
E Claire
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 8:13 p.m.
ps I do have sympathy for the loss of her daughter but, as others have said, we all have personal issues and tragedies and if that makes one not able to do a job, then its time to leave.
E Claire
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 8:11 p.m.
Exactly. For those of us in the 4th Ward, we'd just like someone who is available. Seems people can't get the simplest of responses from either of our reps. In the summer, our city owned easements are never moved, have to crawl over knee high weeds at most bus stops on Maple to get on the bus. Real nice for those who are handicapped. In the winter, no plowing of streets, not even a dusting of the useless sand mixture other areas get. We try to get something done but no rep cares.
Colorado Sun
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 11 p.m.
I luuuuuuv Sumi Kailasapathy. A perfect attendance record!
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 5:24 a.m.
Lets give her a gold star. Now, is it of any importance to you what she actually does at these meetings?
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 9:50 p.m.
I've never met Marcia Higgins or Jack Eaton, and am not in either camp as to who should represent the ward. That said, I have a couple of thoughts. First, 85 percent attendance isn't a bad percentage, especially when the sample size of meetings is quite a bit larger for Higgins than for more recently council members. One critic conflates non-attendance with leaving early or leaving late, but only one example is given where it affected a vote. My second thought is is that if we expect people to regularly attend meetings that may go past midnight we could end up limiting the pool of council candidates to people who can accommodate this demand, and exclude people to folks without school-age or younger children, or jobs with inflexible schedules. An accountant or lawyer may be able to clear their schedule on Tuesday mornings to account for late meetings -- a clerical worker probably can't.
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 5:10 a.m.
Actually, PeteM, the voluminous amount of work demanded of City Council members should limit the eligibility pool. Have you seen the size of some of the three ring binders that City Council members carry into meetings with them? They are not designed to carry snacks. Knowledge and ability of logically analyze information are important attributes of the most productive and useful City Council member. Those with short attention spans and inability to pay attention to detail need not apply. When you are making decisions that will effect the direction of city development and the use of millions of tax payer dollars certain traits should be required. Anybody can be elected to the City Council but not everyone will serve city tax payers well. Having time and ability are necessary tools for being successful with this job.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 8:48 p.m.
I don't see a huge problem here...
Vivienne Armentrout
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 8:44 p.m.
Something not acknowledged by a number of commenters is that other council members have family too. Mike Anglin has been providing day care for a grandchild. Chuck Warpehoski has a toddler and a new infant. Sumi Kailasapathy has two children under 15. Other councilmembers have older children. A number of them also have businesses or full-time jobs. But most have managed to keep their council obligations. And the death of Ms. Higgins' daughter was in 2009 (a real tragedy, which I'm sure everyone acknowledges). It should be noted that this would not have been a story unless the reporter had not chosen to make it an issue. Jack Eaton has stated clearly that he had no involvement in the site which is using Marcia Higgins' old domain name, and he does not know who is doing it. Indeed, this could just as easily have been done by someone trying to injure Eaton's campaign. Clearly it is being used to present him in a negative light. The reporter chose to make this an issue and interviewed a number of people to get quotes. No council member called up the press and complained about their colleague's behavior. The fact that they were asked for quotes that were then summarized by the reporter should not be interpreted as attacks. Apparently this is the slow season for political stories. Now could we please get back to actual issues facing the city?
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 5:23 a.m.
Vivienne, How on earth can you say "clearly" it did not help him. Other than me and one or two other people expressing our opinion here, what evidence do you have that anyone is viewing this site, and concluding that Eaton must have put it up as a dirty trick? I see no evidence whatsoever of that. You think it is "clear". Why?
Vivienne Armentrout
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 10:13 p.m.
Tano, you make my point. This would be a typical "dirty politics" ploy to use against a candidate - to make him look nasty. I don't know what the motivation actually was, but whatever it was, clearly the perpetrator did not help Eaton.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 9:24 p.m.
Well said!
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 9:23 p.m.
" Clearly it [the website] is being used to present him in a negative light." Ahh, no. Clearly it is being used to present HER in a negative light.We can only hope that it succeeds in backfiring.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 8:38 p.m.
Looks like the Higgins area is coming to a end. The mayor if all goes" well" will be held accountable for his actions.....
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 7:58 p.m.
Pretty funny, for some women should get a free pass from any criticism it seems. Just because they deserve it and others do not. Want to define sexism, look at couple of postings back.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 9:25 p.m.
Buddy I think that you are doing very well in defining sexism by example....
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 7:52 p.m.
She was hired by her constituents to do a job. She has shown up late, left early or didn't show up at all 30% of the time. NO WHERE else would that be acceptable. I understand she has issues. We all have issues. I feel bad for her. But she still was hired to do a job. I have a family. I have had problems and deaths in my family. I am trying not to be insensitive. Either you can do the job or you can't. My boss would let me go. We will see if her boss (the 4th ward) will do the same.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 7:14 p.m.
"We all have a work, home and council balance," she said. "And sometimes you have children's events, you have work events, trips you have to do for a job — and every once in a while council members actually like to take a vacation." And this from the Mayor-pro-tem? How can she commit to another term, yet alone act as Mayor pro-tem given her sorry attendance record? Isn't her comment insulting to those Council Members who do so much better representing their Wards in terms of attendance, considering their families, their jobs, their vacations, etc.? They are all able to achieve their work/life/family balance and not have such poor attendance results year after year. Presumably they are even able to return phone calls, emails, correspondence from their constituents, unlike the Invisible Women of Ward 4, and even show up at Ward Community Events ?
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 7:06 p.m.
This is a ridiculous article and pretty darn low for whatever standard of Journalism that exist at Individuals who serve in a PUBLIC SERVICE role have outside lives. Whether that be family, employment or personal responsibilities, to criticize a City Council member for missing, leaving early or arriving slight late for less than 30% of meetings is more than a bit low. In fact, it smells like desperation on the challengers (or their supporters) part. By the way, I don't live in Ann Arbor at all but if I did, hearing about how Councilwoman Higgins has stepped up to take care of her Daughter's child, after the young woman's untimely death and folks are attacking her for this.....would immediately make me vote for Councilwoman Higgins to continue in her Public Service role.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 9:29 p.m.
Ypsigirl I rarely agree with you on most any issue. But hey - I am in complete agreement with you today! Which reminds me of how Tony Soprano's shrink used to ask him "how does this make you feel?" Seriously I do agree with you on all counts and it's also refreshing to see that someone else understands that this is a service position, service to us, and as such no cake walk....
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 6:45 p.m.
Hi Marcia, From one grandmother to another, please step down. Your granddaughter needs you more than anyone!
Colorado Sun
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 6:30 p.m.
Marcia's own actual campaign website is more hilarious than the satirical one. Her biography is still in Latin - the "lorem ipsum" format. Her campaign contact information is located in California. She proposes construction of a "border wall" and to "reform foreign policy" and "immagration(sic)". We are sixteen days away from the primary election and Marcia's website is not even close to being finished. This atrocious website has been up for weeks and is very indicative of why we need a change in the Fourth Ward. Marcia's trademark is being late, absent ,incomplete, ill-informed, non-communicative and not paying attention.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 8:40 p.m.
Her site looks very unprofessional... Go Figure!
Colorado Sun
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 8:21 p.m.
Ryan: The new site has a section encouraging voters to sign in to "recive(sic)" updates. Looks like Marcia's new campaign website needs editing.
Ryan J. Stanton
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 7:53 p.m.
I just learned she has an actual website up at now. The Google page that's still active was obviously a work in progress with placeholder text.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 6:21 p.m.
I find all of these anti-mother comments to be absolutely nauseating. Most of these comments boil down to nothing more than sexist, patriarchal b.s. Do me a favor and pick of a copy of The Feminine Mystique and read up on women's roles. It was published in 1963, but based on the comments here it will be news to all of you. Here is another news flash: parents are allowed to put family first while still doing a damn fine job at work. I'm not even to get into the fact that Mrs. Higgins is raising her grandchild after losing her own daughter to cancer at the age of 31. She should be commended, not shamed. I'm on the NW side of town and can't vote for her, but I would if I could.
Colorado Sun
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 6:38 p.m.
" first while still doing a damn fine job at work." The problem is she is taking heat by constituents for being absent, late etc. He performance on City Council is sub-par.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 5:22 p.m.
Thank you Ryan for the raw numbers. Seeing the raw numbers, I do think the criticism of Council Members Higgins and Teall have likely been over-blown. Particularly when their attendance at Work Sessions and Special Sessions are above average. With this data (particularly "arriving late" or "leaving early") is inclusive. When noted, did a Council Member/ Mayor arrive a few minutes late after racing from their regular jobs or stroll-in a hour late....? Similar questions can be asked about leaving early. I would argue a big difference, but either way it is reported here as the same. Anyone who has seen the mailboxes of Council Members, attends Council Meetings and is otherwise involved knows that Council Members must digest, manage, advice, and vote on a lot of material for this very important part-time job. I, like I believe everyone else expects Council Members to give the best effort possible. With this data I believe the attendance records are likely an over-blown issue. If this is among the biggest critisms or contrasts Council Members (or potential Council Members) can site of their sitting peers, than either the sitting Council Members are doing pretty well or the criticizers run the risk of sounding very petty/ desperate.... I believe better criticisms would be Council Member voting records, whether they missed key votes, their publically stated positions, or hypocrisy and conflicts of interest. If there is little/ no mention of any of these, then these Council Members actions likely speak to why they have been elected/ re-elected to City Council....
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 7:30 p.m.
"I believe better criticisms would be Council Member voting records, whether they missed key votes, their publicly stated positions, or hypocrisy and conflicts of interest. If there is little/ no mention of any of these, then these Council Members actions likely speak to why they have been elected/ re-elected to City Council." Exactly!!!
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 6:24 p.m.
Looks like the Jack Eaton fan club members are the only ones reading this, Thaddeus. You have an excellent point, and hopefully those impacted by this will take the time to look at voting records, positions, and other things of gravity when making their decision.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 5:17 p.m.
Thank you for posting the actual data so we can make up our own minds.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 4:02 p.m.
Even granting that Marcia Higgins has done a decent job, it is time to elect new blood.
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 2:01 p.m.
AMEN!! "New blood" meaning a change in personnel on City Council is desperately needed. There is such a lack of balance in thought and action on Council, that I'm not surprised a few meetings last tiringly long!! Time to elect responsible representatives for your area!!
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 5:23 p.m.
Now there is a mindless argument.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:59 p.m.
Really? This is NEWS? Oh that's right, there no longer is an Ann Arbor News.
peg dash fab
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:57 p.m.
Jack Eaton is running a dirty campaign.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 9:32 p.m.
Regarding "Jack Eaton is running a dirty campaign." or - Ann is.....
Colorado Sun
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 6:39 p.m.
Jack Eaton has denied responsibility for the satirical site.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 6:38 p.m.
If he were at all noble, he would demand that the smear site for Mrs. Higgins be taken down. His lame denial of affiliation is pathetic.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 5:21 p.m.
Stealing a domain name and posting a hack website is not dirty campaigning? He doesn't even have the responsibility to either claim it or criticize it. Eaton has shown himself to be a political punk of the worst kind. His two supporters on counsel have also shown themselves to be pathetic politicians. Disgusting.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 4:45 p.m.
I haven't seen any indication of dirty campaigning, what I have seen, and heard from those in 4th ward is that he is everywhere, hitting the bricks and speaking to people in a wholehearted attempt to get elected. Whenever I speak to a friend, customer or random person I happen to find lives in 4th ward I always hear from them about Jack Eaton - how he came to their house, or attended a neighborhood meeting, or they knew him from his involvement in saving Dickens Woods - never negative things. Sure, this presence is in the service of getting himself elected, but I imagine that all this 'handshaking' is a nice clean way to run a campaign.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:13 p.m.
I don't really see much difference between the two loyal members of the ruling party. This is the kind of "choice" that convinces folks that it's not worth going out to vote in a party primary election.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:37 p.m.
that's a universal excuse people use that are too lazy or uncaring to get out and vote
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:03 p.m.
Last time I checked, if I didn't show up for this much time on a job, part time or not, I would have been fired. If she needs to do other things as priority constantly, then she needs to step down.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:41 p.m.
Maybe this article will make some people think before they go to the polls and vote for City Council? Change is necessary. I only get to Ann Arbor about once a year to visit friends and relatives, but I'm disturbed by all the panhandlers hanging out at the major street corners ... and the crowd of street people in Liberty Plaza heckling passers-by on any given day is just surreal! Many are out-of-towners as well! Obviously, the current City Council (and Mayor) seem to be comfortable with this, because the problem just gets worse... at least from this visitor's perspective. Ann Arborites, if you want change (and you should -- trust me), then vote for some new City Council members who have your interests at heart... and not those of a bunch of street people who hassle you for money during the day and burgle your houses at night. Best of luck!
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 7:25 p.m.
"bunch of street people who hassle you for money during the day and burgle your houses at night." Wow!!! Just say no to the street people and has burglaries risen in Ann Arbor as if late because of Panhandlers?
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 5:17 p.m.
I am sure you are happy in whatever Red State Nirvana you have found. Why torture yourself by coming to this horrible city? Just sit back and tell the residents here what to do.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 4:47 p.m.
to Tizz: You must not go downtown very often, or perhaps you only go to specific places and don't walk around a lot.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:38 p.m.
You must have chosen the worst day of the year to visit Ann Arbor as these problems are almost non-existent.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:54 p.m.
Thanks, we are going to need lots of luck to get King John and his cronies out of office.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:33 p.m.
"We all have a work, home and council balance," she said. "And sometimes you have children's events, you have work events, trips you have to do for a job — and every once in a while council members actually like to take a vacation." With all due respect to Ms Higgins, she should step down from council and turn her full attention to her granddaughter and other family matters. There just isn't a good way to do justice to both. Rather than give short shrift to her council responsibilities (for understandable reasons), it would be better to step down and let someone who has the time to devote to council to fill the position. Not a criticism of Higgins, just a realistic assessment. Life happens and we all have to make choices.
Patricia Lesko
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:23 p.m.
It's good to see a piece on the Ward 4 election that focuses on facts and issues. Marcia Higgins, when fingered by the Ann Arbor News in 2009 for rigging votes (including her own pay raise) and scripting debates via email during open meetings, never apologized. The city was forced to settle a lawsuit alleging Open Meetings Act violations. Now, when outed for missed meetings and having come late and leaving early from a significant number of meetings, instead of accepting responsibility, she becomes defensive, belligerent and tries to call into question the motives, civility and honesty of everyone else? "It's easier to criticize than to govern," as editorialized in a 2010. Someone bought her campaign website domain out from under her because she didn't renew it? Ed Vielmetti broke that story in June. Better question: Why is the Mayor Pro Tem of one of the most intelligent, educated, geekiest and digital cities in the United States running for office with the technological savvy of a pile of mashed potatoes? A2Politico broke that story here ( Her real campaign website lists Google's info. as her contact info., and her platform as including "immagration" and a "border wall." Instead of taking responsibility for that, she tries to blame others? Marcia Higgins chairs the Council Rules Committee and could easily have proposed rules or policies which would have helped define excused absences, and set policy regarding unexcused absences. Instead, she prefers taxpayers pay her when she's not there, when she leaves early and when she comes late. No employer would stand for that, CM Kailasapathy is absolutely right. If Ms. Higgins has a problem with this article, or with her colleagues' reactions to her poor attendance record, she has only herself to blame.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 9:16 p.m.
Wow. Look who is talking about being "belligerent and [trying] to call into question the motives, civility and honesty of everyone else?" Just. Too. Funny.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:21 p.m.
I love Lumm and Kailasapathy for what they are doing for our city; it is tough work being dropped into this den of waste, incompetenece, and entrenched cronyism. With a couple more like these two, this city could make a miraculous leap forward. I hope they stick with is; it was heartbreaking when that vote to spend more money on the wind turbines went through. You could see (and I felt) their disappointment and frustration. It is VERY disheartening. It seems like Eaton's a little overly nervous about using attendance as one point of his campaign; attendance is more than a little part of this job. Shame on the ward that has kept this lady in council for so long, although lack of decent competition might have made voting problematic. More like Lumm and Kailasapathy please.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 6:28 p.m.
So it's your belief that Eaton is lying about the website? And it's sleazy of people to express their opinion of an issue like Council attendance when asked? What wouldn't be sleazy? Their only possible non-sleazy response is "no comment?" I'm assuming you'd think it would be just as sleazy if they said they thought her attendance was just fine and is not an issue with them? Right?
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 5:14 p.m.
Lumm and Kailasapoathy have just shown was sleazy politicians and people they are. Perhaps Lumm was a little more careful with her language, but they both made clear what cheap people they are all to support Eaton the panderer. Eaton showed what a sleaze he is with his back door attack that he supposedly knows nothing about and cannot control. I may not be pleased about Higgins' attendance, but I am disgusted by these three bush league political hacks.
Forward Progress
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:18 p.m.
@Cindy1 I am repeating what I said in a response above. Yes, but these same supporters of Eaton used this same argument during the time of her daughter's death. This argument by them is old and tiresome. Now Higgins has a new grand daughter to raise. She has responsibilities outside this part time job. Just like you and me. We have responsibilities outside our jobs. Would you be happy if your workplace and/or customers insisted that you be there every work day regardless of what is going on. You could never take off work for anything, a doctors appointment, a school function, if your kid was sick. That is what many of you are saying. You prefer that kind of world because 86% is not good enough. A city councilmember does not give up their life just to be elected. 86% is pretty good attendance IMO. In other places I have worked many working moms miss MUCH more work than that and no one dares question them or criticize them. Why is this different? Why is Marcia being held to some other standard. Sumi can leave early to rest for tax season but Marcia can't take off to rest for her job or to take care of her daughter.. Not legit thinking, just political.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:51 p.m.
its not a full time job.Its a part time thing that she decided to run for .Once in a while I can see but if you cant be there,or your asthma bothers so you have to leave early then step out and let someone else do it
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:14 p.m.
"Higgins stood apart from her peers by leaving meetings early more than any other council member. She stepped out from 11 of the past 61 meetings before they finished." Much as I hate to take her side in this, when the meetings don't get over until 3:00 AM, who can blame her?
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 4:41 p.m.
They all did not last until 3:00 a.m.!
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:11 p.m.
It's not "low" ... it reflects the actual and legitimate concerns of Ms. Higgins' constituents, and it's one of the major issues that causes 4th ward residents to vote against her. We all understand the difficulty of balancing work, home life, and other responsibilities, but if you can't make time for your council responsibilities, you shouldn't be on the council. We deserve better than a part-time representative on the council.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:26 p.m.
D'oh! That was supposed to be posted beneath the first comment above.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:03 p.m.
The data examined for this article is from the last year. Higgin's had the tragedy of her daughter dying of cancer in '09. No one is minimizing the impact this would have on her or any parent. Going forward, what ward 4 voters should consider is whether Higgins can fullfill her family obligations and the obligations of an elected position.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:56 p.m.
I don't actually have much problem with 85% attendance but I'm put off by the snippy comments by Lumm and the defensive comments by Higgins. Just take responsibility for your own choice and you don't need to criticize other people.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:19 p.m.
I thought Janes comments were pretty reasonable.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:39 p.m.
If someone is having family problems that detract from their job as a civil servant, then they should go on leave or resign, period. Not only is it inherently unfair to their constituents, but they should be putting their family/personal issues first. Hopefully the A2 voters will see this, and vote her out of office. She needs a wake-up call, and being voted out would give her more opportunities to take care of herself and her family.
Forward Progress
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:37 p.m.
@Indymama I am sure that your boss thinks that your job is "important" also. What is your attendence at work? Is it 100%? Council has important votes, but not every meeting and every vote is in the "important" category, most are not. You cannot expect a part time councilmember to have perfect attendance. We need to have other voices on the council besides the people who do not have jobs, and retirees. Their perspective is vitally important in decision making. 86% is not bad. I have worked with many Moms who have much worse attendance in the daytime workplace. No one would dare say to them can't another family member fill in for you.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 11:59 p.m.
How dare you posters report negatively about Forward Progress's double post. She is only thinking about the high unemployment levels throughout this country. If all full time employees would lay off work 14% of the time we would have to employ an additional 14%. This could take a bite out of the unemployment levels. Of course the tis would mean that the cost of the products or service would rise. The quality of the product or service may suffer. But, the one thing that would probably happen is that the 14% ( the new hires) They would probably replace the 86% ers. You see, no one expects a person to give only 86% on a job. It is expected that some emergencies may arise and time may be missed, but that should never be 14% of the time. 14% of a 2000 hour annual job is 7 weeks off. This would be in addition to the 2 weeks I have allotted in a years time frame.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:12 p.m.
More appropriate questions for you to have asked Indymama would have been: -Do you attend work more than 86% of the time? -Of the time you attend work, do you arrive late/leave early fully 33% of the time?
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:25 p.m.
A comment so ridiculous, it was posted twice.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:25 p.m.
As important as attendance is participation. Many important and complicated issues have been consideration by City Council for which preparation was required. I have observed most City Council meetings and noticed that Marcia Higgins rarely contributes meaningfully in the discussions. When she does speak it is usually to request that a vote be tabled or pushed off to a future meeting. She has also attributed lack of civility to any City Council members who do not side with the mayor, IMHO.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:20 p.m.
Vote her out. There are too many other good people in this City (and the 4th Ward) to leave this open to somebody who clearly doesn't care as much as she should. I would have no problem voting her out of office based on her attendance record alone.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:16 p.m.
There is nothing wrong with putting family first. Many more people should put family first and I think if they did, we would have fewer societal problems. However, when one has an important "job" and are expected to attend meetings which one has asked to be "appointed" to , then one should attend all the meetings unless, as a professor once said, I have read your obituary you will not be excused from missing this class!! Surely, there are other family members who could fill in once in a while!! What is being taught to that child is not "responsibility", but "I'll do what I want to do, when I want to do it! It doesn't matter that I asked for this 'job'/responsibility', I'd rather be in a different place with you." That is unhealthy for the child and the adult.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:23 p.m.
@Forward Progress — "86% is not bad" ... wow. If you have such low expectations for your elected representatives, then you deserve the representatives you get. You say "[y]ou cannot expect a part time councilmember to have perfect attendance," but you're dead wrong — the fact that the position is part-time is exactly why we should expect perfect attendance. If you can't even handle a part-time commitment, you should resign, or not run in the first place. The residents of the 4th ward are slowly waking up to the fact that Ms. Higgins is unable and/or unwilling to fully commit to serving her constituents. Hopefully that growing awareness will be reflected at the polls.
Forward Progress
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:33 p.m.
@Indymama I am sure that your boss thinks that your job is "important" also. What is your attendence at work? Is it 100%? Council has important votes, but not every meeting and every vote is in the "important" category, most are not. You cannot expect a part time councilmember to have perfect attendance. We need to have other voices on the council besides the people who do not have jobs, and retirees. Their perspective is vitally important in decision making. 86% is not bad. I have worked with many Moms who have much worse attendance in the daytime workplace. No one would dare say to them can't another family member fill in for you.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:15 p.m.
Great to have investigative reporting on this site. Thank you to Mr. Stanton and editor. However, completely unnecessary, and why drag the public through, two council members criticizing each other. That section sounds very "National Enquirer." Again, unnecessary - article didn't need it to make it's points.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:13 p.m.
Meeting attendance is only one part of the larger question: what do we expect of our representatives? Making the meetings is one part, of course, but the premise is that a member of council would be able to speak for the residents of his/her Ward, which involves being available to and having conversation with the constituent body - being responsive to questions and concerns voiced by residents. Ms. Higgins seems to fail on this account as well.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 6:57 p.m.
No, she fails to show for election debate events or at major community events in the Ward, she fails to return Constituent phone calls, she fails to return written correspondence, and she fails to respond to emails. I assume that's what people are referring to.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:47 p.m.
You are saying that she doesn't speak to her constituent body......are you a psychic?
Forward Progress
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:11 p.m.
First I need to say that 86% is pretty good considering that the job as councilmember is part time and not their main job. The attendence is good for all in my opinion. I think that Kailasapathy's and Lumm's comments actually show their lack of judgement and warped perspective about things. Actually coming late to a meeting or leaving early in the am , when you have a full time day job does not show irresponsibility. Some people work longer hours and have longer commutes. If we have insist on perfection for attendance then we will end up with a council full of stay at home mom/dads and retirees. Kailasapathy actually proved that when she left early one meeting (before Higgins) because it was tax season and she had to go to work the next day. Why is ok for her to prioritize her work over council, but someone else can't? Why is tax season a good reason to justify leaving work early for exhaustion, but sitting by your dying daughters bedside is not exhausting. Lack of perspective. Lumm talks endlessly during each council meeting as a way to wear people down. Most of what she says is non-sensical and just filler to lengthen the meeting. Votes that are later in the evening at 1-3 am will not get careful discussion or consideration. When you have to get up for work the next day at 6 or 7am, that is pressing on your mind when it is 2am. When you have to get kids up for school this can be very distracting. She knows this and uses this. She has voted against any attempt to find a way to shorten meetings. Not very ethical. I find it disturbing that two councilmemebers are criticizing another member for this just for campaign purposes (they support Eaton, Higgins opponent). Kailasapathy thinks taxes are more important than a dying daughter and raising a grandchild. Lumm thinks endless rants are staged strategically throughout meetings is good public policy for the city. Contradictions that show their warped perspective and lack of judgement.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 8:36 p.m.
I mean distilled through Mr. Stanton's reporting. He could have spoken with all 10 council members, and choose to put in a few sentences of commentary from only a few of them. That is the part of the bigger picture I am talking about. Not the source of the attendance records. I don't question Ms. Beaudry's record keeping.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 4:39 p.m.
" is but a small part of the story, distilled through one source" That one source being the City Council's meeting minutes, the official source of such things. Can you think of a better source than that?
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:51 p.m.
Thank you for an accurate, thoughtful reply.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:44 p.m.
I think that it is important for everyone to remember that what we are reading here, as reported, is but a small part of the story, distilled through one source; I cannot believe that there is as much animosity between Council members as some suggest. Also, I am not a big fan of supposing what someone is thinking, or what one's perspective is, unless you are a psychic of some sort.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:43 p.m.
if you have family and health problems or the meetings last to long then perhaps you might not belong there.Which seems as clear as a bell to me.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:58 p.m.
I work full time and I have a part time job also. If I only showed up to 85% of my scheduled days at my part time job I would be FIRED.
Nicholas Urfe
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:52 p.m.
Some people always have an excuse. A council member is elected to serve the people. If they don't have time, or if it is not a priority, fine. But they should move along. To suggest the other council members do not have lives, or other important things going on in their lives, is disingenuous.
Forward Progress
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:44 p.m.
yes, but these same supporters of Eaton used this same argument during the time of her daughter's death. This argument by them is old and tiresome. Now Higgins has a new grand daughter to raise. She is not someone who just does not feel like attending meetings, she has real responsibilities outside this part time job. Just like you and me. We have responsibilities outside our jobs. Would you be happy if your workplace and/or customers insisted that be there every work day regardless of what is going on. You could never take off work for anything, a doctors appointment, a school function, if your kid was sick. That is what many of you are saying. You prefer that kind of world because 86% is not good enough.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:34 p.m.
The attendance statistics used in this article cover a period starting almost two years *after* the death of the young Ms. Higgins.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 12:49 p.m.
Wow! Her whole attitude about this is the biggest indicator to me that she doesn't think attendance is important enough to make any effort over! Compared to others in the ANN ARBOR NEWS analysis; she thinks she's just fine! Talk about denial!
Nicholas Urfe
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 12:41 p.m.
Thanks, Ryan. For some people, the council simply isn't a high enough priority. They should find another hobby.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 12:18 p.m.
Thanks, Ryan. Also thanks to Ms. Higgins for being honest about the relative priority of her council activities. I can understand that, but we're really in need of a higher level of commitment and representation here in the fourth ward. That's why I'll be voting for Jack Eaton on Aug 6.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 12:12 p.m.
The bottom line is city council only needs a quorum to function. There is no diversity of thought so most issues are just a progressive rubber stamp away from approval.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:14 p.m.
You must not attend or watch many City Council meetings. City Council membership can be almost evenly divided into the mayor's camp (which favors high density development downtown, rail transportation, and tax payer incentives for private investments) and opposing members (who want sensible development retaining heritage characteristics, bus transportation, and less privatization of tax payer money). The upcoming election can significantly change the balance on City Council one way or the other so voters should study the issues and carefully determine their votes.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 12:11 p.m.
It sounds as if there are quite a few similarities between council members and Barry Obama. Poor attendance leads to poor job duties. At almost $16k, this rivals what some make yearly. Wow!
Tue, Jul 23, 2013 : 8:01 p.m.
@Mike and @thedime: Obama voted "present" just over 100 times in his EIGHT YEAR term in the Illinois State Senate. In those years, he cast over 4,000 votes. So those 100 present votes represents 2.5% of his total votes. Obama, like many other State Senators, voted "present" to register concern about the constitutionality or legal weaknesses of bills that had bipartisan support as part of regular strategy in the State Senate. Did you do your homework, or do you like to just present partial information? And @Mike, your post about Presidential Vacation is ridiculous. Every President on Vacation works while away. There is no such thing as a break from the duties of the Presidency. I have no idea what you are talking about in terms of "White House Parties". Every President hosts State Dinners, Congressional Dinners/Picnics, and hosts other White House Events throughout the year. The Obama's are no different than any other Administration in this regard. Are you out of your mind?
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 3:07 a.m.
My point about Barry, the name he went by before showing up at the DNC, is that he had the same type of track record in the Illinois Senate. If he was there he would vote present or no, as instructed, to aid more vulnerable Senators. Who wouldn't mind an almost $8.00 an hour "extra" income? Especially when there is no real accountability.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 10:09 p.m.
@Sparty George W. Bush indeed spent a lot of time on Vacation, not as much as the Obamas. Ok, here is the difference. While the Bushes spend their vacation at home, using air force one to fly them to Texas and back, George W. spend a lot of that time working from that vacation spot. If you add in all the White House parties, the bill comes to a whopping twenty five million dollars. Read more: Now that is for the 8 years he was in office. What has our current President rang up and is expected to over the next 3 years? If we do the math, and allow the Obama's to continue, the bill would be approximated to one hundred and forty three million dollars estimating with the year not being over yet for the Obama's to have their fun in the sun. If we compare that to the Bush twenty five million dollar bill, do we really have an argument? OK Sparty... I hope that this will clear things up for everyone. Now the one thing that no one here should argue over is absenteeism . Sparty, if you are a businessman and you hire someone to do a job for you that takes 40 hours per week and will continue for 50 weeks, or a total of 2000 hours. Your employee figures that he/she can take about 25% of the time off or 500 hours. You notice that all the work was done, but the quality of that work is poor. Should this employee be paid the 2000 hours he/she was contracted for? The answer of course is ... YES ... Did you expect a NO? You hired this person he must be paid what you agreed on, the only question is, would you hire this person to do a job in the future? If your answer is yes either you are a fool or an idiot. The same goes for elected officials. If they are not there to the job, it is not done right. If the job is not done right, you do not need them to continue to do a bad job. Bad politics to use that web site though.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 8:58 p.m.
@thedime See what you did? You said Barry and Obama together. Bad voter score doing that. You are right though. The people should know the attendance record of the ones they elect. Then after attendance they should have the voting percentage and of course how they voted. An informed voter can show responsibility at the polls. 18 months 42 meetings . 2 and 1/3 meetings per month. Do they really get 16,000 a year? That is somewhere near $500.00 per meeting. ouch. that is like an $8.00 an hour job 40 hours a week for 50 weeks a year.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 7:10 p.m.
What does the Ann Arbor CITY Council have to do with President Barack Obama? Besides the fact both positions are elected, nothing. No connection exist or should be implied,
Basic Bob
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:34 p.m.
Comparisons to the Chief Executive are irrelevant. The President can do his job anywhere, and he can delegate his responsibility to subordinates. Council members (or Senators) can only vote in person.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:45 p.m.
Poor attendance by Obama? You're joking? He's had among the fewest vacation days of presidents in recent history. GW Bush, the most recent, took the most vacation in history: 1,020 days (nearly 3 years worth) as well as the longest at 5 weeks. Bush also has the record for the most use of Air Force One.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 12:06 p.m.
I think the problem will be solved with the normal progressive thought process. Pay the council members more. Then we will have the best city council money can buy.
Mon, Jul 22, 2013 : 1:55 a.m.
Here's a better idea: non-partisan elections for City Council.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:46 p.m.
Good grief, Indy.... You really think these people are doing this for the giant paychecks?
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:01 p.m.
NO, NO, they should actually serve without any pay!!! Then perhaps we wouldn't have people who are there just for the money. People who are willing to serve for a set period of time without pay would be better advocates for what is actually best for Ann Arbor. And, there might even be a better balance of ideas & thoughts instead of one or two people running everything!!
Linda Peck
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 11:57 a.m.
It is good to know the attendance statistics as they indicate commitment to the process. Thank you for posting the information.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 4:32 p.m.
Let's see, the percentages for attendance for Higgins is 85.7%, 85.7% and 100%. Hardly scandalous numbers. Briere's statement also backs this up: "The question is whether we have anyone on council who rises to the level of falling asleep at meetings, which we've had in the past, skipping almost all meetings, which we've had in the past — I don't think we have anyone on council like that right now." Was this article paid for by someone's campaign?
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 11:49 a.m.
If you cannot do the job, perhaps you should not be running for office.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 4:45 p.m.
Tizz and Sonny Dog, I agree with both of you. Kudos to Ms. Higgins for putting her family first. But if that is the case, she shouldn't be running for re-election.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 3:56 p.m.
One cannot predict the future when one runs for office.
Forza Azzurri
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:24 p.m.
I agree, SonnyDog. I also agree with those arguing that family "comes first." But Ms. Higgins CHOSE to run for re-election, when she could have chosen to step down. If she really wants to spend more time with her granddaughter (which I completely understand and respect), then she would serve both her granddaughter and the 4th Ward constituents well by withdrawing her candidacy.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 11:46 a.m.
How many important votes were missed by Ms. Higgins during her absences? I live in the 4th Ward and would be interested in finding the tally of votes missed.
Ryan J. Stanton
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:15 p.m.
If you follow the link in the story to the detailed analysis, there's a rundown of the meetings with notations of who was absent from each meeting, who left early, etc. You can look up the meeting minutes, which also are linked there, to see what was being voted on at each of those meetings and who missed what.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 11:38 a.m.
Ryan- this is pretty low.
Kai Petainen
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 10:39 p.m.
he's not smearing anyone. he's listing facts and statements. plus, these are public figures... it's part of the business (taking criticism) however... by your response.... you're indicating that the facts he's listing aren't good. so don't complain to ryan about, complain to those who are responsible for creating the facts.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 9:37 p.m.
Hey Stanton I have someone that I don't like either so how much do you want in terms of payment to smear them publicly too?
Kai Petainen
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 6:35 p.m.
Ryan does a great job at and this article is merely a listing of the facts with comments from the council members. He's doing a fantastic job and providing a great service to and the community.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 5:57 p.m.
I don't mind the facts and if it was just the facts, that would have been a solid approach. This article goes way beyond that to stand in as the voice of her political opponents. That is low. Especially given the circumstances ...btw, those include being elected with her personal situation out in front of her constituents. I am not a Marcia Higgins fan by any stretch. But is an election that has real issues to talk about...not pick on someone who has been honest about her personal situation.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 2:39 p.m.
Reporting statistics is not "low." The only reason anyone would object to this is because Higgins has had some unfortunate family issues keeping her from attending meetings in a timely manner. If she didn't have family reasons for her attendance issues, then no one would defend her. The reasons for her absences need to be separated from the attendance record. If she doesn't have time to serve on council meetings, then she needs to step down, regardless of the reasons.
Nicholas Urfe
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:50 p.m.
Reporting the statistical facts is low? Only for those who cannot handle the truth.
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:48 p.m.
Just asking questions, right Hannit-- Ryan?
Ryan J. Stanton
Sun, Jul 21, 2013 : 1:20 p.m.
Keep in mind, we're just trying to put facts to a discussion that already was happening absent some of these facts. Now that all of this information is out there, different people can reach different conclusions about whether anyone's attendance is an issue.