A running list of who's running for office in Washtenaw County

The deadline has passed for partisan candidates to file to run in the Aug. 3 primary. Here's a list of filings for various offices in Washtenaw County as compiled by AnnArbor.com.
This list may be updated periodically.
Matt Yankee, the county's elections director, said an official list of county commissioner candidates is now posted on the county's website.
City and township candidates are posted on the county's website as well.
The list of names for the Ann Arbor City Council and mayoral races are now official. Click here to download the city clerk's official record of candidate filings.
For a complete list of state races, visit the state's website.
• Patricia Lesko (D)
• John Hieftje (D-incumbent)
• Steve Bean (I)
• William Bostic Jr. (pulled independent petitions, but decided not to run)
1st WARD • Sandi Smith (D-incumbent) • Sumi Kailasapathy (D)
2nd WARD • Tony Derezinski (D-incumbent)
3rd WARD
• Christopher Taylor (D-incumbent)
• Brad Mikus (pulled Democratic petitions, but decided not to run)
4th WARD
• Margie Teall (D-incumbent)
• Jack Eaton (D)
• Jeremy Kennedy (pulled Democratic petitions, but decided not to run)
5th WARD
• Lou Glorie (D)
• Carsten Hohnke (D-incumbent)
• John Floyd (R)
• Newcombe Clark (I)
• Allen Licari (pulled Democratic and independent petitions but decided not to run)
Incumbent Mark Ouimet is running for state House
• Eric Borregard (D)
• Adam Zemke (D)
• Kathy Keinath (R)
• Reid McCarthy (D)
• Rob Turner (R)
• Brian Durrance (R)
2nd DISTRICT • Ken Schwartz (D-incumbent) • Ben Colmery III (R) • Dan Smith (R)
3rd DISTRICT Incumbent Jessica Ping withdrew in final hour to let sister file in her place • Alicia Ping (R)
4th DISTRICT • Wesley Prater (D-incumbent) • Rick Roe (D) • Robert Van Bemmelen (R)
5th DISTRICT • Daniel Benefiel (R) • Rolland Sizemore Jr. (D-incumbent) • Bill Emmerich (R)
6th DISTRICT • Ronnie Peterson (D-incumbent) • Mark Namatevs (D) • David Raaflaub (R)
7th DISTRICT • Kristin Judge (D-incumbent) • Sean Gray (R)
8th DISTRICT • Barbara Levin Bergman (D-incumbent) • Melinda Day (R)
9th DISTRICT • Leah Gunn (D-incumbent) • Mark Tipping (R)
10th DISTRICT • Conan Smith (D-incumbent) • Danielle Mack (D)
11th DISTRICT Incumbent Jeff Irwin is running for state House • Alice Ralph (D) • Yousef Rabhi (D) • Mike Fried (D) • LuAnne Bullington (D) • Joe Baublis (R)
17th DISTRICT STATE SENATE • Randy Richardville (R-incumbent) • R. Al Bain (R) • Paul Hengy (D) • John Spencer (D)
18th DISTRICT STATE SENATE Incumbent Liz Brater is term limited • John Hochstetler (R) • Gary Wellings (R) • Pam Byrnes (D) • Rebekah Warren (D) • Thomas Partridge (D)
52nd DISTRICT STATE REPRESENTATIVE Incumbent Pam Byrnes is term limited and running for state Senate • Mark Ouimet (R) • Jeffrey Lee (D) • Christine Green (D) • Robert Wozniak (D)
Incumbent Rebekah Warren is running for state Senate
• Jeff Irwin (D)
• Ned Staebler (D)
• Robert Stearns (filed as Republican, but withdrew from race)
• Gideon D'Assandro (filed as Republican, but withdrew from race)
• Chase Ingersoll (R)
• Matthew Novetske (filed as Republican, but withdrew from race)
54th DISTRICT STATE REPRESENTATIVE Incumbent Alma Wheeler Smith is term limited from running again • Rodney Nanney (R) 
• David Rutledge (D) 
• Michael White (D)
 • Bill Riney (D) 
• Dave Franklin (D) 
• Lonnie Scott (D) • Richard Deitering (R) • Edison Hubert (D) • David Palmer (I)
55th DISTRICT STATE REPRESENTATIVE Incumbent Kathy Angerer is term limited from running again • Frank Chrzanowski (R) • Rick Olson (R) • Mary Kay Thayer (R) • Mike Smith (D) • Andrew Sosnoski (R)
GOVERNOR • Mike Bouchard (R) • Mike Cox (R) • Tom George (R) • Rick Snyder (R) • Pete Hoekstra (R) • Virg Bernero (D) • Andy Dillon (D)
• Tony Amorose (R)
• John Materyn (filed as Republican but was disqualified from running)
• Majed Moughni (R)
• Rob Steele (R)
• Jack Lynch (R)
• John Dingell (D-incumbent)
7th DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS • Marvin Carlson (R) • Brian Rooney (R) • Tim Walberg (R) • Mark Schauer (D-incumbent)
MAYOR • Paul Schreiber (D-incumbent) • Pete Murdock (D)
1st WARD
• Juanita House (D)
• Tyrone Bridges (D)
• Ricky Jefferson (D)
• Steve Pierce (filed as a Democrat but dropped out of race)
2nd WARD • Daniel Vogt (D) • Claudia Pettit (D)
3rd WARD • Brian Robb (D-incumbent) • Ted Windish (D)
AUGUSTA TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES Candidates to fill a seat for trustee due to vacancy of John McGehee, who resigned in April 2009. In a split vote, the board appointed Kathy Jackson to fill McGehee's seat, but now she must seek election to keep it. • Brian Shelby (R) • Judy Thornton (D) • Susan Burek (D) • Kathy Jackson (D-incumbent)
SUPERIOR TOWNSHIP PARK COMMISSION Partial term to replace Elve Marcus Hillman III • Sandra Lopez (D) • Curtis Johnson (D)
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Citizens will vote to fill an unexpired term expiring Nov. 20, 2012 • Andrea Brown-Harrison (D) • Andrea Urda-Thompson (D)
PARK COMMISSION Citizens will vote to fill an unexpired term expiring Nov. 20, 2012 • Stanley Young (D) • Karen Zera (D)
Ryan J. Stanton covers government for AnnArbor.com. Reach him at ryanstanton@annarbor.com or 734-623-2529.
Thu, Jul 1, 2010 : 12:01 a.m.
2 Andreas and 2 hypenated names running in Pittsfield Township. Andrea Urda Thompson has the experience as a Trustee and is a respected teacher. She'll bring a balanced viewpoint and lots of knowledge to a board that appears to be fairly one-sided, with a fair amount of no-shows (and no comment) amongst the current board members.
Danielle Mack
Wed, May 12, 2010 : 1:51 p.m.
I am a regular person. No "family business" politics. In fact I am about as poor as they come financially, but rich in world travels and cultures, as well as friends. I will be bringing with me, should you chose to appoint me your representative to the county, nothing more than the Marine Corps core values of honor, courage, and commitment to all those I represent, I will be "Semper Fi" (always faithful) to the public.
Steve Bean
Wed, May 12, 2010 : 10:22 a.m.
Bob, you might be interested in the story on my visit to the city clerk's office here: http://annarborchronicle.com/2010/03/16/running-for-mayor-of-ann-arbor-steve-bean/. Dan, you can find my personal email address at the Environmental Commission page of the city's web site by clicking on my name here: http://www.a2gov.org/government/publicservices/systems_planning/Environment/Commission/Pages/EnvironmentalCommission.aspx. Along with many of the other candidates listed in this article, I'll be at the Ann Arbor Area Chamber of Commerce's Candidate Mixer at the Polo Fields - Washtenaw (formerly Washtenaw Country Club), 2955 Packard Road, Ypsilanti, this Friday, May 14, from 3:30 to 6:30. Please introduce yourself if you're able to attend.
David Palmer
Wed, May 12, 2010 : 10:01 a.m.
@Bob: I've been doing consulting work for Independent and 3rd Party candidates for the last 10 years and would be happy to sit down with you for a cup of tea/coffee, or a meal, and discuss what it takes to run as an Independent. Feel free to send me an email via my website if you are interested. This election cycle I'm not taking clients as I am running myself. I'm happy to extend this offer to anyone who would like to consider running as an Independent or Third Party candidate. Conversation is almost always a good thing, especially as relates to increasing electoral participation and encouraging good people to tackle the daunting problems that we face in Michigan. Voters should be given a choice if they want to continue the monopoly on policy conversations that has been granted to Democrats and Republicans in Lansing. For the most part, I consider the legacy of this monopoly as being harmful to both my District and the state at-large. Without Independent and 3rd Party choices, voters will not have the chance to choose. I think we need more thoughtful and reasoned individuals involved in the process, those who have more diverse viewpoints, and who are willing to listen as much as talk. Democrats and Republicans should not be able to win on political inertia alone. Winning on inertia, however, is what has happened, especially for Democrats in Washtenaw County. The same is true for Republicans in other parts of the state. Here is the link to the Secretary of State page that will get you the basic info you need: http://www.mi.gov/sos/0,1607,7-127-1633_8721---,00.html
Wed, May 12, 2010 : 8:41 a.m.
Maybe it is time to re-think term limits.
David Cahill
Wed, May 12, 2010 : 8:28 a.m.
I see a new "Ping Dynasty" has been created in the Third County Commissioner district. The Republicans are big on dynasties, with Bush I and Bush II.
Ryan J. Stanton
Wed, May 12, 2010 : 8:27 a.m.
@Dan Romanchik I asked Steve Bean yesterday. He's going to let me know when his website is up. As for William Bostic, I spoke with him a few days ago. He just graduated from the University of Michigan last week. I'm sure you could still find him in the U-M directory online. I'll post a link to his website when he has one up, too. Same goes for every candidate.
Top Cat
Wed, May 12, 2010 : 7:44 a.m.
I like seeing the words "is term limited" appear so frequently. I wish it was applicable to the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court.
Dan Romanchik
Wed, May 12, 2010 : 7:13 a.m.
Does anyone know how to get in touch with Steve Bean or William Bostic? As soon as anyone knows the URLs of Steve Bean's and William Bostic's websites, could you post them here?
Wed, May 12, 2010 : 6:49 a.m.
There are more and more people that want to run for office as independents. As a public service, can annarbor.com explain the process that someone needs to go through when running for office? I think this would make an excellent article. We want to know, Where do you get the petition from? Does it need to be typed up in a special way, or is it a form from the state? What are the requirements, etc. Where do we hand in the petition. I really think this would make a really wonderful article that will allow more people to feel confident in running. It's time we stopped electing lawyers and rich people. We need a change, and average citizens can make that happen. We are a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Let's break these chains and start running for office.
Rod Johnson
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 7:38 p.m.
Wow, David Raaflaub is still at it. Has he ever won an election? (And I note his license to practice law was suspended last September--did he ever get it back?)
Ryan J. Stanton
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 5:54 p.m.
@David Palmer Thanks for letting us know. I've updated the list. Also, to everyone else, notice there are a few other updates, mostly in the state races.
David Palmer
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 5:32 p.m.
Greetings Ryan Stanton, and AnnArbor.com readers! Please add my name to the list of candidates in the 54th State House District (City of Ypsilanti, Salem, Superior, Ypsilanti and Augusta Twp). I'm running as an Independent, and am well on my way to gathering the 600 signatures that are due by July 15. Those who are interested in learning more can visit my website: www.palmer2010.com If you would like to sign my petition, or ask questions, feel free to contact me.
free form
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 4:35 p.m.
Will we have to wait until July for the list of independents running?
Kristin Judge
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 4:11 p.m.
It is exciting to see the number of residents interested in serving the community. This is the Democratic process in motion! Although I have a campaign to run this term, my first priority will be my job as County Commissioner. It can be easy to get distracted during campaign season, but we have a lot to do as a county board.
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 4:04 p.m.
As part of the 'out with the old, in with the new' campaign, it looks like I'll finally be able to vote for somebody who is fiscally responsible, and has very good qualifications. Thanks for running in the 5th ward, John.
Vivienne Armentrout
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 3:59 p.m.
A small detail, but for most offices where the incumbent was term-limited, you have noted that. Rep. Pam Byrnes served her full three terms as the Representative from the 52nd District. She is now running for the State Senate. Her opponent, Rep. Rebekah Warren, has served for two terms as the Representative from the 53rd District. She has chosen to run for State Senate rather than the third term as a State Representative.
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 3:02 p.m.
Wow, no alternative for us in Ward 2.
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 2:19 p.m.
It looks like Bill "the obama hot dog guy!" Riney's Big Day is finally finally here!
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 2:02 p.m.
Nice compilation, Ryan. Thanks!
Ryan J. Stanton
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 1:24 p.m.
@David Cahill According to the Michigan Secretary of State's website, candidates without political party affiliation must file qualifying petitions and affidavit of identity for the November general election by 4 p.m. July 15. There also is a withdrawal deadline that elapses at 4 p.m. July 19. Unless there's a specific city charter provision I don't know about, I would assume those deadlines extend to local races in Ann Arbor.
David Cahill
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 12:59 p.m.
What's the deadline for filing as independent?
Tue, May 11, 2010 : 12:52 p.m.
Looking at the 2nd Ward in Ann Arbor it looks like there will be no opportunity to vote for change. Sorry rest of Ann Arbor, I guess we in the 2nd Ward are going to have to look to you for change. Please, don't let us down.