Waiting for a turn at T-ball (especially in the warm sunshine) takes patience
Photo by Stacey Simpson Duke
Stacey Simpson Duke snapped these photos while her son, Charlie, a kindergartner at Eberwhite Elementary School in Ann Arbor, played T-ball. Charlie plays on Pittsfield Township's Parks & Recreation T-Ball team #19. The team was playing at a field near the Ann Arbor Airport off State and Ellsworth Roads.
This week we asked readers to send us photos of themselves enjoying the weather - and we've gotten some great ones, such as a little girl named Chiaki watching a bluebird and "Eileen" the squirrel visiting a home on the west side. We'll post a slideshow of all the photos we receive later this week.
Here are a couple more from Duke:
Photo by Stacey Simpson Duke
Photo by Stacey Simpson Duke
Do you have your own springtime photos to share? Email them to community@annarbor.com and include caption info.