Share seeds and garden chat at an upcoming seed swap event
Are you the type of gardener who:

Jim Leach | Contributor
* Purchases seeds with reckless abandon?* Proudly brings home a packet of green beans only discover the exact same package in the seed stash?
* Resents buying a whole package of pumpkin seeds when you only want to grow four or five?
* Has unopened seed packages from last year that you are unsure how to grow or even if you want to grow them?
* Wants to start gardening this year but feels uncertain of how to begin?
* Would like to meet neighbors, chat about gardening and exchange some seeds?
If any of these descriptions is fitting, you will want to attend the Preserving Traditions Seed Swap on Jan. 22, from 2- 4 p.m. at the Pittsfield Grange at 3337 Ann Arbor-Saline Road in Ann Arbor.
I have not attended a seed swap before, so I’m very excited to take part in this event. I plan to sort through our seeds and see what I come up with to exchange.
Event organizer Emily Springfield says that gardeners are welcome to attend even if they have nothing to trade. For those interested in participating, she offers the following tips:
Bring seeds to share, if you have them. They can be commercial or home-grown and saved. Seeds can be up to five years old, but don’t bring anything that you know isn’t sprouting well. Seeds should be labeled with at least the type and variety name ("Bush bean - Contender" or "Winter storage cabbage, savoy - January King"). The original packets with growing instructions are appreciated but not necessary. If you want to keep some of the seeds for your own garden, separate them out before you put them on the "to share" tables.
You might also want to bring pen and paper for making notes of varieties, growing directions, etc. Small envelopes will be provided to take seeds home in.
All are welcome at this free event. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to preservetrad(at) Hope to see you there!
Janice and Jim Leach garden a backyard plot in downtown Ann Arbor and tend the website 20 Minute Garden.
Monica Milla
Mon, Jan 24, 2011 : 2:35 p.m.
Did you guys make it to this? I didn't get there until 3:00 and must have missed you, if you did go. I go a lot of great seeds, mostly edibles.
Sun, Jan 23, 2011 : 4:55 p.m.
Thank you for this article. Would you please post another, about how the Swap went? And also, details as to future Swaps? Thank you. Also, if you could, there is a huge (mostly as-yet unrealized) need for edible landscaping. If you have any thoughts on this topic, please share in another article. Edible landscaping is a concept long overdue for a resurgence. Thank you.
Monica Milla
Wed, Jan 19, 2011 : 12:46 p.m.
Thanks for covering this! I love seed swaps. I'll link to this from my column and also put it on fb!