Popcorn meditation for calming your mind
Photo by Flickr user Art Aspirations
The most prevalent challenge to meditating that I experience and hear from others is, "I can't shut off my thoughts." I have 2 responses to that. First, the brain's job is to think. So, don't fight it. Second, if we can't quiet our thoughts, we can observe them. The result? The chatter slows down and we relax.
In my twenties I sold advertising, a demanding job, and juggled the care of my 2 pre-school children. To help with the stress, a friend suggested I close my eyes for 2 minutes and "watch" my thoughts as if they were clouds floating by. I was amazed at how long 2 minutes seemed, and more importantly, how calm I felt afterward.
Since then, I’ve found that imagining popcorn works better for me than clouds. In Popcorn Meditation, imagine that each of your thoughts is a kernel of popcorn waiting to pop. Does that sound like how your mind works? Lots of jumping, random activity? Too many things to think about?
For 2 minutes (I suggest a timer), observe the kernels crack open. If you find yourself stringing the popcorn together (thinking), look for another kernel to pop. Sometimes I prepare a "menu" of things to recall that don't bother me: a vacation, a pleasant memory, a task I've recently completed. Keep watching the thoughts pop for 2 minutes and see how you feel.
In the awake state, our thoughts tend to get into grooves (like a broken record.) This creates tension. Although it may seem contradictory, by allowing our thoughts to jump around, we are slowing the brain waves and letting our minds, and consequently our bodies, relax.
As a mental health professional, an owner of a fitness studio, a writer and a wife, mother and grandmother, I have found meditation to be helpful in every aspect of my life. Let's talk... To learn about my meditation classes you can reach me at susanmmorales@yahoo.com or check out my Web sites: susanscottmorales.com and bodiesinbalancefitness.com
Linda Chapman
Sat, Feb 20, 2010 : 1:23 p.m.
Oh, yeh! This is an image I'll be using. Thanks!
Erin Mann
Sat, Jan 30, 2010 : 11:11 a.m.
Susan, a very helpful article - I'll have to try this.
Wed, Jan 20, 2010 : 12:07 p.m.
I like the popcorn analogy, Susan. Hadn't thought of that one before. Nice blog.