Pilates Advent Calendar Day 4: Breast stroke preparation exercise

Willow Wellness Studio instructor Allison Walacavage demonstrates the breaststroke preparation exercise.
Heather Glidden | Contributor
Today’s exercise is a great one for the upper back muscles: Breaststroke Preparation. Have you been slouching at a desk or in the car? Try this out to help improve your posture!
Start by lying on your stomach with your arms by your sides and your palms facing toward your body. Your legs should be slightly apart and your tummy should feel like it is slightly lifted off the floor. Exhale and reach your hands down towards your feet so that your head and chest lift up off the floor. You should feel your upper back working, but you do not want to feel like your lower back is shortening at all. Inhale and stay lifted, then exhale to rest down. Repeat five more times.
Check back tomorrow for some more abdominals!
Heather Glidden owns Willow Wellness Studio in downtown Ann Arbor where she teaches Gyrotonic and Pilates and practices massage. She is passionate about helping people to learn more about their bodies. Got a body question? Email her at info@WillowWellnessStudio.com and she will do her best to answer it or find someone who can!