Pilates Advent Calendar Day 17: Full breaststroke exercise

Top: Step one of the full breaststroke exercise — this is the step that I call Superman/Superwoman. Bottom: Step two of the exercise where you reach back to your feet. This is similar to the prep that we did earlier in the month. Make sure that you don't lift too high — you shouldn't feel any pressure in your low back.
Photo by Matt Wilson
Today’s exercise is the full version of an exercise that you practiced the preparation for earlier in the month: full breaststroke. It is a good idea to warm up with a few of the preps first.
Starting position: Lying on your stomach with your arms bent and your hands resting on the floor by your shoulders. Make sure your tummy is lifted up off the floor. Your legs can be slightly separated.
Exercise: Bring your head, arms, and chest up into a low hover while keeping your legs on the floor. Exhale and reach the arms out in front of you to make a Superman/Superwoman shape. As you inhale keep your arms straight and sweep them wide to the sides and then all the way back to your legs so you reach for your feet. Your chest can lift a little higher as your reach back for your feet. Then bend your elbows and exhale to reach back into the Superman position, returning to your low hover. Continue for a total of eight repetitions.
Tune in tomorrow for an abdominal exercise with a bonus leg stretch!
Heather Glidden owns Willow Wellness Studio in downtown Ann Arbor where she teaches Gyrotonic and Pilates and practices massage. She is passionate about helping people to learn more about their bodies. Got a body question? Email her at info@WillowWellnessStudio.com and she will do her best to answer it or find someone who can!