Color yourself in light: a guided meditation

Photo by Flickr user JP Hansen
Whether it’s watching the aura borealis, an artist’s interpretation of sun and shade in a painting, or a candle flickering, light is captivating. We use light to enhance our surroundings so we can feel differently: invigorated in bright light, soothed in subdued light.
In today’s meditation, we’re going to color ourselves in light. The color or colors you use is up to you. First, find a comfortable meditation posture, and close your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold it for a short pause, and then release it slowly. Again, take a deep breath, hold for a moment, and let it out slowly.
Return your breathing to normal. Notice your body begin to relax more. Scan your body, and allow your imagination to create color around different parts of your body. Bring in the perfect hue to support your meditation. You may find that green is healing, blue soothing, red enlivening. Depending on your state of mind and what you want to achieve with your meditation, create the palette that brings out the qualities you desire.
Next, pick out one color that feels right for your meditation today. When you’ve selected it, start at the top of your head and allow your color of light to descend over your face, neck, chest and back. Then down over your torso and hips. Now down the legs and feet. In your mind’s eye, see the light penetrating your body. Imagine the light encircling your being and radiating out from your center. Continue to meditate on the feeling of being in this light. At any time you can change the color or create new mixtures for different parts of your body. Let the color lead you. Perhaps it will begin to fade or to change on its own. All you have to do is stay aware. Meditate.
A special thanks to Laz Slomovitz for providing the background music entitled Kindness for the audio recording.
As a mental health professional, an owner of a fitness studio, a writer and a wife, mother and grandmother, I have found meditation to be helpful in every aspect of my life. To find out about my meditation classes this fall, contact me at or check out my websites: and
Susan Scott Morales, MSW
Sun, Sep 19, 2010 : 12:34 p.m.
Thanks, Linda. Color seems appropriate for the events ahead...Falling leaves!
Linda Chapman
Sun, Sep 19, 2010 : 9:37 a.m.
What a beautiful, interactive experience we find here! Thanks to you and Laz for a color filled meditation.