“The Death of Marriage” - free lecture at University Lutheran Chapel
Carly Parker | Contributor
On November 18, Dr. Allan Carlson, Hillsdale Professor and President of The Howard Center for Family, Religion & Society will be presenting the historical perspective on the looming 'Death of Marriage,’ at University Lutheran Chapel.
Dr. Carlson, an accomplished author and speaker, will review the origins of Christian marriage within the early church and show how the basic linkage of marriage to procreation formed the informal sexual constitution of western civilization.
Steve Jentzen, coordinator of the Death of Marriage event, believes that this event will give people an overview on the history of marriage, and how the decline affects our lives today.
“We are excited to present this important and practical talk highlighting the benefits and ideals marriage has brought to our culture,” said Jentzen. “ and the acts of courage needed to preserve it in our present age.”
Carlson will cover marriage from early history to present and dissect the claim that marriage “evolves,” arguing instead that conventional marriage is rooted fundamentally in human nature, a claim supported by modern science. The importance of marriage in politics will also be covered. __________________
The Death of Marriage lecture will take place at University Lutheran Chapel, on Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. The lecture is free to the public. Refreshments will be provided. Go to www.stlukeaa.org/ulc/ for details and directions.
About Dr. Allen Carlson: Allan Carlson earned his Ph.D. in Modern European History at Ohio University. He is Founding Editor of The Family in America: A Journal of Public Policy and also serves on the editorial boards of Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, The Intercollegiate Review, and FrontPorchRepublic.com. His ten books include: Conjugal America: On the Public Purposes of Marriage; Fractured Generations: Crafting a Family Policy for Twenty-First Century America; The Natural Family: A Manifesto (with Paul Mero); and The 'American Way': Family and Community in the Shaping of the American Identity. He has been a frequent guest on media outlets including: ABC, NBC, and CBS News, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, C-SPAN, CBC, Voice of America, and BBC Television and 'World Service' (radio).
Carly Parker is the Communications Coordinator for St. Luke Lutheran Church in Ann Arbor. St. Luke is a multi-site community which includes St. Luke-Ann Arbor, Living Water and University Lutheran Chapel. Go to www.stlukeaa.org to read more.
Dell Deaton
Wed, Nov 4, 2009 : 11:39 a.m.
Thanks so much for bringing this information to the attention of AnnArbor.com readers, and to the University Lutheran Chapel for hosting the topic. The question posed in your opening sentence is an important one, the answers not always easy to hear (let alone find). I pray you reach many hearts and minds through what must be shared from the perspective of our Lord here.