When new toys are not enough: Ideas to entertain kids during the holiday break
First, they're crazy because they cannot possibly wait for Christmas because "OHMYGOSH! TUESDAY IS SO FAR AWAY!" Then they're crazy because "NEW TOYS!!!" Quickly followed by sobs of "WHY DIDN'T SANTA BRING ME WHAT I REALLY WANTED?!"
And New Year's doesn't mean as much to those who can't drink/stay up to midnight. So how do you entertain them during the break when the shimmer of the holidays tarnishes?
Here are your answers. (To add an event or activity to this list, email anndwyer@annarbor.com.)
• From ice candles to snow games to seeing heat to learning about international holiday traditions, it's a Hands-On Holidays 2012: Hot & Cold at the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum, running Dec. 26-Jan. 6.

Maya Sudharsan, 4, of Ann Arbor heads out for a skate at Veterans Memorial Ice Arena.
Courtney Sacco | AnnArbor.com
• If we get enough snow, you might want to go cross-country skiing at Hudson Mills Metropark.
• You simply HAVE to see Garden of Eden & Tree of Life: Snowflake Paper Cuttings by Dr. Thomas L. Clark at Gifts of Art Gallery at the U-M Hospitals. The most intricate and beautiful paper snowflakes you'll ever see. Go home and make your own!
• While you're there, check out Brain Fitness Puzzle Art: Interactive Installation by Alli Berman at Gifts of Art Gallery at U-M Hospitals. Art you can play with!
• Join the Whole Kids Club at the Whole Foods Market! This unique club introduces kids ages 3-12 to the tasty world of food and cooking.
• There's a Sing Your Heart Out Screening of Les Miserables at the Michigan Theater!
• Yay! Family Fun Vacation Matinees at the Ypsilanti District Library - Whittaker Road
• There is also the School Break Book-to-Movie Matinees at Ypsilanti District Library - Michigan Ave.
• Love videogames? There's always Wii Wednesdays at the Ypsilanti District Library - Superior Twp.
• It's Storytelling: New Year Nonsense! at the Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown (main) Branch.
• Yay! More Family Fun Vacation Matinees at the Ypsilanti District Library - Whittaker Road
• It's time for a School Break Drop-in Craft at the Ypsilanti District Library - Michigan Ave.
• Check out Winter Break Fun for Teens at the Ypsilanti District Library - Michigan Ave. Today: Girls Only Gaming.
• Join the Secret Comic Society at the Ypsilanti District Library - Michigan Ave.
• Make a Rain Cloud Mobile at the Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown (main) Branch.
• Catch good old Family Fun Time at the Westminster Presbyterian Church.
• Make Decoupage Craft Boxes at the Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown (main) Branch.
• There is a Lantern-Lit Full Moon Walk at the Leslie Science and Nature Center.
• It's still time for a School Break Drop-in Craft at the Ypsilanti District Library - Michigan Ave.
• Weekly Children's Story Time at Nicola's Books
• Learn the history and development of many of the world’s most endearing holiday customs, all of which involve lighting up the winter season at Planetarium Show: Season of Light at the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History.
• Enjoy Saturday Stories For All Ages at the Ann Arbor District Library, Malletts Creek Branch.
Take a Marshmallow Engineering Challenge at Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown (main) Branch
Get another chance to "Sing Your Heart Out" with "Les Miserables" at the Michigan Theater.
Joe Reilly Performs Environmental Songs For Kids at the Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown (main) Branch
Craft: Bring in the New Year! at the Ann Arbor District Library, Pittsfield Branch
It's a family-friendly New Year's event at the SRSLY fifth annual New Year’s Eve party at Beach Middle School.
Enjoy a Wacky Winter Time With Storyteller Adam Mellema at the Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown (main) Branch.
See Family Fun Vacation Matinees at the Ypsilanti District Library - Whittaker Road. Today is "Mirror Mirror."
There are also School Break Book-to-Movie Matinees at the Ypsilanti District Library - Michigan Ave. Today is "The Lorax."
Today is also Wii Wednesdays at Ypsilanti District Library - Superior Twp.
There will be an xBox Tournament led by TAG for teens at the Ypsilanti District Library - Michigan Ave.
Take in Movie & Popcorn for Kids: Happy Feet 2 at the Dexter District Library.
Teens DIY: Make a Paracord Survival Bracelet at the Dexter District Library.
There is a Snowflake Making Workshop with Dr. Thomas L. Clark at the Gifts of Art Gallery at U-M Hospitals.
Craft: Make a T-Shirt Backpack at the Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown (main) Branch.
More Family Fun Vacation Matinees at the Ypsilanti District Library - Whittaker Road. Today is "Secret World of Arrietty."
Make a School Break Drop-in Craft at the Ypsilanti District Library - Michigan Ave.
Make something in the Art Zone at Winter Break Fun for Teens at the Ypsilanti District Library - Michigan Ave.
Make music at Drummunity! A Hands-On Family Event at the Ann Arbor District Library, Malletts Creek Branch.
Make a Penguin Thermometer Refrigerator Magnet at the Drop-In Winter Craft at the Dexter District Library.
There will be a Trivia Contest Party for Teens at the Dexter District Library.
Make electronic and analog musical instruments out of commonly available pieces and parts at the Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown (main) Branch.
See "How to Train Your Dragon" at the Ypsilanti District Library - Whittaker Road.
See "The Adventures of Tintin" at the Ypsilanti District Library - Michigan Ave.
It will be a Fun Friday Night at the University of Michigan Museum of Natural History.
There will be Robot Wrestling with the Library LEGO League at Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown (main) Branch.
Create a 2013 calendar at the Ypsilanti District Library - Michigan Ave.
Make a LEGO Connection at the Ann Arbor District Library, Malletts Creek Branch.
There will be a Comic Artists Forum With Cartoonist Dani Jones at the Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown (main) Branch.
There will also be a Hands-On Workshop: MineCrafters Guild at the Ann Arbor District Library, Downtown (main) Branch for adults and teens.
Wed, Dec 26, 2012 : 2:24 p.m.
WHAT AGREAT BUNCH OF ACTIVITIES!!! oops caps on, sorry
Dr. Fate
Wed, Dec 26, 2012 : 1:07 p.m.
Vets Ice Arena is fun, but why leave out Ann Arbor Ice Cube as well for ice skating?