Scenes from the 2012 Ann Arbor Art Fair: State Street Area Art Fair

A delivery man pushes an overloaded dolly stacked with bags of ice down E. Liberty St. on Thursday morning. Melanie Maxwell I
A delivery man pushes an overloaded dolly stacked with bags of ice down E. Liberty St. on Thursday morning. Melanie Maxwell I /calendar/photologue/photos/0718 Art Fair/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_24_fullsize.jpg
Carol Fletcher, of the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, adjusts the apron of their mascot Truffles after giving him a clean one to wear at their booth on E. Liberty St. during the State Street Area Fair Art on Thursday. Melanie Maxwell I /calendar/photologue/photos/0718 Art Fair/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_25_fullsize.jpg
Urban Outfitters employee Lorina Karreci organizes clothing on a rack outside of the store during their sidewalk sale on State St. during the State Street Area Fair Art on Thursday. Melanie Maxwell I /calendar/photologue/photos/0718 Art Fair/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_26_fullsize.jpg
Members of local band Frontier Ruckus, from left, David Winston Jones, of Ann Arbor, and Zach Nichols, of Ann Arbor Township, busk on the corner of S. State St. and N. University during the State Street Area Fair Art on Thursday. Melanie Maxwell I /calendar/photologue/photos/0718 Art Fair/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_27_fullsize.jpg
Artist William Kaufmann adjusts a price tag on a piece of pottery at his booth during the State Street Area Fair Art on Thursday. Melanie Maxwell I /calendar/photologue/photos/0718 Art Fair/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_28_fullsize.jpg
Sisters Rebekah, 11 and Kristen Rizzo, 13, of Canada, work on drawings in a vacant spot on William St. during the State Street Area Fair Art on Thursday. The sisters traveled with their father who is an artist in the show and sell their drawings for a dollar each. Melanie Maxwell I /calendar/photologue/photos/0718 Art Fair/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_29_fullsize.jpg
Ypsilanti resident Jace Calderon carries his 8-moth-old daughter Ruthie on his shoulders as he walks down William St. during the State Street Area Fair Art on Thursday. Melanie Maxwell I /calendar/photologue/photos/0718 Art Fair/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_30_fullsize.jpg
/calendar/photologue/photos/0718 Art Fair/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_31_fullsize.jpg
Ester Gill, 17, and her mother Pia Irming, both of Denmark, look over a sculpture during the State Street Area Fair Art on Thursday. Gill, a former exchange student, brought her mother back to the area to spend a few weeks visiting. Melanie Maxwell I /calendar/photologue/photos/0718 Art Fair/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_32_fullsize.jpg
Steven Daniel, a photographer from Pennsylvania, sits with his pet cat Jasper as fair goers stop to pet him on the corner of E. Liberty St. and S. Thompson during the State Street Area Fair Art on Thursday. Jasper, 4, has been traveling with his dad since he was a kitten and even has portraits of himself available for sale. Melanie Maxwell I /calendar/photologue/photos/0718 Art Fair/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_33_fullsize.jpg
Janet Siefker, Ohio, watches a movie from under the shade of her tent during the State Street Area Fair Art on Thursday. Melanie Maxwell I /calendar/photologue/photos/0718 Art Fair/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_34_fullsize.jpg
The Violin Monster plays at the Ann Arbor Art Fair. Mike Glinski I /calendar/photologue/photos/untitled folder 4/cache/3_Redo_fullsize.jpg
Photographer Steven Daniel, of Johnstown, PA sits at his booth with his cat Jasper at the Ann Arbor Art Fair on Thursday. Mike Glinski I /calendar/photologue/photos/untitled folder 5/cache/1_fullsize.jpg
A couple looks over an artist wind mill type statues at the Ann Arbor Art Fair. Mike Glinski I /calendar/photologue/photos/untitled folder 5/cache/2_fullsize.jpg
A women tries out a balancing wrist band at the Ann Arbor Art Fair. Mike Glinski I /calendar/photologue/photos/untitled folder 5/cache/4_fullsize.jpg
Rings made from recycled bowling balls by artist Matt Cole on display in his booth at the State Street Area Art Fair on Liberty St. in Ann Arbor. Angela J. Cesere | /calendar/photologue/photos/!mattcole/cache/071912-AJC-matt-cole-recycled-bowling-ball-jewelry-01_fullsize.JPG
Shoppers and art enthusiasts crowd E. Liberty St. during the State Street Area Fair Art on Thursday. Melanie Maxwell I /calendar/photologue/photos/0719 One/cache/071812_NEWS_Art_Fair_MRM_35_fullsize.jpg
Find a roundup of all our Art Fair coverage here.
The annual Ann Arbor Art Fair continued Thursday, with rain dissipating early in the day and temperatures remaining pleasant.
Photographers Melanie Maxwell and Mike Glinski captured these images from the State Street Area Art Fair, one of four individual fairs that together make up the overall event. The State Street Area Art Fair is located along State, Maynard, William and Thompson streets, along with parts of Liberty Street and North University Avenue.
Sat, Jul 21, 2012 : 7:23 p.m.
There are 4 shows because each one was created by a group of merchants as an association. It's not a show put on by the city of Ann Arbor but the State street merchants the South U merchants, the Guild has it's own show and is working with Main St merchants...the Original Art show got pushed..onto the university. It's still the best one with the highest quality.
Thu, Jul 19, 2012 : 9:31 p.m.
I hope that little red-haired and fair baby is covered with sunscreen. Even a hat would help!
Thu, Jul 19, 2012 : 7:41 p.m.
Can somebody explain to me why there are four different Art Fairs? Why not have just one and free up some more downtown area?
Thu, Jul 19, 2012 : 7:41 p.m.
a Frontier Ruckus street performance!? Awesome!
Fri, Jul 20, 2012 : 2:10 a.m.
Actually, aa, according to the caption the name of the band is Frontier Ruckus David Winston Jones. I hope they're as good as their name is long.
Thu, Jul 19, 2012 : 7:32 p.m.
The streets don't look thronged in these photos. Nor, did they feel that way when I walked through part of the fair on an errand. The William/Fourth structure had 430 spots available yesterday at 5:00pm, but cars were lined up to enter. Any idea on attendance metrics: parking structure revenue, shuttle buses from Briarwood (or does that not exist anymore), etc.
Fri, Jul 20, 2012 : 3:06 a.m.
Mostly, I was wondering if will contact DDA or whoever and get a comparison of last year's revenue versus this year's. Enough with the random stories. Another comparison would be sales tax revenue for the month of July vs June for selected stores close to the Art Fair. Again, my errand took me to a campus store where I was the only patrron; not the only patron at the cash register but the only patron in the store. i think that is not unusual as folks avoid the campus/downtown areas for Art Fair. On the other hand, lots of stores see an uptick. There should be a nuanced story on this. I think Art Fair is a + for Ann Arbor, but it isn't the mega-business incubator DDA thinks it is.
Bob Needham
Thu, Jul 19, 2012 : 10:10 p.m.
The parking revenue numbers usually come a couple weeks later. Until then, it's pretty much all anecdotal.