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Posted on Thu, Oct 8, 2009 : 12:55 a.m.

"Top Chef" episode 7: Making family-style dishes, two's a crowd

By Chrysta Cherrie

Note: Contains spoiler info. Missed the show? More "Top Chef" air times.

Last time on "Top Chef": The 11 remaining cheftestants made a duo of dishes for guest judge Michelle Bernstein in the quickfire, representing their own angels and demons. Robin, disliked as she may be by her fellow competitors, rose to heavenly heights with an arugula-apple-fennel salad contrasted by a cardamom-ginger apple crisp. For the elimination challenge, the chefs, inspired by the illusionist stylings of dinner guests-to-be Penn & Teller, made deconstructed versions of iconic dishes, determined by drawing knives. Also joining the guests and usual suspects at the table was Toby Young, returning to his seat among the judges in place of Gail Simmons. In the end, Kevin's chicken mole negro-turned chicken croquette with Mexican coffee-fig jam and pumpkin seed romesco got him the win, his poultry-related missteps of the previous episode now a distant memory. Sadly, chef Ron had it all wrong, serving up not-really-deconstructed paella alongside mushy rice and overcooked seafood, and the judges made him disappear.


From left, guest judge Tyler Florence and "Top Chef" host Padma Lakshmi introduce the quickfire challenge, in which a turn at the slot machine determines the qualities of each chef's offering.

Chef, restaurateur and TV personality Tyler Florence joined in this week as guest judge. He introduced a fun quickfire in which a round at the slot machine dictated the mood, taste/texture and cuisine of each chef's dish, with an unknown high-stakes prize going to the winner. With results like "tired tart Italian" coming up on the slot machine, it was cooking competition-meets-Mad Libs. Mike, led by "stressed umami Asian," made a raw mushroom salad with yuzu emulsion, praised for its lightness and freshness, while Michael V's "adventurous tangy Asian" yuzu curd with whipped Greek yogurt and seaweed crackers was a great combination of flavors. (Side note: With all the use of a certain Asian citrus fruit this season, I feel compelled to exclaim, "It's not 'Top Yuzu!'" Thanks.) But Kevin's winning continued, thanks to his "stressed spicy Asian" char-grilled pork with Vietnamese herb salad, an impressive output given his self-professed limited experience with the cuisine.

Falling under the "displeasing boring American" category, if you will, were these least favorites: Eli's "stressed umami Latin" mushroom ceviche with avocado marble, which was overstressed in the citrus department; Robin's similarly-categorized "stressed umami Middle Eastern" root vegetable hash with curry-cumin oil, criticized as being an elementary, and not-really Middle Eastern, dish; and Jennifer, whose "adventurous nutty American" scallops with pistachios and salmon roe was lacking in the "adventure" department. Considering her track record, seeing Jennifer in the bottom three could've been a surprise, but not so much in light of this particular creation. Meanwhile, the quickfire prize was revealed to Kevin: the choice of immunity or $15,000. Confident in his abilities, he opted for the money (and heck, who among us would have chosen otherwise?).


From left, Tom Douglas, Takashi Yagihashi, Govind Armstrong, Nancy Silverton, Tyler Florence and Padma Lakshmi present the elimination challenge ingredients.

Back at the "Top Chef" house, the elimination challenge was revealed: The cheftestants, working in teams of two via knife-pulls, prepared family-style dishes using ingredients provided by the chefs attending the dinner. As with the French cooking challenge, there were heavy hitters in the ranks, with Govind Armstrong, California cuisine purveyor and "Iron Chef" contestant; Tom Douglas, Seattle super-restaurateur; Nancy Silverton, James Beard Award-winning chef and author; and Takashi Yagihashi, James Beard Award-winning chef and restarauteur joining Tyler Florence in lending their tastebuds and culinary software. The dinner, hosted at the "Top Chef" house, was in honor of Macy's Culinary Council, social campaign offshoot of the retailer that works with Feeding America to provide 10 million meals to families in need.


From left, Jennifer and quickfire winner Kevin work on their Korean barbecue-inspired elimination challenge dish.

The teams and the chef whose ingredients they used:

• Ash & Michael V: Nancy Silverton • Ashley & Eli: Govind Armstrong • Bryan V & Laurine: Tyler Florence • Jennifer & Kevin: Tom Douglas • Mike & Robin: Takashi Yagihashi


Govind Armstrong, Padma Lakshmi and Tyler Florence sample the family-style dishes that the competitors created using the chefs' ingredients.

Bryan V and Laurine landed in the judges' favorites, preparing a well-edited halibut with a tasty sherry-chorizo vinaigrette, corn cakes and avocado mousse. For the second time this episode, though, Kevin had a hand in the winning dish, this time barbecued Kobe beef with cardamom-tomato-ginger broth. While the judges thought the beef, handled by Kevin, was nicely done, they agreed the broth made by Jennifer took the dish to new heights and she earned her first elimination challenge win — with a $10,000 Macy's gift card cherry on top.


From left, Laurine and Ashley set the table for the Macy's Culinary Council party.

Michael V found himself in the bottom four for the first time, due to overcooking the fish in he and Ash's pancetta-wrapped halibut with egg yolk ravioli and asparagus-fennel salad. Another seafood-centric dish was poorly received, Ashley and Eli's grilled prawns with gnocchi and kale and red beet crème fraîche, dragged down by undercooked protein and over-salted pasta. Eli, who's been comfortably in the middle throughout the competition, apparently had little involvement with the dish, inevitably resulting in Ashley's elimination. Indeed, she took responsibility for the disliked components, but Eli didn't take responsibility for anything. It's a shame to see a chef go when she was starting to hit her stride, while the one who stays seems to only be playing not to lose, but such is life at a certain point in reality competitions (especially when the eliminated party made two big mistakes).

Chrysta Cherrie is the entertainment producer/copy editor for Reach her at or 734-623-2526, and follow her on Twitter @chrystacherrie.